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Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi]

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Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 6:45 pm

He had found time for training, he hadn’t in a while. Today Ittindi was dressed in a simple black wifebeater with baggy black harem pants. There was a pretty popular demonstration going on at the academy so Ittindi wanted to find some time to train at the destruction college. Now that he had found time the first thing he did, even before stretching was to take a meditative pose sitting. He’d devote a small amount of time to prayer first thankful for his current situation even if some was different than he envisioned.

The training room was large enough for Ittindi's uses, two large training dummies stood 5 meters in front of him. The room was padded with some kind of enchanted cushioning. It was well developed, he wondered if it had seen much use. Ittindi had found himself busy and neglecting his duties as a student of the academy. No doubt they'd want him to teach if he was more vocal about his ability.

The next was on what spells he planned on putting to the physical today. His first didn’t take much thought he had been wanting to create a multi part Kusarigama. He wasn’t sure how many ways he could split it and maintain control of his mana and wanted to practice it somewhere there weren’t a lot of people around. He had still not worked up the courage to tell others about his magic change relying instead on his newfound gunman and spearmanship. Hardly any had noticed that he hadn’t spun a thread in almost a year now.  He’d visualize 4 chains all going in different directions with different targets in his mind’s eye. The first problem he found was visualizing which chain of the 4 from the base would be needed for accurate guiding. Then picking targets mattered too he couldn’t have any cross targets, or the chains might become tangled in one another.

So far with one chain Ittindi didn’t have to worry about the proportions of chain to his body before he’d release them towards a target. It reminded him of ceremonial festivals he had participated in. The dances were so intricate, that was his range of movement as he clenched his hand. The Seal would appear on his hand as 4 separate chains would appear, the first Ittindi would let wrap around the top of his shoulder as it sailed towards the target dummy in the training room. The second would drop, and he’d kick it at the target, the third would wrap around his waist and he used his hips towards the target. While the last went around his left shoulder, he’d watch as they all collided with the dummy. Ittindi had learned to get more out of his spells, but for training he didn’t need to practice his new ability, so he’d dismiss them after their first hit. Proud of his progress he’d turn around to see…

WC: 487/ 300 (50% WCR from INT 20% for training offense in college of destruction.)

Multi-Kusarigama I



Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:22 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"My eyes are open."

Lumikki spent random moments in the School of Destruction. Fitting her classroom to her preferences and normalizing herself with the resources of the College. Her room, much transformed than before, now was affixed with Iceberg furniture and decor. A banner of a raven and ram hung from the wall, and other trinkets one would place up in grounds of Icebergain battles and trainings. Even a painting of a Valkyrie hung among them. The dark wood student desks fit before her new deep grey and ashen wood one. The chairs were fit with dark blue cushions and soft wood. The back most walls, just before the doorway to the training room for her course, was lined with bookshelves from end to end. Thought only a few of the shelves were filled just yet, and all with material on destructive stories and documented wild and chaotic magics. All resources to inspire her students should they prefer their motivation to be found within the pages.

But now, Lumikki was wondering the grounds, investigating the other training facilities. Just a few weeks ago, she had helped a guild mate train his spells within the field. It was a request from a professor who needed some more hands on deck to assist seeing the training through. The Demoness, who happily obliged would prove valuable that day; but she could not help but wonder what more was here.

It was through her aimlessness that she stumbled upon a large and circular building. It was like a dome, with glass panes on top that allowed the sunlight to bleed through. Lumikki would enter, and have a look around. Taking note of the padded walls interwoven with a magical barrier that extended throughout the ceiling as well. Along with the many propped up training dummies and weapon racks towards the far ends of the massive field. But what stole all her attention was a familiar frame she recognized, though truthfully she’d second guess her assumption as he was dressed different from what she was used to. It would be the chains he manifested the affirmed her first assumption and she’d softly approach with steps that made absolutely no sound.

Lumikki had four braids interwoven with deep red ribbons pulled back with the remaining loose locks into a bun. The ends of both still having straggles of hair that dangled freely despite the hairstyle’s hold, looking both contained but not overly neat. She wore what looked to be a black silky blouse mostly buttoned saved for the uppermost two which allowed her flexibility to move, and a long black pencil skirt that extended to her ankles. Her appearance fairly human despite the usual irregularities she honored in this form. Traits like her black stained skin or miss-matched eyes. And shadows, like usual, would coil her feet in place of shoes.

