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The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ]

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The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:31 am


Off within the world of Minstrel, nestled in the quiet corners. Away from the busy bustling streets pulled by carriages drawn horses and duhlins. From mana driven bikes speeding down to deliver messages and orders. From Mana cars turning down lanes and wide streets off to work, under the day light meetings, and the common folk movement of the people. The lords and ladies seemed to be docile on this day. Not up to any fashion shows to show off their tastes, no appointments to expensive events in the start of the day time. No superior of higher nobility, connection, or wealth to kiss the bootstraps of. The illusion of the Grand Game not being played today was strong amongst all of the small fish nobility and common realm. Naivety innocence, such a thing was always there. When it came to reputation and patronage, of truths, rumors, scandals, and joy. There always were.

But as a red headed figured walked through Minstrel, she had no heed of that in her mind this time. She had a get together played with someone!


Last edited by Jikan on Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:07 pm

The Mana cars and bikes where normal to Miriko at this time. It was not as scary as the ships and flying in air for long periods of time, since they could make it easier for her to avoid and not get hit by and over all not even have to deal with travelling.

So thus finding a place to sit, Miriko was brushing Alistair to get some of loose fur free, only because she would be want him to be able to stay a bit cooler whenever these things do happen and so that he looked neat as well.

It was different this time. Miriko was not diving head long into something art related, with tools to trim hair and brush it. Vastly different from a paint brush and canvas. For whenever Jikan would find her it would different to see Alistair sitting there to Miriko standing under an umbrella, with a brush in her hand.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:08 pm


"Jiiiiikan, what are we going to do today?", asked Mia as the brown furred, red and white fur coated exceed asked its companion as she appeared over Jikan's left shoulder. Drapping her paws over the front of Jikan's body before pawing in a slow repitition as she puuuuuur. "You did not tell me where we were going. Or what we were doing. You never do thaaaaaaaat". Mia asked while looking up at Jikan.

"Well Mia...I was hoping to find someone. Now that that situation with the portal is dealt with. I do have a goal I was hoping to handle with someone", Jikan said in a calm voice as she kept her eyes away from Mia. Her nose sniffing working double time as she tried to sense out where her scent was. This dragon slayer magic was something that came in handy, different than her personal magic and not one she would completely say was superior. But, it had it nice effects. Closer, they were most certainty getting closer.

"Someome.... eh", Mia said with a probing poke to the cheek. "You. Mean. Miriko, don't you", Mia asked with a mischievous grin on her face. Ready to tease!

During this the two had actually walked right in front of Mirko and Alistair. "Look. I was embarrassed enough when I saw her earlier. I just want to- Miriko!", Jikan said as she hopped a few inches into the air with a start. Mia, had that smile still on her face. Oh this was going to be good!


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:24 pm

Maybe at this time Miriko not paying attention was entirely reasonable on why she was not going to respond right away after all she was doing a few other things. But it seemed she was still paying attention to things around her as she simply looked at where she heard her name. Then she would wave to Jikan than go back she was doing because well, it seemed Miriko was massing a fair amount of fur. In some manner Miriko seemed to stop pretty often to just remove the fur whatever she was using to brush Alistair seemed to be have bundled up.

Then well she seemed to put down the brush she had in her hand and thought about a few things for a moment. The left to go find a canvas and or blank book she had an idea to make things a bit easier."Stay here for a moment Alistair."


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Sat Feb 25, 2023 7:03 am


Mia eyed from her partly concealed, one hundred percent comfortable snugness as she watched the aftermath of Jikan's realization of Miriko's presence. It was a nice thing to see, Jikan living a little in some expression that was not a calculative emptiness or manipulation. Such a thing was a rare sight and thus, equally as enjoyable.

Jikan took a quick short sigh of relief, Miriko was not paying attention entirely. She was in her little state of focus once again as she was taking care of Alistair; cleaning out his fur. She did not hear Jikan and Alistair was perfectly content in not acknowledging that little bit of a squeal sound Jikan let out. Good. Good, I will along with that. When Miriko looked up in a normal flow of things and waved, Jikan would just respond with a wave back oh her own with a, "Hello".

