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Walk in the Park {Kon}

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#1Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:53 pm

Lee Nakamura
There was basically...no noise. The air was very still and quiet. There were people. But no noise. It really freaked her out. She couldn't be somewhere without noise at least. Noise meant people and people meant comfort. The way her mind functioned was a bit...odd. Hans was again, no where to be found, figures. Who knew what that kitsune was up to.

She placed her headphones on that shown a fox face on them. Turning it up to rock music blasting, it was a supplement for noise in quiet areas. Her red hair was up in a ponytail. Her mixed matched eyes looked down as she walked around thinking. Her left eye was black with a red ring as her right was pure white with gray and a black pupil. Her face looked infected with a black mark from the right side of her face to down her full right arm. People had always assumed that she was a demon or had demon slayer magic. It was not always the case. Didn't people understand? Of course, she was picked on a lot in the Magic Council. They couldn't believe that they allowed something like her to be in their territory. Angered by that, they allowed her anyways since she was the daughter of two of the most respected Rune Knights in the whole country as well as her brother and her uncle being one.

She walked around in the park to take her mind off things. Her captain, which was her uncle, had been giving her some time to recover from her last job. That mission was more of a mental snap than any of her other jobs. There were people walking their pets and enjoying hte nice fall weather before winter would settle. She was never bothered by cold since she was always a natural heater. The Rune Knight bumped into someone causing the man to fall down. The male seemed ruffled up and rowdy by nature. She was usually godo about knowing her surroundigns. Guess today was an off day. "What where you're going you bitch" he growled. The redhead gave a cold glance with a serious face that she always wore. He gave a small frown of freight. "Sorry" was all she said.

He quickly got up and ranaway yelling "Demon, Demon" or something like that. LeeAnn only sighed. "It's not a demon mark, it's an illness" she whispered. Feeling a bit hurt by this inside although never showing it, she felt a small twitch of pain in her heart as if she were having a heartattack. "Shit, not again" she hissed quietly. Her face seemed troubled but she carried on her walk. Hopefully, she would go unnoticed and not called "Demon".

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:39 pm


Life, death meaningless to those can create both.
Enjoying the chilling breathless surroundings, there Konstantin lay in a bed of freshly cut grass with his eyes wide shut and his head resting over his hands, ignoring the dampness and the stains that would blend into his white and red robe. All around him dead plants and insects twitched into life causing the ground to constantly move around and almost vibrate in a soothing fashion.

Those whom paid too much attention to the blond haired mage would notice a small cloud of ominous cloud of darkness that loomed underneath him. Several people whom wished to sit in a location relatively close to him left soon after. The peoples
outbursts would occasionally disturb his rest however for the most part it was a comforting more than anything.

For the most part he was able to ignore the populace, save for the last outburst, which immediately drew his attention over to a man and a woman who was approximately the same age as him who apparently walked into the gentleman. It wasn't until the man called screamed out bloody murder calling her a demon, that got Konstantin interested, he had never met a demon before and he was curious to see one up close in person.

So against his better judgement, Konstantin rose from his resting place and brushed off all of the plants and insects that had crawled their way into his clothing, plucked a few flowers that had resurrected around him and jogged off to the general location of the red haired girl. Eventually catching up after her and said. "Umm Miss, I think you forgot something." before holding out a bed of flowers to her.

Social || 278

Last edited by Konstantin Sokolov on Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

#3Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:55 pm

Lee Nakamura
Already trying to hide the pain in her heart, she cletched to her chest. Obviously, she didn't really want to be noticed by anyone. Although, have crimson red hair and a ugly mark on your face. Yeah you would. Though, she could hope, right? Taking off her headhpones, she was stopped by someone.

She turned around seeing a blonde haired man holding out flowers saying she forgot them. A raised eyebrow came from her in confusion. "Great. He heard everything. I bet he's just playing nice to give me sympathy. Oh joy, more pity" she would think to herself. She didn't want to seem rude, but trying to remain hopeful he would go on lashing out at her life most of society did to the outcast. Cutely, she took the flower with a curious look. "Uh...thank you..." she would ask.