Ittindi, not aware of her presence, would turn to see a smirking Demoness in all her splendor despite her short stature. She’d look up to see him with a spark of joy in her eyes and lean slightly forward in a playful manner. ”Training without me? How boring is that Ittindi. Do ye not wanna seek yer mentor’s company? I could be insightful at times ye know?” She finished her musings with a soft giggle that could not fully hide the aura of an imposing Demon, but she was sincere in her sweetness despite how she would appear.

”Is it getting easier to maintain each individual chain? I still remember the frustration of handing multiple spell components at once.—Of course…I didn’t get to observe yer previous magic to really chime in this regard. I would assume…silk, was it? Would function quite similar in the aspect of many components to focus on at once. Slightly sluggish, though it seems yer still doing well in that regard. But, perhaps how is a good time for me to finally discuss yer magic with ya and understand where ye are in acclimation and what it is ya desire.” the Demoness hardly wasted time in cultivating and expressing her assessment, after all it was clear he wanted to train and she wanted to support his endeavor. A man like him came off as one who appreciated efficiency, and directness so Lumikki in her earnest desire to help, would trying to divulge her thoughts rather quick and plainly.


"What they don't know won't hurt them... yet."

Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Img_0811

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Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 7:27 pm

Ittindi too impressed with his progress hadn’t even heard or felt Lady Lumikki behind him, her accented voice hitting him before his eyes recognized who was in front of him.  He’d give a bow before thinking of why he hadn’t sought help. Normally there’d be some since of shame surfacing, but Ittindi had become comfortable with Lady Lumikki, so it wasn’t that. It was just plain stupidity; he hadn’t thought of getting her help at her college…in her training grounds. Yeah stupid would cover the bases, not that Ittindi would admit to anything of the sort, much less around someone who would help manage their household in the future.  Instead, now would be the time to practice a spell that she had inspired, well that and the time he saw Colonel Tōga save himself with a cape.

”Well, I thought you might be busy Madam Professor Guild Master protector of Iceberg. Since you’re here though, would you like to assist me I have a decent amount of exploration to do with my magic.”

He expected that she appeared because she had the time to spare, and indeed she went into a discussion on his magic. Ittindi wasn’t sure if he would describe the chains versus the threads as harder one or the other just very different. While he wasn’t sure if it was another of Naki’s ruses they had mentioned that they had achieved near perfect unity. They hadn’t threatened Ittindi since then, though his need for recklessness seemed to remain. He’d start to imagine his next spell, he wanted wings, magnificent as beauty as Illumin’s majesty.  First he’d answer Lady Lumikki, with luck she might even be impressed with this one.

”Yes, I’ve found myself quite adapt at the chains now, though I’m still working out some kinks in variety as you just saw. My desires are still the same as always, to be the greatest butler of all time.”

With that Ittindi would stomp as a magic seal would appear on his back. Two grotesque arms would come out of his back and the wings were an offshade yellowish white, all in all a revolting display. Ittindi couldn’t even see the entirety of his wings and could see that they were abominations. He’d cough as he released the spell, before thinking about what he’d need to rectify. Was it his attempt at feathers, too much attempt at control of his magic? He’d pace for a second before looking back up at Lady Lumikki.

”I’m assuming as a demon that wings feel as natural as breathing for you? If not do you mind describing the feeling you associate with conjuring them?”

You know the reason Ittindi, don’t hide from the depths of our soul.

Ittindi would stop to consider Naki’s words or thoughts. He wondered if he looked silly to Lady Lumikki so deep in thought. It hadn’t occurred to him to ask how her other pupils were doing they only ever talked about each other in their presence. Probably not something a student should worry about, was that it he was worried about the look of his wings. He’d sigh for a second as he realized all to quickly the more likely answer, his magic couldn’t create something as angelic as he pictured. Did he even recall seeing wings on any of the other avatars of Naki?

There were no memories that he found when he tried to center himself with Naki, they were breaking new ground again. Closing his eyes Ittindi would let his magic guide him as he tried to imagine flying without picturing the wings themselves.  A magic seal would again appear on his back, this time their would be the skeletal structure of wings, but there were no feathers. Ittindi would try to flex the muscle he imagined in the wings as they would open to do a great flap. With one flap they’d break apart returning to mana.

WC: 655/1000 (Wings I 50% WCR INT)


Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 9:45 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"My eyes are open."

