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High Seas Hijinks? (D-Rank NQ)

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High Seas Hijinks? (D-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:14 pm

Karina was looking at the requests after helping with a different request and she saw a new request to help to protect a ship that was going out in the water, she figured that she should be fine to do so. Sunshard was scampering right behind her as he wanted to see what would happen with his strange grin plastered across his face. Karina pets the creatures head as it got next to her and it seemed to be happy and doesn't mind that she pets it's head. Karina sees the ship she will be riding on and she smiled and hurried along the creature following her and looking around as he did so as he can see some people looking at Karina with narrowed eyes on the crew and Sunshard was going to stay close to the woman. They got on board and the captain started to fill them in.


High Seas Hijinks? (D-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:14 pm

Karina was glad that this mission was to be a pretty easy one if she didn't have to deal with hunting pirates and this mission seemed like it was a low alert one. The crew started getting everything ready and setting sail and she watched as they were starting to move Sunshard was staying on guard for trouble as he seemed to be keen to something that was going on here and Karina wasn't realizing it yet that Sunshard had seemed to have locked onto something She was just leaned on the ships railing and looking at the water and Sunshard had tied a rope to her leg. Once they hit deep water two people ran up and shoved Karina who went flipping over the railing falling toward the water. Sunshard used his speed and attacked aiming for the backs of their knees as a pirate ship was coming out of being invisible as this was a trap and two of the crew were being sneaky and were pirates.


High Seas Hijinks? (D-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:14 pm

It seemed that their plan had worked as they got rid of the hired muscle to protect the ship having sent he to the waters below or so they think. The pirates that were piling onto the ship started taking the crew captive and started looking through the hold for the items they were transporting and goods they could make a profit off of pretty quickly. Karina had gotten her self up to the rope and then climbed up the rope to the railing and pulled herself up onto the ship and she saw what was happening and she got her gun out and she started fighting to get control of the ship. She was dodging and flipping as she fired and battled her way through the pirates and freeing the crew. She helped them get got to safety as she ran through the pirates ship and she kept on her guard.


High Seas Hijinks? (D-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:14 pm

She ducked just in time to miss getting slashed by one of the pirates that was close to her. She kicked up into the man's arm snapping it in half hitting it on the joint of the arm as the man went to swing at her again and she took shots as the other pirates tried to flee and then restrains them then she finds Sunshard who had already knocked out the big man that was the pirate's captain and restrained Sunshard just grinned big at her and Karina cleaned up the pirates to be handed over and gets the staff back to the ship so they can head back to the port and drop off the stuff and more that they had found. The captain thanked her for the help as they had not expected that as they thought they had a top notch crew but it seemed rats had found their ways in.
(155) (627/500) (Exit)

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