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A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple]

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A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:38 pm


Voda river, the lush landscape that surrounded the riverbanks made for an environment that the principalities had long desired to claim as their own territory, and after the campaign from her order she had successfully conquered the surrounding region.

The settlements had all joined under Illingrad's rulership, and in return received peace and prosperity. These that opposed them? They were turned into an example, a reminder of what would happen to those who didn't know their place in the world.

It was not that surprising that some of the factions opposing the prince had painted her as a tyrannical warmonger, and perhaps in their eyes she was truly a 'Tyrant Dragon', but there was a side to her that only few people knew about.

Thanks to the safety that was found in the abundance of the order's presence she felt safe enough to invite Maple over, but even now Ryuko was not entirely certain what the half-elf thought about the recent events. Perhaps that was why she wanted to talk to Maple, to hopefully convey that the woman she adored so much was still there, behind the conflicts and hunger for power.

She had been seated at the riverbank, her legs quietly swaying back and forth in the water as she watched the lush green landscape. Nature, pure and unchained nature that had been allowed to coexist along civilization. There was not the typical desire of mortals for expansion, because in this case people had come to respect the bounty that nature gave them.

"Maple?" Ryuko called out, wondering if the half-elf was nearby.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:58 am

If Maple even heard of all of things that had happen recent was a good question, Maple's major flaw she never kept up with a lot of events, bring Maple places was merely guided by Ryuko to go some where, when she was left to her own devices she just merely existed in anywhere woods related, unless these things came to her. Maple was most likely not gonna know unless there was a rare chance she went to the towns close by to find something. Most of the time Maple could be left in a peaceful section of woods entirely be safe from what goes on around her unless something was trying to find her intentionally.

With luck, Maple was left in area far away from any conflict and war calling her there was most likely a safe thing unless people started letting things slip to the things going on. The quiet nature area seemed almost like she was not there at all. Ryuko could have expected this Maple was more adapted to nature enough that she seemingly was not there.

When calling for Maple, It would be a few minutes but she would eventually show up. Maple as always was just a happy woman. Calling for Maple upon in which the few minutes passed. When Maple seemingly just popped out of nowhere from behind Ryuko, Wrapped both her arms around her and seemed to kiss Ryuko twice on the right cheek of her face and rested against it like it was nothing and seemed to just stay there.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:26 am


Maple's sudden emergence brought a genuine smile onto her lips as she felt Maple leaning against her back, the warmth of her embrace, the gentle kisses on her cheek and the way she was resting her cheek against hers... It truly soothed the turmoil in her mind.

The dragon girl's tail swished lightly around Maple, coiling around her back as Ryuko turned around in the half-elf's embrace and leaned against her, one kiss on the lips, two on her cheek as she attempted to gently guide Maple onto the grass, and then she simply stayed there, hugging her wife.

"Maple my dear... I have been thinking." She paused, attempting to decide on the best way to convey the meaning of her words. "I'm not sure if you heard about the recent events. War is brewing in this land, a war from which I stirred the embers of conflict. It might be difficult to imagine, the gruesome actions I performed so far. Some might say they were all for the sake of power, and they would be partly correct. I desire power, but the reason behind it is far different than what one might think."

She closed her eyes, nuzzling against her lover as she continued. "I seek power to unite my people, and to become capable of protecting that which I hold dearest. When the gods send their champions to kill me I was determined, but also scared they would one day target you. And that is the one thing I can't allow. Never will I permit for this to become a world without you by my side."

She paused, a hand raised to Maple's cheek as she attempted to caress it tenderly. "It is for that reason I hope you will be willing to remain at my side, even after I formed the Dragon Order. I know you like nature, which is why I made the headquarters of my order here of all places. But there will be times you hear things... terrible things, but I want you to know that even if there is truth in these things, I am still me. I still love you more than anything in this world. And neither have I forgotten our promise~ Although I guess you didn't expect to get a castle when you agreed to become my wife~"

A playful wink followed as she leaned in to kiss Maple once more, asking softly. "Maybe once things calm down we can think about building a family together~"


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:28 am

At least for how seeming sheltered Maple was, the reality of war and conflict was not something she was most likely numb too, in some manner Maple seemingly just had been able to deal with it all being out of the way. But this is the kind of world that most like she assumed was ,ere;y the cycle of human, Another part of most likely why she merely often just stayed in the woods. But at least seemingly for now most of this did not seem to bother her.

