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Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki]

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 6:47 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Duy-tung-onsen-night

Brone Heavyaxe had visited Hosenka using his vacation time. He wanted to spend quality time with his niece so they could bond outside of guild work. Now that she's a guild master, she has much more work to tend to, which means less time to spend with her uncle. This event that Blue Pegasus and Fairy Tail are throwing is a perfect chance for the dwarf and the demoness to escape from the guild responsibilities, even if it's just for a small amount of time, but with how small the time is, they'll make sure to enjoy every bit of it.

They agreed to visit a hot springs, though it was a bit difficult, they managed to find a hotel that provided unisex hot springs. In order to avoid dealing with other unwanted guests, Brone suggested they take a time slot that was just reserved for them. The dwarf made sure to have the hotel staff member mark them down as the Hrútr family, now that Lumikki is heir to the clan, she needed to start using that name a bit more, at least that is what Brone suggests.

The steam emits from the water:

Brone had doffed his armor that he always carries with him. Thankfully, despite the heat of the hot spring, the breastplate was made of nevermelting ice, so the dwarf didn't have to worry for it. The rest of his clothing and his helmet, were placed carefully to the side. As much of a hardy dwarf he is, he cared for his armor and clothing, gaining this care from when he was in Blue Pegasus himself.

He opened the sliding panel and stepped out from the changing room in just a white towel. He had let his hair down that, strained from being tied in a ponytail constantly, the loose white hair barely touched his shoulders. His beard, that normally sported two braids, too is let out. No strain on the dwarf, he could let himself go, free from the constraints of work and expectation.

Brone dipped into the hot waters, the heat against his skin felt wonderful, as if he was back in the forge, but instead he was the one being tempered instead of the metal he works on. He tossed his towel onto a rock as the water was brought up to his waist.

The night air was chilly, but the heat from the spring was enough to keep the chill at bay as the dwarf looked up to the moon's light. He was naked before the glory of the moon, naked like bare metal, ready to be softened and molded. His body, once tanned, now taken an ashen gray color due to the transformation he went through, turning him into a dhain dwarf... ascended, ever since then, he felt stronger, sturdier, more powerful. He only had two tattoos upon his body; behind the left shoulder is that of the Blue Pegasus symbol covered in Forgetmenot flowers, while behind the right shoulder is that of Paradise Dawn. Besides the intentional markins, body was covered in unintentional markings... scars from his many battles, but the most prominent ones were the large "X" on his chest and what seems to look like a diamond on the small of his back, slightly to the right of his spine.


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 8:54 pm


After ages of nagging her Uncle to leave the guild for a moment, he finally complied. Whether it was because she gave an order as a Guild Master or he got tired of her whines, she didn’t really care. This was a moment she lived for. Bonding with her family was always one of her highest joys.

After the long search for an inn, the two would settle in. Lumikki letting her Uncle go ahead as she stayed to pay for the two rooms and grab the keys; but she’d promptly follow behind to enter the springs. Entering through the door way labeled “Ladies” by the curtain. Lumikki, often wearing her shadows, wouldn’t need to stop and store her things. Whatever items she could hold, were all tucked in her portal as well. So it was a straight walk for the exit, besides grabbing a towel and tying up her hair into a large bun. Yet before she even walked back outside, she already felt too hot.

” I don’t know how ye Dwarves do it,” Lumi groaned as she tucked the towel in to hold itself, but she’d need another one for all her sweat.” Suppose this is how ya feel to be in the air—aye, to be completely out of yer element?” Lumikki was hidden in her human form but as soon as her toes sunk into the water, her brown skin would fizzle to the color of night it typically harbored. Her periwinkle hair turned pale and her tattoos would illuminated her figure. Besides the mark of Paradise Dawn that sat atop her left thigh, there were many tattoos that very well weren’t privy to Brone. The ram on her navel and the axe on her sternum being just two. She also had a crescent moons on her shoulders and bans of cyan markings on her arms. ” It’s like being boiled, but I read so many good things. I even asked Beni about it, bloke said it was worth a chance. Didn’t factor I’m an ice Demon it seems. Hey Uncle, are there more hot baths like this down in the mountains?” She was fully submerged now, dipping in as far as just above her nose. She had hoped this would allow her to adjust faster, but really the heat was only getting to her head. So she resurfaced and choose to rest along the rock wall instead. Clinging to whatever chill was left in air.

