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Lothwen's starter spells:

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Lothwen's starter spells: Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:56 pm

Greed Magic: (automatically obtained, no training needed)
Name: Greed
Rank: D-S
Mana Cost: -
Requirements: None
Type: Defensive
Element: Arcane
Range: -
Cooldown: None
Duration: Sustain
Effect: This spell requires no motion. The user rearranges the carbon in their body to make their skin impenetrable. Their appearance shifts into a metallic being. When using this spell, the user will nullify any Physical Damage that hits them, at the cost of mana equal to the amount of damage that they have received, this is influenced by any resistances or weaknesses that the user has. The amount of mana drained for physical hits is determined by what the rank of damage would have cost as a spell. The user cannot choose which hits they null or not when using this spell, all physical hits will drain mana automatically. The user cannot be cut, stabbed, pierced, or hurt in any way physically. This means that the user can battle weapon users bare-handed. If the user's Strength is one or more rank higher compared to the opponent, they may stop weapon hits without being moved from their spot i.e. grab a weapon slash with their bare hands without being pushed back. The spell does not have any sustain cost. The actual mana cost comes from the user paying mana to nullify Physical Damage. This spell cannot be nullified.

Benediction des Ténèbres spells:

Name: Ténèbres' restraint
Rank: D-rank
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Rose des Ténèbres
Type: Supplementary - Bind
Element: Nature-Darkness
Range: 5 meters
Cooldown: 1 post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises a hand toward the target they intend to cast the spell on and makes a snapping motion with their finger, after which a magical circle appears in front of the user's hand that is equivalent in dimensions to the spell. Once cast a series of black vines will erupt from in front of the user and rapidly move at spell speed into a straight line toward a target, wrapping around them and binding them into place upon contact till the spell is destroyed.

Name: Ténèbres' blessing
Rank: D-rank
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Rose des Ténèbres
Type: Healing
Element: Nature-Darkness
Range: touch-based
Cooldown: 1 post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises a hand and channels the power of the Rose des Ténèbres that will shroud their hand in a faint glow. Upon activation getting into contact with the glow will heal an ally for D-rank damage to overall constitution.

C-rank: (made possible due to Lifebringer pact):
Name: Ténèbres' Sporeling
Rank: C-rank
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Rose des Ténèbres - Lifebringer Pact
Type: Summoning:
Element: Nature
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user taps their foot on the ground, causing a magical circle to appear anywhere near a 10 meters radius from which a flower will blossom. Once the equivalent travel time for the spell has been made the ground underneath the flower will crack open and a small 1 meter and half tall mandragora will climb out of the ground to serve as a familiar for the caster. This Mandragora has 61 Speed and 61 Strength with S-rank durability.

training these spells please~


Lothwen's starter spells: Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:26 pm

Just a small correction need to be made. It will be in this color and you can DM me when it is done.

Lothwen wrote:Greed Magic: (automatically obtained, no training needed)
Name: Greed
Rank: D-S
Mana Cost: -
Requirements: None
Type: Defensive
Element: Arcane
Range: -
Cooldown: None
Duration: Sustain
Effect: This spell requires no motion. The user rearranges the carbon in their body to make their skin impenetrable. Their appearance shifts into a metallic being. When using this spell, the user will nullify any Physical Damage that hits them, at the cost of mana equal to the amount of damage that they have received, this is influenced by any resistances or weaknesses that the user has. The amount of mana drained for physical hits is determined by what the rank of damage would have cost as a spell. The user cannot choose which hits they null or not when using this spell, all physical hits will drain mana automatically. The user cannot be cut, stabbed, pierced, or hurt in any way physically. This means that the user can battle weapon users bare-handed. If the user's Strength is one or more rank higher compared to the opponent, they may stop weapon hits without being moved from their spot i.e. grab a weapon slash with their bare hands without being pushed back. The spell does not have any sustain cost. The actual mana cost comes from the user paying mana to nullify Physical Damage. This spell cannot be nullified.

Benediction des Ténèbres spells:

Name: Ténèbres' restraint
Rank: D-rank
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Rose des Ténèbres
Type: Supplementary - Bind
Element: Nature-Darkness
Range: 5 meters
Cooldown: 1 post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises a hand toward the target they intend to cast the spell on and makes a snapping motion with their finger, after which a magical circle appears in front of the user's hand that is equivalent in dimensions to the spell. Once cast a series of black vines will erupt from in front of the user and rapidly move at spell speed into a straight line toward a target, wrapping around them and binding them into place upon contact till the spell is destroyed.

