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{ AoC } Boys And Their Toys

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#1Altuo Dorian 

{ AoC } Boys And Their Toys Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 3:50 pm

Altuo Dorian
Words : 488Mana : 200 / 200Theme : 4BloodTags : @Goji
The continent of Seven, an awe inspiring nation of monolithic magnificence. It's divinity blessed city states built upon the battle bred foundations of a rich and diverse legacy of histories. Stories of benevolent gods, malevolent spirits, catastrophic monstrosities, and the tenacious men and women that both dearly revered and viciously revolted against such entities in fervent regard. From the peaks and valleys of it's exquisite landscapes to the masterful masonry of it's ancient civilizations. There was something to be marveled for just about any inquisitive or adventurous soul to marvel at in wanderlust. Altuo's own firsthand experience since arriving being no exception to the claim.

Though it was his first time stepping one well tended foot within Seven's definitive borders. He had always longed for a chance to visit of his own accordance. Hoping to learn more in depth about the people, places, and cultures therein. As was his nature both not only as a man of learning but also one with the spirit of an adventurer at heart. To unexpected surprise, his desires would be delivered upon by a bout of serendipitous favor. Having received an amusingly formal yet somehow still informal invitation by his avidly budding friend Goji. The two of them were seemingly becoming inseparable whether by choice or chance. Not that Altuo minded in the least bit if he were being truly honest. It was comforting for once to have someone at his side as often as he had of late, to a point of almost feeling endearing even. However, for now, those were thoughts best relished at another time.

Where he found himself at this very moment, there was little room for the intervention of fondness and friendships. The only bonding to behold before the eyes of those present would be that of mutually assured destruction. An honor bound clash of titans in the making that would go down in the annals of gladiatorial infamy or so the announcer would impress upon the crowd to be believed. Brought to frivolous amusement by the overexaggerated airs put on for the theatrics of it all. Altuo was more than exhilarated by the prospect of dueling Goji one on one when he had been presented with the opportunity. Though they had often razzed each other along their journeys together about who could outmatch the other in matters of brains or brawn. It was all finally coming to a rather real fruition. One that admittedly Altuo had subtly hoped would come to pass but didn't anticipate just how soon it would become reality. Which is why, as his name was echoed across the arena signaling his cue to emerge from the undergrounds. The very core of his being in its entirety was bursting at the seams with an overflowing enthusiasm he could barely contain. The almost skip like step in his stride, along with the whimsically wide smile across his face, speaking volumes louder than any words.
deadly sins


{ AoC } Boys And Their Toys Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 4:15 am

Seven, a combative powerhouse that was raised from the trials of tribulations long since passed. Where the pride and prowess of their battle born and bred citizens more than carved a path into the histories of Earthland so mighty that their renown was spread vast across not only within their own borders but those of their neighboring nations as well. The very mention of their almost zealot like beliefs and traditions striking either inspiration or terror into the hearts of men depending on who you asked. Altogether the makings for a kingdom of legend held in high regard for one reason or another. In Goji's case however it was nothing less than hearth and home. When he allowed himself the rare luxury of returning from his ventures every now and then.

This time around his return brought with it a different purpose. The typical expectations of respite and relaxation being cast aside for something entirely different. Though on the night of his passage pulling into port he had made an effort to visit his dear parent's residence in the maker's district. Even staying the night under their roof with all the usual comforts of familial bonding spared for his pleasure. At the first sign of sunrise he had risen from his bed rested and revived of his vitality in preparation for the day ahead. His armor having been buffed and polished by his own father in the wee hours of morning, while his mother saw to it that her boy ate his fill of a lighter breakfast than he was normally used to. Once everything was in order Goji took his leave into the familiar streets of Seven. His destination, the grand coliseum at the heart of the city.

Whisked away to the underground pits with his armaments already arranged as needed. Goji was assigned to his gate and directed to standby as the other matches in the lineup came and went. In the meantime he was welcome to watch from a distance or mingle with the other combatants hanging around. Both of which distracted him for only for so long as the anticipation for his own match brought restlessness in abundance. Not out of fear mind you but instead in enticement of his opponent. As the person he was to clash with was none other than the bold and outspoken Altuo Dorian. An enigmatic man who had not only become a reliable business partner but also, truth be told, a worthwhile bond that had bore potential deeper than either of them had expected. Enough to call each other friends and maybe even something more? Who knew really. Now wasn't really the time to ponder further.

With the barred iron gate that had held him at bay being lifted away completely. The triumphant trill of horns filled the coliseum as the people in the stands cried out with an equally impressive roar of unbridled cheering. The stage was set and the two brought to bare against one another at last. Altuo's boisterous demeanor as they practically danced across the arena bringing a cocky sort of smile to Goji's own face as the two of them stood at the ready. They had long since teased each other about this day and now it was no longer just a passing joke. "In a good mood I see. Hope it lasts when I wipe the floor with that face of yours. After all, your in my territory now."

[ WC - 575 ] @Altuo Dorian
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