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Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:30 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had explored the previous dungeon with a bunch of misfits. He wasn’t sure how this happened, but the group he was with previously were people he never thought he would work with. Well, the Zeta girl was someone he knew he could work with, but the other two not so sure. Still, they had gotten through the first cavern alive. He knew there were more around the world, so he was heading to the second one.

This one was within the country of the guild he was in. He knew about it for a bit but decided to go to this one second. He had to make sure he caught a glimpse of how strong these areas were, but they were too bad. That basically allowed him to enjoy the rest of his trip. He used his katana to travel from one place to another. There were other explorers who traversed into this place as well, so finding the location wasn’t hard to do.

He was within Stena Mountain, where it was said to be located in one of the caves there. He moved through the mountain as he knew where it was. It was a nice travel, he was on Hai Gone’s back. The Dragon could fly high into the air, but it was a slow flight, but it was smooth. He could see the cave that they were talking about and he would direct Hai Gone where to go. The Dragon made his way to the direction of where his father had told him to go.

“Do you think we will be here alone today?” He asked him wondering what he would say.

Drakkon thought about those words and he took two pills opened up his jug of alcohol and consumed it. He would sigh with relief as he looked at Hai.

“Nah, we won’t be alone in this. There will be others who come, there always is.” He said to his partner.

Hai understood this and made his descent. When the two of them got close enough, Drakkon was pushed off his son’s back and landed on the ground. Hai would change his form and land on the ground now that Drakkon was safe and on the ground. The two of them would look at the cave in front of them and wonder what they would face inside.

“Same as last time, we go in and bump into anybody as we go.” He said as he entered the cave.

When the two of them entered the place they would see a bunch of rocks shaped throughout the cave, they were covered in what looked like void energy and he could just see that this might be dangerous. The place looked ever-ending, but he started walking through it. While doing so the two of them would hear and feel the rumbling coming as if there was a stampede making their way.

“It seems like we got company get ready.” He said to Hai.

The Dragon heard this and he looked around to see if he could become a dragon here. When he saw the area was too small, he decided to just go to the ceiling with his form right now. He would do this and Drakkon kept moving. It was then he would see a bunch of Void Knights running toward him. It was like they knew that they had visitors the moment he stepped in. They didn’t stop for Drakkon as they were trying to ram into the man and deal some damage. He found it amusing and he would pull Enma out from its sheathe as it had finally accepted him as its master.



Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:20 pm

Emil had started heading for the next carven area that he had heard of he was flying with lightning wheels spinning next to his ankles and Indiana was on his shoulder holding on to him as Indiana was not pleased that the other man had not let him fully explore the last cavern with him and the others that had joined him Emil had to take him this time to make it up to him and to make sure that they were allowed to start hunting around if the exceed can find something that was worthy of his past triumphs in dungeon, ruin and cave diving for goods he needed to find something that will help to get them richer and not fall behind on rent or Lumikki might kick them out of the guild housing and keep the children as collateral for it. Lumikki seemed to have been getting more worried about it.

Emil got closer to the area and he could see the place that he was needing to head toward and he swears he had seen a dragon or something that had been ahead of them but he knew dragons were dead and banished so there shouldn't be any unless they were starting to invade this country and Emil was going to stay on guard as he didn't need any nasty surprises here when he was so close to a dangerous place to him and the exceed he had no idea if Elise was still coming or if she was staying away as she seemed to have been avoiding him since she cut him down during the last cavern they had taken part in together. Emil wasn't even sure what he would say to her if he did end up coming face to face with her as he wasn't happy with what she had done and in front of someone that could have been an enemy to them that was something that was not needed for her to do as she gave away his weakness to someone else without even thinking about it and he needed to make sure that he didn't swell on it as he headed down toward the area that they would be going into as Emil wasn't going to wait and Indiana just wanted to explore.

The exceed ran in ahead of Emil and Emil followed after him as he couldn't let the exceed go in and just get hurt or worse killed his children would be very sad if they lost their friend Indiana and they would end up crying and Emil didn't want to risk having his children crying so as he crossed into the cavern he looked around as he could feel the area rumbling and he wondered what the hell was going on if it was an earth quake or if there was something else that was making this happen. Indiana looked like he was frozen in place in fear as if he had seen something and then Emil looked up to the ceiling and he saw the dragon above them. "Get down here and stop shaking the cavern before you start some kind of issues, or I will get you down with lightning!"