Lumikki who looked entirely serious, if not curious, broke into a rapturous laugh from hearing Ittindi’s long winded title for her. Sure it was pleasing to be known for so many things, but to have them strung like a celebratory banner made her feel silly. She was okay staying within the shadows, obscure and unknown. So there was no need to regard her with too many formalities. Yet, she was growing to understand that’ll become a pointless gripe as she understood the need for it. Knowing that Ittindi took comfort in those structures by how he held onto his title and those within his guild. So Lumikki finished her laughter with a big sigh, while trying to repair her composure to better speak once more.

”Love, Professor or Lumikki does fine within the school. I’ll let ye pick yer preferred once we are off school grounds. But yes, while I’m here let us settle on the rest of yer spells and magic.” Her hand covered her mouth as she mustered the words, trying to seem more put together rather than the mischievous raven that she was; but her face still alluded to her playfulness.

”Hmmm…the greatest ye say? I still have yet to watch ya at yer work but I hardly have anyone to compare to ye besides me own Eight Pinions. What inspired this dream of yers?” But as she spoke, he would trigger the sparks of his spell. A mark flickered along his back before a fascinating display soon followed. Lumikki wondered if he was trying to take inspiration from a bat or perhaps a drake. She mulled it over while she could as Ittindi cut the spell soon after, sadly reverting to his usual appearance with an air of disappointment. Though she could only assume of such, his face was as hard to read as ever.

Before Lumikki took action, Ittindi tried his hand at the task again. Undeterred by the state of the last spell, he repeated much of the same steps and now made himself a pair of wings consisting of bone. Lumikki wanted to feel his construct but as quick as it formed, it broke away. Though she still found the try fascinating, she wasn’t sure where his struggle was coming from yet.

”No I know about wings cause of me people.” Lumikki began, she placed her hand atop his back to conjure her own spell. They didn’t look angelic as he would like, but the wings she woven onto him were as delicate as any raven. The feathers flecked on them matched her very own and Lumikki slid out her lower most set to allow the man to look them over for himself. To see the intricacies of her wings and study them for making his own. ”As ye know, I’m of a clan of raven Demi-human. Flying is to a degree, a part of our way of life. Of course this was accentuated by becoming Demon aye, as it gave me proper wings of me own but coincidentally, I could grant ye a pair as well. Fell ‘em out from me Ittindi, use them to get the gist of movement and even flying.” Lumikki pulled back to give him the space he needed while also trying to watch over how he took the pair of wings on his back.

"What they don't know won't hurt them... yet."

Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Img_0811

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Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:46 pm

Ittindi would laugh along with Lady Lumikki he did mean it partially in reference and half in jest, he was glad to have her as a mentor.  However, it also worried him, he’d need to think of a plan on the financial front in case they ever entered a bidding war for their service. That was something he couldn’t get the General’s help on he’d probably say something silly like people should do it for the good of the nation. Ittindi knew amongst the seedier crowd’s allegiance to a country or organization could be a fleeting thing.

” Professor will do fine here since we are in academia, you have no idea the long day you’ve enlisted yourself into. I have been neglecting my magic, but my bond with Naki has never been stronger. I’m afraid I can’t seem to shake the recklessness that’s seemed to plagued me since receiving this power. The point in telling you that is I think I know how to fuse Naki’s soul with mine and stay dominant. However if I don’t I expect you to kill me post haste.”

Naki laughing in his head asking what if he turned off his resurrection at that moment? Ittindi’s thoughts didn’t seem worried about the possibility just something to account for like checking the stove before leaving the house. This made Naki even more bothered, Ittindi seemed to think he could exert control so easily.

Ittindi finally had received some primo information, he wasn’t aware Lady Lumikki’s servants had a organization name he hadn’t heard of the Eight Pinions but he had to admit the invisibility was an interesting touch.  

”Well that’s an easy question Professor is there anything better than a clean house and a tidy life? Only the very best could provide an experience unparalleled in elegance, it is through such settings that the greatest humanity could accomplish is born. I also happen to excel at butlery, sure the violence of protecting others is fun and I’ve started to develop a relationship in this field as well. However, nothing will ever compete with the feeling of observing a clean floor that you could eat off of. Or the feeling after you have cleaned all the grime off a toilet and it looks brighter than a pearl. Look at Master Knuckles for instance, he had an incomplete experience, imagine how much potential is lost. Every profession needs their stars, you just happened to me the best one for Butlers and Maids.”

