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Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:40 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had heard about these Void Caverns for quite some time. He didn’t bother with them at first because he had been trying to understand and tackle other matters first. Still, now that he had time, he figured he would handle them without delay. He had set off to the one that was rumored to be the weakest one, in it the cavern had a treasure that people would die for. It was just that people who went in there did just that, and died. The son of chaos loved riches more than anything, so this was good. He wasn’t alone either, he had brought Hai Gone with him. The young Dragon was in his hybrid form as he needed more battle experience, and this was it.

It wasn’t hard finding this place as it seemed like others had found it first. The monsters there were rumored to spawn back to life somehow, whatever that meant. Hai Gone was behind his father looking around, the two of them smelling out that they were not alone in this journey.

“Father, what do we do with our visitors?” He asked his Drakkon.

He looked over to the child who was as tall as him.

“We do nothing, we keep pushing. If they want to reveal themselves, they can I welcome it, but for now, we enter without a problem.” He said to Hai.

The Dragon nodded as the two of them walked into the cavern. What they saw was almost as fascinating as the Worth Woodsea itself. It was covered in nature, and he could feel the mana that ran through this cave. It was a lot and he could understand why it was considered a void cavern. Everything seemed normal for the time being, but the cavern would start to show its true nature. Drakkon was wondering where he would find treasure. It was rumored that whatever was here had a nest with all the treasure he would need.

He didn’t have a lead on it at first, but they would start to appear. A bunch of bird-like creatures made their appearance and it seemed like they had spotted Drakkon and Hai. He had a smirk on his face and Hai Gone did too, he had returned to his Dragon Form, taking flight into the air as he knew he was slow, but flying so high not a lot of things could reach him, right?

He was wrong, those avian creatures rushed straight toward him, but he had clawed them, and bit them as they were not a problem to him. Drakkon saw that they were after Hai, and when he decided to help it would seem that some had targeted him as well. He would pull out his Yamato swinging it as he took the blade from its sheathe and activated a spell. This spell had spread around him cutting everything that was around him. The Wings of Void fell to the ground as this spell demolished them and he looked around to see if any more were coming.



Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:05 am

Emil had been sent to also clear out this dungeon and he had no real idea about it just that idiots were coming here seeking riches and then dying or never returning and that was a problem and Emil was going to clear it up, he was told he should wait for Elise to show up and go in with her but he figured that she would have probably already headed in ahead of him to start fighting what monster might be inside this cavern that was in front of him. Emil ran in and he was met with bird like creatures that were there and he sighed. "Why is is always fucking birds!?" Emil charged up his gauntlets which he had placed on his hands and threw a punch that launched out a beam from his fist that hit one bird and then started jumping to every bird that is close to it and Emil started running following the streaks of lightning that were jumping from bird to bird looking for the root of the birds or someone else that he expects will be here and when he sees the rain of destruction that had happened ahead of him he figured that was were they were.

Emil would head in that way making the lightning follow along the birds that were that way as the bords corpses fell to the ground as their bodies started falling apart back into the mana they were made of but he knows that he can not slow down as she might be in trouble or in over her head with the pure number of birds were around as they seemed the deep her went the denser they had become in numbers which means they were flocking to someone that had a strong mana source which he knows he doesn't have as he is mostly a flash in the pan kind of lightning mage as he would burn through mana. When he got to the area that the other person was he saw it was not Elise but it was another man. "Are you one of the idiots that came here for riches and got stuck?" Emil's tone was a bit scolding toward the man that he had come across. As his lightning spell was still hitting all of the birds that were coming toward himself like they were all chained together a he was just shocking them flat out of the air.

The man in front of him didn't really give Emil the feeling they were weak or really an idiot just seeking treasure here in this cavern but that also meant that Emil would have to be careful as he needed to make sure that this man didn't turn his blade on him. Emil might be able to do something about it but he was sure that the man in front of him would be more than a match for him so he hoped that Elise would hurry up and show up in case he had just a hornets nest and he needs back up not to be a victim of this man if he is the one making people disappear.


Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 6:58 am

Between Emil and Elise settling one a god and putting them into their Elise was going to be a wonderfully magical person to bring along with them. How and exactly why Elise settled on Zeus was something she still was delighted that no one asked her about. But she had yet to show off she had Zeus' god soul. Some how Elise could admit she scared Zeus and she was still settling some kinks with his soul powers. But that was tale most likely for another day.

After all she was ask to go along in this mission and seemingly agreed for two reason. One because it was her chance to out there an attempt to understand void energies, After all who knows the risks that void related matters could cause. Elise didn't quite fully understand. The only reason why her notes might not as be detailed was being side tracked by Zeus. But there was always joy in other people getting help from her notes, Even then Elise since there was a bunch of new information Elise was prepared with a new note pad and pen. Compared to a few other things which she had taken account for.

In some manner while this information was going to be useful, Making sure in some manner another guild member not getting in any massive serious danger. At least that what she could say as cover. It was all adventure is always nice, Making sure other guild members was safe was also good. Elise was taking her time to get to the cavern but it was most likely thinking through the many options she would possible have to face as she went forward. After all she was not sure what she would face quiet yet, So far she heard of birds.

But also Elise kind of just used getting herself prepared to dive into these void caverns in her most typical fashion she. Smoking cigarettes, Sure when she was prepared for missions Elise was smart enough to not ever touch any kind of wine or anything that would entirely impair her mind horribly, Even if questionable what the cigarettes would to her. But Elise never was one to take parts of her health that seriously at times. Alas she was slowly catching up as she for the most part had prepared herself to just deal with whatever was about to come her way.

Alas here she was, Looking around as things seeing that there was a few people already starting to fight with the various flying monsters or beasts, So while she casually puffed away with her cigarette while she wrote down down a few things. Let out a sigh as she was writing pretty quickly. The notes so far where just summed up as flying bird like beings. While she had hoped for one more cigarette only because her habit was horrible.

Then Elise would finally got her swords ready. When Elise seemed to be calculating something in her thoughts, But Emil might finally see her.



Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:57 pm

A phenomenon was occurring all over Fiore that was causing many people to take notice and explore them. Within these pockets formed by the void, there are many treasures unlike anybody has seen to Fiore. The treasure did not come without its dangers; monsters of many shapes and sizes appeared from the pockets and acted as guardians. Many started to call these pockets dungeons due to how they appeared in nature. This was all the current information given to Zeta from Aion along with the locations of each dungeon on a detailed map titled ‘Void Caverns’. The information given to her came just before leaving, and she had no time to review it until now. She began her preparations anticipating Aion would ask her to embark on a mission to those dungeons in these caverns once she got accepted into the guild. Zeta was well aware of Aion's meticulous roundabout ways of handling things. “Everything is some sort of game or test to this annoying lunatic, I do not know how he gained such a high rank…sigh…I really hate him” she muttered to herself, setting a course for Woodsea as that had the number 1 written next to it on the map.

Aion, the lead fairy back at the manor, was briefing Aster on his plans for Zeta in the main hall. “This would be great fieldwork to give to Zeta as she has finally passed all the tests I had designed. Proving her worth countless times and even successfully joining the Dragon Order guild. Not to mention her dragon slayer abilities reaching a new stage is simply amazing news” He rejoiced at her actions as if they were his own. Feeling it was about time he had her work on refining her magical abilities, he prepared another mission for her.

“Aster, go to Pergrande and inform Zeta of her new mission. She should be somewhere in the Dragon Order guild vicinity. Last I heard she was acclimating herself to the place. l will be looking into other matters going on in Fiore at the moment, so please excuse me” Aion respectfully asked Aster, as he was Zeta's main caretaker. Without any resistance or delay, Aster nodded his head and opened up a black rift behind him. Turning to face the rift, stepping inside and having it shut behind him instantly.

