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Up In The Air

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Up In The Air Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:40 am


WORDS: 430 | TOTAL: #### |  On The Prowl

There, in the distance…! The golden gaze of the girl narrowing as she spotted something rising from what had seemed to be an almost endless horizon of blue meeting with darker blue, Zelda Blackwood tightened her focus as the wind whipped about her and made her ponytail flutter in the breeze as she swept through the skies on the back of her serpentine mount, and slowly did the corners of her mouth curl into a smirk of satisfaction.
Yes, looks like it's the one from the report! Happy to be back on the job after her little spot of respite on the springs and eager to find some new puzzle and excitement to occupy her, while steam and steaminess had proven to be a temporary distraction she knew that it was time to get back to doing what she did best, and was eager to find something to impress her dearest daddy back home after her down time. After all, with the fleeting lifespan of these mere mortals, she did not have much faith in how many more of these trips he might last, eh?

“Looks like we'll be coming in to land shortly…” Not one to dwell upon the demise of even the soul who had raised her from an imp when there was work to be done, as the soaring beast betwixt her thighs beat that bit harder to bring the brassy eyed bell closer to her destination, Zelda tilted her head toward the figure who she had brought along with her for this excursion into the unknown of the southern seas.

“How are you doing back there~?” Opting to bring the boy she had met in her vacation perhaps only for the purpose of ferrying her bags about though perhaps hoping he might prove able enough to do at least a little better than that, with her so accustomed to mounting this magnificence for her missions she barely spared much of a thought for the means through which she travelled to locales like this, though expected that the experience of her man Friday might just have been different.
“Balerion is quite the beast, no~?” No doubt offering him quite the treat if he was in any way the same kind of thrill seeker which she was, the azure amazon couldn't help but brag a little bit about the splendid 'steed' she could command and did so with the kind of pride one might have shown as a mother, which probably wasn't entirely misplaced either for that matter. After all, this grandness had been hatched from an egg by the woman, no~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Zelda on Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:37 am; edited 1 time in total


Up In The Air Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:12 am

Yes Faris had continued to best the tide and continued on, while sure he could be there to just merely hold things, Faris was still determine to use this all as a means to improve his life for the better and because in some manner he did not just consider a mere boy toy to an older then him half drow. Faris took most of this in stride and it had gone well even this travel was some what on edge for him but because it was on the back of a beast he seemed to manage well, Faris seemed actually okay with flying, He was some what nervous at first only because he had not actually been flying before, But he was smart enough to tie his hair back before flight.

While Faris was over all had a hard time hearing some times, But he heard they where close enough to land. As she asked how he was doing, He merely leaned over for a moment, With a simple placement of his hands on one of her hips, Here merely made sure to lean towards one of her ears and said."I am fine."Then seemingly then made sure he was not going much else until they landed.

Faris seemed to managed well to get off Balerion with out much problem either. As he looked at Balerion during her comment."Yes Balerion is lovely beast indeed." Then Faris would even add in to kind of stroke the ego in which of the azure amazon he was with at this time."As beautiful as their master no?"Faris said with a bit of chuckle, Waiting to see what would happen with that comment. So far assuming nothing would really become of it, Faris some what always wanted keep the compliments flowing in a playful way.


Last edited by Faris Iraious on Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:50 am; edited 1 time in total


Up In The Air Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 1:53 pm


WORDS: 380 | TOTAL: 710 | On The Prowl

“Surely you mean to say he is as fierce as his master~?” The brow of the blue beauty raising as she found the redhead with whom she travelled drawing comparison between herself and the serpentine splendour upon which they flew, while Zelda could certainly appreciate the visage of her magnificent mount she did feel a note of playful insult in her own stunning image being likened to her dragon, and pointed out that they were likely a lot more alike in terms of their character rather than their beauty. Which was a fact that her 'assistant' might do well to remember.

