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Liam Silvano

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Liam Silvano  Empty Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:03 pm



Name: Liam Silvano

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Class: Warlock

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Lamia Scale

Tattoo: labial mucosa - black

Face: Leon - reine des fleurs


Height: 6'5''

Weight: Unknown

Hair: Raven

Eyes: Gold

Overall: He's a rather tall athletic built male who stands in a confident posture. His skin is cream colored that seems more pale in the sunlight.

Extra: Nope



Liam is a quiet fellow that doesn't mind watching from the sidelines. He likes to research people and everything that exists. He acts upon the body language that a person gives after reading it. He doesn't really trust people unless they seem like good people enough to give them a chance. When Liam does trust them he opens up more. Towards females he is more confident in a flirtatious way with smirks and such. Due to his mother, he was taught to treat females like people and not materials like his father. As his fears though, he feels that if his anger or rage is triggered he'll abuse them too.

Towards his sister and around her, he is rather loving and kind. He looks and even seems peaceful around her being rather careful as if she's some rare delicate flower. Deep within he is rather romantic and possessive like his father yet tends to not use it like him. In his shadows he just stays as a mystery.  


  • Books: He enjoys to read and do simple research on random things, particularly romance and emotions subjects. He feels that anything can be learned by reading.
  • Simple Pleasures: He enjoys the simple things like music, drinks and food. There are many other things he enjoys, but he is very picky with taste.


  • Using: He extremely hates when he sees men looking or going towards a woman with bad intentions. It reminds him of his father who abused women and used them like material.
  • Bad refreshments: As he loves the simple pleasures. He dislikes getting/receiving bad food, drinks and listening to bad music.


  • Sister: He cherishes his sister more than himself. He wishes to cure whatever is wrong with her and do what is needed to protect her.


  • Sister's Death: He fears that his little sister will die with fail of helping her. His utmost fear is losing her.
  • Father like son: He fears that he'll become like his father and let his anger control him. If his anger did control him (like his father) he would abuse even the woman he falls in love with or even worse - his sister.


Magic Name: Secret Ink Art magic

Magic Element: NA

Magic Description: Secret Ink Art (秘密墨術, Himitsu Sumijutsu) is a special Caster Magic and Molding Magic which allows Liam to create, alter and shape ink in any form he wants by using movements of his hands/fingers. Due to this being a bloodline magic, it's in his system and it devoured his aura and the silent vibrations most make moving. He creates special ink by using moisture around him. He can also manipulate the density of the Ink he is controlling to give it the hardness of a solid object in order to increase its raw striking force. The solid ink is on par with Iron in terms of hardness and rigidity and is somewhat sharp. It's solid like property can also be used to create strong shields and walls between him and his opponent(s).

His creations can not only physically interact with their environment but appear to be quite durable as they do not simply revert back to their ink state after taking a blow and are capable of withstanding as well as delivering tremendous amount of punishment (unless hit by a higher rank). His seal spells are generally formed to restrain one as to debuff. This magic is Offensive, Debuff, Self-Buff Strength and Supplementary.


History: Living in a happy family in some random forest-like town he was born. Some guy who appeared to be his father and his loving mother who he cherished later created another child, his sister. His father went away from a couple years and during that time he was the one in charge. He helped his mother with his sister and even took a few jobs. Due to his appearance that he got from his father, he was all the rage. Women played with his hair, complimented his mother on how lucky she was to have two attractive children. Liam wasn't quite sure on how to take it. He ignored the females as a child till he became older.

His father came back from the unknown and was different from the last he saw him. He seemed more angry, abusive as one day his mother told him to take his sister and hide in his room. Later that night he could hear screams, crying and yelling that came from his father. He held his sister close till all was silent and they both fell asleep. As the morning rose he would walk out of his room and saw his father. He would look at his smirk and saw women close to him. ''Yknow son, the only real way to enjoy life is to devour your desires and possessive them with every ounce.'' he would speak in a husky deep voice. After that day he would hear more screams, more tears flowing and more people walking in and out of his life. There was one person he would never let go of though, his sister.

His father controlled the town and tossed away his mother as time flew. Inside he felt dead, but with his sister by his side he would feel alive. A month later his sister became ill with some unknown sickness. Worried he would go to his father about it, but all he said was ''Dispose of her then. She's no use here.'' he spoke flaunting with a wave of his hand in front of the other men and women. Liam glared and never before felt so much hatred before. The girls looked between him and his father, scared. Swiftly he turned away to walk to his house and to get his sister.  

His sister looked up at him with a weak smile, her eyes so innocent to where it was sickening to think of tossing her away like she was nothing. ''Don't worry. We're going to get the hell out of here when they're all asleep...'' he spoke quietly as he kneeled down to her. He created a small smile for her and then stood up and left to prepare for the night. Night appeared and all were asleep. Quietly he would walk to his room to get his sister and his stuff. After that it became blank.

#2Bianca Fleur † 

Liam Silvano  Empty Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:55 pm

Bianca Fleur †
Congratulations, this application has been approved.

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