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Lothwen's Greedy Floral Spells:

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Lothwen's Greedy Floral Spells: Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:41 pm

Lothwen's Greedy Floral Spells: 1d29d7b5-cd0b-405d-8a66-7ec0f91d31a1
Name: Flower Maiden
Rank: S-rank
Mana Cost: 10% base mana > 5% sustain
Requirements: Pact of the Lifebringer
Type: Summoning - Champion
Element: Nature
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Sustain
A spell that showcases the true nature of Lothwen's powers: By raising her hand toward a nearby spot a magical circle equivalent to the rank of the spell appears at her hand, after which spores from her flower eye will be shed. Moments later these spores will nourish from the ground into a single large flower in full bloom from which a Flower Maiden is born. Although this can be used on a corpse to speed up the summoning process, once cast the Flower Maiden will fight at Lothwen's side until destroyed or dismissed. The flower maiden takes a female humanoid's appearance of roughly one meter and sixty-five centimeters tall with a floral design around her features. The Flower Maiden has 111 Strength and 251 Speed while having 4 S-rank constitution. This amount can be changed once the user's Intelligence surpasses the baseline for S-rank champions.

Name: Eternal Embrace
Rank: S-rank
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Flower Maiden
Type: Binding
Element: Nature
Range: 25 Meters
Cooldown: 5 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The Flower Maiden raises her hands toward a target of her choice and channels mana through her arms upon which a magical circle the equivalent dimensions of the spell will be conjured. Once produced a stream of vines will erupt that attempt to encase the target into a bind effect. Due to the nature of the Flower empowering this magic the bind will persist without the need to sustain and is considered one rank higher than normally. The only way to break free is by destroying it.

Name: Febreeze
Rank: S-rank
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Pact of the Lifebringer, Flower Maiden
Type: Other-buff
Element: Nature
Range: 25 Meters
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Sustain
The Flower Maiden raises her hand toward a target of their choice after which a magical circle equivalent to the rank dimensions will appear. Once activated a small sphere the size of tennisball will float toward the direction the spell is cast at and upon impact turn into a flurry of flower petals that as their scent spreads through the air will empower the target with a S-rank buff to Strength.

purchasing these for 750,000j please.


Lothwen's Greedy Floral Spells: Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:59 am


These 3 spells are approved for the purchase of 750,000 jewels.

Do note that for "Eternal Embrace", given it's an ordinary Spell (albeit S-rank) if someone is immune to binding or has a way of circumventing it without outright destroying it, it should work.

Lothwen's Greedy Floral Spells: GPIjkMz

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