LeeAnn seemed very confused and socially awkward. This just made her seem more nervous since people weren't so nice to her this quickly. Hans was always the ice breaker. "Question...why are you being nice to me? Aren't you going to run in fear or yell at me for disgust like everyone else? You just saw what happened" she asked bluntly There was a mental facepalm. She was too blunt. Oh crap, Lee! Why are you so stupid. She seemed a little confused and obviously gave the impression this kinda made her scared.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:14 pm


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
Konstantin watched in awe as the red-haired girl turned his way and removed her headphones allowing her beautiful hair to flow freely further down. Freely releasing the grip he had on the flowers, allowing her to take them, with a short but simple response. "don't mention it" And then casually sliding his hands into the pockets of his robes, moving into a friendlier stance.

As social customs dictated, she spoke once more questioning him on his apparently unusually kind behavior towards her in a seemingly very awkward manner. Konstantin honestly couldn't hold back his amusement in her line of questioning and wanted to response in all kinds of ways but decided the partial truth would do for the time being.

With a cheerful smile as he recovered from his fit of laughter, he removed his right hand and placed it on his chest then directed it at her and then spoke to her. "Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you for laughing, it's just I see anything inherently wrong with you, yes you have a few unusual features like your eyes and your markings, however we all are strange in our own ways."

Wishing to portray his own irregularity he exhibited his magic turning his skin cracked and aged with his eyes becoming a dark black. "See, I'm just as strange as you. I think it's time we finished with formalities and we introduces ourselves finally, I am Konstantin Sokolov, member of the Rune Knights and a necromancer and you?."

Social || 267

Last edited by Konstantin Sokolov on Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:57 am; edited 1 time in total

#5Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:53 pm

Lee Nakamura
The mannerism from this guy actually made her realize that Hans and him were much alike. Only he had a different kind of ring to his personality. The flowers dropped as she blinked. This guy was kinda corny. She actually smiled and laughed a little on the inside. A few silent blinks came from her in response after he laughed at her question. Was she that weird? "What's so funny" she demanded with a cold order. She pretended to not care what he was saying or show her emotions. He somehow was pulling the best out of her.

He explained how the few marks she had were nothing, but made her special. That remark did make her think a little. Though, there were some other things that he didn't know other than the few marks on her face. The strange diet which she dare not to explain. "There's more behind this mark than you really do realize" she said. LeeAnn's eye looked down at her feet rubbing her hand very uncomfortable with really thinking if people found out if she really ate her own kind they would flip. Its not like this was a choice.

In a trance, she thought about riots and her brother, most of all, running her out with her and Hans. Torches and pitchforks being swayed at her. The flahses of horror of loosing her position in magical council. She shook herself out of the stupid thought. He introduced him as, Konstantin Sokolov from the Magic Concil. She perked up at the name and mention of Magic Council. Finally, someone who she could kinda relate to. The last name did ring a bell since she was a noble with a family of great heritage. "Pleased to meet you, I am LeeAnn Nakamura. I am also from the magic council. I am pretty sure I heard of that last name some where actually. Some big clan I believe that dimished I think. I pretty much know a lot about magic concil and clans of Fiore. I had to study it when I was being homeschooled" she said. Her brother, both of her parents, and most of her family on her mother's side were apart of the magic council. She had a lot of connections with the soldiers and everything. He probably at least heard the Nakamura name if not her brother at the very least.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:53 am


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death

Smiling as he watched the flowers slip through the red-haired girl's fingers, awaited for a response which resulted in further questions more than anything about how there was more behind the marks themselves. Considering this was their first encounter, he decided not to pry into her personal problems as to not offend her, and instead choosing to use his free hand and extend it to lift her head up so it would meet his gaze.

Now swapping to their real introductions however, Konstantin's interest had truly been peaked with the information that the stunningly woman was not only a member of the magic council as well, but from a noble family herself apparently, though the second portion dampened things, especially with her knowing of his origins something he wasn't particularly proud of and made and effort to ignore the subject. Wanting to avoid that subject just as much as she evidently wanted her problems left alone he attempted to lead the conversation in a different direction.

