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Guardia Compagnia

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#1Tamás Horvath 

Guardia Compagnia Empty Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:42 am

Tamás Horvath


Guardia Compagnia (Fiorian: Company Guard) is an Adventuring, Bounty Hunting and Treasure Hunting guild situated in Baska, West Fiore. It is a guild focused on tradition and unity. A guild that offers a home and a purpose to those who have none. But also to the curious ones that wish to learn and improve their skills, whether it be academical or combative. Guardia Compagnia is a neutral and seclusive guild. Taking any job that is given to them, but with a warying and secure measure not to be considered a dark guild nor a light fully. The guild finds itself to be the middle man of the grey area, wanting to reap benefits of both worlds and offer the best and most diverse experience to its guild members.

As a bounty hunting guild Guardia Compagnia essentially  works for the highest bidder. Got an absurd amount of jewels? Feel free to contact the guild to hunt down a criminal or perhaps a wild beast. If someone or something has a bounty on their head, with enough jewel its taken care of.

What this guild is focused on is the safety of its members which are like that of family. All for one and one for all mentality, where they look out for eachother, without the need to price them. If a guild member needs help, they will get it with whatever they need, training or otherwise.

Because Guardia Compagnia is a home for those who have no home, purpose or goal in life, it is a guild that welcomes all races, be it light or dark. It is one of the rare guilds where you're likely to see something like a nephilim and a daemon get along and work towards a unified goal. Even if its a guild focused on fighting and collecting the Bounty, many of the guild's members are non combatants. Its open to teach them how to weild their weapon and spell, or use alterior and more supportive means to help the cause.


  • Members can take both Good and Bad Quests

  • One must not reveal sensitive information about the guild. Failiure to follow this regulation will cause extermination from the guild and becoming the target of the Guild

  • Members must  help, protect and support one another

  • All races are welcome


The Guardia Compagnia guild hall is a humble and small building, showing the guilds humble and small begginings. The building has the old Fiorian architechture of its medieval age. The Guild Hall has the housing area for the guild members and offers a few services, such as the Blacksmith for the warriors, but also an abbey for those more holy and religiously inclined; and a library for those more mystical and magical in their arts, while the territory outside is used for training. The inside of the guild has a very warm, castle like and homey feeling, with the exception that the great hall is very tavern like in the way it feels, but also has some castle like elements to distinguish it from an average tavern. The guild hall has its guild banners and symbols strewn across in the main hall, behind the seat of the Guild Master.


The Guild Master is a man who once had nothing. No place to call home and no purpose in life. He was sick of being under someones thumb his whole life and sought a way to change it. He wanted to take charge of life and help those that were like him. Tamas Horvath became one of the founders and the first Guild Master of Guardia Compagnia.

He loves to battle just as any warrior, but also learned how to quell his thirst and bloodlust for battle to temper himself and lead the guild in a stable and non savage way. He learned how to become a peacekeeper to keep peace in and out of guild. He has somewhat learned how to have some degree of compassion towards the helpless and would assist them in need if they need rescuing. But despite that, he is still a mercenary and bounty hunter through and through.

Guild Spells

  • Name: Nowhere to Hide
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: Once per month
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user stomps on the ground as a light green Guardia Compagnia symbol appears on the ground before fading away, allowing the caster to see bright red auras of all people within the 100m range of the spell, no matter if they are stealthed or hidden. This spell is unaffected by anti-sensory perks and cannot be nullified

  • Name: Face the Darkness
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Type:  Offensive
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: Once per month
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user gets into a stance, closes their eyes and claps, enveloping the area in darkness which indicates that Face the Darkness has begun. When activated, darkness envelops an area of 100 Meters at 40m/s and inflicts 1x S-Rank damage on whoever the caster perceives as an enemy, leaving friends and bystanders completely unharmed. The choice between friend or foe is decided by the user. Enemies that still have armor on get damage applied to their armor first, like in any other normal situation. Enemies that use a defensive coating spell also get the damage applied to their defensive spell first. Face the Darkness can not be nullified and ignores all resistance any enemy has.

  • Name: Hubris
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Type: Self-Buff
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: Once per month
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The enemies hubris must be punished. Once the user touches their insignia it will glow. Released a light green light that will envelop the user buffing their Strength, Speed, Constitution, Endurance and Intelligence by 160 points. This spell can not be nullified


Passive Guild Perk:
  • Adventurers: Members can do both good and bad quests.

Level 2:
  • Bounty Hunter Companion:  User receives 15% more experience when finishing topics with a partner

Level 3:
  • Hard Worker: User receives a flat +5SP when completing Quests with a partner (Social Interactions Included). This can be used twice per week and refreshes on Monday.

Level 4:
  • Guardian Companion: User receives 20% more jewels when finishing topics with a partner

Level 5:
  • Traveled Veteran: All word count requirements are reduced by 30%

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