“Or am I to expect you spending the evening giving him your usual routine of flattery~?” Perhaps seeming to emphasize such a fact by tugging on her reins hard enough and sharp enough to make the beast jerk and for a moment seem as if he were about to throw their passenger from him, after a moment she looked over her shoulder with a smirk which carried plenty of smugness, and a reminder for him to remember just whose bed he would be most comfortable sharing later on. Though frankly, keeping that kind of cheek up might just see her own turn very dangerous indeed later on.

“You never did tell me why you don't like to travel by sea…” The lass largely being playful however and as such opting to use the last stretch of their journey to probe her partner on a piece of his own history, while Miss Blackwood hadn't seemed to call much attention to it while they had been planning this venture that didn't mean that the vixen wasn't somewhat curious as to the cause of his aversion, and had simply chosen to overlook it for the time being because of how it had largely gone along with her intentions anyway.
“I sense a story beyond simple sickness~?” That being said the matter seeming to be squirreled away by the golden eyed goddess, though she didn't care enough to poke him too firmly upon the issue it was something which had stuck in her mind, and would enjoy knowing the answer to. After all, despite appearances she was beginning to come close to what one might have called 'fond' of the fool she had brought with her now, hadn't she~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Up In The Air Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:06 am

While Faris might have to eventually break his front eventually. His charm had yet faded at this time."Why not both? beautifully fierce?"Faris posed it as a question with his charm. It seemed no matter what calling it both was sneaky way to add in compliments, But he no matter what seemed to respect the beast, Even if one might assume given how his family."Or fiercely  beautiful?"Faris knew he was just over all just was as he always so throwing in compliments as often as he could while expressing his personal thought."many beasts can be respected for their own beauty and fierceness . I learned that from when my father would bring me to the gates to watch him fight the many beasts who wanted to enter the city."Faris almost sounded like he was slightly found of that moment in life for himself.

But they did have to continue other things. But since she wanted to know Faris would merely ask her something. Even adding a bit of final charm to it. taking her right hand and kissed the top of it."Promise me...if I tell you my story, You will not think less of me for it." It was not a question it was a request and a serious one. He did not want to be thought less of, For some reason he did expect judgment.

Then it broke, his entirely bravado, That charming knightly front broke and he looked depressed. This entire front broke that Faris was not looking at Zelda as he explained he seemed to look at nothing."I fear the sea...it's open waters remind me of large scale death I witness by a Kraken taking out the ship I was on....Every larger body of water makes me nervous...feeling like while I lived along with two other people I know where part of that crew of I was on shipping out to deliver various grain supplies to some nation I don't remember."It was almost like Faris could see each part playing out again in a day dream, well more like having a nightmare during a day just some one explaining it now.

But alas he continued on, Even if his soul seemed to have died during this time."But the Captain I was serving as their Navigator for, Told everyone to grab weapons and prepare for a fight, Captain Jai-Han apparently had been hunting this Kraken for years....So much so while it was not her job at the time we ended up fighting that Kraken...but it won."Faris could almost hear the breaking of wood again, The screams of various shipmates either falling in the water or falling victim of the dangerous Kraken's ire.

But Faris did not bring up what he did during he merely ended it up."I woke up on shore in Fiore, dragged a away from the water by medic on the boat  nicknamed Patches. Her, Jai-Han and myself where the only ones to live...The other two are somewhere in Fiore I have not spoke to any of them since."You could almost feel a sense that Faris felt not only haunted by this, but shame. A Knightly Seven made raised to be a protector of people from beast failed, But he was not made for sea combat and only just knew where to go. But many things was left out and not known. All of this adventuring with her might be Faris trying to work on his fears just not admitting it.


Last edited by Faris Iraious on Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:51 am; edited 1 time in total


Up In The Air Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:17 pm


WORDS: 300 | TOTAL: 1010 | On The Prowl

“Your father was a warrior? Interesting…” The brow of the blue beauty lifting as the lad revealed the fact that he was more accomplished with the beasts of the world thanks to the exploits of his patriarch, all too quickly did the dark dish seem to shift her mood toward the exploits of the figure who he had mentioned, and wondered just how strong a fighter he was given the implication of the stories therein.
“Heh, I should like to meet this champion~” Sensing that the two of them might just get along given her own fondness for monster slaying, though Zelda hadn't much questioned the ability which her man friday had shown in combat up to this point it made a certain kind of sense that he came from a decent pedigree given the unexpected skill that he had shown her, and given the implication therein she wouldn't mind testing the abilities which the father he bragged about might possess.