While Brone flourished, Lumikki diminished; but it was all fine to her if it meant spending more time with him with something he could enjoy. And despite the water almost leaving her breathless, she could see the charm to this.” Where did brother go anyway? He left us as soon as we got here.” Lumikki would turned to look at her Uncle as she inquired, only to get curious of his scars.” Oy, who gave ye that lofty one on the chest. Looks like it could have taken out a weaker man.”

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#3Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 9:32 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The world was beginning to melt away, all worries and concerns were being put aside as the dwarf sank himself into the water, allowing the surface to reach his neck; his beard floated like seaweed. The sound of someone entering caught him by surprise, and it was then that he remembered he was expecting Lumikki. "The wind erodes the rocks, as soft as ye think, the wind is powerful, just look at the mountain peeks and see the work of the gales" Brone chuckled.

When Lumikki entered the water, her skin and hair changed, reacting to the heat and her tattoos followed suit. The dwarf was surprised. He wondered if her body reacted in a defensive manner or if the form he now sees of her is now her true self. "Beni said he's gonna 'follow the shadows' and vanished; don't know what he meant by that" As Beni floated off into the night, the dwarf would call out to him, asking if they were going to meet up for drinks later, but the oni was already gone, not knowing if he was heard, "Ah there are springs like this deep in the mountains, dug tunnels right over magma chambers, so could get even hotter" Brone chuckled as he thought about when his parents took him to see his first deep mountain spring.

Brone stood up straight and looked down at the scar Lumikki pointed out. He fully submerged himself to wet his hair and feel the heat upon his face. When he surfaced again he ran his fingers through his wet hair and looked to his niece slightly embarrassed, "Yuurei had done this during one of our sparring matches" then he turned around to show the diamond scar on his back, "This was from ye during our last spar" he laughed, no hint of aggression, but with pride.

When he turned to face Lumikki again, he looked upon her glowing tattoos, wondering if he had ever noticed them before, "And what about yer markings? I do fancy the ram and axe, good choices!"


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 10:11 pm


” Bloody weasel slinking away like that. Could have at least taken a dip before flying off. I mean, I did…” Lumi grew animated but had to cut it short, she couldn’t afford getting more heated than she already was. And so as her Uncle was impacting his chest, Lumi threw her head back to pinch her nose and take deep breaths.

” Yuurei was a nasty one wasn’t he? If I kept me old body, there be a massive one on me leg still. He threw that spear of his with no remorse but least I get to live ‘nd tell the tale I guess. I just hope I won’t come off as intimidating as him to our recruits and members.” She’d sigh deeply as Lumi wasn’t keen on those thoughts and worries. Though she became powerful, she didn’t escape all her insecurities or weaknesses. And as long as she chose to entertain her humanity, she would continue to be plagued by it.

It would be her Uncle’s remark on a scar from her making that brought a cheeky smile back to her face and Lumi would face him once more to relish it. ” I warned ya I’d have ye beat that time. Me magic is too akin to a storm face me freely……but…..” She’d look to the side, almost as if she was ashamed,” but maybe I was a wee too volatile meself….”

Lumikki would mostly laugh that off, centering herself for Brone’s next curiosity.” Ha! Of course ye’d like them; but it was something I’ve done ta keep me family near. The ram for me father and the axe for ya Uncle. Yer as much as me as ever.” Lumi would then turn over to show the cyan tattooed wings from her back, there would six and they’d all part onto their own direction. Showing up along her side and abdomen. She’d also turn over again and train the line and runes that lead from her neck to her chest.” Tattoos have always been a fascination, simply tradition. So when I was working out me form, I was mindful to sort out a few. Can’t figure tattooing a demon is easy work, but the flexibility that comes for it is nice.” She pointed to the once on her face,” Granted, they were never hidden Uncle. Ye just never bothered asking.”

