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The pen is mightier... [Bianca]

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The pen is mightier... [Bianca] Empty Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:15 am


Another day, another round of tourism in Crocus. So far the Capital didn't fail in delivering as many experiences as it promised and then more, reminding the crystal mage how she could stay here for over a month and still have things to see. It wasn't as if she was a real fan of dark and cloudy weather like that looming over her head, but the way it scared people into stay indoors was just magical. Thus, she walked through the normally busy streets with an obviously cheerful faint smile. No matter how cool she was, Alisa couldn't deny the joy at the beauty of mostly deserted streets as such. Especially when talking about the normally busiest shopping district...

Seeing a quaint little bookstore, Alisa found herself staring at some of the books on display, wondering which of these were truly interesting, how many were completely boring, and whether or not she could tell the difference. Indeed she'd had a bad experience with judging books by the cover lately, and even assuming one's assumptions were spot on, setting them in stone before even giving the book a chance was hardly an artist should be doing. Feeling small driblets of rain on her skin, she turned her palm face up as if to confirm the obvious: There was a rainfall on the way.

Clicking her tongue at the poor decision of not bringing an umbrella, Alisa headed inside...


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The pen is mightier... [Bianca] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#2Bianca Fleur † 

The pen is mightier... [Bianca] Empty Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:04 pm

Bianca Fleur †

The Crocus book hive had to be one of the few bookstores that was diverse in genres, presenting a wide range of categories that Bianca just could not get enough of. Every single day, she would come alone to immerse herself in the stories that each novel told her. It was yet another calm day in the capital, the very dramatic sky packed with dark cottony clouds, hovering seemingly just above their heads while Bianca was immersed in a cleverly-written thriller in a quiet nook of the cavernous establishment. The adventure was nearing its conclusion, but it was not the absolute end! It had a sequel, one that had already been published according to the information at the back of the book. Rising to her feet as she dusted her skirt with a free hand, the pinkette began to attempt walking with numb legs. “Oh god,” she muttered in utter dismay as each step she took sent a thousand needles along her insensitive limbs. The store was too vast for her to search the sequel herself. Bianca needed help from the salesgirl (who, at first glance, looked like she wanted to commit suicide), who sat behind the counter with her head down, large, thick-rimmed glasses resting on top of her crown. She seemed to be in a deep sleep, which was interrupted by a soft, shaky voice. “Hello, I need the sequel to this book,” said the voice.

The voice seemed to have alarmed the female, causing her to sit bolt upright in her swivel chair as she mumbled some (curse) words that entered Bianca’s ears quite bitterly. Adjusting her gigantic spectacles on the bridge of her nose, she squinted her tiny eyes at the girl who stood, bewildered by the situation. “What is it again?” asked the distraught salesgirl in a grumpy tone. Bianca found this funny, but covered her laugh in a polite cough. She had been bothering her one too many times.

“Can I have the sequel to this, please?” she asked sweetly, handing the book she had just read over the counter. It fell into the salesgirl’s hands, the thick, heavy book, and with a nod of her head, she placed it next to the desktop in front of her and began typing furiously, but in a few seconds, she presented the result to Bianca, reading the shelf and row number out loud as well as writing it on a small piece of paper. Nodding eagerly, she rushed towards said shelf, passing the entrance on her way. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on that book . . . bump. The little sheet of paper flew out of her grasp and landed at the feet of a warmly dressed female who looked confusingly beautiful. The first thing that Bianca’s wide (with shock) baby-blue optics were laid on were her . . . enormous breasts. Cheeks warming up as a deep pink colored them now, Bianca dropped down to the carpeted floor to pick up the note and rose back to her feet, very quickly, as if she had been practising this action her entire life. “I’m so sorry,” she said with her eyes cast down since she could feel her face only getting redder.


NOTES (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


The pen is mightier... [Bianca] Empty Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:51 pm


WORDS: 700 | TAG: @Bianca | CLOTHES

Setting foot inside the bookshop, Alisa immediately noticed how much hotter it was inside, compared to the cold and rainy autumn air.  Her body flushed for a short while as she adapted to the warmer air, enough to start sweating slightly... Gently fanning herself, she looked around the place and allowed herself some time to adjust. She normally paid attention to the interior design before taking note of the people, in this case she'd even try to look at some of the books first, but instead, she found it completely impossible as she caught sight of a gorgeous creature. A girl capable of giving those in Blue Pegasus a run for their money and winning...

