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Paradise Dawn - The Watchers

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Paradise Dawn - The Watchers Empty Today at 7:18 pm


Paradise Dawn Quest: The Watchers  

Prowl of the true Predator:
Paradise Dawn specializes in dealing with monsters, fully equipped to take on even the strongest most dangerous beasts. They have proven that time and time again, even adding behemoths like Dragons under their belt. But the time has come to expand those prospects and seek bigger prey. After a decree from the acting Guild Master of Paradise Dawn, the hunt now expands its services. It is no longer enough to stalk the monsters of this realm, the beasts that incur the people’s wrath and scorn. No, there are far more troubling beings worth facing head on or to pursue as they attempt to pass into our Earthrealm with the purpose of spreading ruin. Voidlings, Seraphim, Demons, and all the like. They have been etched into the work and quests that one as a Watcher could now pursue.

And so tonight, Paradise Dawn begins the Hunt…

  • Rank: D-S
    Words: 500-2500 Words
    Basic Reward: Base Request Reward
    Bonus: Quest bonuses apply.
    Requirements: The character accepting the quest must be guild rank 1 to participate. All countries are viable to pursue the hunt. Keep your location-of-choice’s lore in mind however as you create your stories. (Voidlings, Seraphim, Demons, and all the like are locked to members at A rank and above, but lower ranks could join their senior members should it be agreed upon.)

Mercenary Payroll:
Certain nations have a good relationship with Paradise Dawn, while others may simply have people who wish to push an agenda similar to that of the guild. With that said, Mercenary work tends to be very political in nature or service desired most when matters are to be kept private. Some quests require that Paradise Dawn Members come in groups to help discreetly with war efforts, some ask for a small team to assassinate certain people and some just want a particular job done. Mercenary quests are some of the core work Paradise Dawn members participate in and the requests can be quite varied. Assassination, escorting, retrieval, protection, and battling are but some services one could pay for when considering our employment. Of course, it is up to our members to accept the jobs they take.

  • Rank: D-S
    Words: 500-2500 Words
    Basic Reward: Base Request Reward
    Bonus: Quest bonuses apply.
    Requirements: The character accepting the quest must be guild rank 1 to participate.

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