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Simply done [1] Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:05 pm


It was a Tuesday, and Lumikki was looking over some of her reports. She had to read up on most of the missions her mercenaries had gone on. Just enough to keep an account, or keep things in mind. Though her eyes would read into the cases of the lower ranks more often. Looking over their methods and their mistakes.

The earl grey tea she received just an hour ago was going cold. Though she didn't pay it any mind until she brought the cup to her lips. With a deep sigh, Lumikki placed her drink back on the table, leaning into her seat with frustration. Her new life could be vexing at times with only sparse moments of fulfillment.

It was then, as Lumikki's gaze veered out the window, that she could see one of her Deamon ravens flying toward her office. Its feathers were a purplish hue and the dark that clung to its being streaked behind him.


Simply done [1] Img_0811

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Simply done [1] Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:31 pm


It appeared to be Lonu, one of her closest ravens and dearest advisers. But as she knew it, he was supposed to be within the Worth Woodsea today, so his presence came to be a bit of a surprise. Enough to distract her from her cold tea as she took a sip.

"What brings ye lad?" She'd inquire, just before he landed and perched atop a rack she had made for her resting birds. He choose one of the lower rungs so as to be much closer, and took a moment to catch his breath. In the meantime, Lumikki lightly stroked his feathers. Enjoying the pretty flecks of darkness merged into his plumage. When her birds started taking after her, he would be one of the first. Though at the time, she thought it to be a factor of his spirit origins. It wasn't until Trygve and then Gunvald succumbed to the changes too that she released what was happening.


Simply done [1] Img_0811

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Simply done [1] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:29 pm


Lonu nuzzled into her grasp, enjoying every ounce of her affection. Until finally he had the strength to being uttering his message. ”Th—the villages…they’re at it….they’re at it again fighting, see.” He tried to shake of the sensation, fluffing his feathers in the process.

”They are fighting with the other again, mucking up the trade routes and leaving the other open to attack from nearby bandits. Their fussing is starting to impede the other villages in similar fashion. So we won’t be able to ignore it for that much longer.” As annoying as the news was, Lonu spoke rather candidly. The pets were enough to take the edge and frustrations from his voice, if only it would work that way for Lumikki as well.

It was a deep sigh that the Guild Master took another sip from her cold tea. Looking back out the window as a if she could see the villages right now. ”Time to deal with idiots I see…”


Simply done [1] Img_0811

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Simply done [1] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 5:25 pm


In bellowing dark clouds, like a tumbling storm. Lumikki flew over to the first village. Her trip was rather slowly paced as she was tired with this work, but she knew her presence could resolve the matter faster than not. Even if she sent Zeno for example, it would be hard to say if they would listen. If she sent Emil, it would be hard to say if he would not lose his temper. Sadly this was simply her work in the place of the Warden now. It only made her want to take the guild out of the North all the more.

Black snow preceded her, it drifted down surprisingly lightly. Drizzling on all underneath the clouds and was cold and sticky enough to start piling up. Like the omen it appeared to be. Most of the villagers retreated within their homes. Part to flee from the surprising new cold, and part to flee from the impending wrath.

Even the man who ran the village wanted hide away, but he had enough sense to remain outside and by the entry gates.


Simply done [1] Img_0811

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Simply done [1] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 7:10 pm


”I’m glad ye understood the importance of showing up. I would hate to have to needlessly knock given I’ve already announced me presence.” Lumikki spoke as she otherwise would have silently descended. Her quiet wings were like that of an owl, but the snow was a good means to hint in her coming. Her voice was monotone, not yet annoyed but far from pleased. The man before her shook, whether by cold or her arrival, she could not tell, but either answer pleased her just fine.

“Yes well…would hate to cause more trouble wouldn’t we. I take it you’re here for the recent squabble? Now I’m glad you came to see us first, allow me to expl—“ Lumikki would not let him keep talking. Honestly she did not care. With agitation she rose her hand, stopping him mid word.

”I don’t care….I only came to keep things simple. If ye wrote the proper report or made a quest and sent it to the guild, then I would listen to yer demands. Ye failed to grant me the curtesy, so I’ll fail to grant ya, yers. Consider this petty fight of yers over. Clean yer mess, or I’ll the village and write it off….” Lumikki left, not bothering to take anymore of his words. And the man found he was more happy to comply and see her off than to annoy her any further.


Simply done [1] Img_0811

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Simply done [1] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 7:35 pm


Lumikki sauntered toward the other village. It was much of the same. All but the fact that even the chief was hidden away, locked within his residence hoping to avoid the Demoness altogether. Of course, Lumikki could not leave it there. She needed a proper conversation to be sure they understood the reason for her visit and what she needs of him. So she would bring herself to his home with another deep sigh among many.

”Now, now, now…ye know darn well I was coming Mr Munery. I do not appreciate this treatment, and ye know better than to treat a guest like this….Ye get one chance.” She knocked on the door three times and waited for a moment. By the time she knocked one more time, the door was opened just a crack.

“Very sorry bout that. What could we do for you?” He finally answered, voice shaking.

”Quell the fighting…whatever ye were feuding is done. If ye want it done write, ye report it correctly. Understood?”


169_2000+50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

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Curtain Call
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