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Zeta Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:43 pm


Zeta DX4Us40C_400x400


Name: Zeta

Age: Oct 31th, X772

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Ethnicity, Father: icebergian

Ethnicity, Mother: Desierto

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Human

Rank: D

Guild: Dragon Order

Tattoo: on her Back

Face: Rika Minami - High School of the dead



Weight: 126 lbs

Hair: Purple hair

Eyes: Amber (Red contacts)


Personality: Beneath the polished sophisticated exterior, Zeta is a very playful and competitive person. Utilizing her bright mind she makes the most of situations to get what she desires. She does not do anything half heartedly and expects the same back when working with others.

Though she spent most of her life locked away in a manor she had lots of interactions and spell training from members of the dark races that visited the estate often. Her only form of entertainment was reading books, playing chess,  and observing her brother from a magic window. She has a soft spot for her brother, while others get met with her sharp tongue.

The fairies raised her with great care as they aspired for her to become a beacon of greatness for their own means. This put a lot of pressure on her and built her on making little to no mistakes when it came to combat and engagements with others.

Though she was trained to be ruthless, behind the eyes of her watchful peers she  can be quite sentimental. Hiding away in the darkest or most isolated locations to compose herself and reevaluate the humanity she still has remaining. The complexity that makes up who she is often leaves her feeling conflicted about herself, feeling one day when she breaks free she will be able to trust my understand who she is without the need to fill roles.

  • Reading tomes and research papers found in the manor of her blood relatives.
  • Observing her Brother through the magic window.
  • Training in the art of spell casting
  • Looking at the different places around the world through the demon’s magic window.

  • People who are arrogant and incompetent
  • Being deceived or played with
  • All species especially fairies and demons

  • Earning her freedom from the secret organization that she was forcibly dragged into and reuniting with her brother but face to face. She wants to travel the world with her brother to visit the many places mentioned in the books found all over the manor.

  • Being weak and defenseless to the point that her actions become futile.
  • Being a burden to her brother and causing him suffering.
  • Never escaping the secret organization that calls themselves the “family”.


Strength: 1

Speed: 11

Constitution: 4

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 11


Magic: First Generation Dragon Slayer:Darkness

Magic Element:Darkness

Magic Description: Dragon Slayers are a unique type of people who utilize a form of Lost Magic, Dragon Slayer Magic. Each Dragon Slayer has their own form of Magic, just like each Dragon is a master of their own element. In addition, they also have the ability to consume the element which they utilize, just as long as it is not created from their own Magic. Dragon Slayers are known to possess keener senses than those of normal humans such as smell, as well as distinctive characteristics and features such as slitted pupils and noticeably sharper teeth.


History: Zeta was a twin born from a wealthy family that earned their wealth and influence from having dealings with supernatural creatures over the generations. Using deceptive tactics to sacrifice and capture other humans to satisfy these creatures' desires in return for luxury and life was normal for the family. Unfortunately, a group of fairies who loved tricking humans from the winter court took up residence on their estate and decided to play a game with the family's children.

The fairies offered the treasures of illustrious figures in the fairy courts as a tribute to the family, granting them some of the highest respect in the land of the fae, under a certain condition of being met. That condition is, that the twins must never meet face to face, and their souls cannot be within a certain range of one another, otherwise they will be converted into fae. This threat fell on deaf ears as the new generation of the family was more ignorant and arrogant, riding on their wealthy status, and leaving them to feel untouchable. They would soon regret not taking the fae's words seriously after that day.

During a night of intense drinking, the family members decided to humor the threat from the fae and summon them to agree to their game. They set out to hunt these dastardly creatures thinking if they wiped them out then nothing would come of this game they wanted to play, but it did not end well for them. The fairies took this attack on them personally and decided to imprison the humans and let them watch the twins play the game without any intervention. The game began a few days shortly after when a fairy disguised herself as the family's butler to watch things play out.