Guiding Maple was easy she was not resisting, most likely because there was not a reason too. Maple was in no threat and she over all was okay but lead to the grass seemed to be simple. But over Maple seemed content with how. She merely seemed to listen what was going on it was not really seemingly unsure what all was entirely needed to be said by her right away.

Since all she could do is ponder over all how long this could last, Even if it would be a safe idea even until all of these things were done."The only thing you need to over worry about is my safety."Maple did mention of since well she could do so much but knowing when throwing a large scale situation as this no doubt these people might get an idea knowing some one existing such as Maple. but knowing this there was mos likely a plann already in mind.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 3:45 am


Ryuko nodded her head gently in response to Maple's words. To protect Maple... It was the very reason she had been working so hard to become more powerful, to attain the means to protect her beloved against any and all threats. "mhmm~ I will do my utmost to ensure you'll be safe." A hand gently rested against Maple's cheek, her fingers brushing tenderly against it. "Despite the fact that my ambitions are proceeding well, it will still be a while before this country is truly peaceful. It is for that reason I been thinking of a way to ensure I'm by your side at all times. Certainly, I could just leave one of my retainers to watch over your safety but... you're too precious to me, to the point it is a responsibility I would only grant to myself."

As she stated these words she nuzzled a bit closer to Maple, enjoying the peace and comfort that came with the half-elf her presence. It really put her mind at ease, knowing she could come here and bask in that affectionate warmth without the constant concerns and worries plaguing her mind. "Say Maple..." She paused for a moment, thinking of the next part. "How old does your kin usually become?"


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 4:02 am

While they both stood there in there embrace there was seemingly peace in mind for Maple while then both seemingly rested upon the cheeks of each other faces. While Maple seemed very away from the world and not seemingly in tune with a fair amount of things going on. Maple was smart in she was not a fool."Just one question, Just how dangerous and willing is your foe? how far are they willing to take things?"A half elf in the forest who never lived with people normally seems that in which was what made Maple different she knew that things might work differently in these matters.

Retainers, Ryuko herself even. All of these did not seemed to be a lingering worry in Maple while it came to Ryuko's schemes after all she had to mention."But keep in mind, you might want to be here for me...But leaders must take to the field eventually, All Dragon must leave their hordes eventually."It seemed the reality of these things was something Maple had been able to understand for a while. She was adjusting well in her some what new life.

To answer that question."While I am the only half elf in my family. Any information, I had learned I could live up to 400 years."Maple answered. Maybe that was another thing Maple almost felt like was a problem she could live up to 400 years and see the family that did at one point some what reject her and tried to love her die of old age.

But alas she had to wonder while putting both of her hands on Ryuko's hips and giving her a kiss on the right cheek."Why do you ask?"She mentioned out of wonder for what the question come up.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 4:12 am


Ryuko nodded her head firmly. "It is unlikely that Druringrad would target you. They would know that provoking me in such a severe way would lead to their downfall in a far more horrifying manner than war could cause." Indeed, should one had been foolish enough to harm Maple, or worse... She would not rest until every party responsible and associated with them would have experienced true terror... But she shook her head lightly. A smile lingered upon her lips as she heard Maple's concern. "It is true that a leader needs to take to the battlefield sometime, but fortunately I have my means of ensuring I'd return to your side before the end of the day." Indeed, she had plenty of tricks at her disposal for that, but when Maple asked about the age part Ryuko's cheeks turned a scarlet hue.

"I... I wanted to make you a proposal. You see, us dragons have a certain longevity to them and if desired I could likely find a way to pass on that gift to you as well. However, I... planned to suggest that for when umm..." She seemed far more bashful as she whispered into Maple's ear. "We work toward bringing a child into this world." But she insisted on quickly correcting herself "But before that could happen I would want to introduce you properly to the world, not just as the woman I love, the most precious being to me in all of Earthland... but also as my wife."

She nodded her head firmly at her declaration. "It is for that reason that once the war is over I will devote myself to being at your side~"


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 5:23 am

At least for now, These names are not really one she knew of yet. For Maple's short comings was she really didn't look into these things. Not yet anyway. It was another things over time."You merely think that now, Are you not worried some one will eventually wish to change that?"Who knew she was some what forward thinking, As everything could change it was entirely possible of things to happen.

