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Monster Hunter II. [NQ]

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Monster Hunter II. [NQ] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 4:53 pm

The sun hung high over Crocus, casting a warm glow over the cobblestone streets and vibrant market stalls. Rhea Alvarez adjusted the straps of her black dragonic claw weapon, feeling the familiar weight of her gear settle against her back. She stood outside Batra's Inn, its painted sign swinging gently in the breeze, the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the air. Lector, her Exceed companion, fluttered above her, his wings beating softly as he surveyed the bustling city below.

“Another monster hunt, huh?” Lector remarked, his voice laced with playful arrogance. “You’d think you’d have enough of these by now, considering you’ve already hunted a nearly every type of beast in the world. What’s next? A pet rock?”

Rhea rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Estúpido. You know I’m always up for a challenge. Besides, it’s not just about the hunt; it’s about the thrill of it all, plus it's like training.” She glanced down at the notice pinned to the inn's wooden wall. “This time, it’s a manticore. Sounds like a real beast, doesn’t it?”

Lector landed beside her, his ears perked with curiosity. “A manticore? Those things are no joke! With a lion's body, a human head, and a scorpion's tail—what’s not to love? But we need to be careful."

Rhea chuckled, remembering the chaos of their previous hunts. “Alright, alright. Just remember, no collateral damage. We can't play around for too long. We’ve got to keep things under control.”

“Of course! You do the fighting, and I’ll supervise from a safe distance.” Lector grinned, puffing out his chest in a mock display of bravery.


Monster Hunter II. [NQ] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 4:58 pm

With a shared nod of determination, the duo set off toward the outskirts of Crocus, where reports of the manticore’s sightings had been most frequent. The city’s vibrant life began to fade as they traversed toward a more desolate part of town, an area often overlooked by the bustling crowds. The streets began to thin out, and Rhea’s senses sharpened. She was still reeling from the revelations of her father’s past and the lurking threat of Assassins, but the hunt offered a welcomed distraction. Lector flitted beside her, occasionally stopping to examine the debris strewn across the streets, remnants of the monster’s recent rampages.

“Stay sharp, Rhea,” Lector warned. “Manticores are cunning. They know how to play with their prey.”

“I know,” Rhea replied, her voice steady. “That’s why we approach carefully. Let’s find its trail.”

They moved deeper into the outskirts, where the remnants of the creature's path became increasingly evident. Scratched earth, tufts of fur, and the occasional bloodstained patch marked the manticore's passage, leading them to an old abandoned warehouse, its structure leaning precariously. The doors creaked ominously as they pushed them open, revealing a dimly lit interior filled with crates and shadows.

“Looks like this is the place, I can smell it.” Rhea whispered, gripping her dagger, God Hunter, tightly. “Keep your eyes open.”

As they entered, the air grew thick with tension. Dust mites danced in the beams of sunlight slicing through cracks in the ceiling. Rhea’s instincts screamed at her to remain alert. Every step echoed, amplifying the eerie silence around them. Suddenly, a low growl reverberated through the space, making the hairs on Rhea’s neck stand on end. Lector froze, his wide eyes scanning the room. “There’s something in here,” he hissed.

“Stay back,” Rhea commanded softly, moving forward cautiously. “I’ll draw it out.”


Monster Hunter II. [NQ] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 5:04 pm

The growl grew louder, morphing into a roar that shook the walls. From the shadows, the manticore emerged, its muscular body glistening in the dim light. Its lion-like head featured sharp fangs, and its scorpion tail flicked menacingly. The creature's gaze locked onto Rhea, a mix of curiosity and hunger flickering in its eyes.

“Ah, there we go,” Rhea murmured, feeling the adrenaline surge through her veins. She stepped forward, her grip tightening on God Hunter. “Lector, keep watch for any collateral damage. We cannot let it escape into the city.”

“Right! I’ll be your eyes and ears,” Lector responded, his voice now serious.

The manticore lunged, its powerful body propelling it toward Rhea with astonishing speed. She leaned to the side with ease, just in time, narrowly avoiding its deadly claws. As she regained her footing, she spotted a stack of crates nearby.

“Let’s have some fun." Rhea taunted, darting toward the crates. The manticore followed, its tail arcing overhead like a vengeful shadow. With a quick leap, Rhea hopped onto the crates, using the height to her advantage.

The manticore swiped at her, its claws narrowly missing her as she dodged with grace. “Pretty fast for a beast this big." Rhea said to herself, her heart racing.

