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Lumikki's Nursery

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Lumikki's Nursery  Empty Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:56 pm


Lumikki's Nursery  Tenevi11


Name: Tenevi

Slot: Companion

Race: Harpy

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Dark

Mana: 1500

  • Strength: 61
  • Speed: 61
  • Constitution: 61


Height: 1 1/3 Meters
Weight: 50lbs

Appearance: A harpy with multiple cool colors for her feathers. The base is a deep gray and bluish plumage that gives into mint green to lavender to purple and then black. She has four wings in total. Her first two sprout from her arms, and she has talons for her hands. The second set sits around her waist and sprouts from her lower back. Her legs also give way to another set of talons. Her face is one of a girl and she has a short and slanted bob cut. Her body is adorned with a dark blue wing cape, a sheer top tied in a blue ribbon, and a deep blue midpiece. She had anklets as well.

Description: Tenevi is an aspect of Lumikki taken form. When she was a child, she was separated from her inner darkness to weaken the influence of a demon. When her Nan died, that aspect of herself returned, after spending years within the primordial dark it shifted into another being almost. It returned as a voice present in her mind but soon wanted to be more so that she could truly be along with herself.

Personality: Tenevi can come out very cold and dark to those who are not Lumikki. Very jealous of her master’s attention and reliance. Though she would prefer to be cruel and tear apart all the approaches Lumikki, especially those her masters care most for, she holds those urges back tremendously so as not to upset her master. Tenevi knows all too well the importance of family and loyalty for her and chooses not to sabotage this. Though there will be times she lets her real feelings and thoughts slip, she mostly maintains a polite demeanor and a pout.
Though Tenevi is polite on the surface, she is far from kind. Opting to not help anyone in need unless Lumikki asks directly. She has a very mischievous attitude as her master does, though where Lumikki usually stops at harmless pranks, Tenevi would prefer to cut deeper. She also wields on full display Lumikki’s darker thoughts and tendencies, hardly holding back unless it would be a problem with her master.
Tenevi is somewhat a voice of calm and reason to Lumikki who through all the aspects shifting constantly for her, causes her to at times be reckless or self-loathing. Tenevi wanted to pierce the limitation of just being a voice in Lumikki’s thoughts so that she could protect for herself the aspect of herself she loves most. Hoping to be a protector and caretaker for Lumikki on her journey back to the primordial darkness.
Tenevi is extremely jealous and possessive but quite mindful of her limitations as she doesn’t want Lumikki to hate her.


Requirements: Lumikki


  • Swift Raven’s dance: The companion can fly up to 5 meters.
  • Eyes of the primordial dark: Tenevi has a dark vision.

Companion Perks:
  • none  

Partner Perks:
  • Ravens fly in pairs: The user receives an additional 20% experience when completing quests.


  • Name: - Dark Valkyrie
    Rank: -B
    Mana Cost: -100
    Requirements: -Tenevi
    Type: -Defensive
    Element: -Dark
    Range: - 15 meters
    Cooldown: -3 posts
    Effect: Tenevi brings forth wings made of dark magic to shield for 1 A rank of damage. The wings are 2 meters long. Can be conjured for others to take the hit.

  • Name: - Wicked Umbran Talon
    Rank: -B
    Mana Cost: -100
    Requirements: -Tenevi
    Type: - Offensive
    Element: -Dark
    Range: -15 meters
    Cooldown: -3 posts
    Effect: Tenevi swipes at the sky to conjure a lard talon made of dark to slash at her enemy. The talon is 2 meters in length and 1 meter in width. Dealing 1 B rank of damage.