Name: Ténèbres' blessing
Rank: D-rank
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Rose des Ténèbres
Type: Supplementary - Bind This is a healing spell. The tyoe needs to be changed.
Element: Nature-Darkness
Range: touch-based
Cooldown: 1 post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises a hand and channels the power of the Rose des Ténèbres that will shroud their hand in a faint glow. Upon activation getting into contact with the glow will heal an ally for D-rank damage to both the limb touched and overall constitution. Healing spells even on touch only heal limb (durability) or constitution. You have to change the wording to something like either the limb or constitution.

C-rank: (made possible due to Lifebringer pact):
Name: Ténèbres' Sporeling
Rank: C-rank
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Rose des Ténèbres - Lifebringer Pact
Type: Summoning:
Element: Nature
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user taps their foot on the ground, causing a magical circle to appear anywhere near a 10 meters radius from which a flower will blossom. Once the equivalent travel time for the spell has been made the ground underneath the flower will crack open and a small 1 meter and half tall mandragora will climb out of the ground to serve as a familiar for the caster. This Mandragora has 61 Speed and 61 Strength with S-rank durability.

training these spells please~


Lothwen's starter spells: Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:08 am

Approved for training. Feel free to contact me when they are trained.

Lothwen wrote:Greed Magic: (automatically obtained, no training needed)
Name: Greed
Rank: D-S
Mana Cost: -
Requirements: None
Type: Defensive
Element: Arcane
Range: -
Cooldown: None
Duration: Sustain
Effect: This spell requires no motion. The user rearranges the carbon in their body to make their skin impenetrable. Their appearance shifts into a metallic being. When using this spell, the user will nullify any Physical Damage that hits them, at the cost of mana equal to the amount of damage that they have received, this is influenced by any resistances or weaknesses that the user has. The amount of mana drained for physical hits is determined by what the rank of damage would have cost as a spell. The user cannot choose which hits they null or not when using this spell, all physical hits will drain mana automatically. The user cannot be cut, stabbed, pierced, or hurt in any way physically. This means that the user can battle weapon users bare-handed. If the user's Strength is one or more rank higher compared to the opponent, they may stop weapon hits without being moved from their spot i.e. grab a weapon slash with their bare hands without being pushed back. The spell does not have any sustain cost. The actual mana cost comes from the user paying mana to nullify Physical Damage. This spell cannot be nullified.

Benediction des Ténèbres spells:

Name: Ténèbres' restraint
Rank: D-rank
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Rose des Ténèbres
Type: Supplementary - Bind
Element: Nature-Darkness
Range: 5 meters
Cooldown: 1 post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises a hand toward the target they intend to cast the spell on and makes a snapping motion with their finger, after which a magical circle appears in front of the user's hand that is equivalent in dimensions to the spell. Once cast a series of black vines will erupt from in front of the user and rapidly move at spell speed into a straight line toward a target, wrapping around them and binding them into place upon contact till the spell is destroyed.

Name: Ténèbres' blessing
Rank: D-rank
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Rose des Ténèbres
Type: Healing
Element: Nature-Darkness
Range: touch-based
Cooldown: 1 post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises a hand and channels the power of the Rose des Ténèbres that will shroud their hand in a faint glow. Upon activation getting into contact with the glow will heal an ally for D-rank damage to overall constitution.

C-rank: (made possible due to Lifebringer pact):
Name: Ténèbres' Sporeling
Rank: C-rank
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Rose des Ténèbres - Lifebringer Pact
Type: Summoning:
Element: Nature
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user taps their foot on the ground, causing a magical circle to appear anywhere near a 10 meters radius from which a flower will blossom. Once the equivalent travel time for the spell has been made the ground underneath the flower will crack open and a small 1 meter and half tall mandragora will climb out of the ground to serve as a familiar for the caster. This Mandragora has 61 Speed and 61 Strength with S-rank durability.

training these spells please~


Lothwen's starter spells: Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:16 pm

paying 200,000j please to learn these spells~


Lothwen's starter spells: Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:57 pm

The Approved Spells have been learned.

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