Indiana kicked Emil in the shin and Emil looked the way that the exceed was pointing and he saw the very big creatures that were coming right for them and they looked like some horrible breed that was a mix of humans and horses and that was not a good sight so Emil started charging his gauntlets as he wanted to be ready for when these monsters come into their faces.


Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 8:26 am

It was now time for the next part of the cavern, Surely this could be a lot easier at this in theory, But maybe Elise needed to lighten up for the most part. One of these days she would learn, but at least she was going to make sure she was done smoking before getting back on the job. While still not really talking to anyone. Mostly because she had not needed to out right have a long term conversation with anyone yet, But Elise like this showed she just focused on many other things compared to what other might work on.

But there was always more and yet to come, But since they where between parts of the mission she was still smoking, it mind taming but unhealthy habit. Even then some one could even ponder eventually if she actually ran out of them, no one has really seen her actually shopping for these items. But the mundane things Elise normally enjoyed was things she just was merely seen with and no one ever saw Elise shopping. But minor mysteries in life aside, Elise was still smoking she had been not as slow as other times catching up to the group

This time the only thing she was doing was muttering to herself. But the most clear part was."F--k off Zeus...I'll deal with your temptations later."Elise had done well for the most part. But at times Zeus was unhappy with how Elise handle his desires, It was a fight she figured Zeus settled on after they met and Elise got his god soul. But suppose if anything Elise should have expected it, But this is just how life for her. There was always other things to worry about and she other ways to funnel Zeus' desires.

They are here, back at it again. But Elise seemed to be slightly busy in her mind dealing with some one everyone else around her really could not see at this time. At least if anyone knew she had the power of Zeus her muttering to herself could be understood. One was merely fighting what was in their head. But starting another cigarette and continuing on her way. Eventually she would put her head on straight, After all she just needed that moment to settle Zeus or attempt too in some manner. She was just distracted for a bit.

Just not too much longer. Elise would be in view of people sooner rather then later. She needed to get her head straight. So she would after this cigarette she was currently smoking. Elise's various thoughts seemingly not over whelming her mind. At least for now. It would be odd as Elise seemingly at the start of all of this was casually walking in and smoking but at least some one finally heard Elise finally mutter to herself."Finally the annoying pervert is settled."She muttered to herself like she finally was free from a headache she had.



Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:38 pm

Some time has passed since her first adventure into the void cavern to uncover its rumors. The rumors were true and she found treasure and encountered a rowdy bunch of travelers. One of them was from the same guild as her, Drakkon. Before leaving the dungeon he spoke to her as if they would see each other again but After that encounter not a word nor an inkling of his visage was seen of him. Zeta returned to visit the guild in Pergrande to rest and break down what she had experienced.

After waking from her long slumber, it was time to bring out the map and her notebook to log her findings. The creatures found inside the cavern were unlike any beast she hunted or read about. Faceless constructs that took on the form of a crystalized avian. When disposed of they return to their natural mana state as if not having existed to begin with.

“Will all these void pockets contain such strange beasts or will it just be more of the same bird-like creatures but evolved? Hmmm, I wonder but I will find out soon enough” Zeta questioned herself while jotting down the information and drawing an image of the void birds-like creatures she encountered. When looking at the map to scout the location of the 2nd void cavern that needed conquering she found it relatively close to the guild's location.

“It was at Stena Mountains all this time, huh? How convenient for me” Zeta tapped her nail on the map location several times while contemplating her next move. She stood up from the table and rolled up the map. “Aster, new plans. I will be traveling to Stena Mountains for the next Void dungeon exploration” She announced to Aster knowing he was watching her from somewhere as she smelled his scent. Afterward, she made headway to her closet to get geared up for the journey to come.

Zeta had planned to explore more of the country but got caught up in missions so it prevented her from doing so. Now with this new discovery that she had overlooked, a new opportunity was born, traversing the Stena Mountains of Pergrande was next on the list.

“Aster can you take us straight to the mountain summit? Also, would you like to join me on the exploration of Stena? I’m sure Drakkon and others will come in due time so we have some time to kill” She happily invited Aster along with her while completing the finishing touches to her prep work.