  • Name: Moonless Feather storm
    Rank: -B
    Mana Cost: -100
    Requirements: -Tenevi
    Type: - Offensive
    Element: -Dark
    Range: -15 meters
    Cooldown: -3 posts
    Effect: -Tenevi opens up all her wings raining down dark dagger feathers within a 4-diameter area. Hitting for 1 B rank damage.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Legendary custom companion ticket
  • Tier 3 Innate Flight 9p and Sensory9p. Bonus experience12p
  • Spells
    Dark Valkyrie(B), Wicked Umbran Talon(B), Moonless Feather Stork(B)-18p

Total points Acquired: 48
Total Points Spent: 48

Ticket and Payment:


Lumikki's Nursery  Empty Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:59 am

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Lumikki's Nursery  Empty Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:06 am


Lumikki's Nursery  Tenevi11


Name: Tenevi

Slot: Companion

Race: Harpy

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Dark

Mana: 1500

  • Strength: 61
  • Speed: 61
  • Constitution: 61


Height: 1 1/3 Meters
Weight: 50lbs

Appearance: A harpy with multiple cool colors for her feathers. The base is a deep gray and bluish plumage that gives into mint green to lavender to purple and then black. She has four wings in total. Her first two sprout from her arms, and she has talons for her hands. The second set sits around her waist and sprouts from her lower back. Her legs also give way to another set of talons. Her face is one of a girl and she has a short and slanted bob cut. Her body is adorned with a dark blue wing cape, a sheer top tied in a blue ribbon, and a deep blue midpiece. She had anklets as well.

Description: Tenevi is an aspect of Lumikki taken form. When she was a child, she was separated from her inner darkness to weaken the influence of a demon. When her Nan died, that aspect of herself returned, after spending years within the primordial dark it shifted into another being almost. It returned as a voice present in her mind but soon wanted to be more so that she could truly be along with herself.

Personality: Tenevi can come out very cold and dark to those who are not Lumikki. Very jealous of her master’s attention and reliance. Though she would prefer to be cruel and tear apart all the approaches Lumikki, especially those her masters care most for, she holds those urges back tremendously so as not to upset her master. Tenevi knows all too well the importance of family and loyalty for her and chooses not to sabotage this. Though there will be times she lets her real feelings and thoughts slip, she mostly maintains a polite demeanor and a pout.
Though Tenevi is polite on the surface, she is far from kind. Opting to not help anyone in need unless Lumikki asks directly. She has a very mischievous attitude as her master does, though where Lumikki usually stops at harmless pranks, Tenevi would prefer to cut deeper. She also wields on full display Lumikki’s darker thoughts and tendencies, hardly holding back unless it would be a problem with her master.
Tenevi is somewhat a voice of calm and reason to Lumikki who through all the aspects shifting constantly for her, causes her to at times be reckless or self-loathing. Tenevi wanted to pierce the limitation of just being a voice in Lumikki’s thoughts so that she could protect for herself the aspect of herself she loves most. Hoping to be a protector and caretaker for Lumikki on her journey back to the primordial darkness.
Tenevi is extremely jealous and possessive but quite mindful of her limitations as she doesn’t want Lumikki to hate her.


Requirements: Lumikki


  • None:

Companion Perks:
  • None  

Partner Perks:
  • Two birds one Will: As the two work as one in ways they never managed to before. They execute tasks faster than ever. You receive a 15% word reduction on completing quests.
  • Shinies Galore: The glinting and glimmering delights are quickly snatched. The user receives an additional 20% jewels when completing quests.
  • Inner Fury: The harpies cold and vindictive ways lead her to always want an ever lingering touch. She may not yet be strong enough to fight with her Demoness, but her presence would be made known. Upon striking the target, they will lose the equivalent of one rank lowers worth of mana.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Legendary custom companion ticket
  • Three companion perks:WCR 15%(9pts)Bonus Jewels(12pts) Mana Burn(24pts)

Total points Acquired: 48
Total Points Spent: 45

I would like to redo my companion and use up the legendary ticket I was gifted in the New Year roll.

Lumikki's Nursery  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Lumikki's Nursery  Empty Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:45 am

This custom has been approved, please create a copy of the item and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section.


Lumikki's Nursery  Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:13 pm



Name: Hulda

Slot: Companion

Race: Frost Demon spawn

Class: Legendary 48pts

Quantity: Custom

Element: Dark

Mana: 1500

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 58
  • Constitution: 121


Height: 1m tall
Weight: 30lbs

Appearance: Short sleek blue, black fur that comes to tuffs along the crown—which proceeds a crest of red feathers with the appearance of a headpiece. An oval red gem is affixed upon their forehead, that glimmers and shines in the light. More red feathers adorn her neck like a collar, and two more that stick out from her ears. She has a catlike face and appearance, that shows most in her face. And two elongated curved claws that come off to very sharp points.