From her elevated position, Rhea launched a series of swift attacks with her dagger, aiming for the manticore’s vulnerable spots. The creature roared in frustration, its sharp teeth snapping just inches from her legs. Rhea danced around its attacks, using her agility to avoid confrontation.

“Don't play around Rhea! Now’s your chance!” Lector called from below. “Try to get its tail!”

With determination burning in her chest, Rhea leaped down, aiming for the manticore’s tail as it lashed out. She landed deftly and slashed, catching the edge of the stinger with her dagger. The manticore howled in pain, twisting to face her.


Monster Hunter II. [NQ] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 6:59 pm

“Got you.” Rhea grinned, adrenaline flooding her senses. She was aware that a blow like that wouldn’t stop it for long; she needed a plan. The manticore retaliated, its claws swiping toward her with terrifying precision. Rhea ducked just in time, feeling the rush of air as the claws barely missed her. She stumbled back, regaining her balance and searching for a way to end this quickly.

“Rhea, you need to lure it away from the entrance!” Lector urged, his eyes darting around the room. “If it escapes, we’ll be in big trouble!”

“Hmmm” Rhea hummed, enjoying the hunt. She feigned an attack to bait the manticore. “Come on, little guy. You can do better than that.”

As the manticore charged, Rhea sprinted toward the far end of the warehouse, using her agility to weave through the crates and debris. The creature followed, its massive paws thudding against the ground, a cacophony of rage echoing around them.

“Now!” Lector shouted, his voice filled with excitement.

Rhea turned sharply, vaulting over a crate just as the manticore lunged at her. With precision, she thrust God Hunter forward, striking the creature's shoulder. It staggered, momentarily dazed, giving Rhea the opening she needed.

“Let’s finish this.” Rhea declared, pushing forward with newfound determination.

As the manticore recovered, its tail lashed out again, but Rhea was ready. She ducked and rolled, then sprang up to face it once more. With a swift motion, she struck at its tail again, landing a solid hit. The manticore roared, fury mixing with pain as it twisted and turned, attempting to shake her off.

“You’re not getting away that easily!” Rhea shouted, her heart pounding with exhilaration. “Let’s see what you’ve got!”

Lector circled above, spotting the manticore's movements with hawk-like focus. “Rhea, it’s becoming desperate! It’s more than just angry; it’s scared!”

“Good!” Rhea grinned, feeling the thrill of the hunt rush through her. “Let’s use that against it!”


Monster Hunter II. [NQ] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:05 pm

With each attack, she used her agility to keep the manticore off-balance, knowing it was growing tired. As it charged again, Rhea sidestepped and lashed out with her dagger, aiming for the creature's flank. She felt the blade connect, and the manticore howled in agony, stumbling back against a stack of crates.

“Now, Lector!” Rhea called, spotting an opportunity.

Lector dove toward the manticore, distracting it with a flurry of flaps and taunts. “Hey, ugly! You’ll never catch me! You’re just a big, fluffy beast with a shitty attitude!”

With the creature’s attention diverted, Rhea seized the moment. She climbed atop a crate, preparing for her final strike. “Alright, game's over.” she declared, her voice echoing through the warehouse.

As the manticore turned back, its eyes wild with fury, Rhea leaped down, dagger raised high. With all her strength, she aimed for the manticore’s flank, hoping to subdue it without delivering a fatal blow. The dagger pierced the manticore's side, and it let out a chilling cry, collapsing onto the ground with a heavy thud. Rhea withdrew her blade, panting heavily but victorious. The creature writhed for a moment, its strength waning as it succumbed to its injuries.

“Is it done?” Lector asked, hovering close, his expression a mix of awe and concern.

Rhea knelt beside the manticore, observing its pained breathing. The creature’s golden eyes, once fierce and filled with malice, now flickered with a mix of anger and confusion. Rhea could see the fire within them fading as it began to accept its fate.

“I didn’t want to kill you,” she murmured, her voice softening. “I just wanted to stop the chaos you’ve caused in this city.”

Lector landed beside her, his wings folding as he eyed the manticore warily. “Rhea, we should tie it up before it recovers. Remember, we need to deliver it alive if we want the full reward.”


Monster Hunter II. [NQ] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:13 pm

Rhea nodded, the weight of her actions settling heavily on her shoulders. She took a deep breath, “You’re right. Let’s make sure it doesn’t get back up too quickly.”

