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Between Emerald Blades, Lives Are Sharpened [ft. Salem]

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Between Emerald Blades, Lives Are Sharpened [ft. Salem] Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 2:20 pm

Luluhawa Island, a verdant paradise, stood as evidence to nature's untamed artistry. From above, it resembled a vibrant emerald set against the sapphire expanse of the ocean. Dense forests and jungles sprawled across the island, their emerald hues punctuated by the earthy tones of the land, creating a breathtaking tableau of primeval splendor. This wild heart of the island coexisted harmoniously with the unassuming settlements dotting its shores, a reflection of the simple yet profound beauty of its inhabitants.

From the moment he first set foot on Luluhawa, Tōga had felt its intrinsic allure. The island's unspoiled charm resonated deep within him, compelling him to claim it as a second home. Here, the complexities of the outside world seemed to dissolve, leaving only the essential truths of existence.

On this particular day, Tōga sought solace in the heart of Aina Forest. He stood in a surprisingly spacious clearing, a pocket of open sky amidst the dense canopy. The air was heavy with the intoxicating perfume of tropical flora and the distant melodies of exotic birds, crafting an atmosphere that was both invigorating and tranquil.

Sweat beaded on Tōga's brow as he paused to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. In his hands, Zangetsu and Rengoku's Kimetsu shimmered in the sunlight filtering through the leaves above. These were more than mere weapons; they were extensions of his very being, their razor-sharp edges demanding respect and precision.

With reinstated focus, Tōga resumed his intricate dance of steel and shadow. Each movement was a sonata of controlled power, his blades slicing through the air with a whisper that belied their lethal potential. The knowledge that a single misstep could have dire consequences only intensified his resolve, driving him to refine each slash, each parry, to perfection. As he flowed through his self-created routine, blending traditional forms with innovative techniques born of his unique experiences, Tōga entered a meditative state. The lines between body and blade, between conscious thought and instinctual action, blurred. In these moments, he felt closest to unlocking the true potential that lay dormant within.

A subtle shift in the air broke Tōga's concentration. His senses, sharpened by the draonic inheritance of his magic, alerted him to an unfamiliar presence. "Huh?" he murmured, his movements ceasing as he turned towards the eastern edge of the clearing. Gazing into the shadowy depths of the jungle, Tōga felt a blend of curiosity and anticipation. The unseen visitor approaching could be friend or foe, a welcome interruption or an unexpected challenge. Either way, it promised to introduce an element of the unforeseen into his meticulously planned training.

As he awaited the visitor's arrival, Tōga contemplated the serendipitous nature of life on Luluhawa. Even in the heart of the island's wilderness, one could never truly escape the interconnectedness of all things. This unexpected encounter, whatever it may bring, served as a reminder of the delicate balance between solitude and community, between personal growth and shared experiences.

With his senses heightened and his blades at the ready, Tōga stood poised on the brink of another island encounter. The lush surroundings of Aina Forest seemed to hold their breath, the air itself vibrating with potential energy. As the unseen visitor drew nearer, a smile tugged at Tōga's lips. Here, in this primeval paradise, every moment held the promise of discovery, every encounter an opportunity for growth and connection, for better or worse.

Come on out! I don’t bite, hahaha!

wc: 607

#2Salem E. 

Between Emerald Blades, Lives Are Sharpened [ft. Salem] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:40 pm

Salem E.

Salem awoke on top of the solid bed. The sunlight coming through the canopy of the bed. Salem turned and saw his new compatriot Frosch breathing softly. The cat had a blast being brought into such a top tier room. He normally considered himself as more of a lone wolf but he did not mind having such a cute companion along with him. Frosch has proven to be a valuable teammate to the newly made duo.

The exceed ate its body weight in pancakes and got tired. Salem paid the bill and took the tired creature back up to the room. Salem made sure he understood that he would return, and not to go anywhere as long as he did not return. Salem did not want his newfound friend to go missing or something. He was an empathic creature and understood that the exceed had a tough time. Salem wanted Frosch to have a nice day enjoying the facility and having fun.

He grabbed his staff and committed to not going too far into the forest. Salem did not want to do any quests but train his body. He wanted to work on his skills with his staff alone. Salem noticed that he had a big drawback before when it came to battle, because of his lack of physical skill. When he was a spirit, magic was simply who he was. When he fought Alaric he found out how lacking he was.

Putting his staff on his back, Salem started on a small sprint through the forest. The dense jungle brush and humid air covered him like a second skin. He did not trip or even feel winded as the water rejuvenated his body, and the forest made way for him. Every step he took was pretty clear. He started to work on autopilot as he moved. Not paying attention to the fact that he was jogging deeper and deeper into the forest. He was simply moving.