Description: During the festival held in Joya, one of the events presented to the public was the act of creation. Where one could come into a facility and be given a chance to create a flora or fauna of their own. Lumikki took this opportunity to make a new companion. One born of the magic of her feather.

Personality: Hulda is a very affectionate cat like being, and very attuned to her master. This is in part by the bond they shared through Lumikki’s feather but also because the Demoness was the first one Hulda saw when opening her eyes, causing the little creature to imprint onto their new caretaker.
Though she is very playful and sweet, she is also mischievous and sadistic. The only thing keeping her under control is Lumikki’s commands and supervision. Hulda seems to fall within a pack-like mentally, with Lumikki calling the shots while she is happy to comply. But if Lumikki doen’t reign her back, it’s hard to say how far Hulda’s mischief could go.


Companion Perks:
  • Nocturnal Edge: Like mother, like daughter. Hulda cannot get blinded.

Partner Perks:
  • Snowfall at Nightfall: With the pair attuned, the user receives a cooldown reduction of 2 post to the dark element for magic.
  • A Luckycat of the Shadows: With agile claws and feline eyes, the little one will swipe what lies. The user receives an additional 20% jewels when completing quests.
  • Swift Fiends in the Night: As a flock of two, they swiftly see to the end of their tasks. The user receives a 20% word reduction on completing quests.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Source
  • Effects (Blind immunit-12, Quest Word Reduction-12, Bonus Quest Jewel Reward-12, Specific Elemental Cooldown Reduction-12)

Total points Acquired: 48
Total Points Spent: 48
Using the Legendary ticket from my inventory.

Lumikki's Nursery  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Lumikki's Nursery  Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:57 am

This custom has been approved, please create a copy of the item and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section.


Lumikki's Nursery  Empty Sun Oct 06, 2024 3:54 am



Name: Hristora

Slot: Companion

Race: Jordvara-Primordial Earth Spirit

Class: Storyline Mythical Companion

Quantity: Custom

Element: Earth

Mana: 3000

  • Strength: 108
  • Speed: 121
  • Constitution: 251


Height: 8m in her full (PvP&RP) 6.1m when smaller(RP only)
Weight: When big- 4,000 - 5,000 kilograms (4-5 tons) When small-2,500 - 3,200 kilograms (2.5-3.2 tons)

Appearance: A majestic wolf, with a presence both fierce and ethereal. The fur is thick and shimmering, blending from a deep midnight blue to a soft, glowing white, as if it carries the essence of the stars within its coat. Runic markings of ancient design glow faintly across its face and body, pulsating with a mystical light that gives the wolf an otherworldly aura.

The creature’s eyes burn with an intense icy blue light, filled with wisdom and power, as though it can see far beyond the physical realm. Sparks of raw energy arc around its form, casting fleeting bursts of energy into the surrounding darkness, hinting at its elemental connection as it summons a sparks of an earthly glow.

The diamond-like symbol on its forehead signifies its deep bond with earth magic, marking it as a timeless creature. She radiates a control over nature, is a protector of sacred lands, and is an unstoppable force should she need to be.

