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Translate The Note [D-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Translate The Note [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat May 11, 2024 8:22 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Under the moonlit sky, Tsukishima walked down the long cobblestone path, leaving behind the cozy inn that had served as his home during his stay in Crocus. With his furry companion Sol safely tucked into their room, he sought a moment of solitude. He craved to appreciate the beauty of Crocus once more before surrendering to the sleep that slowly began to gnaw at him. Lost in thought, Tsukishima's peaceful walk was abruptly interrupted as he collided with a young woman, their accidental meeting sending her books sprawling onto the ground. "Oh, I apologize," he offered swiftly, his instinct guiding him to kneel beside her, assisting in gathering her belongings.

"It's alright, entirely my fault," she responded as she hurriedly collected her belongings.

As Tsukishima handed her the final book, a small slip of paper fluttered to the ground, catching his attention. Retrieving it, he found himself instinctively drawn to the runic script written on it. "Valan?" he mused aloud, a sense of recognition spreading across his face. The woman, noticing his reaction, leaned in with curiosity. "Can you decipher it? You're familiar with Valan?" she inquired, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

Word Count: 192
Total Word Count: 192 / 500

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Translate The Note [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat May 11, 2024 8:27 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Tsukishima hesitated, his gaze shifting momentarily. "Not entirely," he admitted as he hands the paper back to her. "In my village, a few of us had a knack for deciphering runic languages. I dabbled in it, but the Valan language remained beyond my grasp." Her excitement increased, the woman leaned closer. “Does that mean someone in your village might know more about the Valan language? Could you take me there?" she implored, seeing the breakthrough she wished for in the elf before her.

A shadow crossed Tsukishima's eyes, the painful memories of the past rearing their ugly head once more. “I wish I could," he mumbled, his voice tinged with sorrow. "But my village... it's gone. Consumed by fire, its secrets lost to the flames thanks to those who hate elves. I am the only survivor.” A wave of sadness swept across her face, a blend of sorrow for the goal she pursued still being just outside her reach and empathy for the tragic fate that had befallen the elf. Tears welled in her eyes as she struggled to express her sympathy. "I'm... I'm so sorry," she began, her voice quivering.

Word Count: 191
Total Word Count: 383 / 500

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Translate The Note [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat May 11, 2024 8:31 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
"There's no need for apologies," Tsukishima interjected gently, his gaze meeting hers. "You harbor no hatred in your heart like those who brought such destruction. Though I'm usually wary of humans, I sense a kindness within you. I'll assist you. I often visit the town library; there are resources there that can aid in the translation. Come by in the morning, and I'll have it deciphered for you." A smile graced the woman's lips as Tsukishima accepted the paper and started off towards the library. "Wait," she called after him, realizing she hadn't even asked for his name. "I'm Luciel." "Tsukishima. My name is Tsukishima Higurashi," he replied, pausing briefly to offer his name before continuing on his path.

Before long, the elf found himself in the library, surrounded by books. His brow arched  in concentration as he dove deeper into deciphering the notes. The language search stirred within him a nostalgic yearning, remembering the hours learning with the elders of his village. "Hare Meat!" he exclaimed suddenly, unable to contain his excitement. Though a disapproving glance from the clearly annoyed librarian brought him back to reality.  Undeterred, he pressed on, each letter becoming easier and easier to translate. Soon enough, the entire note lay before him, its contents revealed in their entirety as a light chuckle escapes.

Word Count: 218
Total Word Count: 601 / 500

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Translate The Note [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat May 11, 2024 8:34 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
As the morning sun began to shine through the library windows, Luciel eagerly made her way inside. She could hardly contain her excitement as she sought to discover whether Tsukishima had completed the task. Approaching the librarian and inquiring if anything was left for her, she was presented with two pieces of paper. One bore the original paper, while the other held its translated counterpart, accompanied by a brief note from the elf. “Hare meat, cabbage, potatoes, ox hooves," she read aloud, a mixture of disbelief and amusement in her voice. She realized the mystery she had been so determined to solve was nothing more than a mundane shopping list. Chuckling incredulously, Luciel couldn't help but marvel at the irony of the situation; all her efforts had led to the revelation of a grocery list.

Exiting the library, her thoughts lingered on the kind-hearted elf who had aided her. Despite the overwhelming sadness she sensed in him, there was also an undeniable aura of darkness that seemed to emanate from him. Unsure whether it stemmed from the grief of his village's demise or perhaps the source of some powerful dark magic, Luciel found herself both intrigued and grateful for his assistance. She looked forward to the possibility of crossing paths with him again.

Word Count: 213
Total Word Count: 814 / 500
Quest Completed

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