“A fear, then? Perhaps we should slay a Kraken or two together?” The lass left to listen as Faris explained the reason behind his distaste for ocean travel as well, though the boy asked her not to judge him it was hard for her to not feel like it should merely be a case of climbing back upon that horse as it were, though did so with as much sympathy and support which she could offer. Which, admittedly, was not a high amount.
“They say exposure is the best treatment for terror, right~?” Perhaps Miss Blackwood's intentions sound but a woman who was so habitually fearless in the face of monsters such as she was unlikely to comprehend the fullness of a true phobia, perhaps it only spoke to the taste of her lover that he would land in the lap of yet another unflinchingly domineering woman, eh~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Up In The Air Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:03 pm

It seemed the subject about his family came up, Faris would at least give her some insight to Faris' life, So he would say a few about his life in Seven."Yes, my father is a very prideful man, He taught all of his kids to be able to defend themselves against the most basic of things. Even my sister Athena was taught in some manner to fight hand to hand and subdue people or handle beasts that linger in Seven, Even if she looks like she is a woman ready to just there sit and be spoiled."Faris knew in this manner he could explain Athena much better but it was just what he could sum up at this time and if Athena ever hear him explain her like that, He might be get words said back to him even if she did love him.

But Faris' normal stride would seemingly return as Zelda seemed if anything to support him when he expected something far different."Well I do not have a problem with it, Just don't fall in love with him, My mother isn't interested in having him taken away."He said that as a joke because he assumed she would not try it. Faris' father was also extremely loyal to his wife after all Faris did seemed to reflect this behaviour some what over all.

Faris' Father could be very well a tough fighter who just seems to have to have everyone be the best fighter for their own lives, who seemed to value lives around them and had most likely some what the same habits of Faris just without the flare and pretty boy behaviour."I consider it a good happen stance, That me looking for the most interesting beauty during a festival made me meet some one who would be able to help me with my problem."Faris seemed less nervous now, Which means he did not think he was as much as a failure, After all even the greatest of fighters had trials they needed to go through.

So while Faris felt slightly like a failure at this time, He seemed to have not given up. But since she suggested it. Faris would say this."Yes, Let us hunt them, It shall be a wonderful victory."Faris almost sounded motivated at this point, Even if it was just mostly still monster hunting the pair seemed to be bonding from the desire of hunting monsters.

Sure it was an interesting and different love story,Since Faris' normal charm was returning."Who better to help me then this fiercely  beautiful one before and her equally fierce and  beautiful steed?" Faris had said with a bit of a cheeky smile on his face. It seemed his spirits where back.


Last edited by Faris Iraious on Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:51 am; edited 1 time in total


Up In The Air Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 4:21 am


WORDS: 420 | TOTAL: 1430 | On The Prowl

“Hm, I see. You have a large family then?” The redhead speaking up of a sibling which she could only presume shared his striking scarlet hair, the mention of 'all' his father's children hinted that the ranks of those with whom Faris shared a parent extended far beyond this one strong but seemingly spoiled figure of whom he spoke, and as an only child for all intents and purposes Miss Blackwood couldn't help but feel a note of curiosity toward that situation.

“Ahahaha, how generous! Do not worry, however. I do not find infatuation comes easily to me~” The lilac lass left to cackle soon after when her playmate seemed to toy with the idea of her seducing his patriarch in some way, the ravishing rider could not deny that she might feel a note of attraction toward any figure who proved themselves to be a potent warrior, though ultimately crowed of her restraint when it came to matters of infatuation. Really, love was something she didn't think she had ever experienced in her life, and was a topic which she presumed she was incapable of for one reason or another.