Aster created a rift in front of the doorway to Zeta’s room, gesturing for her to come.

She double-checked, no, tripled-checked everything before making her way into the rift Aster conjured. The warmth of her room was quickly fading from her as she took each step within the corridor of darkness. The survival training she underwent during her teenage years until her young adult life paid off, perfectly preparing her for such weather conditions and terrain.
As she reached the end of the corridor she could see the sun’s light and some trees in a clearing.
Once out from the rift, she pulled the map from her pocket to identify the area in question she was in and marked it off.

In front of her was the summit of the mountain but there was a small opening on the side. Some voices could be heard in the distance but they were extremely faint. It seems she had found a scenic route to enter the cavern. The familiar scents were that of the same band of misfits from before.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 7:40 am

Go D. Drakkon
Hai looked at him in his humanoid form when he told him to stop shaking the cavern. He looked at him and wondered what he was talking about. That wasn’t him, he knew he couldn’t turn into his dragon form here.

“Do you have to be so loud? That wasn’t me shaking the cavern.” He said as he pointed to the direction where he could see the incoming enemies.

Drakkon looked at Emil and he would just ignore the words that he said. They were working to clear the area, make jewels, and become richer than they are today.

“We got company.” Drakkon said this as he would pull out his Senbozakura, and his Yamato.

The creatures that were coming straight toward them were big, there were a lot of them as well. This wasn’t going to be easy now, was it? He didn’t think so, but his nose twitched as he caught the scent of everybody that was there. There was one new person here, and it seemed like the Exceed was it. He looked over to the creatures and rushed toward them with amazing speed. When he got to them, he would see they were not stopping with the charge. He moved to the side, and as he did that, he would cut through one of them with both blades in his hand.

They would fall to the ground and disperse from where they fell. He noticed that he sucked his teeth because it was like the damn birdy things. That meant from what he gathered last time that thing would return. When he turned to look at the horse-human thing, he noticed danger coming his way. He titled himself back as a spear was thrust in his direction. It went over his face as he could feel the breeze on his face.

He looked over to the creature as it would raise its front legs to him and it would try and stomp the Dragon Slayer. He would take the hit, and at the same time, he would pierce through the bottom of the horse's body. Once he was able to get through, he would slide the blade down. It would take out the beast, but no blood would come out. It would just be an abundance of mana being thrown everywhere as the creature had dispersed. He cracked his neck to look around to see what was next.

Hai looked around from the sky and he would see that there were too many of these creatures. He would slowly make his way behind one of them, and when he got there, he would slash through one of the horsemen, killing it in one blow before rising up to the ceiling of the cavern again. He was not much a chaser. If he fought he would stand still and go blow for blow, but he knew not everyone fought that way.

Drakkon saw what his son had done and that was good to see he was hoping that he would do more, but for now, that would suffice. At the moment he would make his move again. He pushed forward and made his way to another victim with his blade. The Dragon Slayer had swung his blades down to another creature. This time his blades went through their neck like butter. It would slide off before it turned into mana and he sighed. They had to go deeper into this place if they were going to find this treasure that was said to be here.

The son of chaos kept destroying any of them that were close to him hoping to clear the room, so they could push forward.



Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:56 pm

Emil had heard Elise walk into the place that they were at and he looked at her. He nearly asked her a question but stopped himself and just ran forward then slammed his fist against the ground releasing lightning into the ground and it erupts up out of the ground at some of the monstrous creatures funneling his anger into the lightning that he is unleashing and it was jumping from one of the creatures to the next Emil's lightning was nothing to be messed with and right now he was frustrated and needed to blow off some steam so this task to fight and destroy these monsters were right up his ally and he was not sure if any of them would get caught in the cross fire not that he would care as long was it wasn't Elise that gets caught in the cross fire as he doesn't want to hurt his own teammate the other two were fair game to not care about as he had no care to if he deals with them here or not as he still doesn't like Drakkon and the other woman seemed to not really pay any attention to him either.