It wasn’t often Ittindi spoke so long, but he was in a passionate mood with his spell practicing. With the wings Lady Lumikki gifted him with her explanation of flying, he’d try flying around. He’d feel how flight felt, what kind of durability versus flexibility wings needed. After a couple minutes of drills, he’d look at Lady Lumikki to dismiss the spell. Then casting his own version as the seal appeared on his back. They were decrepit and black with feathers falling off randomly and resprouting in an entropic cycle. Ittindi would cough before an attempt at a joke.

”Hmm maybe I should change my name to Dorian Grey with how my wings look. Naki told me I needed to reflect myself in them.”

He’d test his flying finding his speed to be fine and height gain taller than the training the room before feeling any gravity constraints. Setting back down he’d dismiss his wings bowing to Lady Lumikki to thank her for that spell.

”You think you can fire a spell at me I want to work on some evasion techniques besides wings.”

Wings I Finished


Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:49 pm




Lumikki of Iceberg


"My eyes are open."




The tone that was previously so humorous had suddenly taken such a chilling turn, one that made Lumikki shudder with a wave of malicious giddiness. She held back her harrowing response, freezing over her expression instead; but the cold shift would extend to her tone as well. ”I have no qualms with snuffing a life and beginning me frozen garden Ittindi, though I wonder if the merging fails….would I be able to eat Naki and him alone? I can’t say I could discern yer life from his. Could anyone? Who is to say when one presence begins and ends….but I will be sure to keep an eye on this venture should ye undertake it. Consider me privy to me role to come.” Her tone still had a sweet and endearing tinge but it could not take away from the morbidly of her words. Still, Lumikki wouldn’t linger on it longer than needed. She very much liked this human, her beloved or not, Ittindi was fairly charming.

Unknowingly to her, the Demoness sparked such passions. His candid tone ushered more color than the norm as he explained to her of all the pleasures of his work. Lumikki never thinking too much about the simple matters, didn’t scoff at them either. Being one who was enamored with lore and legend meant that she understood the joys of impractical fascinations. What more, she understood how much they could propel one’s personal skill and paint their habits ands perspectives. If this was the reason the man was so diligent and reliable, she could easily see the value in his fixation. If anything, she almost wished she felt the same.

But the fascination did not end there as he dismissed her wings and tried another attempt. This time, least from what she could gather, was a far more closer result than before. Personally Lumikki was pleased, its rapid growth and decay reminded her a lot of her healing spells and the intricacies of the cycle of life and death. Seems he felt the same as he uttered a cheeky comment—one that Lumikki found herself appreciating.

”Kukuku, give yeself more credit. The man was pristine in appearance but rotted to the core. There was hardly any merit left in him by the end of the tale—and really, I found it quite disappointing. I was hoping for a more impactful climax, a more interesting interaction depicted of a man being forced to face the sins accumulated by theirs actions. I was hoping for more introspection. But really, it gave me a tale I fear I’ll observe to the end of time. Men being their own ruin—without being interesting about it mind you-and hardly insightful either….” Perhaps she returned dark with pitch black but she was still quite entertained. ”But I really find yer wings quite charming.” Lumikki said with full sincerity and hands clasped to gesture her girlish glee. Lumikki adored seeing people in flight. Though she desired to rule the skies, she didn’t want to enjoy them alone.

”If ye’d like. Hmmm ye’d be able to walk this off just fine but it should still be simple enough to dodge as well.” With a thoughtful expression, the frost mage stepped back. Her hand came to her lips just as a magical circle began to form beside her. With a steady gaze as Ittindi, she readied the spell. Which seemed like a volatile magic just barely contained, when really it was a playful creation she made to celebrate the chaotic nature of darkness.

Before Lumikki pulled her fingers away, the shadows within the folds of her clothes and along the ground would pick up and warp. Their shape now converging to a shaft off an arrow with a head and tail that cycled through different features repeatedly as if a shifting wheel of choices. But that was what they were, possibilities in this moving world, an aspect to settle into just before the attack. And so when she finally pulled her fingers away and pointed to the man who was readying himself for what she brewed, it finally locked into the shape it happened to fall into. The head of a pointed nose hound took the place of the tip and bat-like wings twisted like a pinwheel of its tail. But if Ittindi was able to see details of her arrow, it was hard to say. As soon after it was prompted to move, it rapidly spun like a drill in the air as it soared right for him.

