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Devourer and Miasma (Zeta)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Devourer and Miasma (Zeta) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:28 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been in a row lately. He had been trying to get stronger with every opportunity that was presented in front of him. He was devouring Dragon’s powers, he was mastering his weapons, and he had become a leader again, but could he go even further than this? He wasn’t sure, but the power of Chaos and his urge to Devour made him want more. He was taking on fights left and right, but how long would he be able to last before he broke down?

He was hoping that luck would be on his side. He wanted to fight someone strong, but he was not overly powerful like Yuurei, or Kaito. Those two were monsters, and he didn’t have the strength yet to be able to take them on. He put his bandana on, and he was focused on his next match. His focus was on the gates in front of him as he was waiting for them to open up. He moved around when he started hearing the voice of the announcer from the other side.

“We got another fight waiting for you here folks. It seems like we have two people with similar powers fighting against each other today. It also seems like they are both from the same guild. On one side we have a promise fighter who seems to truly get stronger with every fight that goes on here. Let’s bring out the Devourer Dragon Slayer, Go D. Drakkon.” He shouted as the people cheered.

It was then that the gates were going up and opening for him. When they reached the top, Drakkon would step outside and into the arena. He would move through the field and onto the arena itself. He would get to the center of the ring and he would stretch at the beginning before seeing who he was going to fight. He knew it was another Dragon Slayer, but who was it? They were from the same guild, but would it be Ryuko who would be fighting? He doubted that as he waited for his opponent to show themselves.



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Devourer and Miasma (Zeta) Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:55 pm

The bitter skin-biting cold of Pergrande was reminiscent of her adolescent days in Iceberg from when she was living in the old manor. Those days were long gone, and she often thought about returning just to be in the home where she and her brother once played. Zeta clenched the pendant around her neck that belonged to her brother tightly in her hands while lying in her bed, Praying and wishing for his safety and to meet him soon. She only visits that manor nowadays to handle missions given to her or when she is summoned. Being a part of the Dragon Order guild has become a big change in her life but not so much, as she is still alone and heavily watched like before.

Speaking of being watched, Aster spawns from the bathroom within her room. “Lady Zeta, I have come to give you a message or should I say an invitation. A watchful eye in Seven has informed me that another Dragon Slayer is seeking a duel. This is a good opportunity to test your skill and learn from another member of the Dragon Slayer, they may have some information on the guil-” Zeta cut off Aster from speaking “Shut it Aster, do NOT give me this false illusion as if I have a choice in this matter. I will participate in this duel on my terms. I am more curious to see another Dragon Slayer and if he is from this guild since I have yet to meet a person since finding this guild and making a contract with that egg I found.” Zeta scoffs with annoyance at Aster, sitting upright on her bed and putting her boots on. “When will you learn to respect my privacy, dumbass” Her face was a bit flustered due to being caught in such a vulnerable state. “Take me to Seven. Even though I am totally not ready for this, it is whatever.” She stands up to walk over to Aster snapping her fingers and gesturing for him to hurry up. Aster with his stiff stoic face nods his head and opens a rift where the bathroom doorway is.

A rift opens up in a dark corner of the arena venue and Zeta steps out from within it. Luckily for her, nobody was in the area to see this unfold. She waves to Aster gesturing he can go.”Thanks, I will take it from here.” Zeta heads towards the front desk “Hello, I was notified that a Dragon Slayer named Drakkon was seeking a duel with a fellow Dragon Slayer. I'm here to take up his challenge.” Zeta politely spoke to the front desk receptionist while giving her a charming warm smile. The Receptionist shyly smiles back and slides her bangs covering the front of her eyes to the side before handing her the challenger form Drakkon filled out. “Thanks, doll” Zeta swiftly fills out the form and hands her back the form. “So where do I go now, doll?” The receptionist stands up “I’ll guide you since it is your first time participating” She winks at Zeta and walks her to the waiting room sticking close to her side while briefly discussing the rules.

Zeta blew the receptionist a sweet kiss before heading into the waiting room. Not too long after entering the room, guards came to bring her to the arena. Zeta wondered what kind of person is this Drakkon fellow, her limited knowledge of the slayers frustrated her, and she needed to know no matter what. She had to prepare herself for the worst, a beat-down from this monster. Finding herself standing behind the thick steel gates hearing the intensity of the crowd cheering in anticipation for the fighters. The announcer started speaking, starting with his hype man introduction for Drakkon.