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#5Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Thu May 09, 2024 7:38 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone laughed as the demoness complained about the oni, "Let 'em be, he likes te slink in the shadows like ye" he never had an issue with people going their own way, feeling that eventually everyone finds their way back to one another, though he wondered maybe it was because he perceived time differently than most people in Fiore.

When Lumikki mentioned a scar, Brone instinctively looked into the water to try and view her leg, but the steam made it difficult to notice anything below the surface of the water. Taking a moment to process what the demoness meant, he relaxed, feeling grateful that her new body didn't bare that scar anymore.

The demoness flaunted her magic and Brone chuckled, unable to deny her claim to her magic being akin to a storm; he wanted to point out that even though his own body changed as well, his scars remained, but his mouth shut the moment he heard his niece's tone change, hinting possible feelings about the scar she gave him. He didn't know what to say, this had taken him by surprise; before he could say a word, she was already changing the subject to her tattoos.

"Ah, lass! Ye be a gem ye are!" his heart warmed, such an endearing act of getting tattoos dedicated to family. He looked to the axe, so close to her heart, he couldn't help but feel he needed to show the same affection, "Think I got an idea for a new tattoo... I wonder if there be a parlor 'round here" if he happened to come across it before they left town, he planned on getting his own in dedication to his niece. Then the thought returned to him, her concern for the diamond on his back, "Lass" his tone changed, softer but still had it's strength, "Don't worry about the scar; we warriors take on dangers and it be an honor every time we shed blood while gripping a weapon, sparring or not" he gave her a smile.


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 6:42 pm


The hint of a new tattoo made the Demoness perk in her ear, and though the hot water made her quite sluggish, it shot a new surge of vitality. The prospect to her was simply that amazing." I wonder what we could get done then!" She splashed the water as she spoke with merriment and childish glee. Causing the steam that already hung heavy in the air to stir and condense. The rush of heat shot through her, slowing her despite the energy burst; leaving the still-pleased Demoness to return to casually leaning on the rock wall to recover from her mistake.

" Oy, almost forgot...." she groaned as she pulled her head back and pinched the bridge of her nose. She paused at that moment while giving thought to what occurred in their winding past. " Uncle, do ye remember the first day we met all that time ago? The night I wandered into the reception of Dawn, joining the guild at me mother's behest? To think, even in me first adventure, I'd meet a spirit who would kindly bless me. That's when I knew things in me life would take off running...I just never thought it would run so fast. Is that how ye Dwarves felt all this time?"

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#7Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sun May 12, 2024 8:50 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone expected Lumikki to react to his thought of getting a new tattoo, and he was right; he laughed, seeing her reaction, but switched to worry when he watched her overheat herself, "Careful, lass!" he was use to being being in such heated environments; his concern for Lumikki was justified, her entire being is practically connected to the realm of ice and darkness, though he wasn't sure how that would work through numbers and logic, but spiritually he knew this to be true.

"First day?" Brone thought back to the day she arrived with the letter from her mother, she seemed so small back them, albeit it seemed like the day prior to him, and yet here she is, grown so much so quickly, "Aye, I guess ye can say that, so much as changed, not just yer look, but yer spirit... I'm proud of ye, Frostflower" he gave her a bright smile as he allowed himself to sink into the water, leaving just his head above the surface. He looked out pass the large canvas awning to the night sky. The stars twinkled, giving the dwarf hope of tomorrow, new adventures and trials, "Ye keep growing now".


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 8:15 am


” I plan on it Uncle. There is still so much I plan to do, so much I want to get done…What do ye want to do still in life? I’m doubtful yer entirely fulfilled, yer still young all things considering. As a matter aa fact, when are ye gonna pursue that godhood of yers. I think ya could use a new forge and work stations….I think I could look over the plans and budget when we return. I’ve been meaning to bring more Dwarven influence to the guild anyways and partner with our kind while I have some standing.” Lumikki was leaning back, looking up towards the stars. Her eyes tracking over the constellations that she remembered.

Her mind was still muffled, merging with the rising steam and her body felt like it was melting into the water. By usual means, she would have hated this. It was the now the bane of her existence. Yet sharing this moment to bond a bit and enjoy the discomfort wasn’t so bad. It was like a taste of what the Dwarven folk could naturally ignore.