Emil starts throwing punches as he plows right into more of the monsters and his lightning keeps just jumping from monster to monster Emil not seeming to care as if he was blind to the chaos that was going around him laser focused on just making these monsters regret this day and that they were ever born as he tore through them as he went as he was not being careful he was not showing any real form of compassion to these things to him they were just in his way and with every punch he landed on them thunderous sounds of lightning cracked off into the place echoing and reverberating as he wasn't stopping and he was smashing into the horsemen monsters. Emil was not here to play around he was here to work and that was it break, destroy, leave nothing of these things that dared to cross his path on this day. Emil had also slightly changed in appearance as drums had sprouted out of his back and as he hit them they made loud noises as well. Emil never used this form as he hated how it looked and felt to him so it was off the table at all times just know he had stopped caring.

Indiana was watching the man make the most use out of his god soul that he could and he looked at Elise. "Do you have any kind of romantic feelings for that idiot? I think he likes you like that, I just want to know where you stand on that." Indiana wondered if Emil was going to be okay after he had just taken off and gone in so deep into the monsters that were ahead of them or if he was going to get in over his head. Indiana saw the man using his thunder wheel spell to fly and get into the creatures faces and hitting them in their ugly messed up faces but Indiana knows that he can't go out there and fight so like usual he will be stuck back here all alone just to watch as he was more of a brain companion than he was a fighting one so he often felty a bit left out and like he could be doing more for the man he worked for besides just being a babysitter and a bench warmer but he knows that was all he could do for Emil besides help him with maps and finding paths.
(616) (1,224)


Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:28 am

Elise's thoughts where clearing out for the most part, While she heard something else talking to her. Elise almost assumed it was either another god trying to talk to her to barter with her. But then looked to see an exceed, Since they were asking about Emil, Or seemingly asking about her feelings towards Emil. Elise figured since Indiana did not exactly know that well compared to her. Elise had to wonder if this was really the right time as things where developing into a combat zone and casual speaking might get them hurt, But suppose everyone had their own things to worry about.

But Elise would be taking her time pulling out her swords and would answer their question, Eventually but she had to ask them one thing."How important is that to answer right now?"Elise asked them while she, Elise did have two swords, but she stopped for a moment. Before she pulled out her second sword, Flicked her cigarette away, After she had taken it out of her mouth."I don't have a solid answer for you, If anything he deserves some one far more tame to deal with than I." Elise was just being herself with that statement she was some what a handful to deal with, Already still feeling Emil had better things to do with his time, Better women to chase if anything. Elise did not feel worth the effort. She was monster who sparingly expressed loving emotion, Even then it was out Elise a lot of times seemed to have it come out fair different then actual love.

While Emil tried to drill it into her head she could feel actual love, Elise still felt like it was not the case yet, She was raise to be an aggressive matriarch not just a standard woman. She was meant to raise people up to make herself better, not mutual work towards a wonderful future. At least for the most part. This was all Elise problems."Now if you excuse me, I have other things to do."Elise left it at that. Everyone else was either starting to or were fighting things Elise needed to do her part so she would be joining in on it. But since they were larger beings. Elise be cutting them to piece with her swords with a odd, twisted and almost blood lust ridden smile. Elise was still in control but it was not that she was cutting and slices these beings to pieces.

It was how she was doing it. She was doing to much slower then anyone else here, Like she was making them suffer a bit longer compared to other people, Almost like watching these being just last a bit longer was settling something with in Elise, Something she was not telling or told anyone yet because she was trying to deal with it herself. But the well versed monster hunter, hunting things slowly with her normal finesse, Just add in blood lust. It was how she funnelled out Zeus' desires of lust since Elise did not really sleep around or try too lead anyone on in such a lewd manner. Any keen eye would pick up Elise was getting carried with what she was doing, As well she was not slowing down.



Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 6:20 am

The familiar scents came alongside familiar voices that matched the same travelers from before but one thing was different this time around. A new smell stuck out like a sore thumb, was it an enemy or a friend, or just a new traveler entirely? This question ran around in Zeta's mind as she did not have enough information to rule anything out. The banter from within did not sound like anything aggressive but more casual. The band of travelers was really strong and would handle things quickly if it was an enemy. They could have a naturally calm demeanor towards something weaker than them, which could also be a factor, Zeta pondered.

