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Amaforth Academy - Theory of Destruction

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Amaforth Academy - Theory of Destruction Empty Yesterday at 4:57 pm

Quest: The Theory of Destruction

Summary: There is a delicate art to destruction, if one is privy enough to know that. It is easy to lose oneself in the chaos and demolish all that is around them, but where is the beauty in such technique. The lack of flair would make you no better than the bandits wandering around the streets and woods. Oh no—no, no, no, no. Here in Amaforth Academy, we strive for more. Even in our destruction do we aspire for intention and technique.

Students who decide to undergo this course must take in consideration their motivations. For what do you bring ruin for? Do you plan to disrupt a society by cutting of it’s head in command? Or perhaps you simply live in the moment of obliteration, as it is only then you feel alive. We implore you to look deep within yourself and pull out your reasoning. From there, you much grip your purpose and never let it go….

In this class, we will provide you some exercises to choose from. Do with them what you like, as we are here to cultivate your intuition and competence as much as provide you with a space and faculty to enrich you. Of course take a teacher or professor on hand if you can and keep your safety in mind.

Lesson plans:

Pin-Point control Have you every aimed to bring harm to your target and ended up losing the things that matter the most to you by friendly-fire? Well, it is important in this line of work to develop a control over magic and negate unintended losses. Or maybe you wish to show off that you could pin-point any limb of your enemy that you so desired. One of our shining pupils was acute enough in his skill to aim and contain his devastating fire magic at one’s eyes. Now he’s terrifying, and soon, that can be you. In this lesson, we encourage you to use single target spells and really work on the muscle memory of it. The academy will provide you with a range of targets, whether stationary or on the run…from the authorities. For those that seek a challenge beyond simple targets or man, we also provide fantastical beasts to test the devastation of your magic.

Natural Disaster: Ok, we implore control, but sometimes an constructive day requires a town-sized deconstruction. Single target spells are vastly effective…on single targets; but what would you do when you find yourself in a crowded situation? In times of excess, you need to be able to meet the demands. This is why we want to test the capabilities of your bigger hitting spells. Wither it’s dropping a meteor, or maybe simply conjuring a storm, there is a vast well of options to choose from when dismantling enemies. As for the targets, well one of our sister houses was kind enough to send their aspiring summoners who coincidentally conjures their own crowds. They provide with a myriad of combat options, and we help them test the mettle of their summons and how well they command. Be aware, whoever wins the round gains the grade. So send them back empty handed.

Baneful work: To some, the destruction of one’s body is simply not enough. How could it be when we can all do that. To a select few, they’ve found their passions in hexes and curses instead. Rather than cripple your body, they see the best results from crippling your sense of self. One could argue the lasting affects of either option, but the effectiveness often speaks for itself. And with such an innovative field, perhaps the only limit is the depths of one’s soul….or how far are they willing to go. Whether it is ridding an opponent of their capacity of mind, or draining them of their power. With a need for a more reactive specimen, the academy provides materials in the form of…volunteers who decided they found value in giving their life to the cause. They generally wear a distinctive orange uniforms so as to stand out to the students who participate in the class. Of course, nothing in life is rewarding without a challenge, and therefore to offered an award to each volunteer who could best you. For the safety of both you and your grade, we recommend you cripple before they cripple you.

Independent Study: When one has a grasp of the fundamentals, that is when style and flair are born. As you should be well aware by now, hopefully, that rules are made to be broken—with reason of course, don’t forget the first lesson. We would love to see you explore further in your choices of mayhem, while taking on interesting challenges. Here is a good time to duel with another of your class, or perhaps you’d prefer slaying a gargantuan beast. Whichever is the endeavor of your choice, we support your growth and their destruction.

Rank: D-S
Words: 500-2,500
Basic Reward: Base Quest Rewards
Good Bonus: Though this is the place for destruction, that does not equate to evil. Your intentions could be pure and a tool for good should you desire. One could even say that down the line, this path could prove to be the harder choice.
Bad Bonus: Mayhem, destruction, death, and wonder. To the depths one could plunder. In this vastly cruel world, you are crueler. The only crime we see here is the crime of never standing out.
Requirements: The character accepting the quest must be in the Amaforth Academy.

Quest Conditions:

  • Each member of every team must meet the minimum requirements of the difficulty that has been selected i.e. a D-Rank can only complete D-Rank versions of the quests unless they are with a partner or group allowing them to complete a C-Rank quest.

  • Should the user meet the requirements of a certain difficulty, they may automatically participate in lower difficulties.

  • Users may complete up to 2 neutral quests once per week. Refreshing on Monday of the following week.

  • These may be completed alongside regular quests.

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