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Assault on the Home Front [storyline]

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#1Kazimir Seiryu 

Assault on the Home Front [storyline] Empty Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:59 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
One of the warriors placed a hand on Kaz's abdomen. “You can call me Ame,” the man said and a rush of healing wind wafted over the mage's body and healed the wound and fatigue he had been feeling. “You gotta be more careful Kaz,” the man joked.

A smile cracked on Kazimir’s face, “I’ll try.” He replied. “Thank you Ame,” he added, seeing as how they were both using short versions of their names. Kaz rubbed his ribs and flexed his hands. He felt as good as new. He stretched to the left and right, just to make sure, and his muscles moved with renewed ease. After he gathered himself, he led the team toward the wind clan village. It was still silent and the ones in hiding were nowhere to be seen. They would be fine for now, he thought.

“Alright. We’ll camp here and get ready to strike back at the Seraphim. We have to make sure they don’t take over the arena. It is also a hub for the celestial spirits of wind,” Kaz explained and the constellation warriors mostly listened intently. Some were checking the area.


#2Kazimir Seiryu 

Assault on the Home Front [storyline] Empty Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:59 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
“We were meant to help one of the clans. It seems it will be yours. We are ready when you are,” Kaga replied.

“Who are we going up against,” another warrior asked, named Tokaki. Kaz squatted down and drew a map in the dirt. It showed the wind clan village, the cave, and the mountain. He explained that the Fallen ones were a group of people defeated by the wind clan and now their spirits seek revenge. “They have the ability to fly sometimes. Mostly made of ghostly shadow, but you can touch them and hurt them the same as anything. The seal hasn’t been completely broken. But we need to find out what all their goals are. Let’s see what you all can do.”

Kaz stood back up and was ready to see their combat prowess. He had a good idea about some of them, especially Kaga, who was skilled with a bow. The Warriors gathered together, each of them conjuring a different intensity of the wind. “We are all wind mages. Some offensive and you already know about Ame’s healing.” Kaga was introducing them. As she spoke Kaz caught sight of the young ones that were already hiding here, peeking out of a building to see the magical display.


#3Kazimir Seiryu 

Assault on the Home Front [storyline] Empty Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:00 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Seeing them in action, Kaz already knew they would be the ones to train the next generation. “Alright so here is…”

“We have something,” One of the warriors who was still scouting called back. Ten red haired and red winged angels floated down toward the village. One landed on the earth only a dozen meters from the team. The angel rose its hand and two of the others spun around to fly away.

“Stop them before they reveal our location!” Kaz yelled and dashed toward one of the escaping angels. Kaga fired an arrow that bound the other leg with a tether of wind. She leapt onto a building and unleashes a volley of arrows.

The other warriors fanned out and attack the angels. The red-winged seraphim darted around the battlefield in seconds. Each one had a sword that ripped through the air like they were made of the wind. The warriors bled onto the earth of the wind clan village. Two of them pulled out staves and swirled them, unleashing tornadoes that flustered the flight pattern of the angels and crashed them into one another.


#4Kazimir Seiryu 

Assault on the Home Front [storyline] Empty Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:00 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Another group of warriors charged with heavy armor and axes. They slammed the axes down and the angel’s speed fell as their allies' speed increased. Kazimir spun out of the way of an attack and landed on his feet between three angels. They flew in a circle around him. One by one they darted in as fast as anything he had seen and left slashes one after another. Kaz spun with each cut trying to gain his bearings.

The other warriors tried to close in to help, but the angels pressured them back. Kaz fell to his knee. Blood splattered onto his hands as he braced against his knee. His fingers dug into the ground like claws. His hate for angels was mounting. His life had been turned around by them and they still plagued him to this day. A small pocket that stayed on earth and to torment him, at the beck and call of the Angel of wrath. Wind flared around the mage in erratic movements. His skin bristled with hair. A howl came like a whisper and then morphed to a roar, as the tiger spirit appeared in a translucent figure around him.


#5Kazimir Seiryu 

Assault on the Home Front [storyline] Empty Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:01 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz dashed, narrowly evading a sword slash. He dropped low and sprang back up, grasping the angels jaw and flipping over the enemies head. With his other hand he slashed wind into the angel’s back. A gash almost ripped the angel in two. Kaz spun and swiped another wind blade at an angel that tried to evade but Kaz tracked it down and collided wind with wings. The third angel zipped in and tripped Kazimir. The wind mage flipped in the air and kicked. Wind shot him forward at the angel and past him. Kazimir Held his hand high and a dome of darkness surrounded them. Sight was obscured but the wind mage could feel the vibrations. He dashed in and out using the angel’s swords to slash apart the remaining one.

The dark dome vanished and an Angel sat bloody but breathing. The Warriors defeated theirs but drug their bloody feet through the ground to meet Kaz, from the harsh battle. Kaz lifted the angel up, “Tell me what he wants,” his voice was low but carried the sting of hate with it.


#6Kazimir Seiryu 

Assault on the Home Front [storyline] Empty Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:01 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
The angel looked to the heavens, “He will punish you for turning on him. Make you accomplish his dreams, or the Fallen will all return and destroy all you care about. Your land, your people, your celestial spirit. All of it.”

“All this to bring back the Fallen,” Kaz growled.

The angel shook his head, “You were supposed to do so much more. So much more,” The angel stared into the heavens as it willingly let its divine energy fade and light trailed into the ground and back into the sky. With no heaven to return to, it just vanished.

Kaga reappeared, “I stopped the last one from getting away. We should be safe for now. But we need to act fast Elder,”

Kaz looked back at her when she called him Elder, confused by it.

“You are the Elder of the wind clan now. And we are with you,” She said with warmth, letting the mage know whatever happened they would stand against the Fallen and Angels.

“Just Kaz is fine. We need to get to the mountain,” Kazimir stoop up, feeling the grace of the angel fade away,the same way his own did. He rallied the warriors together and gave them tasks to patrol the town and check on the sealed cave. There was no time for them to train. Others were tasked with protecting the few children that remained in hiding. Kazimir walked into the main chambers of the wind clan. The elder’s room. On a small pedestal was the beaded braid worn on the tunic of the elder. He wrapped it around one side of his tunic and folded it across his chest, beneath the first layer of his robes. When he returned, a warrior was sprinting back toward him.



Total 1250 (10% guild perk, 20% belt, 10% Companion, 10% Headband)

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