Zeta continued heading down the split path, but the scents started to scatter and a sudden breakout of fighting had begun. Beastly roars with loud crackling thunder echoed throughout the dark path as if it was coming from all around her. Zeta felt tremors due to all the commotion going on from deeper within. Being sure to tread carefully, wary of a potential cave in which Zeta hugged the wall while walking through the space. It started to grow quite narrow in time, too narrow for her adult body to fit through. Fortunately for her, the miasma she can create has corrosive capabilities making the rocky formations nothing more than child's play to deal with.

Carefully blowing a stream of miasma through the narrow passageway, the sound of the rocky formations dissolving let loose a soft crackling sound as rubble fell downward.  The floor in front of her along with the passage ended up falling downward, clearing the path ahead for her.  The decently large pieces of rubble that fell through the ceiling due to Zeta's concentrated miasma ended up landing on top of a few large horseman hybrid creatures. The stalagmite attached to the rubble pierced the void knight through its horse-like backside.

A few moments after being impaled, the creature turned to mana that soon evaporated into nothingness. Zeta watched this occur as she peeked down from the hole left in the ceiling. Her eyes scoured the level below to find the scents she smelled earlier. That was when she noticed the woman traveler from before standing up ahead. She slowly dissected the void monsters as if joyfully playing with her food.

The void knight beasts stalagmites crushed and impaled by the stalagmites stood over a dozen feet behind the woman. Seeing a flat slab of rock stacked on the ground where the beast once stood gave Zeta a platform to descend onto. She leaped into the hole from above, aiming her landing point at where the slab of rock was stationed, shooting forward a strong stream of miasma from her hands to slow down her falling momentum. The gas steadily filled the area, causing a large smokescreen to form behind the woman.

After a brief moment of silence, faint footsteps could be heard. Zeta steel-toed boots grazed the rocky terrain of the cave floor, kicking loose scattered pebbles across the ground every couple of steps. Her figure slowly grew more and more apparent from within the gas as she drew closer. She was calmly approaching the woman from behind but carefully stayed at a 5-foot distance.

“Hey you, having fun over there?” Zeta teasingly commented while proceeding to close the gap between them, walking to the left side of the woman, still keeping at arm's length, carefully keeping an eye on the sword she was carrying. “Nice to see you again” Zeta gave a welcoming smile to the woman and then turned her attention toward the exceed who was in the far back. ‘ahh, that's what the other scent came from’ was the thought that came to her mind upon seeing the exceed.


#9Go D. Drakkon 

Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 10:50 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon pushed through the field they were in. his movements moved quickly, his strength wasn’t that great, but his Enma made up for it. The katana was too damn heavy though. It was too bad because he wanted to wield it in one hand so that he could use his Yamato. Still, he couldn’t be more thankful that it had accepted him, and that was better than they were a few days ago. It didn’t stop his movements from being as efficient as it was still. A void knight had appeared right in front of him, trying to thrust their spear at Drakkon, he moved around dodging their attacks. His ascension to a divinitas made his power unique to be able to see things properly.

Hai was doing his best to destroy these creatures, but their numbers were becoming overwhelming. Still, he knew he had an out whenever he needed to. The Son of Chaos had seen that Emil indeed had a god ability within him. It wasn’t just him, but that woman also had it too. He didn’t know what it was, but this group was actually scary. Miasma, Devourer, and two Gods on their side were interesting.

He parried the spear that was being aimed at him, and he pushed the spear down before he adjusted his blade and cut the void creature in half. It would disperse into mana, and he noticed more came.

“Sorry, father. I am strong, but their numbers are overwhelming.” He roared, a war cry was heard throughout the entire cavern.

Hai would disappear from his location becoming transparent and eventually disappearing. It was then Drakkon’s body started to change, and his wings had become visible, his tail slapping the ground, while the horns on his head grew. He also noticed that Enma had become incredibly light in this instance.

“I see, with Hai, I can wield you without a problem.” He said this, his eyes focused on the enemies that charged at him.

They had gone for Hai earlier, but now that he was gone, they had changed their focus to Drakkon. He would grab ahold of Yamato’s hilt and it would slide out of its place as the void knights had approached him. It was then he had stepped forward, running to the group and cutting them up like butter. They fell to the ground before dispersing into mana. He looked over to the group of people who seemed like they were handling things well themselves.