The path that he took had him in the heart of the forest. It was nature or fate taking him to wear what he needed to go. On a subconscious level Salem was going to a great place to train and he had arrived. Appearing from the eastern edge in a large clearing, Salem slowly blinked his eyes. He had heard a familiar voice tell him to come on out but as he was not hiding, he did not take the request too seriously.

Salem stepped out and looked straight at a weapon pointed at him. A decent looking sword attached to a face he had seen before. It took Salem half a second to place it. “Toga? What are you doing all the way out here. I did not know you Knights were so active in other places.” He said it as a joke. He stood at the edge but still kept his eye out for sudden movement. He’s come across people under the influence of mental magic before. Getting attacked by allies were not an uncommon occurrence. Not to mention. It may have been a while since he last saw the kid, but Salem could tell a difference. Before he felt that he would have been able to knock him out with a minimal amount of effort. Now there was something that felt off.

The air was a bit suppressed. Salem was on guard and carried his momentum well. He was no slouch but the air Toga gave off, felt more oppressing and kept the creatures of the forest more silent. “If you came out here to train. I hope you do not mind me joining.” Salem through that out after a brief pause from his last sentence. It was the best he was going to do when it came to diffusing the situation. The only other option he had was to do his best to battle it out, then see if he had a chance to strategically retreat, if needed.

WC: 660


Between Emerald Blades, Lives Are Sharpened [ft. Salem] Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 3:00 pm


The rustling of leaves and the soft crunch of underbrush on the eastern edge of the forest made the dragon slayer halt in his tracks. Someone—or perhaps something—was drawing near, making no attempt to mask their approach. The sound of parting foliage and heavy footsteps was enough to send small creatures scurrying into the safety of the shadows, and it left Toga on high alert.

With his katana raised, the dragon slayer pointed the blade toward the source of the disturbance. His stance was firm, a silent warning to whatever or whoever was approaching. Toga wasn’t one to be overly suspicious or fearful Tōga his own safety, but he knew the value of a strong first impression. If the intruder was one of the poachers rumored to be roaming the island in search of mythic beasts, he was ready to hunt them down without hesitation. And if it turned out to be an animal in search of prey, perhaps the sight of his weapon would be enough to send it fleeing.

However, as the figure drew closer, the dragon slayer caught a whiff of their scent—a familiar, safe scent that made him reconsider his initial assumptions. The tension in his body began to ease as recognition set in. “Ooooi! Salem-san!” a voice called out, cheerful and unbothered by the earlier tension. Emerging from the dense greenery, a blue-haired mage pushed through the last of the foliage, stepping into the clearing where Toga stood ready Tōga battle.

Toga let out a sigh of relief, the stern expression on his face melting into one of understanding and delight. “Long time no see, hahaha!” he greeted, lowering his blade with a casual swing and offering an apologetic smile. The urgency of his earlier stance seemed almost comical now, given the arrival of an old friend rather than an adversary. “Sorry about that,” he continued, chuckling as he sheathed his katana. “Didn’t know if you were a boar, a poacher, or something worse until I caught your scent.” His tone was easygoing, completely at odds with the tense readiness he had shown just moments beTōgae. “And oooh! You’re down to train?” Salem asked, eyes lighting up as he noticed Toga’s inclination.

Toga’s grin widened. The prospect of a friendly spar was exactly what he needed to break the monotony of his solitary training. “I’m always up Tōga a good fight,” he replied, rolling his shoulders to loosen up. “Been trying to get better with my katana too, so this works out perfectly.”

wc: 481 [1,087]
Combat Log:

#4Salem E. 

Between Emerald Blades, Lives Are Sharpened [ft. Salem] Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:19 am

Salem E.

Salem just let out a laugh. “Nope. No danger or wild things here. Just a simple Fae that likes to travel. The island is pretty peaceful for the most part. They have some problems now and again but the place easily gets it handled.” From what he could see this was one of the more unproblematic groups of humans he has come across. It does not even look they sacrifice their kids. That was pretty advanced for such a rural place. He was merry and did not take the time to fight too seriously. He needed the training as well. He would prep his staff. Then he would get to work on the fight.

“Alright.It would be easier for us to go at it. En garde” Salem started to run towards Toga. Since the man was already prepared he assumed he would not mind if Salem took the first swipe. Not that Salem. Would let his guard down. He’s seen people throw fireballs from their weapons. Flame magic was not great to hit by. The only thing that hurt him more was lightning spells. When closer to be within range of his weapon. Salem would use his left arm and swipe from left to right. Trying to hit the legs and get him an opening hit in.

Salem was nervous. A variety of feelings were boxing away inside of him. However, the only thing he ejected was an air of confidence. He was playing around and having fun, it did not mean he actually wanted to lose. He needed to give his all because he had a feeling that he would not be able to beat Toga as easily as before. The fact that he was resisting to use magic made it even a lot harder for himself. Still he put all his attention on the fight and did not entertain the errant thoughts.

