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All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red}

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All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 3:00 am

The scorching sun that blessed (or cursed depending on who you ask) the sands of Desierto was a reminder of how horrible the place really was. Hardly any life was able to thrive here but those that did had to be made of tougher stuff than the sweltering heat, the freezing nights, the hungry bandits, and the wild life that lurked just under the shifting sands, not to mention fighting off the madness one can gain if they were ever unlucky to wander alone in uninhabited parts of the desert itself. Desierto was not for the weak and anything born weak died that way.

Ianthe found herself in one of the many small pocket communities that thrived in the desert, this one lucky enough to build something around a beautiful Oasis. The people here minded their business and shady deals were made. Ianthe knew why she was there but she didn't know why she decided to come all the way out here for answers she really did not care to have. It was hot, it was miserable, and as much as she wanted to go home she didn't have a home to go to. With a deep sigh Ianthe moved through the crowd of the outpost, pushing past people in her way, not really hoping for much in what she was looking for.

Last edited by Ianthe on Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:11 am; edited 1 time in total

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} BSIEiBe

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:25 am

It was another grueling hot, scorching even sort of day in Desierto, Ikanbi had been back in for a visit to the homeland on business the last few weeks, rather than pleasure. It had been a lovely little venture, she had brought back some great mechanical marvels from Talaz Lagaar and presented them to the royal engineers as well as a few deliveries of the same to the lesser engineers and mechanics of the country.

That was all fine and well except that Ikanbi had other business to attend to that played on the darker side of things. She was still a huntress at heart, of course, and though she was now known for being a Spellhowler rather than a Hunter, she still had her old connections and hookups. One of these particular hookups had hailed her down in aid of a small job.

There was someone snooping around town and asking questions, a foreigner that didn't belong. What were they really up to and who were they really? This was the job the was given. If it became necessary, she was to dispose of the individual. Fair enough.

It took a while, but eventually Ikanbi did track this particular individual down, a demi-human like Ikanbi used to be before her transformation into a Machia, Ianthe might prove troublesome in a fight. The crowd was huge, but Ianthe stood out with their particularly strong features.

Ikanbi made her way through the crowd slowly in their direction, following them loosely from behind.


All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} BgYy4ZU

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 9:43 pm

Ianthe wasn't one to pay particular attention to her surroundings, something was pretty evident as she didn't notice someone following her as she approached an old man. The man was shorter than Ianthe with a shock of white hair and fading blue eyes. " You Marik? " Ianthe's voice was low as if she didn't even want to speak to him, but she didn't have a choice as he was one of the few leads she had on her quest for answers. " That's what some call me. " His voice trembled a bit as he looked up at her, his eyes peering too deeply as he looked her over. " You must be Ianthe... Here, you'll want to go here for more information. These people knew about the person you are looking for. And take this with you. It'll protect you so they won't see you as something to be captured, bought, and sold...Though I suspect.. Never mind. " The old man smirked and hobbled away. Ianthe watched him for a moment before turning away and going off to her destination which would lead her farther away from the crowd of people and into a much quieter area with few people. Still as she followed her map she would never notice she was being followed, until she turned around that is.

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} BSIEiBe

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 2:07 pm

It didn't take Ikanbi horribly long to figure out that Ianthe was in fact not a foreigner, no, not at all. The information had been wrong. It wasn't the way they talked or the way they looked, it was in the way they walked. They walked like they belonged. They weren't out of place, looking at things with fascination. They didn't really look that lost, even if they were lost. Ikanbi continued to carefully follow her target with a trained mechanical eye, slowly making her way through the crowds and waiting for the right moment to strike, when the target would be alone.

Finally, Ikanbi had her opportunity. Ianthe had taken a side passage of sorts away from the main street and that in turn had taken her further away from the crowds. There were still some other souls here and there but eventually ikanbi thought she'd found the right place. Quietly, Ikanbi inched forwards as her body began to surge with the wind mana.

Ikanbi brought down both of her Fists hard, the etherium left and flesh right, into the back of the neck of the target as hard as she could before attempting immediately to do it again, aimed almost at the same place but slightly offset more further away from the spine. The white wind glyphs flutters out of Ikanbi and launched her as she jumped into the air, causing her to dash through the air at a ridiculous speed up for several meters over and past Ianthe, whilst the wind kicked up from the spell would also lash out around Ikanbi and provide a concussive knockback, if unresisted then Ianthe would certainly be tossed forwards from the force, back towards Ikanbi.

Ikanbi attempted 4x drank damage to back of neck/head, and cast:

Name: Dash Spell One
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Wind Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Wind
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Instant
Effect: The user stamps down causing a magic circle to appear directly under them, a burst of wind will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 5 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} BgYy4ZU

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 6:39 pm

She didn't hear the woman coming up behind her, she didn't even know she was being followed. Upon turning around her eyes were met with a beautiful sight, one that almost immediately attacked her, right in the middle of her neck. The shock of it rendered her completely unable to retaliate or brace herself, but the power behind it sent her flying back into an already crumbling wall, the impact making it fall over her. Ianthe did not know what she did to gain the violent attention of someone else but she fought her way through the rubble, biting her tongue through the pain. She tried to speak but all she could do was cough, stumbling over her feet, trying to catch her breathe, the damage to her throat making it hard to quickly recover. With no weapon, no spells, nothing to her name to protect her, she was basically a punching bag. Now that she thought about it what was she gonna do against the people she was pursuing?

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} BSIEiBe

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 6:02 am

Whilst soaring through the air Ikanbi repositioned herself with a second jump, her prosthetic legs kicking in as she repositioned herself with a short hop down to land on top of Ianthe, whom was covered in rubble.

"Heard you been snooping around."

She began to lay into Ianthe with a volleyball of punches, striking first with her right fist, then the left, then the right again, then the left again, ikanbi pressed her right knee down into Ianthes abdomen and continued another flurry of punches, aiming for the eyes and jaw, another series of four strikes in quick succession. She grabbed a piece of rubble and began bashing it into the side of Ianthe's head several times, whacking it into her skull over and over again, probably about six or seven times, but she wasn't really counting.

All she knew was that Ianthe was up to no good, had been snooping about the wrong place, asking about the wrong people. All Ikanbi had to do was take care of the problem. Ikanbis body began to surge with white wind mana as she grabbed onto Ianthe and attempted to use a dashing spell to grab them and slam them from the floor into the wall in a swift burst of speed before following it up with a strong right hook to the left eye followed by a left uppercut to the right side of the jaw.

Ikanbi attempted 14x cank hits to the head.

And used
Dash Spell two

Then attempted 2x crank hits to the head

Name: Dash Spell Two
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Wind Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Wind
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Instant
Effect: The user stamps down causing a magic circle to appear directly under them, a burst of wind will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 5 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} BgYy4ZU

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:09 am

She didn't get a chance to stand, her body was almost immediately set upon as she felt blow after blow to her face. It was brutal plain and simple and without a reason she could think of it only made the beating that much more like torture. Ianthe tried to shield her face with her hands but she soon felt not hands but a harder substance smash into her forearms causing the bone inside to break. The pain was enough to send her body into shock and she lay there as her body was lifted from the ground and slammed into a wall. The people of the area simply did not help, probably in fear of the woman who was for what looked like no reason at all, beating on Ianthe as if she had done some sort of slight against her. Ianthe didn't know when the last hit handed or where, at some point she had taken her last breath, bloodied and battered with no answers to her questions. This was the end for her, she had died, but perhaps it was for her own good.

- end -
-dead in fact -

All Roads Lead To Home [Ikanbi]{red} BSIEiBe

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