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Breaking Away [Central -> South]

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Breaking Away [Central -> South] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:11 pm


Rhea Alvarez paced through the bustling streets of Hargeon City, her senses heightened by the salty tang of the sea breeze. The port city, known for its beautiful coastal views and the reputable Blue Pegasus guild, seemed a world apart from the chaotic, political heart of Fiore she had just fled. After everything that had transpired in Crocus and Era, this was exactly what she and Lector needed. As she walked, her eyes scanned the unfamiliar faces, making mental notes of her surroundings.

Lector hovered just above her, flapping his tiny wings, his usual arrogant demeanor subdued by the weight of their circumstances. "It was about time we change the scenery..." he stated, his sharp tone betraying concern more than criticism.

Rhea didn’t answer immediately, her mind heavy with the memories of her last days in Crocus. Ever since Major Armin’s refusal to provide any assistance, she had felt a festering bitterness toward the Rune Knights. She had risked her life countless times for them, only to be turned away when she needed them the most. The Rune Knights weren’t what she thought they were, or rather, she hoped they weren't what she assumed them to be. That realization stung deeply, especially after discovering her father’s connection to the Stellar Resistance and everything she had recently learned about the forces at play in Fiore.

“Armin's an idiot. They all are,” she finally muttered, her hand tightening around the hilt of her dagger, God Hunter. “He’s too blind to see the gravity of the situation. He doesn't care about justice—none of them do. Not for people like me.”


Breaking Away [Central -> South] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:15 pm


Lector raised an eyebrow but didn’t push further. He knew Rhea well enough to recognize when his friend was on edge. They had been running too long—ever since those assassins nearly killed them both in the capital. It was only a matter of time before her enemies tracked her down again, and staying in the heart of Fiore wasn’t a viable option anymore. She needed space to think, to breathe, and more importantly, to plan her next move.

Hargeon was far enough south that she could avoid the constant surveillance from the Rune Knights, and perhaps most of her enemies as well. It was a quieter city compared to the grandeur of Crocus, though it was still alive with trade and magical activity. The Blue Pegasus guild had a significant presence here, but she wasn’t planning on making herself known to them just yet. She had come to lay low, to gather herself before deciding what came next.

Rhea could feel the eyes on her as she moved through the crowds, her fame as a Rune Knight Sergeant following her wherever she went. She hated it now more than ever. There was no glory in the title anymore, only the weight of lies and half-truths she’d uncovered. And she knew her enemies were out there, always watching, always waiting.

"We need to stay low, Lector. Can't afford more attention. Not yet," she muttered.

Lector landed beside her, nodding. “Then we better find somewhere quiet before someone recognizes you. You're a pretty famous mage, ya know.”

As they headed deeper into the city's quieter districts, Rhea’s mind raced. She needed to sort out her tangled emotions, the rage she felt toward the Rune Knights, the confusion about her father’s legacy, and the ever-present desire for vengeance. Here, away from the political games and backstabbing of Crocus, she hoped she could think clearly for once. Hargeon would be a temporary refuge, but it wouldn't last forever. Rhea had too many enemies and far too much to settle before she could ever rest.


- Arrived at: Hargeon City -

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