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Akrasia - fantasy canine / feline rp

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Akrasia - fantasy canine / feline rp Empty Today at 7:23 pm

Akrasia - fantasy canine / feline rp M600kJc


We are a high-fantasy, play-by-post canine & feline RPG. Our game takes place on a fantasy, earth-like continent where magic, supernatural forces, and powerful deities shape the lives of our characters. We are built with freedom and creativity in mind: Freeform character creation - mutations, accessories, and fantasy colors are free from the start so you can make the character you want. No character limit & no activity checks. Want to have a part-time character? No problem. Magic and D&D inspired stat system with "no-math" dice for fair combat, and an easy progression system.


DISCORD: https://discord.gg/H2r442j4gS

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