But Maple most likely not dumb to the realities of what and what could happen they just never mattered to her and she figured if it ever happen she would die first. But would not openly admit it. While Ryuko seemed to have been turning more shades of red Maple seemed to not pay it much mind at this time.

But Maple seemed to just merely enjoy her bonding time with Ryuko continuing what she had to say Maple went back to being Maple, the only thing so far expected of her, Resting her head upon one of Ryuko's shoulders listening with her eyes closed.

Was Maple going to answer quickly? not entirely it seemed in her mind normal life events she should have expected to come."What do you mean by these gifts?"It sounded very vague. After all gifts could be many things, A simple answer was just over all just open ended."Rushing into things are we? It seems some things I have done with you in the world has given you a new outlook in life."

But Maple in some manner might feel like she was worthy in some manner."While a child is something manageable, Hardly feel like need to parade me around to show whom I am...but that might just be me."Sure Maple was able to handle the spotlight but it almost seemed she viewed it as unneeded, Most likely she could talked otherwise.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 2:46 pm


Ryuko couldn't help but worry a little about Maple's concern. All things considered the dragon lady did understand the concern that someone might want to try to disrupt her plans by targeting Maple, especially if they knew just how much she adored the half-elf. Perhaps it would be safer to remain careful and secretive about their bond?

When asked about the gifts Ryuko's cheeks remained scarlet in hue as she whispered softly. "I mean, I could bestow onto you the same longevity as the rest of my kin, but that is only if it is something you would long for yourself. It is a choice I wouldn't force upon you."

Yet the words that followed made her exclaim excitedly: "So a child would be okay?!" Quickly correcting her demeanor her flustered reaction turned into a more serene one as she returned Maple's embrace. "You're right, there is no reason or need to 'parade' you around, as long as you know just how much I love you, then that is all I could possibly ask for. Well, alongside that bit we talked about earlier~"

A soft hum followed as she leaned back to look at Maple, her expression far softer than what most mortals would ever see from her. "I know I saw this so much already, but I never get tired of doing it: I love you so much Maple~"


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:45 pm

Maybe this was just the equal parts thinking of having Maple around, She thought of her own means to live compared to just being a public spotlight.But she was not shying away from being shown. But mentioned it as a means to get her to think. Since Ryuko was actually thinking about it now. Maple would now get her to relax a bit. Rather then still resting her head on Ryuko's shoulder she changed it around for Ryuko's head on her own shoulder and casually just continued going on about what they where doing.

Even rubbing her back slightly."I will consider the offer, But if the forest and nature did teach me. Nature balance of life and death is important even if we can control how long. We can not avoid what can come."I was interesting to realize how smart Maple was. she saw so many things differently.

It was all about how lives balance out and Ryuko being happy seemed to be something Maple did not mind trying to get work."It is normal with bonding to eventually lead to parent hood."She's a silly forest hippie who was really pretty she sure was prepared for a lot of thing to possibly happen in her life. Almost like in some manner it was entirely a dream she was hoping for. But with her content smile she merely mentioned."I would not have agreed to such things, If I did not love you too."It was pure love seemingly from this woman going about this.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:52 am


Ryuko nodded her head gently at Maple's words, the fact she was willing to at least consider the offer made the dragon girl happy. She knew all too well that it was a difficult choice, one that would require some careful thinking and consideration for the future. The smile, the words that followed filled Ryuko with such joy and pride that she gently leaned in to kiss Maple's lips, indeed... this was a love born between equals, there were no games, no deception, it was simply the truth: Ryuko loved Maple, and Maple loved Ryuko in return. a bond born from mutual affection of each other, a bond that grew stronger by the day.

Of course, the dragon girl did have her own ways of expressing said love, for her hands sneakily went back to Maple's pillows to give them a playful squeeze, and soon inquired with a smile. "I have nothing planned for the rest of the day~ How about I show you just how much I love you my dearest Maple?"


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 5:52 am

While Maple did not mind the touch and affection, She merely had to puzzle Ryuko with something while she seemed to be thinking about. Upon a few kisses in return she merely looking at her and said."Oh?...Did some one gain some bravery while I had been lingering around quietly?"Maple had to ask because Ryuko was for the most part never like this.