Description: Lumikki, while wandering through the Udgard Wilds, would likely feel the weight of the ancient relics and the sense of deep magic tied to her heritage. This draws her towards the gate, where she encounters Hristora. At first, Hristora may view Lumikki as just another outsider or, worse, a threat. But as she observes Lumikki’s respect for the land, her ability to navigate the uninviting forest, and the power of her Jotunn blood, Hristora begins to realize that Lumikki is not just another traveler but someone with destiny tied to the Jotunn.
The earth itself speaks to Hristora, telling her that Lumikki’s fate as a Valkyrie and her connection to both the Abyss and Jotunn make her a vital figure in the balance of the realms. Though Hristora initially acts out of duty to protect the ancient gate and sacred lands, she soon realizes that protecting Lumikki is just as crucial. The two share a fierce battle, where Hristora’s brutal, savage style clashes with Lumikki’s own growing powers, but the fight ends in mutual respect.
As Hristora continues to travel with Lumikki, she sees the qualities of loyalty, family, and duty that the dwarves instilled in Lumikki, traits that resonate deeply with Hristora. Lumikki’s playful teasing and genuine kindness begin to crack Hristora’s stoic facade, and the two develop a bond built on mutual respect and playful affection. Of course Hristora’s brutal fighting style, influenced by her time spent alone in the wilds, also aligns with Lumikki’s recklessness, giving them a shared challenge to overcome. It’s a stark reminder that this bad habit can’t go on.
And over time, Lumikki helps Hristora see life beyond duty, showing her that there’s more to living than just protecting the past. Hristora, in turn, becomes fiercely loyal to Lumikki, always staying close by her side. Though she still maintains her blunt and standoffish attitude, she softens in private moments with Lumikki, showing her the affection she keeps hidden from the rest of the world.

Personality: Hristora’s personality is a complex blend of stoic loyalty and fierce independence, shaped by her centuries of solitude and duty as a guardian of ancient lands. On the surface, she appears stern, aloof, and often silent, her demeanor almost cold to those who do not know her. This reserved nature stems from her years of isolation, where the only voices she heard were the whispers of the earth. She has little patience for frivolity and tends to be blunt, often dismissing conversations she deems unnecessary.

However, beneath this stoic exterior, Hristora is deeply emotional and protective. Her time spent alone has left her with a profound sense of loneliness that she hides beneath her sense of duty. She forms deep bonds, but only with those she trusts completely. Her attachment to Lumikki is a prime example of this—she clings to Lumikki fiercely, though she would never openly admit the depth of her dependency. To others, she plays off her affections as mere duty or irritation, but with Lumikki, she reveals her softer, more vulnerable side.

Hristora is also extremely protective and has a strong sense of territoriality over those she cares about, particularly Lumikki. Once her loyalty is earned, she will fight with ferocity and cunning to defend those she considers her pack. This fierce loyalty can make her possessive at times, especially when it comes to Lumikki, whom she views not just as a leader, but as someone to whom she has given her heart and soul.

Her connection to the earth grants her a deep sense of balance and intuition, which contrasts with her impulsive and often reckless nature in battle. She is incredibly observant, always attuned to her surroundings, and prefers to act with precision and patience when it comes to protecting her lands. But when danger arises, Hristora does not hesitate—her primal instincts take over, and she becomes a force of brutal efficiency.

Over time, Hristora learns to open up more and express her emotions, especially as she bonds further with Lumikki. She slowly allows herself to embrace the comfort of touch, scent, and sound, savoring the warmth of company after centuries of solitude. This emotional evolution allows her to grow beyond her role as a passive guardian, transforming into a sentinel of the land’s magic and a key protector of Lumikki’s journey.


Requirements: None.


  • Human Form: An old trick of an old being is turning into a human form. Despite how long it’s gone unused, Hristora still knows how to shift her appearance.

  • Speech: Being an ancient guardian tied to the earth, Hristora is capable of speech should she choose to speak and is fluent mostly in many Icebergain dialects including ancient ones. Though she can tap into multiple languages of Earthland, including Fiorian and any other should the need rises.

  • Independent Action: As much as she detests it, Hristora can move independently of her partner, as such she has her own account and may travel and roleplay regardless of Lumikki’s location should the need rises.

Companion Perks:
  • Bound to the Earth: Hristora being tied to the land, she was significantly strengthen by the return of magic to Iceberg. As such all spells cast by the companion are treated as one rank higher.

  • Ancient Spirit: Being a spirit in nature, by lands and sky she will have a means to move around. The earth will always have a tendency to follow her so when she kicks off the ground, dust and stone will condense at her feet. Keeping her elevated and allowing her to hover and fly up to 10m.

  • The Veins of Ymir: Ymir, the primordial giant from whose body the world was created, is the foundation of the earth itself. Hristora being a child of Ymir allows her to tap into the land and gain a 20% mana cost reduction on spells tied to the earth.