“We should be fine in this cavern. It seems like we’re all strong enough to hold on to our own. As long as we are all doing our job then we shouldn’t have to worry about anything.” He said as he saw Emil’s crazy attacks.

It looked like it could even hit him, but it didn’t right now. He didn’t like that, it seemed dangerous, but this was a battlefield. He would just create a fire spell, this would have a fiery skull appear behind him before it wrapped around him to become a fire dragon armor. The durability of this spell was powerful, and it gave him more confidence than he had now.

Hai would activate his flight spell, which would allow Drakkon to fly into the air. Drakkon so how high he could take flight and knew it wouldn’t be a problem now. He soared through the air and at the same time avoided the powerful lightning attacks. He would cut down a few creatures, and when spears approached him, he would block and counterattack with his own attack. His power kept growing and with Hai with him, it was just even better,



Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:48 pm

Indiana sighed and shook his head as this woman seemed to be nearly as stubborn as Emil was and that was saying something as Emil is a thick headed man that will just run head long into things and not look back as he was not going to hold back but he wondered why she said a more tame woman than she is, is she referring to her self like a wild animal which makes no sense but the woman had already taken off to join in the fighting so he couldn't ask her as she seemed to be on something else and there was no point in trying as he was just asking so he could know not like he was going to tell Emil he just wanted to know about if there was a point for the tension.

Emil just keeps letting lightning just keep going free as he bashed into the monsters that were around and he wasn't stopping as he keeps the lightning jumping around from target to target as he was not wasting a thing here and he was not looking to take forever to get out of here as he hated being around Drakkon and he was not really sure what to make of the other woman that had shown up. Emil was working as he went to clear the room and then he sees Elise coming into the fight and he sighs as now she is a lightning user as well, seems she really wanted to show him up and show him that he wasn't worth shit. Emil now feels less important as it seemed that he was going to also be out done by the woman that seemed to have an issue with him rather it was person, skill or other wise Emil was unsure all he knew was that he was not special or unique here.

Emil went off to the side she he didn't get Elise's way as she was probably going to show him how using lightning souls was really meant to be and him now having to settle for being the second best soul magic user in the guild as she was not going to lose to him as he was weaker than her and there was no way he could over come someone that was as well trained as she was. The monsters kept coming and Emil was losing steam as his will to keep going was failing as he knows that his time is just numbered and thinking that maybe it was time to retire and just stop embarrassing himself and trying to be something that he isn't as there was no point in him keeping to try against her as she clearly was not talking to him and hadn't spoken to him since she tore him apart to make an example of him.

Emil had taken his attention away from the monsters that he was fighting and he ended up paying for that. Emil was smacked into the ground and stomped all over as the monsters ran over him as Emil had not been focused on the fight and he ended up not seeing an attack that was coming at him which just left him downed and away from the others as he was not getting up yet. Indiana saw that and he tried to climb up on a rock and see if he could see what happened to the other man who was probably hurt right now and he needed help probably and the exceed jumped that way and started to run toward Emil dodging the monsters strong legs that were smashing down onto the ground around him.
(614) (1,838)


Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 8:59 am

Elise as going to try and continue to be a team player, Even if she was over all getting lost in a means of killing whatever was in front of her, Even most likely already moving on from the conversation she just had with the exceed or general thoughts about it. This was work, work needed to be done. So Elise would continue until the things they fought where gone. For the most part it was over all continuing to brawl with all that was not able to speak her name.

So Basically everyone else with in this team of four, Was entirely safe from Elise's seemingly overpowering bloodlust, far gone almost seemingly was Elise paying attention to whatever she was killing in gruesome manners and not just quickly for the sake of the mission. Elise was just allowing herself to get lost in all of this. This was what she trained herself for many years for to do. Witness many other deaths of untrained men and women who wanted learn this trade, between being of faith or not. Witnessing various people die at the hands of simple monsters and simple tricks. Elise was not going to think much on Indiana's question.

Eventually stopping at one point to look around what was going on with everyone else, Even with the grin on her face, from the relief of some things in her mind that had been bugging her for a while. After all Zeus finally shut up, He apparently finally felt settled Elise was not going to have a voice her in her tempting her to go find the nearest man or woman who was pretty in Zeus' eyes and try to sleep with them in uncontrolled lust, Blood lust was easier to deal with, Also some what more desirable.