There was clearly something etheral about this young woman and it wasn't just her pointy elf-like ears. Alisa knew elves didn't really exist (not anymore at least), and just pointy ears in general wouldn't really be anything special, but on that girl it was quite literally the tip of the iceberg. Long rosy hair flowed down her body, running along her full yet no less graceful curves; topped off by a statuesque height and completing a thoroughly alluring visage. Thus, Alisa stared, nay, admired longer than would be socially acceptable, but she could certainly be excused for doing so, could she not?

Alisa aired around the entrance, flipping through some of the books while sparing no more than a fleeting glance to others, yet chief among her attention still stood the ravishing pinkette whose presence outshone anyone else in that shop, man or woman. She seemed to be asking something of the stone faced clerk who for some reason appeared completely unfazed by the girl. Talk about poor taste...

She turned back to the random book at hand, and the next time she glanced at the girl her eyes widened in poorly contained surprise; finding her looking right back! Blushing and looking away for a split second, Alisa regained her composure, or at least she tried as she looked back into this stranger's eyes with the cool elegance and welcoming smile she was so often known for. It's not every day she could marvel at another woman's shimmering eyes leveled with her own...

Then something unexpected happened: Like many before her, the pinkette's gaze were drawn down to the dark haired sculptress generous bust - wrapped in a further favorable woolen sweater - an especially flattering attention coming from such a woman. Idly folding one arm under her chest and further drawing out that asset blatantly betrayed her vanity, her appreciation towards being admired; and instead of taking the opportunity to land a playful gib like she did when people fell for the booby trap, a different sort of words came out, just as the mysterious woman rose to pick up her piece of paper:

"Here before my eyes,
Who shines brighter than angels?
A grace from the skies..."

The vain Blue Pegasus mage recited the Haiku almost abstractly- from her soul to the pinkette's ears - unable to glance away from the depths of the woman's eyes. How could one's heart remain unmoved in face of such beauty...? Defenitely not an artists... Still, this poetic moment was obviously not intentional as her blush reddened profusely the moment her sudden inspiration faded and she realized what she just said. She wasn't even a poet and she just spewed the words without filtering, though she tried hard to keep her cool facade, the way she bashfully adjusted her hair behind her ear was proof enough.

She was content with completely ignoring what she just said and pretending it didn't happen, flashing her most elegant smile, "I-It's no problem, really...!", The tall girl was not only dazzling but clearly aware of such, judging from the care put into her outfit... Ultimately there was no way Alisa could forget the thrilling sense of sudden artistic trance she'd felt just from the woman's company, and readily pointed towards the note in hand, "...That's the name a good book, I take it?"

Who knew, maybe they'd turn out to have similar tastes in literature... And hopefully she wouldn't be turned off by that little poem...

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The pen is mightier... [Bianca] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#4Bianca Fleur † 

The pen is mightier... [Bianca] Empty Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:05 pm

Bianca Fleur †

Bianca was completely bemused by the reaction of the stranger whose beauty she could not cease to admire. It was a poem, a haiku, she already noticed by the way she recited it. “I-I’m impressed. Did you practise it or did it come naturally? If it is the latter then I am thoroughly impressed,” she stammered. There was no denying that Bianca had turned into a nervous wreck, since she began folding the note over and over again until it was too small for her to hold and fell out of her hands again. This time she didn’t bother picking it up since she had memorized the shelf number and the name of the book. “Yes, it is. I just finished reading the first book of the series and now I’m about to find the second one.” She was still stuttering. “Do you want to help me find it? The shelf I mean . . .” The stranger probably though Bianca was weird and couldn’t speak without stuttering. Averting her gaze to anywhere but the unfamiliar person’s breasts, she waited a few seconds before heading to the shelf. If the girl was interested in the book, then she would come with her and the following events would occur.