The fire of their forges, smoke curling and bellowing as it rose through the vents. The burning red how metal and blades demanding the patience, endurance, and discipline they deserve. The eye for details, the timing only gained from years of experience. Pounding and shaping the metal as the flame still cracked behind you and sparks flew every which way.

Maybe this water would reforge her by the time she was done, or at least open her to what could be when it was over.

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#9Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 5:23 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Godhood?" Brone was surprised upon hearing the suggestion. He had never seen himself as the type of dwarf to seek such divine status. When he started his journey, he never would have believed a mortal would ever reach a position such as godhood, but after fighting the monsters and foes that were strong enough to shake nations, the dwarf felt confident enough to fight an actual god, but didn't have the confidence to become godly... or initially didn't; he thought about the suggestion and smiled, "Aye, the idea is pleasing, I'll give it thought, but a new forge and work stations is a perfect idea" Then a memory came to him of when he had descended deep underground below the guild some time ago.

"Believe it or not, Lass, I had traveled deep below the guild and found a magma chamber that can produce enough heat to forge many a things" He then leaned back against a rock, feeling the cool surface, albeit still warm due to the water, as he looked up to the ceiling of the awning, thinking about the fact that he practically abandoned the project, never going back, "But it's so far down, it's takes much time getting there and only I with my new body can withstand the heat; Gnicholas suggested I use contraptions like an electric mine rail and an ele-, ela-, elavetor- AHG! A damn electric lift!" He got a bit frustrated thinking of all the mechanism the gnome was suggesting, such tools sounded too close to the devices from Talas Lazar... but he would be a liar if he didn't admit to himself that such ideas would be helpful to his forgotten forge project.


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 7:36 pm


” Hmmm, now that ye mention it, I believe I remember skimming over an old report about that. Seemed Gnicholas thought it important enough to make a note of and I’d agree. Saves me the added work of reviewing the guilds blue prints to see where we could fit such a thing and the budget needed to create it. Hmmmm now in terms of the heat, I figure me magic should prove enough to cut into it. Not enough to rid it all mind ye, but enough that fellow dwarves could enter and situate the place to more tolerable standards. They could fit this lift of yers as well. Hmmmmm I could draft up applications for new forgers as well, I think it’s time for Paradise Dawn to cultivate and mentor new talent. Our members could use the armor and weaponry and the applicants could benefit from the materials and experience. I’ll leave ye to make the final say on who ye take in, but I’ll whittle done the forms to a few so as not to make ye pound a head on the desk.”

Lumikki had not been a Guild Master for long, hardly a month, but she already took to the responsibilities quickly and got into the mindset of what’s best for the guild. This time in Hosenka was to give her a small break from drafting new reports and systems for the Dawn as she hardly gets to leave her office now. Between reading up on all the files of the guild, organizing applications and forms, and restructuring systems and departments that haven’t been adjusted and overhauled in a while, the Demoness had been quite busy. Still, with her intelligence and capability, the work hasn’t been hard just grueling. Yet she managed a flow that lets her work fast and efficiently, and was now already half done with all important matters.

This idea of the forge was one of many projects she wanted to tackle, and a perfect excuse to open more avenues for her clan to step in and benefit from a partnership. With dangers like the void becoming prominent on top of monster work to address, she needed her people fortified.

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#11Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 10:10 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"I appreciate ye, Frostflower, thank ye" Brone smiled widely. Such a project is considered dangerous and taxing both in labor and in finances, but his niece offered to assist him either way, "But don't worry about it now, we're practically on vacation" he said as he dipped below the surface of the water for a moment before surfacing. The heat of the water felt wonderful upon his face; he then pushed his wet hair from his eyes. They have been dealing with a lot of work, especially recently, so a vacation was well deserved, especially for Lumikki who now has guild leader responsibilities, "What's yer favorite part to yer new job?" He was sure she was excited for her new position, though such a job required a lot of responsibilities, which is why Brone never took on such a goal, more preferring to keep to what he knows and what he is good at.


