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Test The Waters [Quest]

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Test The Waters [Quest] Empty Tue Apr 09, 2024 2:39 pm

Vesper woke again to an unfamiliar ceiling, pulling the blankets that wrapped around his body into a snug little cocoon. He's filled with conflicting emotions. Yearning to return home and be with his parents, working the bakery like he's always done - the safety of knowing that he'd always have a place there. Vesper was equally excited however, to finally have his opportunity to fulfill all his desires. To be like the heroes of Blue Pegasus, making people smile with refined grace and elegance. He's always idolized them and wanted to be someone worth idolizing in turn. So, he escapes from his blankets and gets ready for a new adventure, making sure to dress his best and carry himself even better than the day before.

A quick look at the notice board offers many options, but today Vesper wanted to try something a little bit out of his comfort zone. He wanted to meet someone new in a field of work he knew absolutely nothing about. And lucky for him, such a quest was available. Raina Burke's lab partner was sick and she was requesting a substitute to assist her in testing some water samples. Something about pollution and pH levels, most of it completely went over Vesper's head, but he was excited nonetheless.

Vesper wasted no time in arriving to the lab where the tests would take place, knocking politely at the office door. The two would exchange pleasantries, Vesper a little bit anxious and out of his depth, but there was a reassuring tone in her voice. "I'm probably nowhere near the best person for this job, but I'm going to do my best, ma'am! Thank you for having me!" He bows graciously, peeking out from beneath his messy bangs that began to flop over and obscure his eyes with a warm, excitable smile.



Test The Waters [Quest] Empty Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:51 pm

"No, no. I should be the one thanking you!" She laughs and fans her hand downward as if to ease any tension. "It's nice to know the guilds are willing to help. Most people couldn't give a damn about the purity of our water. Here let me explain what your job is today." Mrs. Burke places a hand on the boy's shoulder leading him over to the test area and carefully instructing him on what to do. It was relatively simple. Place a vial of water into a machine that would analyze the water's pollution levels, salt concentration, pH level, etc. All Vesper had to do was catalogue the results from the machine that did most of the work and tag any samples that were concerning or didn't meet the necessary guidelines.

Vesper enthusiastically puts on a lab coat and safety goggles and put his sweets away for the time being, much to his dismay, but Mrs. Burke made it very clear that outside pollutants could compromise the results. She let out a little giggle and let the boy get to work, while she got to work on solutions that the eager dog couldn't begin to comprehend. It was startling to have to sequester away so many samples as "unsatisfactory" considering the importance of this very water to the ecosystem at large. It was absolutely dire - revolting even, to understand that other humans were responsible for these tainted waters. It was frustrating. "Mrs. Burke... How did the water get this bad? It's so beautiful here... I guess it's not really my place being new but... Do people not care? That's not right!" It was an injustice that would harm every single person living in this beautiful town. The animals, the plant life, all the people that enjoy this aquatic wonderland would undoubtedly suffer if this continues. He was throwing a tantrum, but he had to know the answer.

"Hmmm. If I had to give a reason for it, id have to say... If it's something they can't feel or see with their own eyes, people will largely just ignore the problem. Everything is fine now and people don't really tend to act until its a crisis they can no longer ignore. That's why it's our job to be loud about it, so that some people might listen and try to help do something~"

A twinge of guilt in the young boy who had been just as she described. He can only nod his head in agreement at her words, filing away yet another tainted sample, embarrassed for how much he took all the beauty around him for granted. The work continues on a regular pace and the conversations that followed were rather pleasant. Mrs. Burke has a pure heart and it shows through and frankly her passionate rants are precious. Most people don't have something that they're that passionate about, nor a cause this just. The day reaches its end and after a hard days work, Vesper completes his quest walking away with a newfound appreciation for the world surrounding him.


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