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Catching the Speedy Perv (B rank - Brone and Yuurei)

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

Catching the Speedy Perv (B rank - Brone and Yuurei) Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 3:46 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone Heavyaxe had noticed one Bounty request on the Quest Board that had not been removed, remaining there for at least a week. When asking around, he had come to find out that despite how simple Bounty was, no one in the guild was able to catch the perpetrator. It seems there has been a man in his mid twenties has been frequenting this recently popular night club in Orchidia; often this man has been harassing women by saying in appropriate things during 'flirtation attentions'. The ranking of the quest was an E rank in the beginning, but eventually the situation worsen with the man's forthcomings, ultimately getting to the point where this man has been using his speed magic to either steal from people with or without them noticing; ranging from money to women's underwear. Though this Speedster has only been doing this at the Hidden Star nightclub, no one has been able to catch him.

The dwarf went to Yuurei, asking he wanted to take a trip to Orchidia and stop the Speedster. Before the guild master could even decline, Brone enticed him with the fact that the location was a nightclub. Eventually, Brone mounted Geri, the tempest wolf, and ridden off towards Orchidia, reaching the city by the evening.

The ravens, Huginn and Muginn had followed the dwarf, helping to lead him to the right nightclub, given that the club was intentionally hidden since it didn't have a license to be there. "Shouldn't you shut down the place since it's not legally suppose to be running?" Gnicholas the gnome chose to accompany them due to boredom.

"That's not our business; ours is with the thief" Brone said as he dismounted from the wolf in front of an abandoned building that had party music coming from it. Benimaru, feeling left out, decided to join them, hovering right behind the dwarf like a ghost.

It was a good thing that the gnome decided to join, since he had convinced the dwarf to leave behind his armor, which would have put too much focus on him and he would have had little chance of getting into the establishment, "You would have ended up hatin' from outside the club" the gnome joked, but the dwarf didn't get it. Either way, Brone ended up pulling out an outfit from his Blue Pegasus days, leaving behind the armor and equipment, except for his blue helm and his spears. Because there was bound to be a bouncer at the entry point, Brone was going to leave the helm with Geri, but Gnicholas assured that he would be able to sneak the helm in somehow. As for the spears, the dwarf hid them within his magical rings that were on his index fingers of his main hand. Lastly, his secondary arms were hidden beneath a large trench coat that he had no choice in buying since those secondary arms would have drew too much attention.

Now lastly they needed to wait for Yuurei.

Blue Pegasus Brone; Rare skin:



Catching the Speedy Perv (B rank - Brone and Yuurei) Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 4:25 pm


Yuurei was relaxing and enjoying his time in the guild hall. He didn’t have anything to do except be the one thing he was, a guild leader. He was making sure that everything was going fine and that everybody was doing what they were supposed to do. He navigated throughout the guild to make sure that everything was in tip-top shape as well. He needed to make sure he knew the ins and outs of the guild.

While he was doing that, Renji would be relaxed as the Exceed was following him around. He had to make sure that he didn’t get left behind. While they were doing this, they would bump into the dwarf. It would seem like Brone was curious about a certain quest that he wanted to take. Yuurei would hear him out and it would seem like they were going to go nightclubbing. He was fine with that, and he would tell Brone to go ahead of him.

Yuurei would think about what to wear, and when he did, his clothes would change without a problem and his outfit would be revealed. If he was going to enjoy his time and do a job at the same time, he might as well look the part.

The Seraphim would head to a door and he would turn the doorknob after he used a special key. This would allow him to see a random door within Orchidia. He would enter it and he would now be in Orchidia. The thing was, he needed to find the club that they were going to be entering. He had a lot of time before Brone would arrive, so the duo would do some scouting.

While he was doing that, he would greet a bunch of people and these people were willing to answer him. He explained how he didn’t want anything to do with shutting this specific club down, but that there was a specific troublemaker who had gone there every night. He would have eventually got the answer he was looking for, and he would have headed over there.

When he got there, he could see that Brone had just arrived as well. This was great and it would seem like he did have time to enjoy the scouting phase of the job.

“You’re here, nice outfit if I say so myself.” He said to Brone as he would walk to him.

He would look at the gnome and he would have a smile on his face.

“Shall we.” He said to them as he would walk to the door.

Renji would look at them and he would move as well.

"This better be worth our time Yuu." Renji said to him as if he would have enjoyed staying home with Yuurei.


Yuurei's Outfit:

#3Brone Heavyaxe 

Catching the Speedy Perv (B rank - Brone and Yuurei) Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:09 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
A couple had walked out of the alley where the entrance to the club was hidden. They were embraced in one another and slightly intoxicated. For a moment, they looked over at Brone, so as to not to look conspicuous, the dwarf leaned against his ride and trying to look up to the night sky as if just 'chilling'. If it wasn't for the inebriation, the couple would have found the wolf and the bowler hat odd, but they simply walked off. The dwarf's ride licked him, "Ah, ye got to act cool, Geri" he patted the wolf.

Seeing Yuurei, caused the dwarf to chuckle. After giving his friend a fist-bump, he returned the given compliment, "Ye look dapper, yerself" with the formalities done with, he turned to the alleyway before giving Yuurei a nod and walking in. It was time.