Just as Zeta finished her preparations, a familiar scent instantaneously appeared in her room.“Impeccable timing as always, Aster, though I wish you respect my privacy.” She rolled her eyes while keeping her back turned to him. “Anyway I assume Aion wants me to embark on another mission or are you here just to visit and say hello~” she teasingly said to Aster while swiping the map off the table and handing it to him once he fully stepped out of the rift. Pointing to the area marked with the number 1. “I will start here, mind taking me there?” Aster took the sheet of paper from Zeta's hand to review it, then nodded his head. He walked back into the rift, quietly leaving it open for Zeta. “You're the best Aster” She happily cheered before following after him. The rift closed, and he briefed her on the main points of the mission.

Being tasked with not only uncovering the cause of the so-called dungeons spawning all over Fiore but acquiring its treasures as well. Her decision to travel to the dungeon marked with the number 1 was considered the smallest of the other main caverns. Be that as it may, she remained vigilant as anything could happen.

The rift opens several feet away from the base of the dungeon. Zeta steps out of it and turns to face Aster. “Thanks a mil, I will take it from here and I will be careful” Aster silently nods before closing the portal as if he was never there. Shortly after moving closer to the dungeon's entrance, her nose was overstimulated with the scent of many entities entering and exiting her sensory range. She took a deep breath to concentrate on the scents closer to her. Spotting a few figures fighting off flying monsters, she took the time to conceal herself with her darkness magic while everybody was distracted, to make her way closer to the dungeon's entrance.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:03 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was getting ready to move forward, but the words of a monkey had stopped him. He looked over to the man who had called him and Hai idiots. It was then they would glare at Emil with a stare that wanted him to devour him.

“Idiots? Do you think we look stuck here?! Hell does it look like we need help?!” Drakkon said to Emil as Hai looked at him from above.

“What do you want to do with him?” He asked his father as it seemed like this man had irritated Drakkon.

The Devourer looked over to Hai with a smirk on his face as this was about to get interesting. He figured that if someone like him had entered this place, then he would be confident in his abilities. It was also the way he spoke that provided Drakkon with the fact that he was either crazy or strong. That was when he decided to use a move that he had never used before until now.

There were more birds that had respawned, and their targets were the three of them here. Drakkon would see this, and he would swing his blade and Hai Gone would swipe his talons, and bite any of them that had gotten close to him from above. When they were disposed of, the two of them looked at Emil. The words he used to say to them did not sit well with him and unless he apologized or took it back, then chaos would be unleashed here.

“It doesn’t look like he’s going to take those words back, so we might as well create chaos in this place. Hai Gone to me.” He said this to his Dragon.

Hai Gone roared from hearing his father’s words and instantly Hai Gone disappeared and Drakkon had started to change his look. The wings that had come out of his back were draconic-like, the scales on his body, the tail, and even the two horns on Drakkon’s head. He looked at himself as this was the first time he had used this ability.

He slowly walked over to Emil as he didn’t like that tone of his at all. While he was moving, he saw that more Void creatures were flying to the two of them and while they got close Drakkon would swipe his blades as the one that was next to him. They would be cut in bits as his eyes were focused on Emil.

They weren’t going to interfere with the situation he was in right now. When other creatures came flying at him, he would swipe with his tail, and his talons as if they were nothing but mere objects. Drakkon noticed that more of them were coming and depending on what happened next, he would use a spell that would cause destruction here.

“It seems like more people are “showing up in this place.” They said to each other as they weren’t sure if it would be allies of his or just random people who entered the cavern as well.



Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:41 am

Emil heard the man just ask another question to his question and that cemented in Emil's head that these are indeed idiots as they don't know how to answer a simple yes or no question. "It is okay you are safe now as I am Emil of Paradise Dawn and you idiots can now fell safe." Emil's lightning still destroying the birds above him and that got close to him. He was not going to back down from anything these idiots might attempt to do to him. He heard the man speak to his companion and say that Emil wouldn't take his words back. "Why would I take back the truth? You are an idiot that couldn't answer a simple yes or no question to if you were an idiot and stuck here, therefore you are an Idiot and stuck here. The logic checks out and your swift move into transforming cause your wittle feelings got hurt proves it." Emil was not in the least bit intimidated by the man and his little "Show of strength."

