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What we Live for

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What we Live for Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:09 pm


What we Live for E96f3410

It had been a few days since the meeting with the Jarls took place. Lumikki and her brothers were now nuzzled in Fjallgard, her home city and where her family resides. Mikhail was out and about, gathering supplies and investigating the local book shops, while Mùchén wandered about in his lonesome. And for the time, Lumikki was home with her family. Telling them of the stories of her travels and the dangers they now face. It was a matter for time before the Draugr armies would spread among the lands, a danger to all involved, but she assured them that she wouldn’t allow it.

“I see…..so that’s what ‘em whispers have been about, aye…” Morgrym looked grim as he tugged at his beard. He was deep in thought with his free hand clutched upon his large mug full of ale. The three of them were just about done with their meal and Viola had gotten up to serve the seconds but one could see she was also just restless with the news Lumikki brought home. “And yer sayin’ that yer plan is to lead the change Lil raven? Do ye have to be infront for all this work?” She placed another plate full of stew and rice onto the table and passed Lumikki another piece of broke off bread. The Demoness hungrily stuffed a few more spoonfuls in her mouth like she hadn’t eaten once already before finally answering her mothers woes.

”It was part of the agreement that I made with the Jarls, a means to see it though. And I won’t be giving it any less of me attention either. I’ve already began planning the preparations for the Call to Arms. This matter might prove cumbersome to us along but if it was like me time at war in Joya, then it would better served if we get a few guilds involved. I think it would do the start of me reign some good as well…”

“I see, and ye want me and the Hrútr to fix yer men and army the weapons needed for the job, we’ll I can’t say ye could ever find any better!” Morgrym Chuckled as it was a thing to boast. The Dwarven craftmanship was always revered highly but it has been quite sometime since they took on this much work and it was filling Morgrym with a deep sense of pride. He and his brothers were already on it the moment Lumikki hinted of it on her arrival. They had begun to wrap up or shut down a number of works while they prepared their forges for the surplus of weapons and armors to come. All the clans were giddy with prospect to see their metal in the field once more, and right fight along their heiress in perseving the safety and glory of their home.

“Morgrym, love, don’t be a fool!” Viola handed him his second plate and finally taking a seat again, but the annoyance of her face was apparent. Morgrym Would overlook it though as he was too pleased with the events unfolding. He always knew his daughter was meant for great things, only more cemented with every honor she brought back home, but now it was the time for the family to shine through as well.

───  ─── ─── ─── ───∘°❉°∘ ─── ─── ─── ─── ───

The next few days the forges had come to life, the collective heat was enough to burn a hole through a mountain, yet still the Dwarves working them would push through as they pressed on to purify the ore and melt massive batches. When one enters the underground, they could hear nothing but the clanging of metal and the tumbling of rocks and ores. Dwarven voices chanted within, pairing with the industrial tones to create an emboldening melody that could send shivers up one’s spine. It was a beautiful thing to witness, and rare for those who weren’t invited to their caverns.

“So that’s what ye have in mind for the weapons, yea lass? Etched runes and enchanted by yer personal magic?” Morgrym was reading over the notes he took from prior when Lumikki was sharing her plans about the gear. The designs were something he and his men had in mind already but the specifics and particulars were all things that he wanted to be sure.

”Aye, I want to give our visitors a piece of the Iceberg magic if I could help it as well as a sliver of me own to hope with the beasts to come. The Draugr are not smart or crafty from what I know but I predict an abundance of their numbers could prove a problem if we don’t prepare. Me magic should help slow them down enough to not pose a bigger threat than need be and open ‘em up for a clean blow. Of course, I only know what I know from ye Pa, so what would ye recommend?” Lumikki fanned herself with a fan she froze over to chill the air. Anything to help her tolerate heat blistering from down below. She could never understand their affinity but many could say that about her.

Morgrym placed a hand upon her shoulder, his plan radiating just as much heat as the forges beside her, for him, she’d ignore the discomfort. “Yer doing well…and I’ve taught ye well lass. I think yer plans are just what we need to make it work. We’ll just need a bit of time to get it done. Are ye still off to get the last of the preparations done after today? I remember telling me there was an area ye had to fly out to.”

”Oy, I am. I’ll be out by morning to dart over to Harrogath to sort one more thing before our guests come. By the time I return, I’ll be setting up the of the last details for the gathering. I want the people who come to know just what they are helping me fighting for.”

1001 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

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Curtain Call
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