The butler raised the twins, giving them proper education and care until they were 13 years old and that's when the game officially started. Zeta and her twin never saw one another but only knew of each other's existence from word of mouth from the butler. Then one night, Zeta found a letter under her door. The letter's contents informed the twins about how they have always been living together but are not allowed to see each other and how they must never exchange names due to the fairy's curse on the family. Resting inside the envelope was a charm that was said to be a gift for the twins to remember one another by. This gift was planted by the fairy to strengthen the twin's link.

They began to write letters to one another and have the butler deliver them. Day after day, more letters were exchanged between the two. Zeta loved interacting with her brother and was even more overjoyed to learn that they were doing similar things, like getting tutored in different academics and learning magic. She also found out that at certain times they were not allowed to leave their rooms under any circumstances and those were the times at which the other twins were allowed to roam the mansion. The desire to see and interact with one another eagerly filled the twins with anticipation, so they decided to place letters randomly around the mansion, so the other would need to find it during their recess time. After finding the letters, they would reply, then put it in another random spot as if it were hide and seek.

As the twins continued this game for several weeks, they began to feel like they were being watched, and it brought about a sense of uneasiness. With the twins sharing these senses and feelings, it amplified within them and this was when the twins started to learn about the special connection they have with one another. When the uneasiness became too great for them to bear, they took a break from venturing out and playing the game.

Sadness and loneliness filled her heart when she stopped receiving letters from Zeno. Zeta decided to take a stroll around the mansion one day and stumbled across a letter right outside her door when she returned, feeling super excited, she rushed to open it and read, but something felt strangely off. She didn't feel the sparking connection she normally felt when reading his letters. This made her grow suspicious, leading her to remember the fairy curse the butler told him about.

She decided to hold off on sending out letters in case they were being stolen and replaced. Taking the time alone to sort out her confusion a letter was given to her directly from the butler. She questioned him about the fake letter and he pretended to not know anything but she did not believe him. Soon she started to receive all of her letters directly from the butler, they continued to feel fake and heartless. while the letters he received in his room were authentic. Zeta decided to plant tons of letters all over the manor during her recess thinking one should reach her brother at least. Eagerly reading the multiple letters brought to her, hoping to feel the spark again but she only grew wary. The butler kept lying to her and being very vague about the situation until she one day.

More days passed and the sense of being watched increased to a point where it was happening all the time and weird disembodied laughter was heard throughout the manor. Feeling scared she ran out of the room and into a secret chamber under the stairs in the main hall. The presence she felt before was not in that room for some reason. That night the butler came to the secret chamber and found the girl asleep, upon carrying her out of the room a voice called out to him and ordered he bring the girl to the base of the stairs. He followed the orders and brought Zeta to the base of the stairs where a fairy would spawn. It woke the girl and told her she would be used for a fun experiment. That was when a vicious-looking demon walked into the room scaring the Zeta to the point she was screaming for her life as the monster approached her. Fairies started appearing all over the manor giggling and watching the girl before restraining her. At that moment her eyes locked with a boy at the top of the stairs who looked just like her from facial features to outfits. The shock of seeing this boy and the sparking feeling she felt was overwhelming, she knew this was her twin, the one she was eagerly seeking to see. She struggled hard to break free from the binds of the fairies but it was futile.

“It looks like we won our game, now you will join the family~” The fairies continued laughing and the demon raised his hand summoning a murky ebony ball of mana, it placed the ball on her chest and pushed it along with his hand into her body and began chanting. The immense pain followed by everything else happening causes her to faint from a sensory overload.

When she awoke she was no longer back in her bed bed. Her butler entered the room and sat beside her, taking her hand and telling her “Welcome back Lady Zeta, Much needs to be explained to you but first you need to acclimate to your body's new changes.” Confused by what she heard it became apparent when she felt her chest pulsating and burning but when checking nothing was there. The sensation slowly spread throughout her body and rid her of most of her body's functions. “Rest for now dear child, I will come check on you periodically“. Zeta cried silently as waves of memories, pain, and confusion relentlessly hit her all at once. A comforting darkness swallowed her up, not feeling any fear from this darkness she eventually dozed off sinking deeper into it. This was the start of her new life, her new nightmare.

Discord: ghastlybiscuit


Zeta Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:21 pm

This character is approved for roleplay.

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