When he saw them change Emil was not really impressed by them doing their combining trick. He can transform as well just he didn't like to do so because he doesn't agree with the drums that grow and appear behind him like they do. He didn't need to use fancy tricks like the other man did he was fine as he was and his lightning still tore through the birds that got close to himself still. Emil did wonder where Elise was as it was not like her to be late to a party of killing monsters and taking out the trash that seemed to be showing it's face to them in some form or another. Emil sighed, then spoke as he knows he will get chewed out later if he doesn't say it. "Sorry that I heard your wittle bitty feelings." His voice was still pretty condescending toward the dragon slayer as he didn't feel he did anything wrong but if this massive ego having man was going to get pissy and "Spread chaos" Then Emil had to make the smallest attempt to say something so it can not be tracked back to him later.

The birds seemed to speed at them in mass as their manas were luring the birds at them in flocks. Emil's lightning started picking up speed and spreading more to keep the birds off of them, Emil had total control of his magic in this moment and it made the sky of birds just look like crackling pieces of paper that were breaking apart and falling in mass like floating ambers from a fire that was burning to hot and high that could threaten to cause a wild fire if left unchecked but Emil knew that nothing was going to come of it like that as the birds were disappearing back into mana to be reborn again like a fire bird of legend.
(501) (1,034)


Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:31 am

This was a remark fleet of failure of working together, A perfect chance to try and seem how people could quickly form together to solve problems in front. But alas it was not that just talks about treasure and already just going to solve their own problem by fighting each other. Elise was not upset  if anything if she was just extremely disappointed even more then how she was disappointed by most people of the world around her.

With how Elise felt about the situation, The fact she resorting to pulling out another cigarette lit it on fire, Let out the most annoyed sigh possible and muttered to herself in minstrel."Oui quel bon début de mission, putain de magique."Elise almost sounded a bit dead inside. But suppose rather then worrying about what was above her at this time, Elise would just have to give people some reminders of the things trying to kill them that was flying around them. After taking an inhale of her cigarette so long that it actually left it down to the butt, She then flicked it away. If that did not show Elise felt some kind of stress or other feelings nothing else well.

Translation to english:

So Elise would just walk quickly enough to stand between both Emil and Drakkon."Yes Emil, Be a magical way to represent our guild Paradise Dawn, By getting into a fight with some one in happen stance being understand attack by void creatures flying above us."Elise would say that to him. Then Flick him on the nose."Continue to be stupid and no focus on the mission and your children risk being orphans."Elise did dig deep but there was most likely a point to it all of thing. But glory seeking and rewards meant nothing if you where dead.

She did not know the other one enough to really know how to defused him, But she did mention in general to both of them to continue on."Now how about rather then looking at Emil, Your focus on what you where fighting in the first place."Elise most likely was a bit more harsher to Emil to start with before she knew him and they where slightly more close then the other man she never met before."Now how about you settle your anger by fighting them and not him."Elise then pointed back to what Drakkon fought earlier."A three way fight isn't fair to start with, We can deal with these flying things and talk after."Elise suggested they focus on the situation on hand and not each other, Hopefully she made sense.

"Even you Emil, fight the flying things, Not him."Elise let out a sigh hoping this situation was going to resolve it's self hopefully in a more peaceful manner. Or they just got rid of the stuff still flying above wanting to kill everyone here or wanted to possible be consider them their next meal. But she did not walk away from them both.




Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:07 am

A strong sense of caution could be felt after seeing the people fighting off the void monsters with zero effort. Not knowing the motives as to why these people were here, she could not afford them to get in the way of her objective. Zeta decided to sit back in the shadows and watch them further for the time being, to ensure her safety and to gain much-needed information on these travelers. She noticed that their attention shifted from the birds to each other and started feuding. Maybe they weren't travel companions or just a conflicting bunch, Zeta thought, but worrying about their relations was not a major priority to her right now.

Zeta watched as the woman went and stood between the two battle-hardened guys who were exuding a massive amount of tension. Many of the dead void creatures on the ground were slowly dissolving into mana while a new swarm flew in from deeper inside the cave, filling the air encircling them. These void creatures were seemingly drawn to the mana exerted from their bodies and attacked like flies. The constant threat of the swarm was unlike anything Zeta had ever seen, but seeing how these strong travelers were barely worried about them but more about each other made her feel small. So small that she felt she could use that to get ahead of them and see what lies deeper within.

She crept deeper into the cave, hugging the walls, staying concealed through the use of her magic and the shadows. With a swift, silent motion of her hand dragging them along the walls, leaving behind a dark cloud of substances that emitted a thick haze, she weaved the haze filled with toxic mana towards creatures hovering over the group and swallowing them up. Her hands continued moving with almost ethereal grace, guiding the haze, making it swirl and become more concentrated, suffocating and deteriorating the void creatures in the airspace. Sapping them of all their strength causes them to grow immensely weak or even dissolve into mana.

Simultaneously, Zeta's other hand opens up, and a torrent of dark tendrils erupts from her palm, lashing out at the incoming void creatures. The tendrils, imbued with a corrosive essence, wrapped around the bird-like creature, tearing at its ethereal form. The buzzing sounds of the void creatures grew fainter and fainter until only the grumblings of the men claimed the battlefield. As the void creature disintegrated, the hazy mist surrounding them dissipated.

Her actions were a clear message to cease the bickering and continue moving forward. Taking this opportunity, Zeta proceeds deeper into the cave through the opening from where the swarm came from. Thinking to herself as she went down the narrow grassy passageway, she could only hope the message was clear enough, that the woman already seemed to be more than enough to handle them and herself. Upon reaching the end of the path, she was thwarted by a large pool of mana with an island in the middle. A massive neon green crystal structure was planted in the middle, lighting up the entire area. Honeycomb-like pockets could be seen on the surrounding walls where some of the void creatures could be seen flying in and out from the distance. “Hmmm, it may be best to wait for them” Zeta muttered to herself, but crawled into the pocket in the wall and waited.

WC 570
Total: 1286

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:57 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had looked at Emil and heard his introduction and that he was from Paradise Dawn. He was planning on backing off, but there he went calling him an idiot once again. He shook his head as he felt sorry about what he was going to do. That was when another person approached them and he looked over to the woman. She spoke the language of Minstrel and he looked over to the dumb ass he was about to consume.

It would seem like this person was also a Paradise Dawn Member. That was good, but honestly, he figured it made sense. They were in the North, so seeing them here was normal. He wanted to listen to her and not because of her words. No, it was because the Guild Master was Lumikki, but that man right there annoyed him to the end. If he couldn’t apologize properly then he didn’t need his apology, but he needed to see him laid out on the floor.

Still, she was in front of him and Emil now as he looked at her and then at Emil. His nose had picked up a third person that was around them. It seemed like this person was avoiding them right now. Still, his eyes glared at Emil as he didn’t like his tone.

“You know, you right lady, I shouldn’t spend my time wasting it on this monkey. I can understand he doesn’t have enough brain cells to understand who he’s dealing with. I will take care of your friend after this is all said and done. His words will shove down his throat as I will make sure he wishes he was dead.” He said as he walked around Elise and stared at Emil as he walked by him.

He would follow the scent of the third person that he noticed. That person had gone further into the cave, and it was not wise to allow them to tread on their own. They might need help, or they might take the reward for themselves. While he ignored Emil’s existence he kept moving through the place. It was then he would notice something, more of these creatures were being created as they were going through all of this.

