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Luna Nightshade

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#1Luna Nightshade 

Luna Nightshade  Empty Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:22 am

Luna Nightshade


Name: Luna Nightshade

Age: 30 (May 2nd, X766)

Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Caelish(Elf)

Ethnicity, Mother: Caelish(Fairy)

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Fae

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Tattoo: Upper left thigh(lavender)

Face: Elysia - Honkai 3rd Impact


Height: 5'4"

Weight: 115 lbs

Hair: Bubblegum Pink

Eyes: Blue/Lavender

Overall: Luna is an ethereal-like beauty, with soft, bubblegum pink hair, and eyes of azure and lavender hues that blend seamlessly. Her skin is alabaster without a single blemish. Her cheeks are ever rosy. She cuts a voluptuous, slender yet curvy figure with dainty hands and small feet.

Typically, Luna prefers dresses and skirts when the weather is nice. When it's cold out, she'll wear long-sleeved sweaters and tights in either solid colors or floral prints. If she were going on an outing to a place like a beach, she would wear a pure white sun dress that falls just below the knees paired with a white-brimmed sun hat and cute yet stylish sandals.

Around Christmas or any other wintery time, she would sport either a pink or baby blue sweater with some decoration on it like say, a snowman or winter flower, and pair it with some well-matched shorts and warm tights and cute fluffy boots.

Extra: Pointed ears that signify the elvish part of her parentage. Behind her left ear is a small crescent-shaped birthmark from which her name is derived from.


Personality: Luna is someone who appears to be cute and innocent on the surface. She's incredibly friendly but also equally as chatty. Whenever she finds someone who stands out to her that she takes a shine to, Luna will stick to them like glue. Talking their ear off and even mimicking their gestures as a sign of affection. Most people who do that would obviously be annoying but, Luna is just so charming and adorable it's hard to get mad at her.

Luna likes giving nicknames to people she meets. When she gives one to a boy, it's her way of expressing she likes them. If she gives one to another woman, it's usually the opposite. She uses nicknames with females to secretly mock them without the other person knowing that. That isn't to sa that Luna hates all other women. Only the ones who think they're better than Luna or that are actually on the same level looks-wise. Like other fae who aren't a part of Luna's family.

Having been raised as a daughter of nobility, Luna has a lot of pride in her lineage, at times she can be a bit haughty when it comes to topics related to her background. Such as when someone brings up pedigree or status. Naturally, Luna thinks of herself as a princess. Anyone who would dare to treat her as less than that, will surely come to regret it.

Luna isn't one that conforms to the standard of society, unless she deems it necessary. Why would she when she has her own standards? Luna has a lot of self-confidence. She knows just how much a of beauty queen she is and knows how to use her ethereal good looks to her advantage.

Luna is so confident in herself to the point she truly believes anyone who receives positive attention from her should feel grateful, even if that attention was only given so she could make use of them. If someone the fae used and then ditched because she no longer had any use for them, got angry and lashed out, she would cause an even bigger scene by playing the victim so they would be shamed. Luna does all these things without batting an eye because to her, she isn’t doing anything wrong.

As mentioned before, Luna seems like a very sweet, innocent and charming young girl. However, there is a darkness within her. A screw or two loose. When dealing with “unpleasant” people. Those who have insulted her, targeted someone she likes in some way. She shows no mercy.

She sees nothing wrong with doling out appropriate “punishments” to “bad people”. Luna often uses her magic to teach people a lesson they won't soon forget. Whether it whipping them with a spell, trapping them in water till their to the brink of almost drowning to death before releasing them. It just depends on how bad they were.

Luna does this away from prying eyes since she knows that most other people find her methods “problematic” or “cruel”. Luna is such a good actress that even when there are fools dumb enough to try and tell on her, just a few tears are enough to turn the tables on her accusers. Watching them squirm, realizing they won't win is so much fun!

Luna's expectations for romance are unrealistic to say the least. Having grown up reading about princes on white horses, she expects to meet her very own “prince charming” and live happily ever after. Until then, she's content to enjoy all the attention she gets from her many admirers.

Luna would be the most affectionate and loyal partner to whomever wins her heart. Naturally she expects the same level of devotion from her significant other. If anyone dared to target her lover, well, they would soon find out how poor a decision that was.

Luna is not in the habit of showing all of her cards to others. For she doesn't believe anyone can truly accept all of her. So, she keeps the darker bits away from the light and only shows her best to others.

As a fae, Luna is a free-spirit whose heart yearns for adventure and excitement. Just like her stories she read as a child, Luna goes traveling as much as she can. Learning new things in new places. Her curiosity and passion for learning knows no bounds. Luna wants to see the world and she'll stop at nothing until she achieves that dream.

A wicked smart girl, she can memorize most things she reads once by heart. Especially things that leave a lasting impression on her. Such as stories about far off lands. Or histories and customs that are so vastly different from what she grew up learning about. Luna isn't just book smart either.

Although, she does prefer acting as if she were naive and even a little dumb around boys but scheming and conniving towards females she dislikes. That isn't to say she hate all other females. Just the ones who are mean to her or go after what or who she likes.

Luna's lifestyle is an idyllic one, she has no set schedule, just takes each day as they come and seeks out whatever entertainment she can. Whether that be going swimming in the ocean, relaxing on the beach, visiting her favorite cafes or bookstores, having a spa day, causing chaos. It doesn’t matter, so long as Luna can be happy and feel fulfilled.

Luna views her body as temple and thus believes it should be treated with the best care. Faye regularly indulges in the luxury to maintain her beauty. Such as, expensive hair and skin care products. She’ll take baths twice a day, moisturize thoroughly, apply hair oil to her hair to maintain its softness and shine. When it comes to her eating habits, Luna tries to not eat too many sweets but occasionally enjoys a “cheat day” where she visits her favorite café and orders the day’s special dessert.