Lumi however, looked with gleaming eyes. Curious as to what trick her mentee would pull next to test his growing magic. ”Truthfully, I am not so kind or compassionate enough as a person to happily train that of a Demon’s vessel. Surly ye could tell how territorial I really am. Though I am not so heartless either that I don’t like favoritism or fondness. I rather see ye strong and reach great heights than wound the Oni that nuzzles within ya.”. Pure selfishness in the end is what fuels her actions. When you become as she had, it would be your fancies that keep moving you.





"What they don't know won't hurt them... yet."



Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Img_0811

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Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:41 am

Ittindi would be reassured that Lady Lumikki would have no problem not only taking his life but draining his and Naki’s essence if he failed at his attempt to merge their souls together in the physical. That was the exact kind of assurance he needed to go all out, but not quite on that spell just yet, first he wanted to practice a couple basic moves. Today he would be trying two different evasion techniques, a minorly advanced one. Then the one he had been training up for months, in fact all his evasion techniques in this magic came from the attempt at what he’d perform after a warmup. He’d stretch while Lady Lumikki was teasing him about his own choice of words especially on Dorian Grey. He had never considered the perspective of anything but humans regarding media. There was even a possibility some of the work he respected was written by non-humans  shuddering thought.

”A different perspective, but true none the less. I thought you’d find the breaking point of men more interesting, but I forget it probably is tiring by this point. I guess I won’t know how tiring anything I love becomes until at least a century.”

He'd let the feeling of his magic overtake his body a warmth almost like when your blood starts to rush, but with a cool head. It was flowing fully, that was the first step, he could feel all of his mana build up. When had he been able to hold and release so much at once? Ittindi’s time in the Rune Knight had indeed been a blur, but he had progressed faster here than anywhere else in the world. Truly a sign from Illumin themselves that he was on the right path. He knew that he could attempt it now a spell with no incantation no time to even see his disappearance. With how much mana he had, well it’d be like his deaths there were some things that seemed to transcend time. Ittindi could touch on those things, never crossing the line but being able to move parallel. In his mind he could hear Naki telling him he was ready to move past his ideas of where the boundaries lie. A hard thing for Ittindi to conceive as his world was always well defined.

Lady Lumikki spell was an interesting one, he was aware of her elements being more than frost. It was just forgotten sometime by him, probably more than just him with the major theme of Ice being blatant and at the forefront. He wasn’t even sure what he was seeing, but his danger sense told him clearly enough what he needed to do. He would stamp his feet a split second before she released the projectile. It spun, but it mattered littered to Ittindi as he was meters to the right now, a burst of light the only thing left of Ittindi’s previous position now torn through by the drill like projectile.  It was exactly as he planned, but that wasn’t the fun part. It would be what came next that would be his real test.

Full Second Evasion III trained.

”So for my first advanced technique of the day, I think I’m going to try and slow down time with my magic. I can feel the ability to tug at reality, the way I separate myself from death at the last moment. I think this is something similar but, worse comes to worse make sure I don’t die to hard.”

Ittindi would take a different stance instead of his usual feet apart at shoulder length slightly crouched he’d completely relax his body. His posture disappearing for the first time in decades. With his body slightly slouched, the mana flowing through his body seemed to increase, when it was having an easier time flowing through his mana vessels.  Still it felt like he was missing something, and Naki was tugging at the edge of it in his mind. He’d turn to Lady Lumikki, asking her another question.

”Lady Lumikki, have you ever let go of everything in order to achieve anything? Also I appreciate you taking on my training, I had assumed it was because of my relation with the Young Master”

It was a simple question but what Ittindi felt he needed to know to finish his true spell. If he mastered something this complex it might even end up saving Lady Lumikki or the Young Master one day.

WC: 521/500 (50% WCR INT) Full Second Evasion III
WC: 219/2,000 (50% WCR INT) Split Second Evasion


Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:30 am




Lumikki of Iceberg


"My eyes are open."




"That is the sad part friend, I have yet made a century. I do not adhere to a foolish notion that the world is entirely bleak; but I could say that many idiots make the same mistakes should ye give them the chance and I find it hard to believe that more time would change that." Lumikki readied her spell upon his request, taking her time in its making as he, too, prepared for his new tricks. The mage was beside herself in anticipation of seeing what he'd muster. Would it be like a shield similar to their last practice? Would it be more?

She'd know soon enough, as he acted just before her spell got to moving. Its shadowish form now drilling into the space he had left behind in an instant. Lumikki wasted no time herself clapping from the amusement. The Demoness was genuinely impressed with such a sleek motion and rapid magic. Though she wondered how well he'd fair with more of her spells.