It was then they would make their way toward Drakkon. He would swing his hand, and two Dragons would appear behind him, and he would hit two of the birds as the others made their way to Drakkon and Hai. When it got close, the Dragon Slayer would swing his Yamato at the beast multiple times, and he would cut them without a problem. The void creatures dispersed into mana as he kept moving.

Are you going to allow him to be around us Drakkon? He said in Drakkon’s head. At the moment it is best. I don’t want to fight two Paradise Dawn members. If I harm those two it will only bring the wrath of Lumikki and Yuurei. I’m sure Emil is known for problems like this if he spoke the way he did without hesitation. If I hurt him, they will understand as long as I don’t kill him. He thought to Hai as he was doing his best to control his anger.

If the man persisted in talking trash, then Elise would have to step out of the way, but he hoped her words were enough to tame the monkey.



Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:23 am

Emil smirked when Elise had stepped between them as he thought she was going to be on his side on this about the guy being an idiot but soon enough it was clear that she was not on his side here and she spoke the forbidden speak of bringing his children into this which just made him stop his spell that was going over head killing the birds and he seemed to lose his lightning glow completely cause he had trusted Elise but she did that to him and said such a thing to him with no real regard to how he would feel about that. He would have understood if she stepped in and said to knock off the fighting but what she did was a step too far for him to respect. Emil lost his spark and he just followed along with them but he wasn't casting spells or fighting the birds anymore as he had lost his will to fight here anymore after what the woman had said she mocked him for misrepresenting their guild and saying him fighting will just make orphans of his children.

He wasn't going to bother with fighting anymore as she had already hit on two things that he already worried about doing and used them against him. Her demand for him to fight the birds had landed on deaf ears with him as she had killed his spark and made him not wish to bother using his magic to fight anymore and he removed his gauntlets and placed them back in his belt as he was not even going to lift a finger and let them just handle it as clearly Elise didn't think he was already doing a good enough job at killing off these void birds and spoke of him misrepresenting the guild he is part of. Maybe he should just quit Paradise dawn if even she is saying he is not carrying himself in a way that he should for the guild and as for his children being orphans that should not have been something that she said to him at all. He heard the other man call him a monkey and he just let it slide off of him cause his monkey comment held nothing to it after what Elise had said to him.

"I am not going to fight you, who ever you are." He wasn't going to bother fighting with the dragon slayer as he had no want to bother to fight with the dragon slayer or fight at all anymore he guessed it was time to retire and just live it out with his children as Elise had spoke out and said what she said to him. Emil just followed along behind them as he was done and once he was out of this place he would return to the guild and begin to get things in order to start the next part of his life with his children that wasn't going to put him at risk to leave his children orphans or to put shame on the name of Paradise Dawn as he looked up to Elise and her saying that showed he was not made out to be here or to even keep trying.
(544) (1,578)


Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 7:09 pm

It seemed Elise had settled the matter, She would deal with the blow back later, Elise always warned everyone she was not the most friendly person she had to get the job done and she took her work seriously, She was invited here she was supposing to be helping, Lacking focus and fighting your own team members was not helping in fact it was counter productive towards the mission,  If this got them back on track it was a good thing, Elise had no idea what else had gone on entirely until she got here and she had to play referee.

Now if ever asked about it she would most likely tell you she was not the most proud of it, But she solved a problem, a fighting team was a dead one. Elise most likely brought up things she was not aware she needed to be quiet about it. But the entire point was trying to get him to go back with what he was doing. Elise was trained to be this harsh much like everyone else who trained her was. If you were not on point you where dead. Elise might have to explain this way of working later.

Suppose over all Elise always knew, She was the monster but never hid who she was, Elise made herself a bitter pill for the world around her to shallow, She was not given a chance for it all to be made easy. Elise needed need to learn how to be easier on people, Elise was her own problems they would catch up to her eventually who ever imposed it on her she did not know, nor did she care, A god or any other worldly being will be the end of her, Elise guessed that would be her death eventually.