“My name is Bianca,” she said awkwardly just to break the frightening silence between them. That was always a good way to start a conversation. Azure hues flitted from one orientation to another in her range of sight as she searched for the book. Feeling the hard spines of the neatly arranged novels, a pallid hand rested on the spine of one particular book. “Found it,” said the pinkette in triumph, the first time she didn’t stutter, then immediately blushed in embarrassment of her enthusiasm. Honestly she didn’t want her new friend to find out that she was an avid reader just yet, because most people instantly thought of you as a dweeb. But of course that was just the tip of the iceberg. It was better than finding out that she was a homicidal psychopath at certain times. Bianca was grateful these phases just didn’t break out wherever. They at least happened when she could expect them, but it was still bad. Something she wished she could prevent. Picking out the book, Bianca marvelled at the cover art — which was beautifully drawn. The letters were embossed in the old English font that gave a very medieval feel to it. “I don’t think you’ve read this before . . . i-it’s one of those amazing books that aren’t talked about a lot, you know?”


NOTES (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


The pen is mightier... [Bianca] Empty Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:39 pm


WORDS: 657 | TAG: @Bianca | CLOTHES

"O-of course not!", at the mention of her poem the red in her cheeks came back in full, and the pinkette would soon find she wasn't the only one fumbling over her own words. Alisa actually frowned with a very serious look that probably seemed more bashfully cute than anything else: "O-otherwise it would have b-been much be- Oh...", until the compliment from such a gorgeous young woman quickly mellowed out any reservations she might have had with the improv, making her blush an even deeper shade, "T-thanks... I'm really glad you liked it...", Alisa looked back into the deep ocean blue of the girl's eyes with a demure but genuinely overjoyed expression.

Alisa slowly regained her cool as she heard the beauty explain how it was the sequel of the novel she just written. Call her shallow, call her whatever, but in no small part thanks to her dazzling appearance, Alisa assumed the girl had to have good taste: If she was looking for it, the book had to be good. For that reason but mainly just so she could spend some more time with her, Alisa jumped at the chance to help her look for it, reaching both hands over her chest and nodding merrily, "Yes, that would be lovely~", Alisa slowly regained her composure, but never to the point where she just acted as aloof and nonchalant as her usual self. In her eyes, she was standing before a muse.

With this, the two went walked through the shelves, with Alisa obviously noticing how the other girl was stammering, but too preoccupied as she was with how uncool she must have looked, Alisa didn't really judge her for it, let alone point it out. She just came off as shy, despite a keen fashion sense and a beauty to start a war over. She did however, grew a little restless after they walked past a few of the shelves and the silence went on. Why was this happening? "Come on, say something!", she thought to herself, gulping and frustrated at her own difficulty, an alien feeling for the normally prodigal artist.

Fortunately the woman came to her rescue simply by saying her name, Bianca, meaning white. The color of purity - same as her skin - thoroughly befitting of such a woman, "That's a beautiful name, Bianca.", she complimented, now acting just a bit more like herself, "I'm Alisa. Pleasure to meet you."

Soon they found the book she was looking for, something that visibly boosted her own confidence too, at the same time as Alisa's wine red eyes eyes lit up when she caught the name of the writer. So Bianca had the grace of a goddess and the literary taste to match? Seemed too good to be true, "Ah yes, Im familiar with some of his work!", but then the pinkette quickly guessed the catch.

Nodding negatively, Alisa confirmed Bianca's suspicions, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear, the same flustered gesture the pinkette beauty might pick up on, "But no... I haven't read that one, n-not yet...", she admitted, looking away demurely. Lowering her hand to her clavicle and once more looking at her muse in eyes, "What can you tell me about it...? You know, without spoiling too much~", she mustered the confidence for a little lighthearted chuckle, yearning to see Bianca step into her comfort zone a bit more.

With this, she'd move a bit closer to the girl, leaning in slightly to get a closer look at the book if she opened it...

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The pen is mightier... [Bianca] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#6Bianca Fleur † 

The pen is mightier... [Bianca] Empty Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:01 pm

Bianca Fleur †

The behavior of the dark-haired woman only made Bianca a few hundred times more nervous, but you could say she succeeded in keeping this unnoticed, or so she thought. She was shy, just like her, which gave her a hint of confidence in what she was saying and doing. “Alisa is quite a beautiful name as well,” she smiled genuinely, making sure she remembered that name, because she usually didn’t remember strangers’ names. It was a surprise when Alisa revealed that she was familiar with the author’s works. “Oh, that’s nice.” The smile on her face stretched further in pleasant surprise. That clearly meant Alisa was interested in reading, to be familiar with the works of someone whose works were incredibly brilliant, yet barely known for them. “I’m quite amazed, because this is the first book I’ve read by him,” she said with a slight chuckle. Correction, this probably meant she was more into literature than Bianca herself. Impressive. This gave her more reason to blush the hell out of her cheeks.