Gnicholas, after watching the two enter the alleyway, decided to start his plan. He hung the helmet on the Benimaru's sword hilt and then sat atop the shield, "Alright, Benimaru, let's look for another way in" he said. The sword and shield then answered by floating upward towards the two building structures that flanked the alleyway. The ravens figured they would fly about the area too in order to see if they can spot an entry point for themselves.

As for Geri, the wolf watched as all his friends simply left. With nothing for him to do, he walked off to the side and laid at the base of a great tree.

Brone reached a door that didn't have any sign on it, looking old and rusted as if it hasn't been used in years, but the music that was coming from it was enough for them to know the entry point would be here, so the dwarf knocked. A large burly man donned in black chainmail opened the door and looked down at him. Observing the outfit, the bouncer already guessed they were here for the club, so he preceded to pat down the dwarf to make sure he didn't have any weapons. Luckily for the dwarf, they weren't able to check for magical artifacts, for his rings held his weapons at the ready.

After the check was done, he was allowed to enter. The main area was large and only lit by a disco ball that emitted lighting lighting of different colors. The dance floor was filled with random colors dancing about and the people were little more than silhouettes moving about dancing along with the lights. The music was loud and enjoyable, the DJ was probably paid well.
DJ got taste:

Once Brone found a spot to stand to the side, in order to avoid bumping into people, he began to look around the area. Once Yuurei passed inspection, he would tell him, "Whoever finds him gots to tell the other so we can work together, he's quick" The dwarf wasn't known for focusing on a strategy outside of combat, but from what he's heard, whenever the Speedster noticed a bounty hunter at the scene, he would vanish in an instead, running far away from the area.

522 | 1,023


Catching the Speedy Perv (B rank - Brone and Yuurei) Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:43 pm


Yuurei would hear him and he would fist-bump Brone as he had complimented him as well. It was then they would be ready and the group would start walking around the alleyway. The sound of music could be heard coming off in that direction. It was very subtle, but since they were looking, they could hear it. When they got close to the area, the Seraphim would feel the vibration of a bunch of people coming through the area. It would seem like they had found the spot, but would they be able to get in was the real task.

When he saw the person who opened the door, Yuurei would have a smile on his face as this was someone they could take on. He was huge and strong, but with what they’d been through this was nothing. Still, he didn’t know why he was thinking about fighting him, when they could get in through, hopefully in a peaceful manner.

He would let them in and it would soon be his turn. He would be pat down as Brone had. His pieces of jewelry would be left alone, and some of them had been items that had magical properties. Still, they were checked and he would soon enter right after Brone. He would hear the music getting louder and it was enjoyable to listen to. The lights were going crazy in the club, but it was something that didn’t bother him. His eyes looked around trying to figure out if they could find who they were looking for.

Yuurei would bump to the music as they were moving around. He did his best to avoid people, and when he caught up to Brone, he would hear him. He would nod as if he was fine with that, and he wondered, which of the two would find him.

“Alright, sounds like a plan!” He shouted as he was looking around.

Renji would climb on Yuurei’s shoulder as he figured that it would be best if he was there. They were looking around the crowd together and soon enough Renji would see someone doing something weird. It would look like he was stealing something from someone and he would look at Yuurei quickly.

“Look right there, that guy is stealing something!” He told Yuurei.

Yuurei would look at the man and then he would look at Brone as he figured he would tell his friend about the situation.

“Hey Brone, it looks like we found him! He’s right there, let’s go and get him!” He told his friend as he was making his move and hoped that Brone would do his part too.


#5Brone Heavyaxe 

Catching the Speedy Perv (B rank - Brone and Yuurei) Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:33 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone had went to the bar and asked for a mug of ale, his usual. The female vampire, who looked surprisingly like a vampire with her gothic attire and fanged teeth, nodded her head before walking off to retrieve the drink. The dwarf looked about, trying to find any indication of the thief, but everyone seem to be enjoying themselves as normal, no altercations seem to be coming up, but he made sure to keep himself aware.

When the bartender returned, she handed him the drink and Brone thanked her, but before she left, the dwarf stopped her to ask her a question, "Forgive my question, but are ye a vampire?" he asked, but made sure he was quiet enough over the music that only the bartender heard him.

She smiled hesitantly, "I thought hiding would easy if I would dress too obviously, but I guess that didn't work out too well" she gave a small laugh, but the dwarf could tell it was out of concern, "I don't attack people, and those I drink from are consensual if that's what you're worried about" she had joked in order to lighten the situation, though there was no indication to the dwarf whether or not she knew who he was.

"Ah don't worry, lass, I met a few vampires in my life; thank ye for the drink" Brone chose to try and lighten the mood too, after all, there was no mention of vampire attacks after Ansem's fall, so he had no reason to question the bartender, she seem to just be living her life, not only that, but he now knew not all vampires were evil, so the chances of the bartender being one of Ansem's vampires were small.

Yuurei caught Brone's ear, mentioning he found the target before quickly walking off through the crowd. The dwarf hopped off the stool before giving the bartender a nod and rushing into the crowd.