But she would finally join the fray of fighting these things. Removing whatever cigarette she had in her mouth and leaving it on the ground, Her eyes would glow a light blue as if she was charging up some kind of power she had not shown before, A mere firm grip of her one of her swords it became a lighting bolt and started throwing them at what was flying towards the rest of the group." I Highly disagree with what you stated is making him wish he was dead."Elise mentioned for one reason.

It was not her entire reason for stopping him."The words of warning should be enough, Anything else I might have problems with..."Elise was starting to feel her outlet of Zeus lust slightly wanting to come out, Mind you the Bloodlust was at least a bit harder to control at the time."It takes two to be a problem, You are equal parts a problem too, You could have told him to relax and not fight you too."Elise mention it seemed she was turning it down on Drakkon slightly."Or are you equally wishing to not pay attention to what's around you and die from it?..."Elise if anything in a around about way calling Drakkon out just with more words.

Elise would continue her throw of lightening bolts she could between whatever targets were left that where not Drakkon or Emil, She was walking towards where Zeta was."Let's go both of you, We have other things to look into."Elise would continue trying to get the flow going of focusing on the mission, It was too early to have it fall apart even if it risked doing so right now. But Elise was at least coming to where Zeta was.



Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 3:56 pm

Growing bored from the other travelers taking forever, Zeta looked around to see what was up with the layout of the chamber. Zeta placed her hands on the wall to feel it out. To her surprise, it was a soft sticky mesh texture that felt more elastic than it looked. Channeling miasma throughout her hands made it easy to rip through the wall like paper. She peeked through the opening only to see the materialization process of those flying void creatures. “Heh, let’s have some fun and clean house until they arrive” Smirking at the realization of the situation she took a step back to channel a dense amount of mana within her body.

Taking a big deep breath, her chest began to expand and inflate full of mana, and with a big exhale, she spewed a massive potent stream of miasma through the opening in the wall. The murky purple gas easily melted through the neighboring chamber walls, dissolving the creatures nesting in them. The cries and buzzing of the void creatures instantly got silenced as they turned back into mana. All that was left behind was a crater on the wall with parts of the hive pockets continuously falling into the mana pool. Complete eerie silence soon filled the cave, lasting only a few minutes.

The Neon green crystal structure suddenly flashed, generating a small pulsing wave throughout the area. Slight tremors could be felt as multiple hexagonal platforms emerged from the pool below. Zeta jumped onto the platform from the pocket she was standing in but was startled when upon landing on the platform, it sank into the mana below it briefly before bouncing up. The platform was wobbly but stable enough to walk on. Letting out a sigh of relief Zeta crouched down and smelled that the others were finally on the move to her location. “About time”

WC 312
TWC 1598

#13Go D. Drakkon 

Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 7:49 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon moved around the area and it seemed like the guy who was talking a lot in the beginning had given up. It seemed like whatever the lady had said to him, bothered him. He laughed a bit when he saw this, this guy had kids, and she told him if she acted this way he would orphan his kids. When he saw he put his gauntlets away, it just showed exactly that. He let his emotions run wild and if nobody protected him then he would leave his kids in this world.

When he heard the lady speak to him, he looked at her and then looked away as if he was following the scent that was nearby instead. A warning was not something he cared for and it seemed like she was trying to scold them both. In the end, he didn’t care, he didn’t start it, but he would gladly be the one to end it.

The Dragon Slayer moved through the cavern taking the trail that Zeta had taken. It wouldn’t take long for him to make his way to the woman as he had taken the lead from the other two. He figured that he would give the woman time to speak to her guildmate. He seemed defeated by words, and that was disappointing.

When he got to the location where Zeta was, he could see that the damage she dealt around the place had been done. She was part of his guild, and that much he knew now since their last encounter. He would do his best to help her grow, but she would have to meet him halfway on that.