"My family is just an empty title now, i guess it has been since i got it, some day i might tell you the truth of my family however today I don't think would be the greatest time we just meet afterall."
He spoke coldly, empathizing family with quotations. Shaking his jacket once more he as he noticed a bug was still in there he continued. "Now if i'm not intruding i was wondering where you were going and if you needed companion to stop those pesky bystanders from screaming at or away from you."

social || 267


#7Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:11 am

Lee Nakamura
Both could related with the same titles and everything. Though, she probably hit a sore spot on his family. He explained how it was no more than an empty title. The cold tone of his voice made chill go down her spine. It was the one of few times she had felt cold in her life time. Perhaps, she would not speak of it. It was funny. They both held darker secrets that wouldn't meet anyone's eye. Now that you realy thought about it, everyone did. That was the first time she ever really thought about it. Her eyes went dark remembering the fact her mother was missing. The family had gone in deep water thanks to it. People started aiming her father for things such as ransom. She was used plenty of times and she placed them in jail. Where they belong! "Sorry, I didn't know...." she said.

The mood had to be lighten since its heavy presence was already overwhelming enough. Usually her fiance was here, but he had to go back to the spirit realm to restore his lost mana. Being out of the spirit world for too long and the kitsune would become drained of mana. Konstantin asked if he could join her. She wasn't really going anywhere in specific, but she needed the company of another person to keep her from panicking. Another smile came to her. "Of course, I need the company. Tag along as long as you need. I am not heading anywhere in particular" she smiled. Quickly, she turned off her music and put her headphones away.

They would start walking as she was still lost in her thoughts about her family and older brother. Lost in her trance, she ran into light post smacking dead center of her face. It caused a loud thump sound and her brain cells. She rubbed her forehead. "Shit! Ow. Why is there a fucking light pole there? That was not there before! I swear" she would hiss. It was probably a bit more funny than she really would think. "Anyway, how long have you been apart of the Rune Knights" seh would ask trying to start up a conversation.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:26 pm


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
Knowing this red-haired girl who declared herself as a member of a fellow noble family meant no ill offense, he rose up his right hand and shook it as he shook his head. "It's perfectly fine I'm sure you meant no harm, let's drop the matter." He spoke in a far warmer tone.

Glad that she had decided to agree to have him accompany her as he had numerous questions to ask her whether it was about the magic council or her own less personal issues. These questions entrenched his mind so much that he didn't realize that his new walking companion had stuck into a light pole.

Her absentee behavior amused him as it could have easily just been him to have hit the metal pole. Not wanting to offend the girl, he made quick effort to hide his amusement. Lee from what he could assume wanted to try and continue on some form of conversation and detract from the fact that she just walked into a pole, glad to ignore the incident, he responded to her question. "I have been a member of the magic council for an extremely short period hmm, less than a few months i believe." Scratching his chin to pause for a tad. "One of the reasons I first joined the Magic Council in the first place was largely because of my family. What about you?, how long have you been a member of the Magic Council?"

social || 267


#9Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:22 pm

Lee Nakamura
All seemed to be forgiven for what she had said. The next thing she would want to do is piss off someone. She knew her uncle was well onto her case about the destruction she had done to half of Hargeon's port. It had to come out of his pocket. She was known to be the Wannbe Fairy Tail member. They all gave her trouble about her destructive behavior nad the tendacy of not following percise orders. If her captain said to turn left, she would turn right and make her own rules.

She had been apart of the Rune Kngiths for quite some time, but never really was as involved as her older brother. It was due to therapy and going on trips to other towns to find her mother for several months at a time. "I have been apart of the Rune Kngight for about...what...3...4 years now. My whole family are Rune Knights. I became one after following my older brother's idea, Hikaru Nakamura, of being one. My main reason is to find my mother. Both my uncle and my father are Captains, or were. My dad is now retired, but my uncle is still in season. He's actually my captain. I...hope to excel like both of my parents and like my brother. My current goal is to find my mom and to make my family proud. Nakamuras are a proud clan" she said.

She wondered if Kon knew of her brother, despite of being in the council for a short time. She kind of doubted it. If she had been in the council for three or four years and hadn't spoke to her brother at all, what makes her he would know? LeeAnn dropped the thought. "I just hope my fiance doesn't cause any trouble for my uncle...or buy massive amounts of cookiedough either she mentioned.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:28 am


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
"hmm" he pondered as he listened to the red haired girl explaining how she'd been in the Magic Council for supposedly many years, which drew his attention once more after all it likely meant she'd be his superior in some way or another, comfortable with that position of power, he reluctantly accepted it and continued to listen as she expanding on how and why she was a part of the Magic Council. A fairly understandable one, her entire family was. "Well you'll have to meet my brother sometime, wherever the heck he's gone to, the silly bugger. he too is in the Magic Council. though for now it's just you and me" he speaking with a slight grin. "I think that's enough business, don't you how about we go do something fun?, what about some food? maybe I'm starving."