But alas she was continue being this way playful way"Or did some one tell more things you can do with such alone time that your a bit too excited?"Maple also had to ask because she was trying to piece it together herself.

But Maple seemed to let Ryuko just merely continue in enable the behaviour slightly. After all it really seemed Ryuko wanted to get it out of her system,So she merely took her hands moved them out of the way, turned herself back wards and walked into Ryuko, gently enough to not make her move at all, But close enough that she could feels Maple's whole back pressed against her."I suppose no one taught you some kind of lead up huh?"Then placed Ryuko's hands back to where exactly they where to start with. Almost like Maple was trying to show her. She could do more intimate things if she put her mind to it rather then just outward bluntness.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 3:54 am


For a moment Ryuko couldn't help but feel a bit perplexed as Maple teasingly remarked and pulled her hands away, yet the moment she turned around and lightly pressed her back against that of the dragon girl she understood the intention behind the half-elf's words. "Puuh~ You almost make me sound like a Tyrant Dragon." Ryuko chimed in faux protest, leaning in to gently nuzzle against Maple's neck. It was true, having a proper lead-up to things could be both important and make the experience all the more delightful. "I can also be quite romantic if you want me to~"

As she spoke these words she allowed her hands to drift from Maple's pillows down toward her hips, gently wrapping her hands around the half-elf's waist as she started to gently rain kisses down Maple's neck, slowly leading upwards toward her cheek as she started to gently nip at the pointed ears of the half-elf. "Your beauty was to blame for my boldness~ I can't help but find myself getting excited whenever I'm alone with you."

It was true, there was something about Maple that drew a certain boldness out of the dragon girl that nobody else could accomplish, yet at the same time she couldn't help but clarify. "But as blunt as it might be~ Every action I take for you is one filled with both lust and affection, that is how much I love you~"

A gentle whisper, a soft kiss as she continued to gently hug Maple, her fingers gently trailing along her skin. "Unless you hold a preference for taking the lead? Else I can give it a try, with your help and guidance of course~" It were words whispered in equal measure of sensuality and gentleness, showing just how much she adored Maple.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:12 am

There was a bit of a joy of Ryuko getting how Maple wanted to be handle at this time. Maple was actually showing Ryuko that she could do these things there slight movements of her hips that she was happy. Even rubbing her but against Ryuko most likely not helping.

She had not answered her question yet, But most likely because Maple was going to answer."Is a king suppose to lead, Or is the queen?"Maple asked even if she was in some manner she was still enjoying herself. She asked that for a reason who was which role here?

But Ryuko was in a more lovey mood. She would nearly just let herself continue enjoying the neck kisses before just incase."A few more kisses then we will see who leads who."Then she would take Ryuko's hands then merely put them where they once where, just with in the exposed back and side section of her dress."After all,I am sure we can't just stand here forever."Maple knew what she was doing she just did not want to admitted it because that would ruin the fun she was slightly playing the lead here.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:57 pm


Ryuko couldn't help but find her mind freezing for a moment. Well, in hindsight there was likely nobody who could blame her. That sensation of Maple's joy being reflected in the slight movements, the rubbing of her butt, the sweet words that followed were all enough for likely even a devout worshipper of faith to turn to the lewd side. Yet Ryuko wanted to try to hang in there for a bit longer, to reward Maple for all the time and patience she had given her. As a result she continued to gently nibble onto the pointed ear of the half-elf, whispering softly.

"Although I consider myself more than capable of leading others, in cases like this I don't mind having you take the lead over me, my beloved queen~" As she added the last words she gently trailed kisses from Maple's cheek down back toward her neck while feeling her hands returned where they preciously. Her fingers gently danced along Maple's skin, tenderly caressing over the surface, ever fleeting and unpredictable where she would move next, even as she slipped underneath Maple's clothes.

"Indeed~ We can't stand here forever, but to bond with you in a way like this, amidst the nature you adore so much has its appeals to me as well." Ryuko declared, her fingers moving back toward the backside of maple's dress and rested lightly on her hips. "Unless you'd prefer another idea? Today your wish shall be my command Maple~"


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:01 am

At least they had been here long enough to know the arrangements of the place they lived in. Maple was some what being teasing and playful but this showed in some manner how much she knew when to do things and when it was okay to do."Oh?...Is this where you admit defeat my dear?"Maple said as she then took a few steps forward removing Ryuko's hands from in which they where places at the time."Maybe...it's time to just go some where more quiet."Maple had a feeling maybe it was time to just retire somewhere else.