The Dragon Slayer rummaged through her pack and pulled out some sturdy rope, expertly weaving it around the manticore’s legs and tail to ensure it wouldn’t escape. The creature struggled briefly, its powerful muscles flexing against the binds, but Rhea held firm, “No funny business.” she said as she secured the final knot.

Once the manticore was restrained, Rhea stepped back and surveyed the scene, taking a moment to collect herself. “That was easy enough, wasn't it, Lector? We managed to subdue it without destroying half the city. That’s quick money in my book.”

Lector puffed up his chest proudly, a twinkle in his eyes. “You did great, Rhea! But I must say, that was some serious chaos in there. Maybe you should try to keep your dagger a little closer to your chest next time,” he jested.

Rhea chuckled, grateful for Lector’s lightheartedness amid the seriousness of the moment. “Maybe you should stop flapping around like a feather in the wind when we’re in the thick of battle,” she teased. “But hey, you did a good job distracting it. I’ll give you that.”

With the manticore secured, they began the journey back toward the center of Crocus, where the royal guards awaited to collect the beast. The streets were quieter now, the chaos of the hunt fading into the background as Rhea reflected on her thoughts. The weight of her father’s legacy and the implications of her own past still loomed large, but at least this hunt had provided a welcome reprieve from her racing thoughts.


Monster Hunter II. [NQ] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:23 pm

“Rhea?” Lector broke the silence, his tone shifting to something more serious. “Do you think we’ll ever stop the Assassins? I mean, they’ve caused so much trouble for you already.”

Rhea glanced down at her companion, feeling the ache of uncertainty in her heart. “I can't say, Lector. But I won’t stop fighting. If they want to come for me, I’ll be ready. It's best they hurry and kill me before I become strong enough to wipe that entire country off the map.”

“Rhea...” Lector whispered, worry shining in his eyes. “But just promise me you won’t take unnecessary risks. If they kill you...I don't know what I'd do.”

“I promise,” Rhea replied, her tone firm. “But I can’t turn away from the fight either. I have to confront my past and my father's legacy head-on, especially after learning what happened during the Stellan Rebellion. Either way, all those who assisted our enemies during the war have got to pay.”

As they approached the royal guard’s station, Rhea's thoughts turned back to the manticore. “We need to ensure that it’s treated fairly,” she said, feeling a pang of empathy for the creature. “It didn’t ask to be created like this. It’s just a victim in someone else's game.”

“Yeah, yeah, Miss Softy,” Lector quipped, nudging her playfully. “But I get what you mean. It’s just like you and your fight against the Boscosi assassins. They’re the ones creating chaos, and we’re left to clean it up.”

Rhea smiled at Lector’s analogy, appreciating his ability to lighten the mood. “Exactly. And we will clean it up, one monster at a time.”

As they reached the station, the guards were already waiting, their expressions a mix of curiosity and wariness as they eyed the bound manticore. Rhea approached confidently, lifting her chin as she addressed the guard captain, a burly man with a weathered face.

“We’ve captured the manticore,” Rhea announced, gesturing to the creature behind her. “Alive, as requested. We managed to avoid any collateral damage to the city, but it’s crucial you understand it needs to be handled properly.”


Monster Hunter II. [NQ] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:35 pm

The captain raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “You took it down by yourselves? Quite the impressive feat, but I'd expect no less from Rhea Alvarez. We’ve had reports of chaos in this area, and it’s good to see someone took the initiative.”

“It was a team effort,” Rhea said, giving Lector a sideways glance. “But we still need to ensure it gets the right treatment. It might have been created for the wrong reasons, but it doesn’t deserve to suffer for them.”

The captain nodded, considering her words. “You’re right. We’ll have our men take a look at it. There’s been a disturbing rise in these monstrous creations, and we need to understand why they’re appearing. We’ll do our best to study it and find a way to reverse whatever’s been done.”

“Thank you,” Rhea replied, relief washing over her. “If you need anything else or if you find any more creatures like this, please send for us. We’re willing to help.”

As the guards began the process of handling the manticore, Rhea turned to Lector, a mixture of satisfaction and lingering thoughts swirling in her mind. “That was fun,” she said. “Even with everything going on, it felt good to get my hands dirty and do something worthwhile.”

Lector grinned. “And let’s not forget the reward! We’ve earned it this time, and I want something nice. Maybe some fish treats?”

Rhea laughed, shaking her head. “You and your fish. Fine, but only if you promise to help with the next hunt.”

“Deal!” Lector said, his eyes shining with excitement. “But next time, let’s hunt something a little less ugly. I’m not sure how much more of that I can take!”


- end -

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