“I mean, slaying a Kraken sounds like a lot of fun~ The recovery of your confidence will be a mere bonus to me~?” Whether it be the blood which she carried from her drow breeding or something else in her life it seeming that Zelda would eternally be something of an odd duck, all that she could do was smirk and rebuff the assertion of generosity in the response which she had given to him, and confirmed that as was so typical of her the desire she had was for the large part self serving.
“Still, it takes courage and resolve to face one's worst day again… It is how we deal with defeat and disappointment which defines us, not success, Iraious. Do not let any enemy or day dominate you.” Not that she didn't hold a certain level of respect for the willingness he showed to overcome or avenge the loss he had suffered, though the mounted minx had perhaps found her confidence of the redhead wavering a bit when he had admitted what had rocked him it had been more than returned with that spirit of defiance, and so as she searched for sign of somewhere to set her beautiful beast down the azure amazon offered a little advice and assurance of her own in return. She was a harsh mistress, but not an unfair one, eh~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Up In The Air Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:52 am

It was a good thing to state that because in some manner Faris did not mind answering it gave Zelda in sight for the future about what people could meet with in his family."Yes decent large. My parents, A few siblings aside from who i mentioned already Athena."But he was starting to get curious as he was starting to feel like he was just letting a lot more then what he knew about her, Sensing there was some kind of greater connection."But now I must have what do you have for family?"Faris asked it in the most basic terms, he did not dive into it too in depth it allowed Zelda to explain things she wanted too and possibly wanted to not explain to him.

But Faris would see how throwing in a hint of showing he wanted her for himself while knowing his father and mother were married together until death took one of them and it would not bother them."Besides, if I am entirely honest."Faris would use it be the normal charmer he was, placing one of his hand on her butt and kisses Zelda upon her forehead for a moment. With a gentle pat he laughed for a moment."I am greedy and would prefer you to myself."Faris didn't sound too overly greedy about it, just showed some typical desire in which might be expected.

But suppose he figured Zelda might not want to get too touchy feely while out here and maybe it save it for another time would not do much else at this time since they where on an adventure."Just a mere bonus? Take to make this Kraken hunt ordeal much more worth for both of us."Faris chuckled about it.

He did feel inspired by what Zelda said but cracked a joke."Considering your one who tried to dominate and lead me a fair amount, Does this account for some of our...personal habits too?"Faris said with a chuckle about trying to be some what more of a leader at times with some things but even then it was intended for humour he seemed happy with how things with her are currently and what they could be in the future.


Last edited by Faris Iraious on Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:52 am; edited 1 time in total


Up In The Air Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:15 pm


WORDS: 340 | TOTAL: 1770 | On The Prowl

“Oh, whatever is left of my clan by blood, if there is any. No idea on that one…” Some of the usual fire of her character seeming to ebb when the topic turned to her own family, in truth Zelda knew little of what had become of her parents and any siblings with whom she had once shared kinship, and there were some who reckoned this was the reason she had such a fondness for history. As if she were searching for some missing piece to connect herself to.

“And my father, Amos Blackwood? He's still alive and just about kicking, I suppose?” Not that she would acknowledge this all that much or even pay it the slightest bit of attention, to her mind it was the man who had really raised her who had inspired her fondness, and perhaps with it to whom she owed her greatest sense of allegiance as well. It seemed that even with near of five decades since her birth she was still a daddy's girl, eh?

“Be warned… No man has managed to tame me yet, Iraious. Though I appreciate your… Ambition~?” The brow of the blue beauty seeming to rise a little however when her companion spoke of claiming her greedily, soon after it was followed followed a smirk and a shake of her head, and perhaps a warning which was at least by some measure due diligence on her part. I mean, she could not deny that coupling was one of the rare arts she had yet to master, right?
Conquest and domination come naturally to my people. I assume you've noticed~?” Not that she wasn't beginning to enjoy the rapport between them and both how the lad had found his place and yet still tested his boundaries, she did not dislike the fact that sometimes he sought to get the better of her by hook or crook since it seemed only natural to one of her ilk, though did confirm that she would fight to keep him down if he tried. After all, she liked it on top, no~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Up In The Air Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:48 am

As Faris was back to himself, in some manner knowing very well this woman was not use to a normal family life much like he was Faris figured it was another time to be a cheeky man like he was and simply say."Oh? suppose the means you can just join into mine with out problem then?"Faris was trying to get her to laugh a bit more.