Still largely unfamiliar with the town and it's restaurants he'd ultimately leave it up to Lee to decide where they went, though he prayed he would be able to eat it as he hadn't eaten much in the last couple of days only being able to stomach a few slices of bread the other day otherwise he'd throw up anything else unfortunately. He didn't know what was causing the problem either it was his mindset or the food though he suspected it was largely due to his mind and therefore his body not willing to accept reality still.

tag || here you can put notes, word count, etc

#11Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:30 am

Lee Nakamura
Kon had continued the conversation about family being the Magic Council. She was not the only one who had a family member in it too. He stated that his little brother was in it as well, but didn't know where he was at the moment. "That makes two of us" she said. Currently, she never knew where her older brother was. He was always so busy and never had enough time to just relax. LeeAnn on the other hand was overworking herself most of time, like Hikaru, only for a different purpose. She knew when to take breaks.

Her newly founded follower mentioned something about getting a bite to eat. Most of the restuarants in Crocus were limited unlike back in Era. Going through the mental list, she could eat a certain amount of things. Come to think of it, she could eat most meats. She knew of chicken, pork, oddly gator, and most of all...human. The thought of it she hated, but what else could she do. Now, dont jump to conclusion. LeeAnn doesn't kill for food. Her fiance gets the amputated limbs from local hospitals for the human meat and sometimes an organ or two. A small chill went down her spine at the thought of it. It never was really accepted this illness turned her body into a ghoul's yet still human.

"Well what you up to? I can only eat certain things thanks to a special diet. There's a small cafe I love going to. They have forgien foods of all kinds and its all good quality unlike these other fast food restaurants" she mentioned. THe last time she ate at a fast food restaurant costed her to loose a few pounds of indigestion and bed rest for a week. Hans took the reigns from there to provide food for the two of them. This meant coming home with weird animals such as horses, deer, wild boar, and the most weirdest of all....a Wyvern. How the hell he does it? She will never know. LeeAnn looked at Kon for an answer.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:59 pm


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
With a loud thunderclap and a long bolt of lightning dancing across the sky, he looked up into the darkening sky and thought to himself, "hmm great rain once more and lightning, shame the weather had been so nice." with a slight sigh, he turned to Leeann with the grumbling stomach and rain clouds dangerously enveloping the sky, he decided he cared little of what he was going to eat so long as it was tasty and of the highest quality, whether it was meat, veg or even something sweet. He just didn't want to get stuck in the rain once more in this town, something that continues to happen for him. So he drew one of his hands towards and gave a cheerful smile to her just as another bolt of lightning made it's way across the sky. "Take me to this famed restaurant and away from this worsening weather, Lee, I shall pay it's on me."

tag || here you can put notes, word count, etc

#13Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:20 pm

Lee Nakamura
Thunder clashed in the sky making her just out of her skin. Having her heart race a thousand miles a second as she saw rain pouring down. She grabbed Konstantin's hand. With a strong force, she dashed to the nearest restaurant. LeeAnn loved rain, but today she didn't seemed to wanna get wet. The rain seemed to come down harder and harder. The Rune Knight seemed to dislike this weather today. It has been so nice and the sky just had to cry. Weather was always moody in Fiore. Typical. "Hm. I guess this one would do. Uh...sorry I dragged you like that.I do the same thing to my fiance...he's extremely tall but a stick. I dont know own strength sometimes" she replied.

Waiting for him to reincorporate, there was a small menu outside in the window. She previewed what they had. So far there were somethings she could eat without a problem. She looked back at Kon. "Hey, is there certain foods that you cant eat. There's a menu right here to preview. I think the salad would do for me and a whole bottle of mead" she said.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:53 am


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
As the pair drew up to the restaurant he was rather curious about the foreign aesthetics, comfortable with the choice he stuck his thumb up from his free hand. "Don't worry Lee, you don't mind me calling you Lee, do you?" He said jokingly before listening further as she explained where the menu was and what she'd like. "Hmm, How about we go inside that way we can get out of the weather?, I can look at some of those specials which I'm gazing through the window." With that he let go of her hand and held the door open for her to enter and gave an extremely overplayed display of bravado as the rain continued to fall above them.

tag || here you can put notes, word count, etc


#15Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:44 am

Lee Nakamura
LeeAnn laughed a little nervously feeling sorry that she didn't know her own strength. Konstantin held the door open for her. She dipped her head down a little as a thank you. It was a small, cozy restaurant to her liking. It was well lit, there were lots of people, and just the right amount of noise. The three things she loved the most. "This place is perfect" she smiled.

