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Earan F Channtelle Statistics

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#1Earan F. Channtelle 

Earan F Channtelle Statistics Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 4:00 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Ranking Statistics starts here...

[b]Source:[/b] (i.e. D to C, or B to A, Event: Event's Name)
[b]Stat Points:[/b] (How many SP did you receive for it? In case it's a rank up you can find the number above.)
[b]Mana Boost:[/b] (How much mana did you receive from your rank up?)
[b]Distribution[/b] (How do you wish to distribute it? In case it's D to C, you've received +10 SP so i.e. +3 Strength, +4 Intelligence, +3 Speed.)

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