Even if he could be slightly serious about it because he was getting long as well as he was with her. Only merely also adding me."I am sure you will fit in just fine with what hunting skills you have shown already."Faris if anything was hinting while it was a lonely road at times, There are people who are willing to accept her for how she was right now. Faris was an example of it. After all Faris had shown even with the dangers that came with her, Faris was still around and tried to be around her.

as for taming her and not fully yet maybe Faris showed in some manner how well he actually thought things through, In reality he was not trying to tame her completely after all she merely liked Zelda for who she was. So he would turn up the charm for a bit more of a the humour of it. Ambitious  is fitting for what Faris was, But she seemed happy with it."Tame you? Why would I tame such beauty when I am happy with how they are now?" Faris would give her a wink. Faris took Zelda as she was now."I will merely be who I am, You will be who you are, They is all I assume will happen."Faris said. Faris did continue try his charm game but he was actually bring serious.

But it would not be Faris with out some kind of slightly romantic and slightly lewd joke added in."Well...Yes, I just happen to be the best seat in the house along for the ride."Faris said with a second wink at her. Suppose he figured they should prepare to start exploring now, So he would start normal stretches needed to start walking and exploring.



Up In The Air Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 3:55 pm


WORDS: 360 | TOTAL: 2130 | On The Prowl

“Is that a proposal~?” The slender siren scoffing at the way in which her cohort spoke of how her isolation could mean that she was 'available' for easy adoption, despite the attitude she shows she does on some level appreciate it, and how she has never felt judged for the 'darkness' in her blood by Faris either. I mean, it wasn't like that tended to bother her anymore, but it didn't not either, did it?
“I'm not sure they'd approve of all my impulses, you know~?” Not that such qualities could be ignored forever and as such Miss Blackwood arching her brow when he mentioned her fitting in with his family, while perhaps there was some truth to the idea that her talents might suit them, her inclination toward violence and callous disregard for the value of life might not so much. Overall she sensed that ruthless drive would drive a wedge between anyone of any reasonable degree of decency.

“Uffuffuffu, even when I can be quite the fickle and selfish bitch~? Consideration toward others does not come naturally to me…” Making no bones of how their relationship had been and would continue to be very much on her terms, there was no way that the Drow could deny that she was both self possessed and driven often by whimsy, and could not promise to remain loyal to him when the wind turned. Few had managed to hold her interest beyond a small number of months, had they?

“Well, I suppose it's nice you know the advantages of your place? I'm not sure where this ride might end up, but I am sure it will be like no other, Iraious~!” Not that she did not find a sense of amusement and perhaps even comfort in the relaxation which he seemed to show following her direction, on the whole she had noted that sooner or later men tended to tire of being driven by one so demanding, though she did hope he would be different in that regard. Though really, even if this was just a temporary diversion for the both of them, it may just prove a memorable one, eh?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Up In The Air Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:04 am

Was he getting too far ahead of himself? It was a good question after all he could be rejected at any moment for this situation to go sour and he was just pressing it on how to see how far he would go, As much as she felt a strong connection to keep trying, It was because she was very much far different from him he kept trying, it was interesting, it was a refreshing it was different, He could have gone home and found some woman in Seven, But Faris was seeking some one to also for some one fitting to help fight and hunt the outside monster of the city.