"Huh...slow down time?..." She never thought that would be a desire of his, nor did she fully understand how he planed to do it. The only one she knew to touch upon time was a Guild Master to the far east, but she would not pretend to know all his wonders. Her eyes could only tell so much, his presence must for touch upon the world before her eye could scribe what it could mean. Much like one could only learn from the ripples shaking the surface of water after time drops in and causes it. "Ye want me to bring ya close to death?...." Well now he was simply calling to her dark tendencies. Bringing forth a devilish desire she can not always hold back. Sure, all her actions could be playful, but it didn't mean they were harmless. Yet who was she to hold him back from his request if this was what it'd take for him to reach his potential? She could easily assure that he didn't die in her care....even from herself....

Ittindi, now crouched by in the ready, surprised her with another question. One that didn't take her long to find her answer. "Aye, too many times... One could say that everything I desired and attained first needed me to let things go.....and I fear that it will always be the case. Hmpt," she chuckled. It was a fair assumption. "At first it was because I was aware of yer ties to yer Young Master that I was drawn to ye. Everything of his, I wanted to see for meself. But in time, I grew to like yer company a lot indeed. Quite the oddity ye are especially when beside Knuckles of all people. Yer like a sliver of him I would never know had I not met ye. Yet, if ya had no ties to him altogether, I would've found meself adoring ye all the same. Odd, I'm sure. A Demon of all things, taking a liking to ye and not trapping ye for it. But simple kinship is a luxury I do not plan to forego and I would indeed enjoy yer company for decades to come.... Though she was taken out of the moment when thinking over her thoughts and feelings, she was quick to pull herself back to the task he needed of her.

"I am honored to help ye in training. It seems as time went on, I've seen a lot of yer Knights grow strong in me company. And ye have quite the potential among 'em. Then I can't make this easy, can I...." Her lips pulled back in a toothy grin that showed her fangs. "Nothing ye can't handle, but nothing ya could easily dodge. Should ye manage this feat of slowing down time, then the condition for the relent of me participation is to tap upon me left shoulder free of damage. Should ya be struck, we'd simply have to start over from scratch again; but no worries, I have the mana and time to heal ye, for the next try should ye need it." Her golden eye sparked a glow, as if coming to life, and in a way, it had. For now, Lumikki was using the power within to assure the magic wouldn't stop until it crashed with him. With a hand risen to the ceiling, a magic circle flickered before a crackle of pure frost and dark energy surged toward him. Bending and branching off to assure they struck true.





"What they don't know won't hurt them... yet."



Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Img_0811

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Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 7:20 pm

Ittindi’s  body was flowing with mana, he hated the feeling he had to exert over it. The feeling between chaos and authority only one mistake away, he could hear Lady Lumikki’s voice. The problem was he could hear everything, even things that shouldn’t speak had their own aura now and while Lady Lumikki’s dwarfed the others. Ittindi could see the muddling of his own aura and Naki’s. The words she spoke earlier became visible to him, while also listening to her describe her own path. It was interesting that he found a teacher that so closely mirrored his own path. Or was it ordained, why Illumin would want him to learn with a demon was beyond his understanding. However, he knew when too many coincidences lined up it was surely the work of the divine, how far he must look from worthy in this moment. At the same time, he remembered the story of Mary who stood against demons and was rewarded with rebirth. Ittindi story was similar just that he wasn’t reborn as an angel, and he could hear Naki’s laughter at his thoughts,

I remember a priest telling one of my avatars it would be a devout man that tamed me. That religion was so great that it could conquer even death, but it’s not religion its delusion. Yours is so strong a never-ending well of experiences to feed on. I can feel it even now we’ve died and walked back so many times together. Not once a sign of your god but plenty of others cast judgement. I know you’ll say that’s because your god is more powerful than the pretend ones I see, our final death will just be that more delicious when you embrace the nothingness. That’s when I’ll claim you my elegant partner until then let’s see how you fare with my power untapped.

