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Magic - Third Generation: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer

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Magic - Third Generation: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 2:29 pm



Name: Third Generation Dragon Slayer Magic: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer

Elements: Arcane

Category: Single.

Quantity: Limited.


Description: Those from the second generation of Dragon Slayers have had Dragon Lacrima implanted into their bodies, granting them the ability to use Dragon Slayer magic. Because they were not taught their abilities by a Dragon, they are considered artificial Dragon Slayers. Dragon Slayers are known to possess keener senses than those of normal humans such as smell, as well as distinctive characteristics and features such as slitted pupils and noticeably sharper teeth.

Lore: A champion to the people, The dragon who wielded a hundred swords with ease that traveled the lands long ago. Well known among it's kin and even more so among those that would slay dragons. It upheld honor, courage and commitment. A paladin of its time. Within the age of dragons it spoke out against evil; upheld the laws to the letter and kept innocence safe. It fought against Nacht and their ilk with vigor repaid a thousand times over. It was eventually sealed into a lance and cast into the deepest dungeons in hopes that it would never rise again. Fading for what felt like eternity the dragon within was picked up by knights of old and brought to the rune knight fortress within central where it had lain dormant for hundreds of years. When the weapon was introduced to the mana of the world and the mana of the void in tandem the spirit of the weapon known as 'Sleeping Dragon' finally stirred and awoke after what felt like a millennia infusing itself into the body of the Demon that once wielded it. It desires to protect those within the realm once more and be the sword that splits the darkness from Earthland.


  • The user must possess a First Generation Dragon Slayer magic. The element of the magic doesn't matter.

  • The magic requires two available Enhancement slots. If none are available they will take them when they are gained.

  • Upon purchasing the magic, the user will become a Third Generation Dragon Slayer.
  • The spells listed below can be learned by the user regardless of their class.
  • The spells listed below aren't acquired automatically. They must be trained by the user.

Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer Bonus:

  • The user receives a Moderate resistance to Arcane

Dragon Slayer Bonus

  • The user has an enhanced smell that allows them to smell anyone within a 25-meter radius. They can only associate the smell with someone if they have smelled them before in a topic. The user can't pinpoint their location to fight blindly. It simply tells them that whoever they are smelling is within a 25-meter radius.


  • Heavily Armed: The user of this Magic gains access to an additional primary weapon slot that may be filled by any Sword class weapon. The additional weapon may not be a mysterious merchant item. This effect may not stack with other instances that would give additional weapon slots.
  • Thrust & Riposte: Offensive user spells can partially nullify other spells reducing their effectiveness by one rank while Defensive user spells reflect up to two ranks lower of the damage received back to the attacker. Both instances can only occur once every three posts.


  • Name: Blade Dance
    Rank: D-S
    Mana Cost: 25-500 Mana
    Requirements: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 5-25 Meters
    Cooldown: 1-5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user summons a set number of swords depending on their rank, which also affects the range of the swords. All swords are summoned within a meter of the user. However, after summoning, the swords that are not wielded in hand can be manipulated freely to block, stab, etc., within the given range without any motions. The swords move at spell speed. Each sword deals B-rank damage and has a durability of B-rank damage as well. The user may not freely choose between the number of swords they wish to summon. The spell can be re-cast only if all the summoned swords are destroyed or if the user deliberately cancels the spell. This spell cannot benefit from Overcharge.
    • D-rank User: 1 Sword; 25 Mana; 25 Mana Sustain. 0 Meter Radius
    • C-rank User: 2 Swords; 50 Mana; 50 Mana Sustain; 5 Meter Radius
    • B-rank User: 4 Swords; 100 Mana; 100 Mana Sustain; 10 Meter Radius
    • A-rank User: 8 Swords; 200 Mana; 200 Mana Sustain; 15 Meter radius
    • S-rank User: 16 Swords; 500 Mana; 500 Mana Sustain; 25 meter Radius

  • Name: Lockdown
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer Magic
    Type: Defensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustained
    Effect: The user raises one arm in front of their body, causing a translucent black and red Mana shield to expand outward around their body up to three meters away from their body surrounding it completely. The shield can absorb up to 4S rank damage before being destroyed. This Spell cannot benefit from overcharge.

  • Name: Sunder
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000 Mana
    Requirements: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: Once per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user grips any weapon or weapon adjacent spell that they may have possession of. Using it to focus a great deal of mana within it they swing the weapon in a downward arc. Sending out a massive slice that splits the ground, splits the sky and slashes all through it's wake dealing 1xS Damage. This attack may hit multiple targets in a straight line passing through targets and terrain. After a post has past, the location that the spell has affected detonates and deals half the original damage to everything in its original path.


Magic - Third Generation: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 2:35 pm

@Saturn may claim this magic using a Mythic Custom Ticket.


Magic - Third Generation: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 3:19 pm

Claiming over my nature ds using a mythic custom ticket : )


Magic - Third Generation: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer Empty Yesterday at 6:08 am


@Saturn has claimed the Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer!

Magic - Third Generation: Sword & Shield Dragon Slayer GPIjkMz

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