After which she supposed that it was fine and just sit down next to Miriko and Alistair, letting the brush continue on. Soon Miriko fiished and seemed to get up for a reason; one that she did not really question as well. She always seemed to be moving due to something art related; and given that she told Alistair to stay for a moment. Jikan knew she would be back. "Hello Alistair", Jikan began seeing Miriko going away. "Ah....thanks for not saying anything. How are you two doing; like the sight of this country so far".

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Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 2:22 pm

Even if he had said nothing. At least Miriko seemed some what over all rather not bothered and not nervous at all."Oh hello. Do not mind me while I am working."Miriko seemed if anything at peace and not worried at all about the things around her at this moment of time. So all and all about as well as things might needed to be."It would seem that I am a bit busy at this time, I hope you do not mind waiting a bit."If anything she seemed a bit more talkative than last most likely helpful that she was a bit less or majorly less cold. That might be the main part that was helpful at this time.

Alistair on the other hand seemed to mention."Well at least I won't sweat horribly during the days when the heat is great."he mentioned not minding carrying on some conversations over all. Only because it was just them living normally."I just feel bad for all of the fur we're living in the air around in minstrel."Miriko said while she was pulling a massive ball of fur from the brush.

But Miriko would ask."How are you doing?"She continued on the conversation, for once in her life she was actually trying at this time."This isn't my first time in Minstrel, This is where I met a family member of mine long a go and painted a picture for them."She would leave it at that currently.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:08 pm


The appearance of Miriko being unbotherrd and relaxed was indeed a good gift and reality after...the previous short meeting between the two of them. The idea of Kiriko being uncomfortable, stressed, or nervous really did not sit well with Jikan. A feeling she knew all too well in realization thanks to that night in that haunted house with the others all at the hand of Kuri The Callous' games.

Well, Miriko was in a good mood. A Jormal mode of being the little creative artist in her avenue. A Thing that made Jikan sit in her hands in a soft relaxation, leaning forward slightly as she titled her head in a soft smile as she gazed at Mitiko doing her thing. Jikan wanted to interact with Mikro hut letting her work gave a bit of attachment as well. She would try to let Miriko do what she was doing while providing some verbal exchange though. "Oh dear I don't mind waiting on you. Carry on as you do, but. What are you up to this time??", she said in a soft content voice.

Jikan and Mia then turned their attention to Alistair. Giving their slight friend their attention as he spoke. Mia nodded her head. "Yep yes! Its nice and cool out".

"It may be winter but it is surprisingly warmer than I would imagine. Much better than that inter wonderland where I saw a Miriko popsicle", ...w...was that. Jikan trying to make a joke!?

Mia gave a side look. ...bad joke Jikan. "With the amount of moving people do from what I see. They probably don't notice. You should not worry Alistair", Mia said raising her paw in the air with confidence.

Jikan moved, covering a bit of the battle wounds from the final Minstrel-Fiore confrontation against the Dark Universe troops. Her cloak hugging a little bit closer to hide the gaps to her form underneath. "Well I was okay, but right now I think I am starting to be good", she said lightly. "Oh? Who was the family member Miriko. Oohhhh, what wonderful thing did you make?", Jikan said moving with a bit of excitement to hear about it.


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Wed Mar 01, 2023 6:08 pm

It was a pretty good question ask, If anything Miriko almost did not want to disclose that information, As always no one right away ever needed to know. Then well as she was picking hairs out of a brush she was using and thought about it, She had a feeling this information was going to be anything too horrible to say."Well nothing too fancy just a painting of the person themselves."She started off with because it was just how she sometimes. when your half paying attention and sometimes things where not in arranged in how they where asked.

It was just in some manner how a person was. But to who it was well she would mention it at least."My aunt Alisa."She then continued to to finish up what she was trying to do. Keep in mind Alistair was a large cat so she had taken a fair amount of time. There was not hint of a full name around Jikan but there was name and relation to Miriko. So maybe there was small hints in the end but not much. At but if there was no worries it would be still nice and causal for the moment.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:11 pm


Well it seemed that Miriko was more than happy to share a bit of information about this piece of art. As much of a worker and restrictive. Commissions from artist held some level of privacy and client confidentiality.  Miriko gave a pause, perhaps thinking and teasing a response as she carefully picking out strands of Alistair's hair out of the brush before finally responding. Nothing too fancy was what Miriko said;  simple  painting of the person. "So a self portrait. Well depending on the person that can still be fancy", stated Jikan. Wondering of the type of things that may be placed in the picture. She knew of plenty of Minstrel citizens who loved to be fancy and extra when getting a self portrait done. Jikan wondered if Miriko would even accept such a client?

