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Checkmate [Quest]

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Checkmate [Quest] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:54 pm

The intricacies held within this simple yet complicated game had forever eluded Vesper despite his inclinations to pursue it. To feel the triumph of besting an opponent in a game of strategy and logic. It always felt like there was a piece missing and yet, he found himself sitting in this chair, staring at the ivory pieces with the same steadfast determination in the face of an overwhelming opponent. Vesper loved chess. He seldom won but found enjoyment in the game nonetheless.

He was overjoyed to see the request posted in the guild hall. The client was apparently a renowned player, crushing his opponents so they would avoid him entirely to save their pride. And so, he began posting notices to draw the attention of prospective adventurers and mages who might find a thrill in battling for a cash reward. Vesper made no hesitation, snatching the notice and jogging to the park where he would hear a resounding "Checkmate!" The scholarly man sat across from the boy winced, then nodded, collecting himself as he bowed and took his leave, shoulders slouched in the disappointment of defeat.

Vesper's heart skipped a beat. The boy sat at the table and introduced himself with a calm, almost monotone invitation, devoid of the excitement heard in his victory, with a hand held out to gesture at the empty seat. The thud of a chair leg dragging along the stony ground and a clumsy hand outstretched in the introduction. "Oh goodness! Ahem- I'm here to play chess with you!" He'd tilt his head and shine a bright smile. "My name is Vesper!"



Checkmate [Quest] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:24 pm

"My name is Bart." It came suddenly, a hand lifting almost by instinct that fell slowly to rest awkwardly atop the table, his eyes avoiding contact with the other boys. "Please, have a seat, then."

Vesper hopped into his seat, tapping the table with an entirely too childish enthusiasm. He forgot that there was money at stake, the joy of playing a game overtaking any other worldly desires. "Hey, hey~ The white pieces mean I go first right? It's been a while since I've played!" Bart looked up, a twitch of his brow on display. "Mhm. That's right..." He sounded disappointed, a broad exhale as his posture sank down with an arm lifting to prop his chin. "Make your move when you're ready. We'll play without time."

Vesper's eyes shoot up and he plays a standard opening move. Pawn to e4. Bart responds with a pawn to c5. Vesper opts to move his knight to a forward position to defend his upcoming pawn move. He had memorized this opening and was playing it perfectly and this seemed to get a soft sound from Bart, almost satisfied that his opponent wasn't quite the idiot he had once believed, but this was the limits of what Vesper would know of the game. Once the players had transitioned out of the opening Vesper's pieces would soon crumble one after another. His pawns would fall, then his knights and he would blunder his queen all too easily to one of Bart's traps. But still, he would smile, jumping in his seat whenever he would understand a play that Bart had made even as his impending defeat was looming.

Bart presses his glasses up, a wry smirk creasing his lips as he leans back in his chair and inhales. "Checkmate!" It was true. Vesper's king was caught in a net with nowhere to go, his neck trapped in a guillotine that he had no way of perceiving. The difference in skill was too great. "Whoa..." Vesper leans in, a finger tapping at his king to knock it over, fallen atop the checkered board. "You're really good, Bart. Do you think you might be willing to play with me again sometime? I've always wanted to learn how to play chess and well... You seem like a master at the game~" Vesper was still smiling, wriggling in his seat as he fell back down, peering expectedly at the boy.

"Mm... If you want... to.." He coughs and clears his throat. "I'll play with you anytime!" Bart's voice rang more confident, a slight smile breaching the sternness of his resolute poker face. He explains that he made the post because nobody wanted to play him anymore and he had gotten a little lonely sitting in the part waiting for opponents and paying the guild commission regardless of winning or losing. The boys have a lovely conversation in the aftermath, talking about their dreams. Vesper would tell of how badly he wanted to be famous and make people smile and Bart revealed that the reason he pushed himself so much at chess was to be acknowledged by his parents and surpass his siblings at the game.

The sun was setting, calling curtains on this transient moment in the park where friendship would blossom between two boys over a game of chess, but a new day always comes. Bart's gambit had made him a new friend.


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