If anything Faris found what he was looking for even if with his struggles with her being here still, Faris is willing to deal with her struggles because she looked pasted his."Well, I am unsure how you feel about it over all. A proposal is a fitting word, If you really are comfortable and willing to see if it works for you, I do suggest we go to Seven, See the city, Meet my parents and maybe a few of my siblings. Understand why I would want to seek out and look bond with a monster hunter, Even if a risky one."Faris seemed to have a plan, While not forcing it all on her, A mission and plan was in place that, But summed one Faris was looking to marry a monster hunter into his family to continue to defend Seven from the monster outside of the city walls.

When in that context his love and devotion made sense even with the risk."Well if anything in life showed me, Even sometimes negative traits can be worked into positive ways, If it means your aggression needs me too...wrestle with out with out weapons, it's training to build strength, It is running to catch a beast I need to work on my cardio...mind you i lost already to you so i have some work to do, Your impulses might be risky but I'm willing to embrace them as they are now."Faris in some manner was letting his normal ways come out of him.

Yet again almost expecting this to annoy her enough. He take her hand as if he was about to kiss the top of it but didn't but he stood in front of her and merely said."With fully willing to embrace your risks for what you are, I firmly believe much like my own flaws. We can make this work, But also while it is not normal and natural to you, you deserve to be loved much like any other humanoid."Faris had pretty much laid out his plans and idea with his life with Zelda knowing very well the risks.

Waiting to most likely expect her to feel uncomfortable about it or still like she needed to walk away from it. He might had laid it on too much. It was not exactly a proposal of marriage right out, But Faris showed he was thinking and trying to make a a few things work with what he had. Then before he put back on his cheesy knightly pretty boy charm he simply asked."Well what do you think? Too much?"Faris internally was prepared also for the worst again but he was honest about it. Faris was willing and saw a life with Zelda even if risky to him. If she said yes he would kiss the top of her hand but that was to be expected here.


Up In The Air Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 12:09 pm


WORDS: 340 | TOTAL: 2470 | On The Prowl

“I suppose I could see us making landfall in Seven…” It not taking too long for Zelda to consider the idea of venturing north at some point to visit the land of legends and labyrinths once more, though she guessed that the invitation which the redhead offered her was spurred more by sentimentality, ultimately there were things there that she too might have enjoyed seeing.
“It is steeped in fine ruins, and I can't say I'm not curious about this family of champions of yours~?” Chief among them the wrecks and remnants from a once vibrant kingdom from which some of the greatest tales of myth seemed to hail, along with that she could not deny that her interest had been piqued somewhat by the description which she had been given of the lad's family and father, and now she had in inkling to go see if the facts lived up to the stories she had heard. In both cases, really.

“Do I seem the sort of woman who is easily daunted or off put~?” The lilac lass letting Faris speak of how he seemed to be enjoying how she had been pushing him to improve and on the whole not hating having a lover who was quite so large and in charge as she was, she returned a smirk when he questioned whether his little monologue had been something which might have gone too far, and she smirked as she showed that for all her faults she wasn’t all that lacking for conviction either when it came to matters she cared for.
“Just don't say I didn't warn you~” Scoffing however as she affirmed the fact that she had done her due diligence when it came to her habits and the like however, if he wanted to fall for her than Miss Blackwood would let that be his business, but she neither promised to return that affection nor take responsibility for failing to either for that matter. They knew where they stood, and she had to hope that they were adult enough to act accordingly.

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Up In The Air Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 1:12 pm

They would slowly moving on to exploring rather then talking now it was a future matter anyway. Time to get back to exploring, Even making use he had his geared prepared and everything."Good, we have an eventual travel plan to prepare for now too."Faris said sounding happy and excited for the most part. He was smart enough to stretch out then put his armor on because travelling with it all on now would most likely be a cause for weight imbalance. But that was a Faris thought, if he was wrong he was wrong he just walked everywhere or when he had the jewel carriage travelled.

But at least Faris was interested, in what she wanted to do there."Oh, that will be an interesting trip indeed. I haven't tried to explore the ruins all that much."Faris could mention while he thought about it now days he only really remember a way to enter it about it really. But that was not needed at this time."I am sure father is easy to get along with, He ask about going to throwing spears, fire a few arrows at targets, Worst he asks me to grapple him."Faris listened fairly casually about it, But that was just his father most likely there was other things to add in if asked between his other family members.