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Fri May 24, 2024 8:50 am


” Huh, me favorite part?—the power.” The moment she understood what he asked, was the moment she answered. Hardly a thought at all, but more like an instinct. ” It’s not to say I’m mad with power mind ye. It’s like a compliment to me hard work. Besides Yuurei, no one loves the guild as I do. Ya love it yerself of course, but to subject yerself to the paper work and the matters is a role that wouldn’t suit ya. Ye love this guild in yer own way and protect it to perfection and warrior valor. But to keep this family going, well it takes the sacrifice I want to do. I want to be the terror and power Yuurei was so that no one crosses us candidly……but deciding the design and the departments have been really fun too.” Her voice was stern at first, though in some places shaky with emotion but the Demoness would finish her remark with a happy tone.

With a bit more thought and a moment of silence, Lumikki would continue.” I used to think meself weak and useless. I did for a long time….but I pushed further cause…cause…I just wanted to be someone that could matter. Did ye ever feel that before?”

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#13Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 1:55 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
'Power' so simple and straight forward, no hesitation, just as Brone expected from Lumikki. "Of course, ye love something enough, ye gonna want to protect it with all the power ye have" He let his body float, letting the heat of the water overtake him as he looked up at the stars. When his niece mentioned his disliking of paperwork, he looked to her and laughed, confirming her statement. Such a thing was too complicated and unnecessary when he could be put to better use. He didn't dismiss the importance of the job, but figured someone of better merit should be be given the task.

Then after a moment of silence, she spoke of her concern. Brone's smile faded as he thought about his own worry of weakness. He wasn't surprised of the demoness' concern, for he grew to understand these insecurities are common for any living race, but rarely do dwarves speak of it, out of fear or concern of judgement, "There were several moments I had those feelings" his tone matched hers as he thought back to those mentioned moments, "When I couldn't protect my clan's gem, when I couldn't save Yuurei's parents the first time... when I couldn't save a friend" He had lost those important battles, he was hard on himself, failing those who were hurt, including an old friend who he couldn't save, "Those moments remind me why I get stronger, but ye have to never forget the strength ye already have... lest you fall back" He then stands back up and points the X scar on his chest, "These marks remind me of me hard work" then he turned around to show Lumikki the diamond scar on his back, "This mark reminds me that me niece is no longer weak".


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 10:44 pm


Lumikki giggled when he showed her the diamond, she figured it was a funny way to gauge her strength but she'd enjoy it. The Iceberg people were one to revere grit and power, that is true. Of course, those things were just and meant to an end. Glory could not be won with brute force alone and savagery didn't gain you the honor of a flight with a Valkyrie. When her merriment finally relented her face would slip to something more somber.

" Yuurei's family, tell me more about this failure ye mourn?" She'd freeze the water before her to lay atop the floating ice. The chill soothed her enough to ignore the searing heat but the ice block also gave her a place to rest. She'd loftily place her head on top and go on." And this friend? I want to understand more of yer story. I feel like I know ye, but don't at the same time. So tell me Brone, who is the God Bear I've come to love."

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#15Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Wed May 29, 2024 8:14 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone blurted out laughing as he watched Lumikki create a sheet of ice to lay upon in the water. But his laughter stopped when she asked to elaborate further. He brought a hand up and ran his fingers through his hair, feeling the hot water drip down the back of his neck as he thought back, those old feelings coming back. He looked up to the stars as he began.

"When Yuurei was a lad, a vampire, for the life of me I don't remember the deadman's name, had attacked his home, kidnapped his parents and left him for dead... but the elf survived" Brone's tone was nonchalant, though the memory was heavy, he has come to terms with the weight of it, now speaking simply with a somber heart at best, "For years he searched for them, and after we met, I joined his quest, along with Kailani, the three of us would end up finding a trail and tracking it to the mountains, fighting vampires sired by the deadman, waves of them until we reached his castle... we were ready and confident" Brone sighed as he let himself float about, looking up at the awning, he could still hear the battle.

"We fought, and lost... dealing a fatal blow to Yuurei and leaving him on death's door before he left with the elf's parents once again, if it wasn't for the angel Uriel, Yuurei wouldn't be walking Earthland" As he sighed, a trail of steam escaped his nose, lifting to the night sky.