[315] [975]

wc: 481 [1,087]
Combat Log:


Between Emerald Blades, Lives Are Sharpened [ft. Salem] Empty Wed Oct 16, 2024 3:57 pm


Salem, a Fae whose demeanor matched the ethereal grace often attributed to his kind, was an enigma wrapped in the mystique of ancient folklore. Tōga, ever the curious mage, had scant knowledge of the Fae, understanding them only as beings often characterized by their mild temperaments and pleasant dispositions. Salem seemed to embody these traits well, each of their encounters marked by a civility that piqued Tōga’s interest in learning more about his origins and culture. It was an exploration he looked forward to delving into—once their sparring concluded, for now, his focus must remain unswervingly on the combat at hand.

The notion of underestimating an opponent was not a luxury Tōga could afford, especially not in the midst of battle. He knew all too well the pitfalls of judging solely by appearances; it was akin to confusing a drizzle for a deluge—a potentially disastrous oversight. Thus, as Salem advanced with a swift horizontal slash, Tōga was primed and ready, his instincts honed from countless previous engagements.

With agility that belied his robust frame, Tōga recoiled just beyond the reach of Salem’s blade, his movements a blur of pink against the backdrop of the forest. Timing was crucial, and as Salem’s strike reached its terminus, Tōga found his moment. He surged forward, closing the gap with a fluidity that mirrored the dance of combat they both revered.

Rengoku, his trusted blade, cleaved the air with a fierce descent, aiming to slice through the space occupied by Salem—from the crown of his head down to the arm extended in mid-swing1. Tōga harbored no illusions of a straightforward victory; his strike was as much a test as it was an attack, a feint designed to probe Salem’s defenses and gauge his reflexes. Yet, he was prepared for all eventualities. Zangetsu was held in reserve, its presence a silent threat that lingered just at the edge of action, ready to spring forth should the initial strike falter. Tōga’s strategy was simple yet executed with the precision of a seasoned warrior: strike swiftly, strike smartly, and always, always be ready for the counter-move.

wc: 385 [1,472]
Combat Log:

#6Salem E. 

Between Emerald Blades, Lives Are Sharpened [ft. Salem] Empty Fri Oct 18, 2024 6:14 am

Salem E.

Salem was having a blast. This fight was exhilarating and different from how he would normally fight. He had never had to be up close and personal. It did make him consider if he had a chance at being an up close and personal fighter. It was a fun time to be had and seeing it as a game. The Fae did not feel like he needed to be as reserved.

The fae did not break his stance. When he had gone for the hit he went outwards with his swing on purpose. He left the front of himself open and his right arm was free to be used. It was cool to see how Toga lept backwards in order to dodge. Then he jumped back in with a slice of his own. Salem decided to go offense as the best defense. Salem punched out with his fist. He would take a hit on his head but only in exchange for Toga getting hit upside his head as well. Salem made it so either could dodge as long as one would choose to do so.

[185] [1,160]

Combat Log:


Between Emerald Blades, Lives Are Sharpened [ft. Salem] Empty Yesterday at 1:55 pm


Tōga was precise in his combat strategy, waiting to detect the slightest muscle twitch or feint from Salem before launching his counterattack. The dance of evasion and strike had become second nature to him through countless battles, each encounter weaving familiarity with a thread of unpredictability. This was not just a test of physical skill but an exercise in tactical creativity and mental agility. Being able to simultaneously hone his reactions and innovate on the battlefield was a skill that invariably set him apart. As Salem initiated a maneuver Tōga himself had often employed—yet seldom encountered from an adversary—he couldn't help but grin, adrenaline surging even as he advanced. "Ooooi!" he exclaimed, embracing the challenge head-on, his voice echoing the thrill of the confrontation. He understood the dynamics of their duel well; if his strike landed, it was likely Salem's would too, as his own forward motion carried him into the path of Salem's counterstrike.

The impact came as no surprise. "Aaargh!" Tōga's shout cut through the clash, a sound of both pain and determination as he absorbed the impact of Salem’s attack while his own blade hopefully made its mark. This was the essence of their fight—no retreat, no yielding, just a straightforward exchange of blows where neither combatant shied away from the potential consequences of their aggression.

"Nice one!" Tōga commended, pushing past the initial shock of contact. His spirit undampened, he readied another horizontal sweep, wincing slightly as the residual sting from Salem’s hit lingered. The protective gear they donned did little to dampen the intensity of the strikes, each blow a testament to their commitment to the spar. With every move, Tōga remained vigilant, his eyes sharp and his body ready to respond.

wc: 321 [1,793]
Combat Log:

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