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For the sanctity of Kahu!

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For the sanctity of Kahu! Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:55 pm

Zeta found herself traveling again to Luluhawa Island for yet another mission. Lately, there have been so many requests from Herman to the Hunters Manor that Zeta was forced to be stationed at Luluwaha Island to handle the request as quickly as possible. Due to how well Zeta has been executing these missions it put her in a very high demand within the Luluwaha Island circle of connections. This time Herman was not the client to seek her aid shockingly, instead it was the shaman of Kahu Rock, Iolana. She is known to be the youngest to become a shaman, succeeding her predecessors at a relatively young age. The other locals just recently recognized her as an adult not even more than a year ago. Her connection with the island deity is unmatched compared to other shamans in the past. Zeta was pleasantly surprised when she first got informed about who was requesting their aid from Aster.

Wc 157


For the sanctity of Kahu! Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:56 pm

Kahu Rock is a remote island quite a ways off from the shore of Luluwahu Island. This location is known to be the resting home of the guardian deity, It is said to slumber deep within. The island is considered a very sacred place for all those who live in Luluhawa. The waters surrounding the sacred territory are infested with ferocious sea creatures of all sizes that are consistently being hunted. The locals of Kahu Rock welcome tourists but also plead for them to respect the land and its deity. Most recently some foreigners have been visiting Luluhawa and been asking to purchase Kahu Rock. They were constantly rejected but they kept coming back trying to persuade anybody to everybody to give up the sacred land to commercialism to bring in more people and boost business for everyone. The stubborn foreigners were once again rejected but recently they began setting up camps on Kahu Rock and refusing to leave.

WC 159


For the sanctity of Kahu! Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:57 pm

Herman seeing these foreigners encroach on the land did them no favors. They even tried striking a deal with Him to take over the sacred land in a partnership deal. Despite Herman being a landowner, he was appalled by the sheer disrespect to the Luluhawa culture. He contacted Iolana to consult with her about the recent happenings regarding the foreigners. Iolana expressed her grievances about these people's blatant disregard for the deity and trying to use it as some form of amusement, but also how they set up camps on the sacred land that nobody is supposed to live on except for the Shaman. She did not want things to escalate to become a matter of violence as it was against their customs and her wishes but she did not know what else to do. Herman gave her the idea to send a request to the Hunters Manor and seek out Zeta to help as she has done a lot of work for him in recent times. Taking his advice she did just that and met with Zeta at the coast of Kahu Rock.

WC 184


For the sanctity of Kahu! Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:59 pm

“Greetings lady Iolana, so you wish for me to get rid of this pest from the sacred land of Kahu Rock. That will be no problem, but my main concern is that of the deity living here.”

Zeta looked around her, peering into the forest. She felt a dark ominous feeling building. It was as if something was angry, was this the deity Iolana and the locals spoke of Zeta thought?

“Yes, you can use any means necessary to rid us of these impudent foreigners but please be careful to try and not damage the land and shrines. I fear they have already descrated so much that the guardian is growing painfully angry and we do not know how its wrath will fall upon us.”

Zeta nodded and grabbed a hold of Iolana's hand. “I will do my best. Try to ease the guardian as best you can in the meantime." Departing from the shaman zeta heads deep into the forest. It was eerily quiet, with no sounds of bugs, animals, or people. Broken pieces of statues can be seen lying across the stone walkway. At the end of the stone road was a shrine that had been severely destroyed. Broken bottles and empty cans were littered all over the shrine grounds.

“Such monsters…”

WC 214


For the sanctity of Kahu! Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:00 pm

Zeta knew how despicable humans could be, they're just as bad as any other dark race. All races have their share of disgusting terrible people but ones who cannot respect other people's cultures and destroy them are a certain level of trash Zeta thought. She could smell the scent of 2 people nearby and concealed herself with her dark magic to stay hidden. Going up the dirt road past the shrine Zeta would find an encampment. There would be around 4 tents with two campfires set up. Smoke can be seen coming from one meaning it was recently put out. The 2 scents were growing distant.

“Good, they are gone for now.” Zeta blew a thick stream full of swirling miasma into the encampment, forming a large dense murky gas of darkness around the camp eroding everything to nothing but scraps. Several beeping noises can be heard within the swirl miasma but it soon falls silent from getting eroded nothing. Several scents entered the area rapidly leading Zeta to hide behind a thick tree trunk that fell over despite being invisible.

WC 181


For the sanctity of Kahu! Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:08 pm

“We just left the campsite and everything was fine. I even put out the fire! So I don't know what is going on!” One of the men yelled out while rushing back to the campgrounds.

“Did ya fools not see that cloud of smoke! If you put out the fire then what was that!? And look the whole campsite is destroyed!” The leader of the group of people dragged two of the members back with him while angrily yelling at them.

“A normal fire would not just extinguish itself and burn everything that fast, something else is going on here” The man who rushed over to the campsite retorted back to the leader of the group once they all gathered together.

“All of our weapons and tech are goone!” Whined one of the people that was being dragged by the leader. Groveling on the ground scooping up the remains of their eroded gear.

“Shut up! this is probably because of what we did to the shrine, I told ya we went too far”

At that moment the sky turned pitch black. Not even the tree canopy overhead could be seen. A deary dissonant disembodied voice speaks out.  

WC 197


For the sanctity of Kahu! Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:11 pm

"Foreigners, trespassers, you have dared to defile a place sacred to the very essence of this land. Your greed has blinded you to the consequences of your actions. Know that this place is not yours to exploit, but a sanctuary protected by forces beyond your comprehension.
I am the guardian of this sacred ground, awakened from my slumber by your desecration. Your presence here is an affront to the balance of nature and a violation of the ancient spirits that dwell within these lands.
You will leave this place, your presence erased from its memory. The consequences of your actions will be swift and severe. Beware the wrath of the guardian, for you have awakened a force that will not be denied."

Taking advantage of the moment Zeta snuck up closer to the group of men and blew a coat of miasma toward the men engulfing them.
The miasma sapped the energy of the men making them feel gradually weaker, choking and stinging burning sensations all over.

The guardian sent the men flying with a strong gust of wind that threw into into the sea. Zeta got knocked off with them but was grabbed by an invisible object and placed down gently. Feeling confused Zeta continuously looked around.

“Thank you” The voice said before clearing up the sky. Zeta smiled and made her way back to Iolana.

“Hey Iolana!, I think they got the message loud and clear” Zeta laughed and helped her clean up the site before getting rewarded.

WC 250

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