"And his opponent, a newcomer to the Seven Arena, a wild card who has emerged from the shadows, Zeta!" The crowd cheers in excitement for the mystery woman. The growing anticipation of the crowd as they waited for the gates to rise had them very impatient. The heavy thick steel gates rose from the dirt and the crowd erupted again in a frenzy.

"These two Dragon Slayers are about to clash in a battle of true skill. Who will emerge victorious? Only one way to find out! Let's get this fight on the way!"

The air was thick with anticipation, a heady mix of adrenaline and uncertainty. Zeta could feel the weight of countless eyes on her as she stepped into the arena. It was a world away from the desolate ruins of Dragon Order, a place where silence and unlivable conditions had been her constant companions. Now, she was bathed in the harsh glare of the spotlights, similar to how the fairies watched her.

She took a deep breath, the acrid scent of the arena filled her nostrils. It was a strange place, pulsating with raw energy. As her gaze swept across the arena, she noticed the Dragon Slayer Drakkon. There was a strong scent of power coming from him, an insatiable hunger like a beast who was ready to devour its prey. Zeta had tried to suppress the overwhelming feeling he gave off. “So this is a Dragon Slayer in the flesh. Just like me, but the aura surrounding him was different.” There was a stark contrast in power difference between us Zeta assessed.

A surge of excitement rushed through her body, triggering all the senses in her body. This was it. This was the meeting she had sought after pledging to Dragon Order guild and acclimating to her Dragon Slayer magic. A chance to test the limits of her power and those who share it, to understand what it truly meant to be a Slayer. There was no fear, only a burning desire to fight. She walked to the center of the arena and spoke to Drakkon. “Greetings Guild mate, We can save the chit chat for after. Sounds good?”

WC 996


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Devourer and Miasma (Zeta) Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:39 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was excited to know that his information was correct about him fighting a Dragon Slayer. That was interesting, he wondered if it was one of the ones he had fought before. Now that he thought about it, the ones he fought didn’t belong to the Dragon Order. That was sad, and he figured that he had to start recruiting. Still, he knew Kaito wouldn’t join him, if he was going to a different guild it would most likely be Paradise Dawn.

It was then he saw that it was a woman that he would be fighting, but her scent was different, he didn’t know what power she had, but it wasn’t any of the others that he had witnessed. Still, he could only do one thing at the moment and it was crack a smile on his face. Another power to be added to his arsenal, right? He wouldn’t know until it started if she was someone like Kaito or someone like Toga. She was a part of his guild and that much knew.

When he heard her speak to him, he nodded as he understood. This was the first time they met, and it seemed like she was fine with him, unlike the other guild members in Dragon Order.

“We can definitely talk after this, I don’t mind that. One thing I got to ask though, is, what is your power as a Dragon Slayer?” He asked her wondering what she would say.

The Son of Chaos would take his katana out of his sheathe and he pointed at her. His eyes stared down at the woman. He wondered what she would do, but for now, he would make the first move. His feet pressed against the ground as his legs spread apart. When he gathered himself, Drakkon pushed forward and toward Zeta. He wasn’t sure how strong or durable she was, so he wouldn’t go all out from the beginning. Instead, he would keep it light with his attacks for the time being. He figured he would do something similar to what he had done with Yijun.

Drakkon closed the gap between the two of them within a second. He was around three feet away from her and he was swinging his right arm with his Yamato. He was trying to bruise her left arm, as she would see when he swung his blade he had flipped it. If she was a fellow guildmate, he didn’t want to do any prolonged damage. If he were to gain her trust, then he would have to show some restraint against her. Still, the swing of his blade was coming at a horizontal angle. His eyes glared into her eyes wondering what she would do right here and if she had the ability to show off her magic.


Combat Log:

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Devourer and Miasma (Zeta) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 5:21 pm

Feeling relieved from hearing Drakkon agree to chat more after their battle, Zeta’s mind felt calmer and more focused on the situation in front of her. She clenched her fist and stretched her legs, watching her opponent's actions closely. “Don't you think it is quite rude to ask such a personal question when we haven't even had dinner yet, let alone touch one another” She teasingly said to the Dragon Slayer with a sly smile.

Moments later, Drakkon took the initiative by leading the first attack and began charging in towards Zeta. He quickly closed the distance between them, leaving only a mere 3 feet between them, before drawing his weapon. With the distance between them diminished tremendously, she looked him over watching his limbs movement, waiting to see the angle of the attack. That was when she noticed him raising his blade with his left hand to swing at her on the same side horizontally. Thinking quickly, Zeta lunged forward, rolling underneath the slash aimed at her left side and ending up at his left flank.