But who was this person. And soon, an answer was given. And it held a big surprise! "Oh!", Jikan began with a surprise soft sigh turning more towards Miriko. "Alisa as in guild master of Blue Pegasus. The The White Empress. Alisa  Vollan?", Jikan said letting the info settle in on her mind. Wow. First the famous Karisa as her mom and now, Alisa as an aunt?

"So Karisa and Alisa are sisters then?", Jikan asked finding that hit of a surprising news. The ladies looked nothing alike from descriptions. Well. Besides figure. All three of them had that in common plenty.

Jikan then waved it off. Sich a surprise and things of note were good to keep track for. But right now. Shr had someone she wanted to focus on. "So you are painting a picture of Alisa right now? Well, I suppose games will have to wait then hmm?".


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Mon Mar 06, 2023 7:35 am

Over all with Jikan almost casual nature of it the matter of her explaining either Miriko forgot some pieces were already mentioned or she did not say them before then again Miriko also did not say much about her family life since she often never wanted to talk to about them. They had their own reputations after all and she did not want to bring that into the limelight of her own path in life."Wait...how do you know that?!"It seemed to get Miriko to stop what she was doing for a moment.

None of these things where things she recalled mention even then as normal it seemed she kept not all of these things normal public knowing only that she was a member of her guild, Over all the fact she mentioned everything for a moment."I get you know she is my guild master, she is well known in her own regard."This is going most likely a place Miriko did not enjoy. You could tell that the reaction now was leaving Miriko a bit more unsure about many things. After all the painter was lost in her own world and never really picked up on how people pieces things together, unless there was signs before hand that she knew of.

But Miriko also never really spoke about man family things all that much so maybe that was why."So I am still brushing Alistair...Not making any paintings..."She also answered because well it seemed she was not quiet done yet. After all they had talked about what they where doing in the past here, not what works she was doing now, they were moving pretty quickly past subjects.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Sun Mar 12, 2023 2:49 pm


Jikan's form of talking perhaps was very casual. However, when Jikan got the chance to be alone with Miriko and just talk; that was how she felt. So relaxed and loose in comparison to other people. Even friends. Free, casual. Jikan, being who she was. The stoic observant lady, a guild master and player in the stability of Orchidia. A child of the Minstrel way of life, she had the definition of a formal edge ingrained inside of her that she could rarely shake. Such a style made her HAVE to be informed about things. Some she had to work for, others came easy with slight research or just conversation. Interaction with the world. Such as this. When Miriko asked her question of how Jikan knew finding herself pausing. Jikan gave a side tilt of her head before softly speaking. "Well, we found out that that other world being, Kuri The Callous. Is the Dark Universe version of Karisa. Who is your Mom. That, is known due to just people talking about her. Being such a powerful and famed mage. Just walking into a town on a mission and you can hear people gossiping about people like her. Fans and obsessions of celebrites", Jikan said with a wave of her hand. Going about in a way of yada yada yada.

It was simple really. Connecting dots given to her. "So given that I know that. If Alisa is your auntie, then thus. She is Karisa's sister", she said very matter of factually. Sure, Jikan never got details from Miriko. Strange how she hadn't asked about her family...well. They weren't easy conversations to have when one was distracted. But, she got it from other places it seemed. Although, with how little was known about Miriko as a mage. Jikan had not know yet that Miriko was in the same guild as Alisa. Let alone that Miriko was in a magic guild. Well...until know.

"I...did not know that actually", Jikan said shifting her leg. Well that was news; big surprise but made sense. If she was not in a guild with her mother like Jikan expected. Then her auntie would be the next guess. "Ah okay then. So you don't have plans of being busy with that today?", Jikan asked a little bit hopeful.