  • Landvættir: As s spirit of the land, it allows her to push further. The range of spells attached to the companion is increased by 10 meters.


  • Name: Víðarr’s Vengeance
    Rank: D-S
    Mana Cost: 25-500
    Requirements: Hristora
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Earth
    Range: 0-10 m
    Cooldown: None
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user summons a set number of weapons depending on their rank, which also affects the range of the weapons. All weapons are summoned within a meter of the user. However, after summoning, the weapons that are not wielded in hand can be manipulated freely to block, stab, etc., within the given range without any motions. The swords move at spell speed. Each weapon deals A-rank damage and has a durability of A-rank damage as well. The user may not freely choose between the number of swords they wish to summon. The spell can be re-cast only if all the summoned swords are destroyed or if the user deliberately cancels the spell. Weapons used in summoning: swords, spears, and chained maces.
    D-rank User: 1 Weapon; 25 Mana; 25 Mana Sustain.
    C-rank User: 2 Weapon; 50 Mana; 50 Mana Sustain; 4 Meter Radius.
    B-rank User: 4 Weapon; 100 Mana; 100 Mana Sustain; 6 Meter Radius.
    A-rank User: 8 Weapon; 200 Mana; 200 Mana Sustain; 8 Meter Radius.
    S-rank User: 16 Weapon; 500 Mana; 500 Mana Sustain; 10 Meter Radius.

  • Name: Iron Maiden
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Hristora
    Type: Defense
    Element: Earth
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Hristora either pats her chest or howls to activate the spell. From which black ore coats her like protective armor. This spell can take 2S worth of damage before breaking. This spell is sustained until canceled, broken, or there is no more mana.

  • Name: Gleipnir’s Shackles
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Hristora
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Earth
    Range: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Hristora bites the air or clenches her fist, summoning the ancient magic of the earth. Hristora conjures chains made from a substance resembling the mythical Gleipnir, thin as silk but impossibly strong. These shackles, woven from earthen materials infused with magic, snake through the ground and wrap around the target. The chains shimmer faintly, and only by exerting overwhelming physical force or offering the mana cost to match the spell can the bindings be broken. Like the original Gleipnir, these shackles are deceptively light yet unyielding, a reminder of the great wolf Fenrir’s captivity.

  • Name: Sköll’s Snare
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Hristora
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Earth
    Range: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: With a swift motion from Hristora, the earth trembles and erupts, sending forth a set of colossal chains forged from obsidian stone, dark as the night Sköll seeks to swallow. These chains, covered in cracks that glow with the heat of the sun, wrap around the target with blistering force. Their weight pulls the target down, binding them to the ground. The chains smolder with energy, making them nearly impossible to break unless the target summons immense strength or expends the required mana to shatter the binding magic. Each link bears Sköll’s mark, a symbol of pursuit and inevitable capture.

  • Name: Fjörgyn’s Whisper
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Hristora
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Earth
    Range: 15
    Cooldown: 3
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Hristora drags their foot or paw on the ground to activate the spell. From which they get seismic sense which allows them to sense the vibrations along the ground within the range of the spell. This only applies to all beings interacting with the ground, those in the air cannot be sensed.

  • Name: Hrímfaxi’s Sprint
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Hristora
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Earth
    Range: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Hristora taps their foot or paw upon the ground activating their spell. The magic of the earth surges beneath her and propels her forward within spell range in a direction of her choosing. It’s like she is skating or surfing the lands.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Mythic 102pts
  • Mythic Ticket used
  • Human form Jalter from Fate Grand Order FC (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • Speech (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • Independent Action (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • Overcharge T5 24pts
  • Advanced Innate Flight T4 12pts
  • Mana reduction T4 12pts
  • Spell range increase T3 9pts
  • Víðarr’s Vengeance S++ 15pts
  • Iron Maiden S 10pts
  • Gleipnir’s Shackles A 8pts
  • Sköll’s Snare A 8pts
  • Fjörgyn’s Whisper C 4pts
  • Hrímfaxi’s Sprint D 2pts

Total points Acquired: 102
Total Points Spent: 101

Lumikki's Nursery  Nerili11

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