Even with the warning and her mentioning of not being so easily daunted or off put. Faris seemed to chuckle. About he knew what he was getting into and would try anyway. Putting one of his arms around her and simply just saying."I am aware, just no knives in the bedroom."Faris seemed to have a sense of humour about it."Unless I need to, Pat you down every night?"It was a joke question, but he played along with the nature of the women he was with.


Up In The Air Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:41 am


WORDS: 400 | TOTAL: 2870 | On The Prowl

“Uffuffuffu, someone is certainly excited to show off their own 'prize', hm?” The Sapphire Siren seeming amused by the redheads desire to rush home with her in hand and presuming from that he intended to show her off, the whole thing had Zelda feeling rather like a prize, and though perhaps many lovers might have taken exception to that she did not.
“I suppose I am quite the catch for a human, aren't I~? What a lucky boy you are…!” Instead it appearing that the azure amazon could well appreciate the value which she might hold as a treasure for someone and demonstrating that with no shortage of smirking haughtiness, though the fact was perhaps more subtle compared the assurance which she had in her abilities the girl with the golden gaze knew all too well what a good looking woman she was, and had no doubt there was pride to be had for any who claimed her because of that.

“Goodness, I shall have to put you through your paces here in order to prepare you then~” the brow of the blue beauty lifting however when Faris admitted he hasn't seen the ruins of his homeland and perhaps such a confession something which Miss Blackwood might have even disapproved of, she sensed that she would need to whip him into shape for a proper expedition in that case, and made a mental note to bring him up to speed before they arrived there. Couldn't have him slowing her down for too long, after all.

“Clearly you've never been with a woman who knows how to properly use knife play~?” The delicious drow smirking when next he mentioned knife play and then shaking her head, soon after the sylphly stunner tilted her head with a smug smile, and as she did so could not deny that she finds a certain sense of erotica in using the right 'tools' in the bedroom. At her age one had be venturesome, no?
“You are welcome to, though remember, I give back double what I get~?” Soon scoffing at the suggestion of him searching her afterward though more out of entertainment than anything else, though she perhaps wasn't aware of it Zelda did seem to slowly be softening to his playfulness, and licks her lips as she considers returning those same liberties he wished to take with her as well. Quid pro quo, and all that, after all~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Up In The Air Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:17 am

While Zelda thought of it as showing off a prize in as joking manner Faris would still express his silly views. some manner he knew it was silly. But maybe it was the that silly youth from Faris that also made him who he was."Suppose I could also, View it as a sign of moving on from what what I struggle with."Faris most likely was hiding that he was holding on to what was haunting him for a long time. Zelda seemingly and unintentionally helped him left that fear and stress off of his shoulders. Faris had managed to keep the front for a while even if Zelda managed to crack it, Even if unintentionally."Even with how sappy it will be, You are a prize even a valuable. Even if you might consider that debatable."Faris laughed about it because he was trying to just be himself. He had to be this way for a bit.

Because he seemed to agree with her completely."Why yes seems like that is entirely the case."Faris sounded ready for all of this. After all they where here to find and explore."Some of the many things to do together, Much like what we are here for now."Since she was done stretching and preparing he did figure they would be off to explore.

But at least before they headed off to explore. He would at least continue their game of wit."Maybe, I know my mother and sister's cooking preparations does not count."He chuckle about because he was a rather sly man at times. Since there was something about giving back double"Double you say."Faris let out a sly smile like he normally did, when he felt like he was being cheeky and had some kind of up on Zelda. Even if he was being harmless and playful. Before they learned and saw what they explored while out here. Faris merely took Zelda by one of her wrist pull her towards him and after a kiss on the lips. He then winked and said."Okay miss returned back double, Let's go exploring."Faris then patted her on the butt and in the most Faris fashion continued on walking. Waiting to see what she would do.




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