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It Takes Two to Water Tango! [Deadliest Catch NQ FT. Ghost]

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It Takes Two to Water Tango! [Deadliest Catch NQ FT. Ghost] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:16 pm

As dawn kissed the docks of Luluhawa Island with hues of amber and gold, Tōga found himself eagerly anticipating the day’s adventures. Unlike those who surrendered to languor in the comforting arms of sleep, he thrived in the nascent light, a time when the world seemed ripe with possibility. This morning, his vibrant spirit was directed toward the pier, where he awaited the arrival of Ghost—a companion as enigmatic as the veil of fog that clung to the water's surface.

Their previous quest had left Tōga intrigued by Ghost’s character, a man veiled in mystery, his past a canvas washed clean by amnesia’s indiscriminate hand. Yet, despite the gaps in his memory, Ghost exuded a quiet dignity and a kindness that spoke of deep, unspoken reservoirs of strength. Tōga, moved by a blend of amity and curiosity, had resolved to aid Ghost not just in earning a livelihood but in piecing together the scattered fragments of his identity.

The task at hand was straightforward yet thrilling—a creature of legend, a behemoth of the deep was rumored to haunt the coastal waters, and they were to ensnare it. The mission promised not only a generous reward but also an opportunity for Ghost to hone his skills and perhaps, in the weave of battle and shared danger, rediscover fragments of the man he once was.

wc: 236 [236/1000]


It Takes Two to Water Tango! [Deadliest Catch NQ FT. Ghost] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:40 pm

It was dawn already and Ghost was just now getting up. Still roaming this island as it could bring him peace of mind from time to time. He would start his day by getting ready. As he sat a tea pot over a nice hot fire. He would let the water heat up. Soon he would chop lemon and put them in the water. As the sour fruit essence dance over the water he would then pour honey in it. Soon enough the tea powder would be added. About ten minutes later the tea would be done and nice and hot. Perfect for to start one's day off. As he prep himself he would head out of his home for the time being.
Ghost would head over to the local forge and was thankful that they was able to repair his blade. As he picked it up he could only wonder how he could get his blade like that of Toga. A clean smile on his face he would head out to go meat the Inferno dragon slayer. With a small yawn he would head out the forge and down the way. This time he would have Rayne with him.

It would only be a matter of time before he made it to the shore. After they captured one giant octopus it was time for another catch. Ghost was starting to get the hang of this monster hunter stuff. But he still had a long way to go if anything. As he made it to the waters he would see the ship. Still a bit tired but that was to be expected if anything. Soon he would walk towards the ship and get on it. Looking around he would wait Toga who could be near by.

Ghost would then bring his sword out and start to inspect it. "I wonder if I could infuse my soul into such a blade. I heard that was a thing now. But I wonder what kind of spirit would come from my very own soul?" Ghost would say as he started to get the ship up and running. This misson was the same as last but the good news was the beast was not as strong as the last one and that was a good thing. However if he was to grow in might he would need to test out his might itself. Only time would tell what would happen next.



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