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V. Tome of Forgotten Memories

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V. Tome of Forgotten Memories Empty Fri May 31, 2024 5:10 pm



Name: Tome of Forgotten Memories

Slot: Weapon.

Type: Book.

Handling: Two-Handed.

Class: Mythic.

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Water

Damage: None

Durability: 3x S-Rank.


Description: The Tome of Forgotten Memories is an ancient relic from an old sect of Mages who devoted themselves to the collection of every moment in history, these mages would sacrifice their last living moments to sustaining the powerful enhancement that kept the Tome active in their library recording everything that occurred around in the world and beyond. This lasted for millennia with mages being sent from across the Ishgar to present this knowledge, however following great devastation and incursions from other planes of existence, the demand on mages for other purposes grew to great until the point where the sect was reduced to the final disciple who succumbed to old age in x540, leaving the book within the library scribbling away history aimlessly.

Measurements: The Tome of Forgotten Memories is book size in shape, resembling a book but with a fancy aura around it once opened


Requirements: None.

  • Intelligence: +200

  • Overreach: Every 5 meters the user's mana cost reduction when using the cast on command effect is decreased by 10%, up to base mana cost at the maximum effect range.


  • Cast on Command: The user is capable of casting from the Tome of Lost Memories regardless of whether they have it or not in their hands as it is bounded to them as long as it is within 50 meters of the user.
  • Sole Owner: If another user takes the Tome of Forgotten Memories into their own possession in the topic they will be burned for 1x S-Rank for two turns then gain control over it. This damage can not be healed and is not impacted by resistances or weaknesses.
  • Self Control: Upon opening the book, it will be capable of hovering up to 3 meters in the air independent of the user and travel at 20 m/s.
  • Time Repairs all Wounds: Tome of Forgotten Memories is capable of repairing itself for 1x A-Ranks worth of damage every turn.


  • Name: Store
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Tome of Forgotten Memories  
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Water
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The Tome is constantly recording the actions throughout the world with a focus on the environment around them being able to copy spells that were cast within the topic. This allows the user to cast any spell excluding Transformations and Signature Spells that the Tome of Forgotten Memories recorded, the user must first cast this spell before casting the recorded spell. Both this spell and the recorded spell cost base mana and cool-down, if the spell is sustained, this spell remains on cool-down until the copied spell is no longer sustained. This spell can only copy that were witnessed in the same topic.


V. Tome of Forgotten Memories Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:24 pm


#3Frør Valkyrie 

V. Tome of Forgotten Memories Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:53 pm

Frør Valkyrie

The ravens bring @Rhea the invoice for 5,000,000J

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