The waiter asked if they wanted to be seated. LeeAnn nodded and tugged on Kon's sleeve. They were both sat nearby the window. Looking at the menu, she already knew what she wanted. "They have deer?! Alright I will take that deer entree instead" she said with a smile. Looking at Konstantin, she wondered what he would pick. "See anything you like, Kon" she asked.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:27 am


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
Taking a seating on the freshly cleaned dining room chairs, Konstantin drew the heavily orientated menu and began to scan the list of various delicacies, many of which he had never tried. A few of them took his interest, though Lee managed to get him only focusing on the deer based meals, personally he wasn't a fan of most deer focused meals finding them to gamey. Fortunately there was another animal that he found was a bit more to his taste, so having decided on what he wanted, he called for the waitress, with the casual flick of his wrist and waited for her.

In the meantime he decided to try and drum up some further conversation."So you've been in the Magic Council for a while, that must mean you're a fairly high ranking member, a captain perhaps?, I ask because I just joined and you're the first person I've met in the field properly."

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#17Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:38 am

Lee Nakamura
LeeAnn tilted her head little as he ordered. Not answering her question. She only gave a sigh. The waitress took their order and went off on her way. Konstantin asked about her ranking in the Rune Knights. Since he was new, it was a good way to start the conversation. He assumed she was a captain. "I wish I was, but I am actually a rank lower. I'm a Lieutenant. Now my brother, who is a showoff, is a captain. He's one of my captains I take orders from. Since you are starting out, I am guessing you are a page? If you want to rank up, I am sure you know about our 'trials' " she said with quoteations fingers. It had been a while since she was last a page. Her memory wasn't clear on how it worked but she could give it a shot.

She leaned back looking at the celing thinking about her days as a younger rank. "The Rune knights are a bit different from those who join the guilds. With ranking up, you earn this honor and respect were as a guild you just automatically get it depending. I respect guilds, but Rune Knights are my cup of tea. You will see that as you rank up" she said.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:55 am


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
From Leeann's rather length response he managed to glean a far amount of information including that she was a lieutenant, her brother was a captain and in order for him to hope to reach to those ranks he'd have to do some form of test each time, which he didn't look forward to but reluctantly accepted it as part of his job, though he was a tad annoyed by his younger brother being given a position as high as Leeann's though that couldn't be helped at the moment he was significantly more powerful than him, this was evident by the fact that he was legitimately unable to use his magic in a useful fashion at the moment.

Annoyed that he keeps relying on business to keep the conversation going, he decided to ask Lee what her hobbies were whilst their meals were being prepared. He could smell the strong spices already causing his mouth to salivate and force him to take a sip of his drink.

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#19Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:44 pm

Lee Nakamura
The food came rather quickly to her surprise. The deer meat was nothing like she ever tasted. Almost just as good as human meat, but human was still the best on the menu for her, forcefully. The young redhead ate her food slowly. Konstantin then asked about her hobbies. It made her pause in the midway of taking a bit. This made her think for a while. She had done so many things for everyone and shared those dreams with her parents to make them proud. To show them she wasn't a weak link in the family, they never thought she was in the first place, but to overcome those trials. She had been busy giving her time to others that she couldn't answer that question. "I...can't answer that" she said setting down her fork.

She could only think of one thing. "I guess the only thing that comes to mind is my fiance. If hanging out with people counts as that. Or just sitting there observing or staring at other people oddly" she replied. She did enjoy observing people and taking mental notes. Though, to others it was a form of studying.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:25 am


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
With the food being placed on their table, Konstantin began to examine his meal with his cutlery as he gave Leeann his undivided attention from across the table, oddly she refrained from telling him the relatively simple question, though he didn't hold it against her. Instead he chose to allow her to continue as he cut into his meal and consume a portion of it, finding it acceptable to his palate something he'd be able to eat with ease. The only thing she did care to elaborate on was her interest in hanging out with other people namely her fiancee, another piece of information that he inadvertently picked up, as she continued he nodded and then cut a relatively large piece to offer to Lee and said to her. "Here try some of mine, I'm sure you're keen on having a taste."

