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Demi Against Deamon (Altuo)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Demi Against Deamon (Altuo) Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:54 am

Go D. Drakkon

Another day, and another time in the afternoon; there were fights in the arena throughout the day. The champions that had lived around the area always found themselves here to make jewels to support their lifestyle. It was nice and the crowd loved that this country always had fighters ready to go. It was good and it seemed like those who were always here had an abundance of jewels to spend for these games. Of course, others would come to enjoy the games as much as well, but as often.

Drakkon had only three fights in the arena, and two of them were fights he had to use everything he had but refused to. The sense of getting stronger not through his magic, but through his swords was failing him quite a bit. Still, he could not stress himself and move forward instead. The Devourer had decided to go on to another fight, and hopefully, it was outrageously difficult like the others have been.

He had been told that his match would be around this time, but they were just preparing the arena for him and his opponent. The Son of Chaos had wondered how this fight was going to turn out to be. He shook his head knowing that he shouldn’t be thinking too hard about this and just go with the flow. The Demi-God was in front of the gate as it was finally his turn, and he was just waiting for the announcer to start talking.

The announcer had gotten to his place, and he would look around to see that the place was full, which was delightful.

“Ladies and Gentlemen we have another good fight for you today! We have a man who has seen defeat but seems to never truly fall! He’s a man who might become more as time continues! Let’s bring him out, a Swordsman who seems to be mastering his craft in the arena, Drakkon!” He shouted these words and the people in the arena would roar with excitement for what was to come next.

Drakkon’s gate would start opening in front of him and he would crack his neck as he was waiting for it to be fully up. When it did, he would start walking out to the arena as he was putting his bandana on his head. He was going to give whoever his opponent was everything he had as a swordsman. He wasn’t sure how that would go, but he hoped that it was enough. He would walk onto the arena now as he had made his way to the center of it. There he had unsheathed his katana, still only using one, and not the other.

He waited now for the announcer to bring the second person into the arena, so it could begin.



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