Last edited by Jikan on Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:25 am

All these pieces just seemed to leave Miriko almost slightly unsure of herself. But if that cat was so to say out of the bag she would continue to talk about it for a moment."Well I guess you know most of my family line...Just means I have a few other things left unknown by people."Miriko said before moving on to explaining why she might be keeping these things hidden from people. After all she never was trying to a lot of things known of her personal life but more was always keeping things focused on herself, normal showman things.

Most likely it would never be a shock to hear why Miriko just kept these things hidden."I don't want many people knowing my entirely family line."Making it clear to start with that was her entire intention was hiding it entirely because she never seemed interested in talking about it right away."Being family already of two strong and reputable mages....I don't know people to think what I do is popular because of who my family is, Rather than my own skills."It seemed Miriko kind of admitted she feared that no one actually take her skills serious if people knew who her mother and aunt was. Keep in mind there was still various family members people did not know the name of yet.

But when asked what all she planned to do to day."Plan today: brush Alistair, maybe draw or paint later, but about it nothing major."It seemed she had a day where she could do a fair amount of things at random parts of the day. It was vague but most likely that way so Miriko could keep her mind pretty clear and simple to work a lot of her things into whatever time of day she felt making things.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:02 am


It was interesting how information came together. Passively data about the world and the people within its realm just flowed naturally. Like a current of wind, there just waited to be felt and realized. Jikan had no idea how much of Miriko's family linage had been revealed to her. In her mind it was tiny and insignificant. It WAS only the basic knowledge of two family members relationships after all. An aunt and a mom. No knowledge of experience with them, closeness, major events. Nothing of that sort. Nor did Jikan have an understanding an other family members. Heck, Jikan had not even know that Miriko was in Blue Pegasus, lot alone in any guild!! "Actually no. Just Alisa and Karisa. There is more I assume...if you are willing to tell me. I, would like to learn more about you?", Jikan started before Miriko began to speak and further explain why she did not bring these things up in the past at all. It was not like things felt unnormal though, the time and conversations Jikan had with Miriko were pleasant; such things seemed to just never come up.

Jikan listened attentively, more focus than normal. She nodded her head held her gaze. Her eyes shining with a soft, well respect. Wanting to be known by herself and not the relation to others. A sentiment that Jikan fully knew and felt to her core. She, wanted to be herself. Not her family. Not her parent's children. Herself, own merit, own skill. Own flaws, and own path. The Minstrel life did little to allow such a desire; it was miracle that she was able to go by Jikan in Fiore. Comestic work needed to be done, careful work in her voice, and realistically. Only truly allowed because her family allowed it. They did send her in the hopes of finding their run away son. The freedom allowed only in the results of Jikan's investigation.

"I get it. I feel that way with my family as well". It felt like a leash. One she had a strong string from, it felt good. But one all the same.

Jikan nodded her head profusely, whispering softly to Miriko before reaching a hand out. Wanting to place it gently on her shoulder but unsure if such a thing would be accepted. It hovered there, and if some form of acceptance was given, Jikan would place it. "I see. Well, if it means anything. I did not know this until recently like I said. And, to be honest. I would say your art is the best I have ever seen from anyone. Museums, crafters, street artists". Jikan said trying to give some credit to her...friend? She was not sugar coating anything, all truth in Jikan's words as she gave a piece of feelings and thoughts to Miriko.

Hearing Miriko respond that she would be mostly free; Jikan could not help but feel a little bit giddy and bubbly inside! "So...after that is done then. Would you, like to hang out? Go play some games and have some fun???".


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Sun Mar 19, 2023 4:52 am

Maybe one did feel that way, But how much in depth would be the most connected way to understand it. After all she was not mentioning her father or her sister Tempris all mages more powerful than herself, Not even mentioning her aunt Judith that Miriko never mentioned being connected too over all and only slightly let it slip once she was connected to at least one of these people."There are three left in Fiore left unnamed related to me, I would prefer if you did not know their names either."She did not state it rudely at least she if anything sounded nervous about it. Even casually mentioning."I don't need my other aunt just showing up out of nowhere like she has been rumoured too of late."Miriko mentioned as she well progressed to move on to a different piece of conversation quickly.