All in all, Luna is a charming and confident young fae with many dark secrets. She always knows what she wants and goes for it. A loveable girl you can't help but fall for with an extreme passion and drive to chase her dreams until they become reality.

  • Adventure: Growing up, Luna read countless stories about adventurers, traversing dangerous mountains, trap filled dungeons and find treasures. This made young Luna want to become one as well.
  • Pretty Things: Jewels, pretty desserts, dresses, etc. Just looking at things that the fae finds pretty is enough to make her feel better when in a bad mood.

  • Bullies: People who try to insult or harass her to feel superior are the worst. They need to be taught a lesson that they won't soon forget.
  • Bugs: What can she say except that they're gross, creepy and freaky. Bugs are nasty. Anytime she sees a bug that isn't a ladybug or a butterfly, she'll squash it without hesitation.

  • Her Dreams: The notion of making her dreams a reality, gives Luna great drive to do her best every day.

  • Death: Although the concept of death in general does not scare Luna because everyone eventually dies. What does scare her is the idea of dying before achieving her dreams
  • Poverty: Having had more money than most since birth. The mere idea of losing it all suddenly is a terrifying thought. Luna wouldn't know what to do if she were poor.


Strength: 3

Speed: 6

Constitution: 4

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 11


Magic Name: Water Magic

Magic Element: Water/Ice

Magic Enhancement: Combo-Elemental Magic

Magic Description: Water Magic is a form of Magic revolving around the use of water, which is placed under the user's command for them to employ for various purposes. Depending on its use, the physical properties of water can be manipulated to the user's advantage; large masses of such liquid are shown to possess remarkable force, being usable to inflict blunt damage upon targets by sweeping them away with water. The caster can even convert their body into water. Luna can use Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary, and Self-Buff Strength spells as a sorcerer.


History: Born in the Kingdom of Albion of the Isles of Caelum, her father was an elf, and her mother, a faerie. The two were from well-off yet minor noble families of centuries-old descent. Haelyn was from the Nightshade Family and Elvina was from the Morninglory family.

Naturally, the two were arranged to be married in the hopes of strengthening their families’ respective bloodlines. Elvina married into the Nightshade family. Although the two initially didn’t care for each other, after they had their first two children, their feelings changed into those of deep affection.

Their firstborn, Elrond took after Haelyn. Their secondborn, Aerin, equally took after both parents and their third child, who looked mostly like Elvina, was born with a crescent-shaped birthmark behind her left ear. Thinking it the work of fate, named the baby girl Luna.

Luna being the youngest also meant she was the most spoiled. The family had enough wealth to give their children whatever they desired on golden platters. Books, dolls, dresses, swords, the finest food and desserts. Naturally, Elrond and Arein adored their baby sister. Often giving her their snacks at tea time.

Growing up, Luna loved to play dress up and read fairy tales. Ones about her mother’s race. Stories about Prince Charming saving a princess on a white horse from an evil dragon. Stories of mages defeating evil demons, etc. These stories helped fuel Luna’s imagination and filled her with so much desire to do what the people in her storybooks did.

Luna understood from a young age that her cuteness was the way to get what she wanted. If someone was even slightly mean to her, all she had to do was go crying to her family and they would take care of that person. To the family, Luna was their pride and joy, the family’s treasure.

She would always be a little angel in front of her siblings and parents as well as the servants of their manor. No one ever doubted sweet little Luna. This allowed her the freedom to do as she pleased away from their view. When Luna got to be older, her childlike, chubby cuteness turned into ethereal beauty. Most men and boys couldn’t help but turn their heads and stare at her. If she flashed them a smile, they would either faint or blush hard.

Luna grew up in the lap of luxury so naturally, she would never settle for less. In her teen years, she would always go out to boutiques and get the prettiest dresses, making sure that no one else could wear the same dress as her. She did the same for any clothing or accessories she would buy.

When Luna turned 18, she awakened to her magic. She found out she was a water mage and so her parents found her the best magic tutor money could buy, the same one who’d taught both of her siblings when they awakened theirs a few years prior.

Luna was a prodigy, her level of control and precision with her magic even outdid her siblings to which the whole family rejoiced. She would use her magic to help others in need but also for her own selfish reasons. If someone tried to slight her at a party or salon, she’d trap them in a sphere of water until they promised to never do so again.

If she found a thief among the servants, she would personally “take care of them” so the thought of stealing never crossed their mind again. Over the years, Her family began to worry about Luna. They could tell something was wrong with their precious daughter and sister.

When they tried to talk to her, Luna couldn’t understand what the problem even was. It was obvious that any further attempts would fall on deaf ears so instead, her parents and siblings decided to protect her from any harm by sending her to another country to live with a distant relative of her mother’s under the guise of it being a vacation.

Luna’s sadistic and cruel tendencies were bound to catch up with her if she stayed in Albion and Caelum. The family didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. After her parents convinced Luna to go on “vacation” in Fiore, Luna agreed, even knowing that this was more than just a simple pleasure trip. After all, Luna was incredibly smart and quick-witted. Even so, Luna loved her family as much as they loved her and knew they wouldn’t send her away for anything bad.

A few months on the train, she arrived in Fiore, where she was to stay at a Beautiful manor with her maternal aunt in the city of Hargeon. A beautiful coastal city. After settling in, with her magic she found a place for herself in the local mage’s guild, Blue Pegasus, a guild known for being home to many beautiful people. The perfect place for someone like her.

Discord: Elyse

Reference: (Old Character being remade from Pre 787)

Last edited by Luna Nightshade on Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total

Luna Nightshade  Luna_s10

Luna Nightshade  Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 5:06 pm

This character is re-approved for roleplay.

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