"Is it my wish? Or your true desire?"Maple seemed to know how to a dragon going, But in some manner she seemed to know a fair amount of control. Maple was leading. But as Ryuko could expect Maple would eventually. As she actually remembered where their bedroom was as they had been living here long enough, Maple was walking toward it.

Now just as they got to the door, Maple let go of Ryuko's hand and just went through the door, It was wood after all. She didn't open it. It was the next tease in a grand scheme.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:48 pm


Ryuko snickered softly at Maple's words. "I hardly doubt that defeat is the right term my love~ After all when it involves us there are only winners~" Yet Maple's suggestion did appeal to Ryuko who was more than willing to be led by her half-elf lover. To Maple a perceptive eye would likely notice how once they arrived at the keep there seemed to be no hold-ups. The usual presence of guards or recruits of the order was eerily absent, and for a reason. Having used her control over the Monarch's legions she had lend instructions to her automatons to keep the coast clear so that none would interrupt the pair's romantic escapade. Indeed, even as they arrived at the large wooden door that led into the spacious chambers she and Maple shared, the moment Maple released her grip on Ryuko's hand and started to approach the door the Dragonkin had an entertaining thought of her own.

A soft whisper, an incantation perhaps was all that had betrayed her intentions as Maple slipped straight through the wooden door using her magic, yet at the same time as she emerged at the other side she would no doubt notice the garb she had been wearing was sticking to the door, a faint purplish hue emerging from it as Ryuko pressed open the door, dispelling its magic and letting the clothes gently drop onto the floor.

"A tease for a tease~" Ryuko chimed playfully as she closed the doorway behind her, another step following as she now stood right in front of her beloved wife. A hand gently trailed down to Maple's chin, leaning down to press her lips onto the half-elf's own. "How about you show me these wishes of yours~ and then we can see how many of my true desires they will match~"


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 11:28 am

While some one was clever, Maple was seemed more prepared if someone ever actually just took her clothing form her forcefully. If Ryuko thought she had won the teasing game, she had not and Maple would wait just as Ryuko open the door.

Maple, used her nature magic that she often made her clothing with to cover up even more. It turns into a long sleeve dress that covered everything in a shade of dark brown, it cover up to her hands, covered her bust, her legs nothing was exposed anymore.

Even make sure to time that as soon was the opening was enough for Ryuko to see, was when the clothing just draped over her perfectly, it was loose fitting to no longer show off her wonderful figure as well.

"Who truly wins now my dear?
"Maple said with a smile on her face, knowing what exactly she did. Then after the doors were closed and Ryuko was in the room she walked continually close to her when Ryuko was pressed against the door and as she seemed to take both of her hands and held them on also on the door and started kissing both sides of Ryuko's neck, Maple could trick Ryuko since she couldn't bring some one through wood too. But she did slip her fingers upon sections of the clock, loosen them, Then managed to sneak her hands upon the armour straps loosen them enough and removed Ryuko's breast plate.

Taking a few steps back."Is this a tease?.."She asked knowing very well what she did and how Ryuko might feel. Eventually after loosening anything around the pants and leg armour Maple moved towards the bed, with her back completely to Ryuko, waiting to see what would happen.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 5:30 am


The moment she opened the door and saw that Maple had used her nature magic to cover her figure the dragon girl couldn't help but pout in disappointment. "At this rate you're going to become responsible for the deforestation of all nature in Pergrande." Ryuko stated, her tone making it difficult to guess whether she was joking or being serious. Yet even as she was about to approach Maple, the half-elf took the initiative by trying to pin the dragon knight against the door, feeling the playful kisses against her neck while having her cloak and armor slowly removed. "mhmm~ It is! A very, very naughty tease~ You know that despite my shared affection for nature, I did want to adore my beloved pillow goddess without layers of leaves covering her wonderful figure~"

Of course, when Maple finally took a few steps back and approached the bed while having her back turned toward Ryuko, the dragon lady couldn't help but take the bait, stepping closer and embracing her lover from behind, gently nibbling onto her pointed ear while whispering softly into her ear. "Besides~ At a time like this I want to adore the beauty that only I get to witness and experience~"

A tempting whisper as she lightly pressed her partially undressed body against Maple's back.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:45 am

She did not think she was taking it too far, It was if anything a sign Maple was doing it the right thing and a bit of a laugh."Oh great leader will need a more powerful mage to rebuild the forest...all because she is letting some thing to get to her."Maple was being just a horrible tease and she knew it. Ryuko seemed to be able to play along. Ryuko may want one thing, Maple had to be sure that in fact one needed to be challenged and earn what was the reward.