"It wouldn't be until two years after that day that we caught another wiff of the deadman, but keep in mind that we were stronger than before, but... short one person... I don't know how, but the vampire had his hands on Kailani and the young lass perished.... too young... too good for this world" He could still hear her laughter and kind words which brought his eyes to well up; when he began to feel the tears coming, he would dip beneath the surface of the water for a moment before coming up to hide the shedding of the tears.


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:05 pm


As her Uncle pour the somber tale, his emotions flickering in his eyes but not his words, Lumikki quietly listened to every word patiently. Trying to paint the picture of the tragedy in her mind as he cycled through the motions.

With each turn to the heavens above, Lumikki would humor him and look on too. Tracing the stars her Nan taught her without much thought as he continued to convey one of his biggest regret. This time was long before her ever coming to the Dawn, but if Yuurei was still mortal during these events, then they couldn’t possible be so long ago either.

She’d think about that and how the run-in’s with the fiend wore out them both, until they lost a mutual friend.”The pain of losing a friend is too much to bear…” She’d begin as she bobbed toward him. His head was under water but not for long.”I remember how sad I was when I thought we lost Benimaru in that blasted war….How frantic I was despite being trapped in a card just moments prior…Without ye, I don’t know where I’d be. Emil was hardly any help to me back then.”

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#17Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:24 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Aye... tis a strong pain indeed" Brone nodded before his eyes went back to Lumikki, "And I know she ain't gone too far, I'll see her again when I leave Midgard" he smirked to lighten the mood. Though Lumikki spoke of the moment she was entrapped, the dwarf sighed heavily, "That was scary and I'm happy ye find yer way out, but I doubt anyone would ever put ye in a card again, as for me, I'm too wide to fit in a card" he blurted out a laugh. His mood was lifted, but the subject of battle and war worried him that it would hold the atmosphere down, "If I die, I die sooner than I would in my bed, at the end of the day, it doesn't change the fact that we family, lass, I'll love ye enough to haunt ye" another loud laugh and he nearly slipped and fell into the heated water.


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:33 pm


”Yer not allowed to die, ye bloody fool! A Dhain like yerself had more than a couple of centuries in ya, but besides that, it gives me time to find remedies for yer timely nonsense. The Valkyrie that claimed ye is floating before ye Osborn. Yer Valhalla is here and nowhere else…but if ye slip away by chance, suppose I’ll need to be able to combat the sisters in the sky meself…” Lumikki wasn’t teasing but she wasn’t displaying the full seriousness in her voice. She tempered her tone to keep the animosity at bay but the waters would noticeable cool for a few moments before boiling back done.

Her form would unravel slightly, feathers now poking out of her face and skin. The white wings that adorn her head was now splitting into three on both sides and her eyes were glowing more than before. It wasn’t that her anger was festering, only the it was becoming hard to maintain a more human appearance. The spike in mood weakened her further.

”Ye know how much I love and need ye…” A stream of frost and chill left her lips with every word and her voice raptured more like a gale than ever before. Like she was almost falling apart with the heat and steam. Her frost pillow was hardly holding and she was sinking in slightly and she let herself continue to sink from her slumped feeling.

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#19Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:03 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Though the dwarf was speaking in a playful manner, Lumikki's response wasn't so. Though she didn't seem to be angered, but she was indeed serious in her statement which made Brone drop his smile immediately. The temperature of the water chill for a brief moment, clearly affected by the demoness' emotions. Then her appearance altered, dipping more into her demonic form. He wasn't sure before, but he questioned now that Lumikki is a demon reborn, he wondered which appearance she donned was her true self. Deep within him he had hoped that her human form, the form he was so use to would be her true self, but as time went on, he grew to accept this new being of her, admitting that Lumikki, though she was still the same little niece he always knew, had changed, as do all who become adults. Demon or not, this was his kin and she is pouring out her feelings showing that his death would indeed impact her and even threatened to bring him back if need be.

"Lass, I hear ye, I'm not going anytime soon, though many are looking forward to dying a warrior's death, I aim te die in me sleep, and with me blood being dhain now, who knows when that'll be" his tone was more somber and warm, though the conversation was a downer, he gave her assurance that as he would fight his physical foes, he would fight death as well, "And drop that visage, ye have no reason te hide who ye are with me; we're suppose te be relaxing, not straining ourselves" his joyful tone returned with sternness.