“It seems like it's two people from one guild and two from Dragon Order. This might get interesting as we proceed with all of this.” He said as he approached Zeta.

When he got to the place, he looked around wondering where the hidden treasure would be located. It was then he had found something interesting. There was a nest with a bunch of treasures within it. His eyes widened when he saw this. He moved over to it and looked over to her.

“I found the treasure, take some, and let’s be on our way.” He said to Zeta as he would gather what he wanted and place it in his bag.

He would leave some for everyone even if he didn’t want to.



Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 8:12 am

Emil didn't hear words anymore just muted rumbles as he had been betrayed by his own guild mate that wounded him deeper than any attack could and he was just lost now as she fully hit him in the weak points as he held her with a lot of respect. So her words cut deep and there was no bandage for these kind of wounds as they only scar then get picked at by passing people and their glances. He saw the dragon slayer walk over to a nest and take from it then leave and Emil walked over in no rush and took from the nest as well and then he left out of the dungeon as he had no fight left in him and he wasn't sure if he could even get the fight back in him after the deep cuts that the other woman had hit him with that had totally taken the fight out of the dog so to say. He walked right out of the portal a different man than when he had entered into that place.


Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:37 am

This was off to a swimming start in some manner. Everyone was seemingly getting by with out killing each other or fighting one another. Sure other conflicts my arise from it but in the end not much else could be done, Not everyone was going to get along. Even Elise knew there was times people where not going to want to be around her. Suppose all problems could be dealt with in the time.

Even now with the results of things working out some what in their favour that Elise trying to get people to focus on not fight each other. They cleared everything they got to some treasure from it as well. What better means to celebrate such a situation. Then with a cigarette and being alone with your thoughts again. One of these days maybe Elise would understand when some one from long a go told her to lighten up.




Void Event: Wings of the Void [Emil, Elise & Zeta] Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:43 pm

Zeta was comfortably lying on the hexagonal platform with her elbow on the ground and her head resting on the palm of her hand. The group approached rapidly from the corridor. Drakkon was the first of the three to enter the chamber. He headed straight for the crystal structure where the treasure was located without any delay. He proudly announced his finding of the treasure and told Zeta to take her share before exiting just as quickly as he entered. “Thanks, Drakkon” she politely said it loudly enough for him to hear before vanishing into the distance. “I found it~ he says.. yeah..sure” Zeta scoffs before sitting up from her resting position.

She also watched the other two walk up and collect their share of the treasure. Noticing the air around the other two travelers was completely different from what she witnessed earlier made her curious as to what went down while she was tackling the nest and bugs. Wondering if she should speak out to them, she ultimately decided against it and held her tongue. Doubtful that she would ever see them again, she let her curiosity about them drift off the corners of her mind, into the maw of darkness to be forgotten for the time being.

Zeta slowly stood up and dusted off her pants. As she walked over to the area where everybody else collected their treasure, in that moment the travelers crossed her path. Giving them a quick glancing smirk, Zeta continued walking by them as they departed.

Of the 4 travelers to enter, it was only 1 who remained in the chamber. With a big relieving sigh, Zeta finally reached the target of her mission. She took a big long gaze at the myriad of treasures before her, the unimaginable rarity of the void world would make the master of the manor back home overjoyed. Feeling that the rumors lived up to the hype that was behind them, she thought back about how many people must have died or failed trying to obtain these wonders. Yet not many let alone got a real glimpse of this.

Scooping up the remaining treasure and exiting the cave, never to look back. Her footsteps quickly glided across the floor only to pause once she reached what was once the entrance. The final words that Drakkon said to her before leaving struck a cord in her mind. “Until next time, guild mate, I will see you then”.

Zeta snapped her fingers in front of her. “Aster come, I call out to thee. The mission is complete” A few seconds after Zeta said her chant, a rift opened up right in front of her. Darkness spilled out from the opening. “Thanks, let's go” After stepping into the rift, it closed up and vanished, leaving a small trail of dark smoke.


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