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#21Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:59 am

Lee Nakamura
Why was it so difficult for her to answer such as simple question? Tells you how much she knew herself. Hans knew her better than she did on her own. He could predict almost everything because he knew her very well. Konstantin offered some of his food as she saw a small piece available. She yoinked it from his plate and at it in one whole bite. It tasted weird and a metal taste to it. Her taste buds were built a little bit differently than a normal humans. "It...taste...odd" was all she said looking at Kon.

She forced herself to swallow it. Preferring to not know what it was, she ate more of her food. After a while, she looked up at Kon. "Who else do you know besides me in the Council" she asked.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:46 am


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
Konstantin looked curiously at Leeann as she commented on how the food seemed to taste funny, wanting to double check that his taste buds were working fine, he took another bite of it and shook his head. His meal tasted exactly how it looked like it should however she found the meal to peculiar in taste he did not know as he continued to eat his own meal, she finally questioned him about something. She wanted to know whether he knew anyone else in the town, a question he was fairly comfortable with answering. "I only know of one other person in this town at the moment and that would be my brother, however I'm sure as I continue to spend my time here in Crocus I will be sure to encounter more people specifically in the Rune Knights afterall I did meet you in a town of many thousands" Patting his sauce-covered lips with a napkin he returned the question back at her. "Whom do you know here in Crocus, from what i gathered through our conversation, your brother maybe or even your fiancee?"

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#23Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:10 am

Lee Nakamura
LeeAnn listened to him carefully. There was nothing coming from her in response only eye contact. Konstantin only knew of his brother and that was about it. He was bound to run into some others from the Rune Knights sometime later. The redhead took another bite out of her meal and swallowed it then look at Konstantin. "I would suggest taking some jobs with the other members. It's a good way to get aquianted with some. As you rise in ranks, you will become even more knowledge able" she replied. This made her think of her older brother and how she rarely saw him only on missions or important tasks. Since Hans proposed to her, she told no one expect strangers who would not know of her or her family. She wanted her brother to be the first one to know. It would be a great way to break the ice with him.

She got out of her trance and was asked the same thing only in Crocus. LeeAnn met quite the amount of people. The flirtations with that one fairy and Hans was not too happy with that encounter. The thought of htat made her shiver. She hated being hit on considering she was going to get married soon. She met a few fellow guildmembers and perhaps a friend in the Rune Knights. "Yeah besides those two, I met a few guild mages, travelers, and another fellow Rune Knight other than yourself. They just happen to topple over me some how" she shrugged.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:58 am


Death, Ha, I laugh at the face of Death
"Take Quest, bah!" Konstantin thought. He'd love to however at this rate he'd never be able to not unless he had some sort of help though knowing the power of the Rune Knights or it's assumed power he gathered he might be able to get the help of some other people, even Lee perhaps if she wasn't too busy herself. Scratching his chin with his fork wielding hand, he replied. "Sure Lee I'd love to work with other people, heck I was going to ask you whether you would be up to doing some work with me yourself."

As for her response to encountering other people in the town she had met only a few other people herself there. As she spoke, he noticed that he had completed his meal without completely even paying attention. With Lee's reply he'd bid her a farewell after-all he didn't want to over stay his introduction and make their next encounter awkward.

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#25Lee Nakamura 

Walk in the Park {Kon} Empty Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:43 pm

Lee Nakamura
She was nearing to finishing her food. The plate was almost clear of the deer meat. Though, there were a few crumbs of bread still left on there that she would wipe clean. Her appetite was very large and the meal did the trick to fill it up. After a while, it went quiet between the two of them, so quiet that she almost forgot he was even there. She could see him getting up as she looked up at him. "Leaving already? Alright, good enough. Nice meeting you Konstantin. I will look forward to see you around and be careful" she would warn.

She was slightly worried about all Rune Knights since the cannon was fired and the rise in evil between her home land. It was not safe to be out anymore. She always went with her fiance at times like this in case. She paid for her bill and went to go leave for the day and find Hans.


Walk in the Park {Kon} Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

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