There was a compliment to her art and Miriko only seemed to take it stride only slightly."Only can only practice to get the steady hand for art. Keep in mind the value of my pieces are what people place on them, For them being worthy gallery pieces can mean many things."Miriko mentioned as always because she knew, one person could equally consider her pieces worthless as they are important to a person at the same time."I consider all of my pieces valueless, But not out of ego...out of wanting a person to take in the image it trying to reflect at the time." Background pictures where nice but at times there was a strange effect in some Miriko pieces like she had pulled the memory from a person's past and made it seemed like she was there and able to see it herself with out actually being there. Or that she was able to just reflect it perfectly on canvas or paper, It was the continuing signs of the mystery of how she was.

Then she looked at her brush and how long it might take to do it."I could consider it depending on what you have in mind to do."Miriko was in her normal attire and most likely was not wearing shoes made for playing sports.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Mon Mar 20, 2023 10:24 am


The deep level of this need of professional isolation from family was an interesting thing to learn about Miriko. The extent and grand reach of this unknown though. After all, the likes of Karisa and Alisa were the only bonds known to Jikan. The shadow of these famous magic users the only things Jikan could think of that Miriko wanted to avoid. Who her father was, a sister named Tempris, a few uncles and aunties. Those things were simply not on Jikan's radar. But, perhaps she should try to get to know more about Miriko's family tree discreetly? Knowing about someone like her was, something Jikan was motivated to do after all. "My my, sounds like there are so many famous people you are related to. Very well, I wont ask you to  tell me about them". Three more in Fiore huh? Hmmmm. She sounded so nervous about it. Ah....just terrible.

...show up out of no where like she was rumored to do? Wait a minute....

"yes yes. The eternal road of practice. Keep it steady  like you have been and I know your art will continue to get the respect it deserves", Jikan said after Miriko spoke. Continuing to take the single focus mindset of the task in her spirit. "Who knows. You may get surprised and get a large fan base. Or even get pieces put in galleries".

Jikan then smiled, a cheery glow coming from her hearing that Miriko may be able to fit it in her schedule for the day. The only thing was...what games to ask about seeing as options??? "Hmmm. How about, two truths and a lie? We tell 2 truths and 1 lie. The people playing try to guess which is which. There is also 20 questions. We just pick one person to go first. That person will think of an item, animal, movie, public figure, etc. Everyone else will ask yes-or-no questions about what or who they are; they have 20 chances to guess, or the other person wins. Or, we can play something else maybe if you or Alistair have an idea??".


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:57 am

It seemed if anything Jikan just wanted to know various things. If anything maybe this could be good for them both. Alistair seemed if anything interested what could be the results of one of the things set out to be mentioned at this time."I think you could play the 20 questions game Mimi."Alistair hinted because he knew what kind of trouble it could stir but also how it could be helpful in some manner to some kind of force into that shell. Miriko did not seem to bothered by this at least at the start the only thing is she consider the following a bit of a problem herself, just a Miriko thought of it.

"I would not be against however, I have two possible problems."Miriko mentioned only because she was just going to be sure of things to do."I want to be sure that questions I feel like I should no answer are passable, However I don't know many question to ask you either.."Miriko mentioned as she seemed unsure about it over all what she could ask, she was not an overly curious person. But Alistair would just say."I mean just ask me question as well."added in by him at least options would be had added.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Sun Mar 26, 2023 10:33 am


Jikan was curious yes. Having this day be a peaceful one so far and done, it seemed. With the reality of the Dark Universe Invaders situation in the terms of Earthland. Jikan wanted to let her hair down in a sort of way and breath. She wanted to have some joy in her life, such a thing would hopefully be with Miriko. Getting to learn more about her. Closer.

Mia too, seemed interested and beyond at the thought of this. She LOVED getting to play games with her best friend Jikan. "oh please oh please. Wont you play?", Mia asked with a happy excitement towards Alistair and Miriko. It most certainly could be fun. And informative, the little detective imaginary hat on her head. The goal Jikan was aiming for not lost to her one bit.