Sarina, the vampire bartender had wondered whether or not this dwarf was the known Brone from Paradise Dawn, the one who Ansem wouldn't to destroy along with Yuurei, but she had learned to settle her worries so that she could live a normal life after Ansem had died, but the moment she spotted the familiar look of Yuurei, she confirmed both the dwarf and the half-elf. Her heart, though no longer that of the living, had hummed in worry. Seeing the two of them rush off, claiming they found who they were looking for had made her relax, thankful that she wasn't the target nor was she found out. Hopefully they won't return to finish off the remnants of Ansem's army.

Brone had followed Yuurei's movements until he spotted someone who was pickpocketing a purse of a drunk woman. If it wasn't for Yuurei pointing the general direction, the dwarf wouldn't have found the thief so soon. Now the task was to get close close enough to grab him before he ran off.

Something touched the dwarf's leg and he quickly looked down to see Gnicholas handing him his helmet. Brone smiled and gave him a nod in thanks before taking the helmet with his secondary hand and hiding it within the trench coat. As the dwarf walked towards the thief, the gnome went back the way he came, through the northern window.
DJ switched up on the Music:

Brone made sure he was on the other side of the thief, as to make sure that he and Yuurei were flanking the thief from their positioning. The dwarf carefully watched the thief as he tried his best to face another direction, pretending to be unaware of his target. But as the thief's hand reached out towards the hourglass figure of a unsuspecting elf woman, the dwarf's hand flew out and grabbed the wrist of thief. The thief, shocked, had peered at Brone threw shades. But his surprise was but for a moment before he pulled, his hand and arm slipped out of his leather jacket sleeve, leaving the dwarf holding the sleeve and nothing more.

Seeing that he had lost the grasp of the thief, Brone knew that the guy would run away, so he quickly slammed his helmet onto his area, causing the area to quickly drop in temperature, slowing everyone's movement in the club, "Get back here!" One of Brone's secondary hands shot out from beneath the trench coat, trying to grab the thief, but the speedster managed to step back with such great speed. He then began to turn about and run off. Even though the dwarf was still too slow to catch the guy, hopefully Yuurei would be able to catch him.

777 | 1,800


Catching the Speedy Perv (B rank - Brone and Yuurei) Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 10:42 pm


Yuurei would see that he would go off in a certain direction. He kept his eyes on the thief and he would move around the area. He would feel his body being groped by the woman in the clubs. It would seem like they knew who he was and wanted to get a feel for him. He didn’t mind as he kept moving through the crowd as he was keeping an eye out for Brone and the thief. He would see that his friend was trying to get his hands on the thief, but he kept failing.

He had faith that Brone would be able to get him, but it would seem like he kept failing at the task at hand. The Seraphim kept moving though as he was positioning himself in a way so that the thief couldn’t get away anyways. Renji would look through the crowd as well as he could see that Yuurei was being bothered by the woman around the area.

“Hey ladies, leave the man alone! He’s trying to do his job! There’s someone out here stealing your stuff and you don’t even know it! Step aside please!” He shouted as Yuurei would smile and laughed a bit as he kept moving.

He would soon see that the thief would start running away. This would bring Yuurei to shake his head at this situation and know it was time for him to run as well. He would move around the crowd as he was moving quicker by the second. Soon he would be at his full speed, and he basically flanks the thief that was running in his direction. It was then Yuurei would swing a quick jab at the man. He would turn around to look at Yuurei, but before he could do anything the punch would land.

He would fall on his ass as he would be taken out and unconscious. The people on the dance floor would move away from Yuurei as they were confused about what was going on. He would just smile at everyone as he would pick the guy up and gives Brone the thumbs up. They had gotten the thief and they would return everything to the lost and found. If anybody was looking for their stuff, they would find it there. They would take this guy and they figured they would get rewarded for this thief.

“Alright we got this thing done with. Let’s get what we need to get from the local authorities and go back home Brone!” He said to him, as left the club.

Renji would just shake his head as this was an odd job to take on, but they got it done anyways.

451|1355 (10% reduction from companion)


#7Brone Heavyaxe 

Catching the Speedy Perv (B rank - Brone and Yuurei) Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 11:37 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone would have start chasing after the speedster, but as soon as the thief made an attempt to escape, Yuurei delivered a swift jab to the head and the thief was knocked out before he hit the floor. The dance floor cleared as the eyes were upon them. The dwarf shrugged and laughed. Now with the job done, they could head home without issue.

The returned the thumbs up to Yuurei as they all made their out. Gnicholas and Benimaru were waiting for the dwarf by the tree where Geri laid. Once they mounted up, they would head home, given they didn't know where Yuurei had went, guessing he had already flew into the sky. The ravens however knew Yuurei had some kind of ability to teleport by going through doors; either way, they flew off into the night after the dwarf.

* * *

Sarina was glad the thief was finally caught and ironically enough it was by the two heroes who had destroyed Ansem's kingdom and freed her from his sire. She would continue until the end of her shift and she would head home. But an idea came to her as she laid in her bed as the sun went up. The idea of applying for a position at Paradise Dawn.


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