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:02 pm


”Drop that visage,” Lumikki mocked him, using the very voice the Dhain Dwarf to do it. ”We are suppose te be relaxing indeed. Perhaps ye should show a lass how it’s done, aye?” Lumikki would crack a smile, and like the tearing of cloth it was like she was ripping apart. Unraveling at the seams while her dark spilled over thickening plumage. The feathers were bursting every which way as Lumikki sighed and relaxed some. This was still not her true form but now she was damn well close, appearing as a harpy cooking in the bath.

”On of these days I’ll have ye join me in a nice bath in Oddr. It’ll serve as a fair trade. Jests aside Uncle. When are ye gonna unveil more of the heritage ya have? The stories of the Dhain could not be kept away forever. I think it’s time ye left the guild for a bit and explored that.”

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Pokedex Entry
#21Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:48 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone was startled when hearing the deepened voice come from Lumikki; after a second, he realized it was his own voice that was mimicked, "Oy! Is that how I sound like?" he was more surprised by how he perceived his own voice then the fact that Lumikki was able to perfectly mimic him. He figured it was some form of magic spell that was akin to the ravens, since it was well known to him that corvids like ravens and crows are able to mimic sounds they hear, "More raven-like day by day" he said as he ran his hand through his wet hair again.

Then he began to watch, though he felt a slight tinge of fear run through him as he saw Lumikki change form; there was something about how she changed that seemed terrifying and beautiful all at the same time; the dwarf could only guess it had something to do with the demonic magic that she manipulated. "Dhain?" he snapped out of it when his niece brought up the idea for him to research the dwarven past, "Such things are myth and legend not even in the books Gnicholas has; me best bet would be te search the old dwarven halls" He used that as an excuse for something that seemed so distant; he didn't even know Dhain Dwarves were even real before the day he and Lumikki fought Grektor. Then he sighed, knowing his niece would push him either way to do as he had said, "Fine, lass, I'll search the halls..." he would sink down to his neck again as he imagined the old dusty halls of neighboring dwarven clans. Then he thought about the possibility of searching the halls of neighboring dwarven kingdoms, "Well, I never visited the old halls of dwarven clans from any of the seven kingdoms... I suppose that would be a fun trip" he smirked, finally finding something to look forward to.

He nearly startled himself again as he looked upon Lumikki's visage, forgetting she had changed forms to such a beautifully deadly harpy. If this was her true form, he still loved her.


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:16 pm


”One could say the lass is the queen of ravens, I like to think so even if it’s kinda cheesy. I still remember when nothing about me resembled one….If I was to be honest, it really hurt feeling like I was hardly a raven Demi-human. No feathers, no wings, I didn’t even have the black hair, I couldn’t mimic voices….I wasn’t even a good dwarf. I was nothing…All I had were me stories and magic. All I could cling to were the notions that I was a daughter of the Primordial Frost Aurilandür. The day I almost died to the blizzard was the day I started to feel alive….” Her four wings pulled back their full two meters as the Demoness gaze a soft screech in her stretch. The top most pair had clenching talons on their radiale. Details like these were often over looked as she flew so high up. Her feathers soaked in the warm water, the keratin bunching and swelling to the swishing motion, but their lightness allowed them to float atop the surface.

”So? Why don’t we hunt ‘em? It’s in our line of work to hunt around anyways. I could do the searching but I’ll need ye there for it to matter.” Brone did her the honor of complying, but what was charming was that the Dwarf couldn’t hide his giddiness. Lumikki wouldn’t tease that out of him, instead letting him simmer in the implications of it all and with a sweet voice, she’d coo. ”Aye dear Uncle, lets learn more about the family at last. I wanna gather them all together, even the two clans we’ve lost….I want us to stand united and strong like they day of the Dragon room….aye, I’ve got nothing but time, I think I’ll dedicate some effort to the task. I can’t be the heiress in peace with a broken family….Besides, it would be a good time to return the gems.~” Lumikki kept them safe in her abyssal portal, a place no one could access but her. But the gesture of offering the gems to their families was a powerful. It should be attempted regardless of the answer.

