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Whisper of the Faithful 1

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Whisper of the Faithful 1 Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 12:58 pm


The absence of the Seraphim was felt, but not right away. It took a bit of time for people to notice he was gone for much longer than usual. Within the few months since his last sighting, he had not patrolled through the skies once, nor did he ground himself and walk among the people. Inquiring of their lives and comfort as he assessed their contentment beneath his reign. It was a ritual that the Illumin people desperately hungered for in its return.

It was easy to say that the people of Orchidia was quite happy with his leadership and protection. Who could ask for a better Warden to stand before them. A winged being with all the radiance they could ever wish for, simply tucked within every splendid, immaculate white feather of his wings. A treasure to the folks down below if ever one was seen falling. Hidden away like some family heirloom to be a reminder of what a touch of radiance could ever seem like to the generations to come. That was the type of people who aligned themselves with the church, and in their proud fervor, they gleefully competed to see who could win for most devoted. With every hymn or act of charity, it was but another shining star by their name. This was how they conducted themselves, how they distinguished one from another. It was very easy to get caught up in their ploys, their talk of family, their delusions of worship.


Whisper of the Faithful 1 Img_0811

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Whisper of the Faithful 1 Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 1:07 pm


It was a rainy day, much like any other. The dreary weather did well to keep people stuck in their homes, the soil saturated from the over abundance of water. Each step squelched as the folks of the city still did their rounds. Life must go on after all, even if the heavens insisted otherwise. The markets were still populated and alive, albeit with color mushroom top-like umbrella striking the other and shaking all the excess water off from their surfaces. The stalls were abuzz with the murmur of curious and social people, exchanging thoughts and day to day information just as much as the jewels and products were exchanged within their hands.

This was still a time before Lumikki enacted the phase in her plans to step in for Yuurei. She knew she’d become the heir of his work but the mage was not quite sure as to when. For now, she did her best to learn to work. Reading the reports left behind and any passages of note. Trying to piece it all together slowly as she allowed her hungry mind to take it all in.


Whisper of the Faithful 1 Img_0811

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Whisper of the Faithful 1 Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 1:36 pm


As Lumikki labored over the piles of paper on the desk. Lost in her studies, her focus hardly wavering. Not because she was enthused, more than anything, she was simply thorough.

It would only be a raven entering the open window and shaking off just by the entry, that Lumikki stirred from her daze. Now busy observing her new visitor as they cleaned the rain off their feathers. The drops of water was irritating enough, but it would not match the news or the heartache to come. Lumikki, not yet comfortable in her seat or power, leaned back in the chair tired and unamused. Yet she could not ignore the plea made with her bird, not right now, and not for this.

”Kind of vague don’t ye think? What do ye mean there think something odd is happening within the church?” Lumikki’s voice was low but calm but her face was utterly perplexed by the request so far.

”The woman simply spoke of the church taking her brother. As if something bizarre was happening, but said nothing more. Actually, she said that she wanted to meet in person if you could spare the time. She thought the message would get skewed if sent only through me. But she paid the price with an offering of food, so there was no need to take offense. You’ll find her, she remarked, somewhere in the outskirts of town. Far from prying eyes. She insisted you go see her tonight while most people were shut in their homes to make it easier. But I can lead you where’s she’d be so as not to make this take longer than needed.” The raven nodded enthusiastically as if sure of their work and proud of it. It brought a slight smile to Lumi’s face, as she envied such energy right about now.


Whisper of the Faithful 1 Img_0811

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Whisper of the Faithful 1 Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:02 pm


The rain that just a half and hour ago prior, was thumping hard against the closed and elated window panes, had simmered to a more soft drizzle. For how long, no one could know; but it was a time frame to take advantage of, and Lumikki did as she wandered deep into the night.

In a clearing, just outside the city within the Orchidia outskirts, beneath a canopy of trees with branches swelling under the weight of the collecting rain. There was a women hidden just within the shadows, tucked among the trunks, would keep herself out of sight until she could see a figure. Thought it unsettled her to release only after Lumikki appeared that the Demoness did not make a sound.

“Are you the witch that the ravens call to?” The woman stammered as she spoke, almost ashamed to speak let alone be in the company of the infamous frost mage. Lumikki, cloaked in a thick, black hood of shadows that brushed away the falling drizzle, walked into the sliver of light right between them. Pulling her hood back to reveal her face with a soft and genuine smile. ”That is one thing to call me, yet yer message mentioned the church. Do ye not have angels to pester with yer confessions or stake yer life on?” Lumikki was mostly teasing. Living in the city for sometime now, she was used to them tolerating her humor and presence. Of course, it never occurred to her how much all of this would soon change.

”Jests aside, what do ye want from me lass?”

264_1006+50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Curtain Call
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

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