Another time their speech might have shaken Ittindi, and they could call it delusion. They both knew that his faith not just in Illumin but in mankind itself was what fueled his great “strength”. Every entity would call it foolish, but they were all drawn to it anyways the quick burning flame of human life. Ittindi had found a way to continually rebuild his candle afterwards, would he lose something in that process? So far he hadn’t, but he had always known how to let go when it mattered, like now. To fully embrace the powers of a Demon of Death even if it were from another reality was not a light feat. Ittindi’s human mind would shatter trying to comprehend the perspective, it was not wrong to admit that, so why focus on any of it? He’d simply be, he knew what needed to be done above all,  those moments of cruelty in his job. The first time he had been swiped with the butt of a sword by an angry Lord Shi, the even worse punishment from the head butler for complaining about it to him. To set aside one’s emotions were not to bottle them, Ittindi remembered the first time he let go of his bottled emotions. He was in a back alley getting jumped, all was fine until they scuffed his recently purchased Italian loafers. Ittindi knew that as soon as he engaged he would have to kill them to not endanger his family so he had taken the beatings the same as from a employer.

It wasn’t even the thugs that Ittindi unleashed his anger, it was the betrayal from the head butler who to this day Ittindi loved and respected. The lack of communication with the Young Master even though he knew, his anger against his father being partially Ittindi’s fault for opening new avenues of hatred. Stoicism helped in the job but it didn’t help with the tears, Ittindi had to learn other outlets. The first time he cooked a full course meal for himself, other professionals asked for cleaning advice, refining his magic the list would go on. That was when Ittindi found inner peace and started looking for meaning within his own life, when he let go not when he fueled himself with his emotions or logic. It was a tiring process, something that Ittindi didn’t face everyday though he could hover in a state of semi content easier than others. Tapping into this karmic state he’d channel even more of his mana.

His body would start to glow and he could actually see Naki for once as a spirit before him, he hadn’t expected them to be so tall. Ittindi wondered if he would grow when he assimilated, first he wanted to stop time. They had done it plenty of times when he died, what was doing it for battle purposes. He wouldn’t be content with just doing the same as the other avatars, he had already become a different race all together. Some would say a demigod others would say a demon, Ittindi knew that he was neither, a human repurposed. That was all that was needed to tap into the universe, who needed understanding he had faith and purpose. Lady Lumikki was explaining that even without the Young Master they would have eventually found each other.  

Ittindi opened his mouth a crack to respond, when he would feel mana escaping. Quickly closing his mouth he’d summon whatever mana he felt out hidden. Emptying himself until his body felt flat as if he’d float if the wind blew to hard in a direction. Mixed with his aura of divinity Ittindi could sense any danger in the area, and Lady Lumikki would raise her hand to the sky. As the magic seal appeared, Ittindi knew he was ready for what came next.

He expected a magic seal, and the size was the largest he had created yet. It was over the floor and Ittindi didn’t even need to make any cast motions, this was his very essence in the casting. As Lady Lumikki’s spell materialized a barrage of vectors coming from all angles. Ittindi’s sense was a migraine of alerts, as it all stopped the serenity of that moment. The stillness in the universe besides Ittindi. There were multiple angled attacks all closing in on him, he’d nimbly move through them as if playing a party game. That’s when time would unfreeze for the first time as the crash of some of Lady Lumikki’s projectiles, while others formed to erase his existence. His danger sense still on an all time alert, Ittindi tried to freeze time again and found success. There was no magic seal this time, making him wonder what his limit would be, the goal was to get closer to Lady Lumikki, they were still a decent distance away. This time he’d find himself in an odd limbo position when time would start again.

As more projectiles rushed past him, Ittindi realized it couldn’t have been more than a second maybe less, he probably looked like he was teleporting to Lady Lumikki. He wondered if she could tell the difference between the two, it should be easier with Ittindi already revealing how he planned to move around. This time the threat came from below, Lady Lumikki’s spell didn’t want to give up on it’s prey. Third freeze and Ittindi didn’t feel his efforts slowing as he did a well executed jump inching closer to Lady Lumikki.


The sound of Ittindi’s heart beating as loud as the projectiles that were below him a moment ago. There were two different angles of projectile Ittindi dropped to one hand doing a handstand flag to dodge one. His danger sense told him he wouldn’t be dodging the other as he forced time to freeze. On attempt 4 he was starting to feel the effects on his mana as Ittindi carefully went back to the standing avoiding any stray projectiles. There had to be a better way for him to close the distance, this time he’d see if running made time resume any faster. It didn’t seem to have any major effect as when time unfroze seemed to be consistent with the same interval. Which meant he’d need to start lunging and moving to get to Lady Lumikki he had a plan now. As Time stopped for the 5th time, Ittindi would have to make a shape best accomplished with the splits. It was a throwback to his time with some of the poorer street cleaners when he thought he might be able to be a butler dancer. That dream was quickly dismissed when he learned the main stayers in that industry were the gigolo variety.