”Oh by the way Uncle, what ever happened to yer extra set of arms?”

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Pokedex Entry
#23Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 8:58 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Enough of that!" he was stern with his words, finding himself already fully standing straight in the water. It was odd indeed to him to hear her talk with such lack of confidence, though he had moments long ago when he heard her fall into such states, though they were whispers. Part of accepting her into the guild was to help her grow, especially in her confidence. "Look at how far ye come, lass; ye strength is well known in the north, and I have no doubt ye known as one of the strongest in the guild; ye have a crown of ice and I doubt there is another ice witch that would take it from ye" He pointed a strong finger at her while he kept his eyes locked on hers. "Ye started as an icicle, as I started as a pebble, barely anything more than that; some start already as knights or princes or whatever, but we earned all our strength... forged on our own, and if ye feel like ye haven't reached yer peek, then we'll just keep climbing!"

Brone had gotten himself so worked up that the heat was starting to affect him, so he walked over to the edge and grabbed the towel to wrap around his waste as he exited. "And yeah, we'll go hunting for that lore" he gave a small chuckled, wiping some sweat from his brow as he stepped away from the heated pool. "The arms?" he nearly had forgotten he had never informed Lumikki of his decision to rid of his extra arms, "Ah, well those arms didn't come free, lass" he would look down at his own true arms, feeling a deep appreciation for them, "They came from a war god who offered them te me... but wanted me te give into me anger, use me wrath as a weapon, but I ain't no kid anymore... I know falling into the furnace will disfigure the metal, know what I mean?" he looked over to Lumikki with a smile, indicating he didn't miss the extra limbs, but was happy with what he truly had.


Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:56 pm


”Aye, I get what ye mean fine enough. As ye see, I could shift through many forms but they are all me own. Each one true in their own right, a facet of me being really. But to be in one I don’t like or favor would be awfully vexing. So I wouldn’t expect it of ya. But ye know Uncle, for a Dwarf, people known to stay ever fixed like that likeness of a stone. Ye seem to have many changes and I’d be bold enough to say, that I sense many more. I wonder, a Dwarven God like ya, what form would ye ultimately settle in? Eh, whatever it may be, just know I’ve come to love all of ‘em. Hel, dark grey skin, pale white hair, we look more like family than ever! Huh, speaking off which. Beni never did show up did he!? Oh that bugger, sometimes I wonder if he still loves me.”

Her cheeks would puff up from her annoyance as a pout settled deeply upon her face. She knew quite well that he did, but she was still annoyed all the same. This was as close to Joya as they could get in the moment and it wounded not to get some time with him. She’d just have to properly guilt him later.

With feathers on end, Lumikki tried to settle back down. If her Uncle was setting to leave the water, then so should she. With her body covered thickly with feathers, she’d simply rise and climb out. Her wings felt far too wet and heavy to use comfortable, so she’d have to stick with her talons as she pulled herself out.

The moment she step out entirely, the air began to freeze. It would seem that she was keen to cool off even if it took her magic to do so. ”Let me rest a quick moment, and then we should meet for some drinks from there.” Lumikki shook about to take off the excess water, her wings draping around her like a make-shift robe. And with a deep sigh, she’d walk off to the room.

Curtain Call

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Pokedex Entry
#25Brone Heavyaxe 

Glacial Bonds in Boiling Tides [FPHS - Peeping Show][Lumikki] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:18 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
As Lumikki slowly exited the water, Brone thought about what she said, both their skin color and white color were similar; after going down such different paths in combat and study, they've actually come to look almost blood related, "Ain't that something!?" he laughed; it truly did made him feel good hearing that, that realization he'll be thinking about for the rest of the rest and for the days to come.

He was going to walk into the inner lobby until his niece asked him to wait a moment. He would look back and observe her covered in feathers. For a moment, Brone saw her as a little girl curled up in a blanket after coming in from the cold. She was always connected to the cold, but now it was like her own breath. Indeed she has grown and during that time they have grown much closer. "Hopefully the oni will be at the bar" the dwarf chuckled.


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