But suppose while she was looking around she would look at the state of herself looking at whatever flowed through their veins that was not stained into their clothing. wearing mostly white it seemed Elise over all pondered if she needed a new shirt or not, But it was a nice stopping moment. She would find a cleaner part of her shirt and just in case there was what she could considered whatever void being's blood on her and clear it out of her eyes by wiping away what was around it.

Safety first, she needed to be sure she could always see, just as much as she could hear. Even then it was her also seeing if it was time to continue on while everyone else was either finishing up or had a few other left to with. There was a good amount of a rush she actually felt from doing all of this, One she had needed too for a while. Suppose with the earlier question that was posed to her she had some things in her mind now mostly about what all she had to take note of for later about the things they hunted. Void beings where new.




Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 12:43 pm

Zeta paused for a moment as she awaited the crazed woman's response. As she continued to watch the woman it was apparent she was too far gone in her act of madness even to notice Zeta. Shrugging it off as this must be a quirk of hers, she marched further into the den of void beasts leaving her behind to relish in the moment.

After marching forward several feet the scent of Drakkon and the other guy grew stronger and she could see the swarm of beasts they were fighting in a frenzy. Ducking behind a large rock structure on the far right end of the area to avoid being noticed, peeking out from behind she searched for an opportunity to lend her aid. Drakkon seemed to be holding his own against the beast while maintaining an advantage by being out of their range in mid-air. Shifting her gaze further around the rocky expanse she could not pinpoint the location of the other guy, he was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she spotted a swarm of the void beasts bunched together with their backs turned not so far from her current location. The faint scent she remembered of the man was coming from that direction.

Zeta jumped out from cover to help but paused when she noticed an exceed rushing over to help. A smirk crawled onto her face as she resumed her dash toward the horde. She was crossed at the risky idea to do a large-scale attack fearing she may injure the exceed and the guy.

“Screw it, they should be tough enough to handle what I can dish out. I send my apologies in advance” Zeta said as she stopped several feet away from the horde, far enough that even if the void creatures turned and charged they would not be able to reach her before turning into nothing but mana from the constant damage. The creatures seem intelligent enough to work together effectively but not much in the tactical department seeing how they all left their backs wide open to solely focus on one target. Using this information she gathered from her observation she took a deep breath and spit a large hazy stream of miasma. The mist-like poison slowly engulfed the area where the horde of void beasts stood.

Zeta continued to spew out more and more miasma from her mouth while leaning forward. The light hazy mist grew dense and murky over time, turning into a purplish black swampy substance. This substance quickly drained the energy and life forces of those within it. Due to the size of the void beast being much larger than the birds from the first dungeon they didn't dissolve into mana right away.

“These thing as resilient as they look, but not enough to avoid their demise”

Though they were resilient in nature, they still felt pain and exhaustion like any other weaker being Zeta has encountered in her travels when hit by her magic. This miasma left the creatures bodies contorting in agony while seeking out the cause of the sensation overwhelming them. They started to stagger off dispersing from the area they stood.

“That should do for now” Zeta thought as she carefully approached the man on the floor along with the exceed. She undid her spell before speaking out.

You two alright?” Zeta asked while sniffing to stay alert to the enemy locations.

WC 579_1808

#13Go D. Drakkon 

Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Tue Oct 15, 2024 11:18 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was examining the fight around here. It seemed like Elise was doing something incredible, and it cost Emil to pay the price as he was getting jumped by the monsters that were there. His eyes widened as he wondered if the man was killed because of this. This was exciting and he could only smile as this was chaos alright. Things were going wrong, but for Drakkon it made things even better. Of course, he was planning on helping out, but after he waited for a few seconds. When he started to move, he noticed that someone else was moving. He had a smile to see that Zeta had been the one to make the move.

She was going to help Emil as it seemed like her powers over miasma would swarm the creatures that were surrounding Emil. He was far away from the spell and he watched as things connected between her spell and the monsters in this place. They had dispersed as they took a lot of damage. He had a smirk on his face as he couldn’t wait to obtain dark spells from this woman.