As time unfroze Ittindi would look quite goofy as the blasts passed through another image of where he was. This time while popping up he’d say something to Lady Lumikki before the next round or iteration, Ittindi wasn’t sure what to call the iterations within this spell. Even with his assistance from divinitas, Ittindi wasn’t perfect and his pants and shorts had cuts and rips from his rapid movement. Proof if Lady Lumikki was paying attention that he was moving not teleporting, with the trajectory of her spell this time, Ittindi realized he could pull off a cool enough slide tackle. Doing so right as time stopped for a 6th time.  He’d be at the end of his slide tackle popping up, taking in where the next attack of this spell might arrive from.

This time he felt a prong attack coming from his back, knowing that one should never look behind them when trying to escape, Ittindi would take off at full speed for Lady Lumikki. Time would stop again and, when it did Ittindi would take a glance back to see the spell a centimeter from connecting with his back. Ittindi would dive forward as time started again, the spell once again colliding with itself instead of finding Ittindi. He’d tuck and roll forward, dodging two more strikes.  He felt his limits finally approaching, not sure how many time stops he had left, Ittindi would continue to run straight at Lady Lumikki. There was a chance he’d make it with enough forward momentum.  His mana his glow it was all starting to fade along with his enhanced view of reality. One last stop as the spell threatened to take him a mere meter away from Lady Lumikki. He would make it to her left shoulder tapping it right as time unfroze.

”Lady Lumikki, please stop your spell now.”

Ittindi would be panting and sweating worse every breath he could feel every one of his muscles burned out from the spell he just learned. Hopefully the next time he used it wouldn’t be as dramatic as fighting Lady Lumikki. He’d continue to pant heavily for another couple of minutes before talking to Lady Lumikki again.

”Lady Lumikki….Woo I think I’m ready for the transformation. I just need a small breather. Hopefully not to many ever have to see any of this effort.”

WC: Complete/2,000 (50% WCR INT) Split Second Evasion


Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:55 pm




Lumikki of Iceberg


"My eyes are open."




It cool breeze, Lumikki’s black frost lightening crackled, its pseudo static would plummet the temperatures around them with every burst or dispersing branch. And every streak would seek her target like angled snakes swimming through the air. Her magic was fast, but somehow the man was faster. The first miss caught Lumikki by surprise, his image lingering longer than he did. Soon he would reappear in other places, almost like he was flickering. As if he occupied multiple places at once.

With keen eyes, Lumikki studied his motions. With her perfect vision, she could tell something was off. Observing Yuurei and Kaito, she was aware of how fast movement usually appeared like. She was privy to the motions and momentum’s that it took.

Ittindi, still having a momentum would contradict his reappearances. As if the way his hair and clothes shifted didn’t match her usual perceptions. Yet she knew it was a rare feat to develop here or there magic. It was never aligned with death per se either.

Her lips pulled back into a malicious but gleeful smile. As her magic sought its target perfectly despite his trick, she now knew what it was. Every nick on his appearance would tell her so, especially knowing how particular that man was, for every new tear the Demoness was sure it was fresh.

He mentioned in passing that he wanted to slow down time, and now Lumikki understood that this is just as he said. The flickering moments was simply her picking up on him again through her view of time. Thoroughly impressed, Lumikki couldn’t hold back her welling frenzy. Such a power was quite rare and yet it would be him who had it. Tinges of envy washed over her, her demonic passions swelling, but before it could break her cool exterior, she swallowed it back up. With complete refusal to display and act on her worst nature, the Demoness would choose control and poise.

”Very well,” Lumikki would respond somewhat coldly. There was no rudeness to her voice, simply no warmth. She’d shake the last of her qualms with that, turning over to Ittindi with a warm smile. ”Ya cheeky human, ye. Playing with magics and tricks far removed from most of us. Makes me wonder just how dangerous yer kinda could be.” Lumikki wasn’t always a Demon, not even a Daemon, though times of her normal mortally were sparse memories now. Dying embers of humanity compared to her new existence.

Yet she never would have thought that a human could take their plight so far. But perhaps she could continue to think that way. He was not a normal human, far from it, and now tangled with so many beings and magics that he was a new thing now. Not quite one of her own, but not one of them.

”Transformation?” She inquired, her head titled with narrowed eyes as her curiously compelled her. ”What form would ye take I wonder.”





"What they don't know won't hurt them... yet."



Deconstruction of Destruction [Training|Lumi] Img_0811

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