Even giggling innocently."One earn's a prize dear, Or should I say....one collected their treasure for their horde after the trials they go through to take it."Sure that was something more in depth then most people could say but Maple seemed to just show what kind of control she could instill if given the chance.

But it seemed Maple was actually delighted that Ryuko was taking the slow romantic route like she wanted her to do. Once Ryuko lifted the thicker clothing it vanished like it was dispelled. Maple seemed to finally grant her the prize. With that delighted playful hip giggle she seemed to do, It was showing Ryuko was doing it right. But the question now was. Would Ryuko do something? Or was Maple going to have one final trick up her sleeve?


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:24 am


Ryuko couldn't help but smile sheepishly at Maple's words. "Indeed~ Perhaps an assignment for my beloved goddess to tend to if she keeps teasing her dragon?" Teasingly poking out her tongue Ryuko continued to enjoy the little teasings of her lover, all till the thicker clothing seemed to start vanishing the moment she started to touch it. As a result the dragon knight decided to enclose the distance in its entirety, tenderly embracing Maple from behind as she enjoyed the feeling of her lover wiggling lightly against her. Indeed, the slow approach was endearing, even if it served to excite the dragon lady even further. With them being this close to their bed it was up in the air how long it might take before Ryuko would finally take the decisive action, and one that might be coming soon as she playfully trailed her fingers along Maple's hips and up toward her torso once more.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 6:04 am

It was an interesting thing to pose, But even while they seemed to be getting comfortable, there was logical things Maple can mention about how Ryuko did see some things. What Ryuko mentioned was not quiet that powerful."Ryuko dear, I might be a nature mage, But I do not have the power to repair it."She said with a bit of a chuckle, She wished such a power did exist. Fixing missing parts of nature would be a wonderful thing to be able to do. It was something she considered wonderful.

But Ryuko seemed to have other things in mind and suppose she should finally yield some kind of ending to her romance teasing. So Maple merely took her hands, Freed herself from being embraced but as she did after a few kisses for Ryuko she merely just went and laid upon the bed."But I suppose I need to stop being so cruel no?"Maple was just merely laying on the bed waiting to see what she would do.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:44 am


Ryuko couldn't help but giggle at Maple's remark. Although she went to lie down onto the bed, as Ryuko climbed on top of her she whispered gently. "Although the teasing might had been a little bit cruel~ the end reward was more than worth it." As the dragon girl whispered these words she gently leaned down, raining kisses along Maple's neck and then....

A few hours had passed, but for Ryuko even an eternity couldn't be enough to make her get tired of this feeling of joy and warmth, just the feeling of embracing Maple, cuddling close to her as they spend their time resting in bed. She took a moment to close her eyes, a relaxing feeling that overcame her as she briefly forgot about all the troubles and woes that the current conflict of Pergrande had left for her to resolve. She knew that at some point she would need to get up and continue to overcome these trials and hardships, but at least she wasn't alone in this endeavor.

"Maple~" Ryuko called out to her, a smile lingering on her lips as she whispered softly: "I love you soooooooo much~" and with that a blissful day had come to pass.


A Dragon's finest treasure [Maple] Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 4:06 am

It was a wonderful ending to an evening and a bonding time in life, At least it all seemed to be settled in a good way. There was no over all worried with Maple and Ryuko not a single person might really figure out or know how important this moment was at the time.

What a life to live with little else to think about at the time. But much like a long lost feeling there was love here, Not that Maple seemed to worry about it being something lost or removed from her quickly or possibly conditional love too.

Maple might have slept in for once and not trying to be rushing to be awake at the time eventually she would say that she loved her too, Maple also seemed to mean it, Even if she was sleepy still Maple seemed content and in love. Anything else for now would wait.


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