When she asked if they were okay Drakkon had given her a thumbs up from high above in the cavern. It was then the monster had attempted to change its target. When Drakkon saw it was moving away from him, he would move quickly, his speed fast as he had appeared in front of the monster. When it saw the being the Void Cavalry had thrusted his blade toward Drakkon.

He allowed it to happen to see if he could live through the attack. A huge hole had blasted into the man’s torso. It left an outline of his body, with everything in it missing. He screamed out loud in pain from the attack but swung his blades at the creature’s throat. It connected at the same time he had been harmed. The Cavalry had its head cut off and the body had disappeared from there. He would fall from the sky, but then he flapped his wings. His mana had started surging through his body and his eyes widened when he felt it coming.

His body started regenerating quickly and soon enough the missing skin, organs, and bones were replaced with new ones. He would look at his chest to see that his body was fine. The spell was not able to defend against that attack along with his kimono. It seemed like that creature was too strong, which meant if another had come out here, he would have to make sure nobody got in the middle of that.

“Father that hurt, I don’t think I can take another hit like that. If you can please be careful.” He said to Drakkon.

The dragon slayer heard this and he nodded understanding the situation. He wasn’t going to get hit again anyway.

“We’re fine, we should keep pushing forward. They are all coming from a certain direction, which means that the treasure shouldn’t be too far from where we’re located.” They said to Zeta as he looked over to Emil, and then over to Eli…

His eyes wandered through the area, the woman creating chaos wasn’t here, his eyes continued what they were doing and his nose was working as well. This was confusing, he was sure there was another person here with them, but now she was gone. It confused him and made him wonder if the cavern had done something to her.

“Hey did you see the smoking girl with electricity anywhere? She was there one second, but now she’s nowhere to be found. I don’t even smell her with my nose.” He asked curious, confused, and a bit worried that something like that might happen to them.



Void Event: Cavalry of Emptiness [Emil, Elise, Zeta] Empty Tue Oct 15, 2024 2:33 pm

Emil while the miasma was going on had stood up pissed off and glowing as he did the man took a deep breath. "I am so sick and tired of getting my ass kicked, tired of feeling so much pain." He had clearly lost his grip on himself and had slipped into his rage mode he let loose a cascade of lightning that was hopping around as he ran head long right toward where the monsters were coming from. He was not going to stand back or listen to them he was done doing things the way others were demanding him do. He keeps being abandoned and left alone, he has lost too many people for his liking and he needed to let it out and just tear his way through the place if he had to he had to find Elise but who even was Elise Emil had no idea the name just keep repeating in his head like somewhere inside of him the name was fighting to remain known to him but the name was slowly dissolving to him he had no choice he was going to keep pushing for what was in front of him.

The man was raging and loud crisp booms of thunder crack through the cavern echoing an assaulting anything that could hear making them being able to hear nothing these booms didn't effect Emil it seemed he was completely unbothered by the noise as she was lost to a whole different world his anger driving him to be reckless but he wasn't showing any sign of slowing down or stopping as he kept hammering into the the creatures and the booms keep sounding. The exceed sees that Emil is in pain but he couldn't stop the man from this but was covering his ears to protect himself as he hadn't seen Emil losing control here and becoming a monster himself but Indiana looked around for the missing woman while the others were still fighting.

Indiana had no idea where she could have gone but she had to be here but he couldn't even remember what she looked like or her name so he knew he was going to be in some trouble if she was around and he just couldn't see her. Emil hits the ground releasing shockwaves of lightning that were bursting from the ground. Emil needed to calm down but he couldn't it was like he had lost something in him self that had been there but was now missing like something that his brain could catch on but it was gone the pain following in him from the attacks was all that he could feel all he could see was just pain and loss this was something that he might not be able to come out from on his own as he might now be lost farther than before. He would probably have to collapse after raging for awhile.

As the creature came Emil went and just kept going his lightning hitting the creature and running along the walls like he was not in control of the lightning anymore and it was sparking around haphazardly like Emil was a living and fighting live wire that wasn't scared to electrocute someone if they got to close to him or to something that his lightning is touching. Emil was fighting out his feelings taking them out on these beast monsters that break into nothing but mana which makes this feel even more empty and unfulfilling the more he does it he was lost here with no light to guide him or bring him back from the void the voice whispering the madness swallowing him.
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