Jikan patted Mia on the head, a content aura about her as she heard Miriko speak about her reservations about the possible game. "Yes. You will have the option to say no to possible questions. We can just get a point from that time if it happens, or skip it and just come back later with a different question not counting it with the other ones", Jikan said with a reassuring nod of her head. As curious she was to learn more about Miriko. She did not want to give to Mimi questions she was not ready or willing to answer.

Mia would join in as well. "You can ask me questions too! Or just, ask random questions to anyone here really. Don't have to focus too hard on specfic ones if you get stuck",


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Wed Mar 29, 2023 5:55 am

Alistair was more than willing to play along it seemed even if Miriko in some manner was unsure about it, because these things already left to odd questions that Miriko was slightly unsure how to feeling about all it entirely yet but at least was going to lean into will being willing to do it."Between Alistair and I am sure we should be fine." Miriko mentioned hopefully between the two the question did not get too in depth, After all questions were fine but often ones to leave Miriko nervous at at least in theory, Never knew for sure until it happen.

But Alistair seemed a bit more happy with this idea."But who is first then?"Alistair mentioned looking between all people here while asking that. Since well it was a pretty good idea just some one needed to start it. Miriko was not going to be the one who might be the one to start with.

So waiting it seemed Miriko was not going to ask the first question, because she had no idea to start with for questions at this time. So it turned almost in some kind of quiet happening at this time, Almost like Miriko had no question she was sure about in her mind to start with, Neither did Alistair have them too.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:20 pm


Well all looked well. Alistair and Miriko appeared ready and happy to play along with Jikan and Mia. Sure, the was still uncertainty and the need for the details of which games to play them. Eh, that was why they were communicating now anyway. They would just have to work together to resolve any uncertainty. Questions would needed to be asks yes; it was the first steps needed to go anywhere after all. Miriko was obviously nervous, but at least it was in the shy manner. Trying at least; it was nice to have her attempting with something that was not art. "I am sure you will. If either of you wish to take a break though. Just let us known". Jikan mentioned after giving a moment of pause after everyone spoke. Hopefully the questions in the game wouldn't be too much.

Mia's ears propped up at Alistair's question! Who indeed eh?

But Alistair seemed a bit more happy with this idea. The quiet tinkering and happening of Minstrel dancing in the flow of time as life of the busy bees sounded as they acted with no attention to the passing sounds and lights in their orderly lives. Either way Mia's tail swished with a fierceness as she wiggled. "Me meee me. I hate the cold. I love fish, and I am awesome when it comes to fishing".


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Thu Apr 06, 2023 3:40 am

When asking who was first they where expecting to hear a question to be asked to one of them. But suppose it was take to be a question asked to be answered rather than giving one."Hmm. I suppose that is the first question then."Alistair said pondering over what could be asked next over all but maybe he would come up with one. Then it seemed there would be a moment where no one seemed to say anything and it was starting to feel a bit delayed.

Then Miriko would add something in. She did agree to this arrangement and thus she needed to added things in into and talk."What do you value most?"It was not pointed at anyone, it was also extremely vague but there was most likely a reason for it to be so plain. It was one of the many question to learn a few things about a person.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Sun Apr 09, 2023 7:05 pm


In Mia's excitement it seemed that the exceed feline had messed up in getting the proper flow of the game. Eagerness or a mistake on communication due to how they would get started? Either way, instead of Mia asking someone to give 2 truths and 1 lie, she told her own! A fact that made a soft chuckle leave Jikan's lips. Both could work but she would roll with this she supposed.

As Mia's best friend and practically together twenty four seven, three hundred sixty five days a year. Jikan did not answer. It would be far too easy and cheap if she did speak and took the point. She wanted to give Alistair and Miriko a chance after all. And so legs crossed over her thighs, she simply waited. And waited. And waited. Really? No guesses? She had to tilt her head at that!

Jikan was about to answer Mia with what was the truth but then Mimi posed a question for the group. Mia, happy to answer, did just that. "Why. I value safety and happiness the most", Mia said with a quick response and a nod of her head.

After waiting to see how they would like that answer. Jikan would answer the game question. "Mia, You are not awesome at fishing that was a lie", Jikan said with a smirk. "You are an average fish with average skill as you like to say when we go fishing".



Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:27 pm

These two where interesting in their own ways it was just like how they could think about going about things differently. They thought it was a different kind of game. While Mia seemed to laugh and Alistair enjoyed it Miriko was still under the idea it was 20 questions and not two truths and a lie."Oh choosing to try and play another game?"Alistair joked about it because it was already seemingly happen. But maybe it was just allowing things to be casual to here.

Then over all it seemed like still Miriko was paying attention even if it was no part of the game as well. But did not comment on it right away."Oh seeming uninterested in the casual games are you?" Miriko mentioned towards Jikan seemingly leaving herself out of it but she would following it up by answering it herself.

"Because, if you want to know I value honesty and conversation the most."Miriko mentioned looking at Jikan with that answer to her own question then she simply said."Next question."Miriko then pulled out a drawing book and slowly started drawing something while waiting to see what would happen at this time, Would Jikan ask a question or not?


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:23 pm


"Truuuue Jiki. Truuuue", Mia daid rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

Oh my oh me oh my. Did Jikan explain the game incorrectly to Mia?? Mia and Alistair were doing ine thing while Mimi was doing something else! Should she email it again or let this continue? It may get confusing but Jikan was also finding g this a little bit ..cute? In an odd way. And somehwta playful and fun. Hmmm...she did choose to go along, she hoped no one would become frustrated or upset.  It was simple and complex how minds went. The wonderful confuse game this seemed to make.

Jikan was sure that Miriko was smart and observant enough to easily catch the comment by her friend Alistair. But either way she had continued. "Awwwww. I'm just observing. Wanting to see what I can pick up and try a joke. Be warned...not much of a good joke teller", Jikan said with a shrug of her shoulders and arms.  "Or maaaaybe. I'm waiting for the good part to jump in, who knows?".  Jikan mentioned in a slight jest choosing to have a little hit of fun of her own.

As Jikan listened she obviously had a bit of interest in the answer. She did want to know and although she didn't expect Miriko would answer her own question she would make note of it. "I hate fighting. I love helping people. And I never lie to the people close to me", Jikan said looking at Miriko before peeeking over to try to see what she was drawing.

Jikan would continue speaking while she did so, "what do you value least?".

"Hmmmmm....", Mia sounded being in thought.


Last edited by Jikan on Tue May 16, 2023 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:39 am

Thus everything got back on track at least in Miriko's mind it did enjoy things being on track after all mental game can be fun to some but Miriko was some what picky was just her normal she liked things working that way for some reason organized and on tasked seemed to be a major thing for Miriko it makes up for her varying worrying problems of herself that she already in some manner inflicted upon herself normally. but that was a problem for another time after all she had an answer to give for the question at hand."In a person's trait or object?" Why she answered it that way was an odd one.

She assumed people traits and would answer as such."If with in a person it would be ego and signs of narcissism."which might not shock anyone that these kind of high and might of them selves traits made Miriko feel some what uncomfortable. But then she left her one to answer since they where going to be going back and forth in some manner."If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?" It was a pretty plain question but it seemed to be able to show a lot in a person.


The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] Empty Tue May 16, 2023 3:14 pm


"I value...", Mia began again trying to give her thought. That was actually hard. There were a lot of things she valued. Jikan. Fish. Warmth, safety. Some feeling of compassion and friendship. It was very easy for the small exceed to say what she was for, but when it came about things she was against???

As Mia have this thought Jikan turned hearing Miriko's question. "Either. Just whatever would be least value. As you can guess if it's an object that's fine. And if its a place or peronsal trait than that works for an answer as well". After saying so Jikan listened to what Mimi responded. An good answer and one that was worth of being expected with what she knew of Mimi. People that were cruel and inhumane.

"Ah!!", sounded Mia as she finished her thought and came up with a finalized answer. "I value war the least. It brings innocent people into a world they're forced to respond to. With all of their ways of life being under threat".

Hearing Mia and Miriko's answer Jikan nodded her head up and down slowly before tilting her head towards Alistair. Curious and waiting to see what he had to add.

"O o o. Easy for me, I would catch fish with Jikan", sounded Mia easily after Miriko's question.

"I, would do simple things like this with the people I care for", Jikan said easily as quickly.


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Child within [ Jikan | Miriko ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


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