Zeta quickly got up on her feet to face his backside, pressing four fingers to her lips, and blew a kiss at Drakkon. Her heart pounded from the excitement of this dance she was having with her fellow Dragon Slayer. Though this was only the beginning of their waltz, she hoped to learn more about the man. What kind of power does he wield as a Dragon Slayer she pondered. The feeling of battle brought her back to her training days of yore. “Hehehe, I will give you credit for being gentle with me on our first time, Drakkon”

The swipe of the blade cut through the air, but the force felt behind it was quite light compared to the swipes she felt from her teachers back at the manor. “I must give you an encore, a taste test” Zeta softly said before leaning forward and placing two fingers on her lips, blowing Drakkon another kiss. This kiss was different from the sweet, teasing kiss she had just blown. The air current flowing towards Drakkon grew vile and malicious. Spreading wide and far comparable to an airborne virus, melting the very air it glided on as it made its way toward Drakkon. The color of the hazy gas went from clear to a purplish-blackish smog. The miasma would engulf Drakkon and cover 10 meters ahead of him too.

WC 407
TWC 1403


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#5Go D. Drakkon 

Devourer and Miasma (Zeta) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 6:22 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had swung with his right arm, and he had missed. Still, he watched what she had done, and it seemed like she was able to do so by throwing herself forward. Since he was swinging his blade towards Zeta’s left and she ended up on his left flank, he was able to turn around to look at the woman blowing a kiss at him. There was nothing dangerous about that, so he calmed himself for a second waiting to see what she would do next. Instead, he heard what she said and then he chuckled a bit.

It seemed like she was playing with him and at the same time flirting with him at the same time. He was a bit confused about her angle here and he was waiting to see what she would do. It was then her words vibrated in his ears, he didn’t know what she meant by that, but he would soon see that she had blown a kiss at him. It was another kiss, but this time danger was coming from it. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he didn’t have time to get in contact with it. When it got close to it, Drakkon decided to show her what he could do.

He would inhale the incoming attack once it was near him. This would cause Zeta’s spell to dematerialize, and it would enter his mouth and into his stomach. He would consume the spell, but not gain any mana from it. Instead, he would have in his mind and his Lacrima if he wanted to learn it. He would have a smile on his face as he looked at Zeta. That was a nice move there, she had feinted the first time and then tried to get him caught off guard with the second kiss.

That was what went through his head, and he wasn’t even sure if that was her intention.

“I see that is your power. I guess it’s rude to ask but thank you for letting me get the first seat to see your powers and how it works. I devourer dragon slayers, or at least that’s what the legend about my power is about. I just copy the abilities of other dragon slayers by consuming their magic.” He said to her as he would point his blade in her direction now.

He would get into a stance and before she could move away from him, he would push off the ground and toward her again. This time he would swing his Yamato at her with his right hand again. It was another horizontal slash, but this time it was lower than it was before. He had extended his arm a bit, but he didn’t show off Hassan’s Cursed Arm to its fullest capacity. The Son of Chaos was now aiming for the left side of her waist with his right hand.


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Devourer and Miasma (Zeta) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:44 pm

After witnessing Drakkon suck up her spell and explain how his Dragon Slayer ability works, she felt a sharp painful murmuring sensation in her head. Memories and voices flooded her mind causing her head to throb uncontrollably. Following the headaches were chest pains that were so severe it brought her down to her knees in a cold sweat. After taking a moment to breathe and regain herself, after letting the pain subside she spoke to Drakkon “That is quite troublesome, and if I'm going to be honest, disgustingly annoying” Zeta loudly stated with disgust and a pained voice.

“You only challenged me for nothing but my power I see… you and those damned fairies sure know how to toy with a girl's heart, huh. I guess it was too naive of me to think much of such a Challenge yet alone another being in this world” Her voice grew cold and her eyes were absent of light. The hatred she feels towards the concept of somebody taking something from her or using her in a deceptive roundabout way has only grown more over the years. The fairies and other dark races she encountered and abused for their fun, giving her false hope have planted the unquenchable thirst of hate that she is forced to endure due to her powerlessness.  

The sheer difference in power between her and Drakkon already gave her a bad taste but now seeing he has this ability to absorb her spells added a powerless feeling that agitated her inner rage.

Drakkon suddenly launched an attack right towards her and with it came some outlandish, his arm extended to an impossible range and swung the sword so that it mimicked a snake in nature. “Ughh” As the arm grew closer and winded up for its slash to her right side, Zeta snapped her fingers causing a magic circle to appear below her. The pool of semi-transparent darkness emitting from the magic seal encircles her causing her body to become light as a feather. She glided backward 5 meters in the air like a gas flowing in the wind to avoid Drakkon’s slash. After touching back on the ground the dark smoke dissipated she analyzed the distance between her and the Dragon Slayer.

“You got all sorts of tricks up your sleeve I see” Zeta’s eyes glowed yellow and then flashed back to a reddish amber color. The Dragon Slayer magic within her swelled with her emotions. Her inexperience with using it was starting to catch up to her and she needed to figure out what to do fast as the fatigue was catching up to her. Her opponent was a good distance away, roughly 9 to 10 meters after that attack. Walking closer to Darkkon, cutting the distance to nearly 7, she blew a kiss to him after pressing her index and middle finger to her lips and letting loose a stream of miasma again towards Drakkon. Zeta wanted to see the extent of what this Devourer Dragon Slayer ability can do.

WC 505
TWC 1908


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#7Go D. Drakkon 

Devourer and Miasma (Zeta) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:03 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would hear her and he would laugh a bit. A bit of it was because he wanted her power. He didn’t see what the harm in that was. She would be allowing him to get stronger, which would be best for the Dragon Order. He licked his lips as she told him off.

His slash had missed once again, she was dodging his attack, impressive, but he was okay with that. She was showing him the moves that she could pull off, which meant that she was right to be called an ally. His arm snapped back without a problem as Drakkon had cracked his neck as he was ready to continue the fight. It was then that she had commented on his tricks and he nodded as he indeed had a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

“I need your powers to be stronger, there is no harm in that. It’s yours still, but it will allow me to become better. In the end, we are allies and hopefully friends, unless you no longer want to speak to me after all of this is over.” He said to her as he hoped that she wasn’t all that angry with him.

“As for tricks. I do have plenty of them. It’s actually one of my strong suits. I would show you more, but I guess this is what I would show you.” He said to her as he started growing in size and his skin became scaly he was now bigger and scarier than before.

He looked like a hybrid of a dragon with a human. Still, it seemed like she was ready to continue this as he saw her walking closer to him. He wouldn’t walk, and he started rushing toward her. He was interested to see what she would do. The Son of Chaos figured that he would show her maybe one or two things before this all came to an end. He closed the gap between the two, and while he did that she had used her spell.

He didn’t try to devour it because it was the same spell as last time. Drakkon knew he wouldn’t be able to take it in a second time, which meant she had damaged his armor with that attack. Still, this allowed him to close the gap between the two. He swung his blade at her to try and hit the woman again, but this time he wasn’t holding back. Whether or not she dodged the attack he would activate the spell that would make her the focal point of where the attack would begin.

This would bring forth a bunch of slashes around the area within sixteen meters. If she could dodge this, then he would be impressed, but if not then that was fine. He could see the strength behind her and wondered what she would be capable of in the future.


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Devourer and Miasma (Zeta) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:35 pm

“You are such a brute and lack tact” Zeta scoffs, shaking her head in disappointment at Drakkons approach to the matter. She carefully watched Drakkon’s movements after his explanation. She could not forgive the Dragon Slayer outright but understood his reasoning due to his ability and desire to be stronger.

Zeta watched as Drakkon was slowly getting enveloped in her miasma, but something was off. The Dragon Slayer started to change, his body grew massive and scales appeared on his skin as if he were a dragon himself. Confused as to what was going on with him Zeta thought it would be best to retreat but when Drakkon pulled forth his sword to attack her she sensed dread. The imposing form along with the stance of the attack displayed real might.  

Zeta closed her eyes with a smirk on her face as she accepted the vicious attack of Dragon Slayer. “I acknowledge your strength, Drakkon” After muttering these words the multiple slashes of Drakkon’s attack overwhelm Zeta knocking her to the ground and resulting in her defeat.


WC 177
TWC 2085

Action box:

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Devourer and Miasma (Zeta) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:57 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would look at her as he swung his blade at her. It seemed like she was surprised about his attack and how he had charged in there. He had been hit by her spell, but he pushed through it. When he got close to her, he had used his spell from his Yamato, and it seemed like things were going his way. It seemed like she was accepting this defeat, and he understood. When the slashes hit her, he watched her fall to the ground, and he nodded. He would sheath his blade now that it was over. The announcer would get back into the arena, while Drakkon approached Zeta.

It was then he would touch the side of her head as he looked at her.

“You did well for our first fight. I can't wait to see what you’re going to be able to do in the future.” He said this to her as he would pick his arm up into the air and then he would pick her up.

He would then pick her up from the floor and he would take her to the medical bay for the time being. Once she was recovered, they could hang out and talk a bit more about how she entered the guild and what not.



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