Skimming over the blurb on the back cover, she could already tell it was going to be another great read. “Well, it’s as mystery and I don’t want to accidentally spoil it for you. Plus I’m not sure you dig this kind of stuff because it’s about a child. The number of people she’s killed is more than the number of years she’s been alive.” Her smile never left her face, and the perfect time for Alisa to realise that Bianca wasn’t very ‘okay’ in the head and panic would be now, unless she understood and accepted this. As Alisa leaned over to take a peek at the book, the slayer just held it flipped to a random page. A tingly sensation erupted all over her skin as she felt the most nervous she had ever been in a while. “U-um . . . I’ve never read with someone else before,” she began, and immediately thought it was a bad idea to speak. “I mean, I’m really hungry right now, we should grab some coffee, what do you think?” was the best thing she could come up with. There was a nice coffee place right next door, and it was raining — the perfect weather to get in a snug sweater and dig into a great book with a warm cup of coffee. But she wasn’t home, so she would have to make do with what was available.


NOTES sorry for the long wait (╥_╥)


The pen is mightier... [Bianca] Empty Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:02 pm


WORDS: 548 | TAG: @Bianca | CLOTHES

 Alisa visibly blushed at the compliment, "Thank you", actually cocking her head down for a split second, but looked visibly surprised when the girl said this was actually the first book she'd read by this author. Finding the other girl was also a bit shy about it (though Alisa didn't know the exact reason why) seemingly put her more at ease with her own reaction, and before long both of them truly seemed like they'd found their comfort zone: There she was, her interest split between Bianca's book and the girl herself, gazing and marveling into her deep blue eyes.

True to the killer she had once been, Alisa thoroughly related to this story, nodding as Bianca explained and not really looking the least bit disturbed, "Its to be expected... After reading some of his works i find he must be a man vividly acquainted with the darkness in this world.", she looked a bit closer at the book as the girl opened it, not really realizing she was gradually scooting closer to Bianca. Alisa herself was used to such and didn't really notice, but this approach steadily pushed her cushiony chest against the pinkette's arm, something which she might very well pick up on.

"Not every writer can realistically try and get inside the mind of a killer like him...", smiling elegantly at the other girl after skimming some of the words on paper, she shared her impressions on the past books she read, "Makes you wonder what kind of person he is.". This last comment was uttered with a certain fascination in her eyes as she looked at Bianca, a subconscious choice of words that might speak volumes if the girl picked up on it. Alisa herself certainly did the moment she said it, flushing profusely as she turned back down to the book itself and skimming some more.

Of course, no way she'd tell Bianca something so disturbing, but neither did she look bothered by the pinkette's fascination for it. She wasn't even the only one to have that tingly feeling in her skin, Alisa felt it too though likely neither would be aware of the other's echo. She was content to be close to someone like her, a girl whose radiant visage, melodic voice and even radiant scent throroughly elated and exhilarated her.

And at times even amused her, it seemed.

Alisa let out a playful, rather girlish giggle at her last comment, wondering how curious it was to get hungry just from reading, "I haven't either but...", she blushed and cocked her her head down slightly, "I'm rather enjoying it too...", she confessed, before taking the cue to change the subject, "And sure, let's~ There's a café right across the street."
With this, the reading session came to a temporary close and Alisa finally pulled away from her a bit, now only waiting for her put the book away or buy it so they could get run across the street without getting too soaked...

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The pen is mightier... [Bianca] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#8Bianca Fleur † 

The pen is mightier... [Bianca] Empty Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:19 pm

Bianca Fleur †

Speaking of being acquainted with the dark world . . . Bianca shot a subtly suspicious look at the girl, immediately returning her gaze to the book afterwards. It came to her attention that Alisa was slowly getting nearer and nearer to her, which would have been a sign of danger if she didn’t feel so comfortable around her. At the exact moment she shifted in her position as well, something rubbed against her arm which made her face burn like the Sun was in her head. She had never been this close to anyone in her life before, at least not for this long without doing anything out of the ordinary. Nothing like discussing about a book and its author in a quiet library. If she wasn’t a polite, well-mannered young lady, she might have asked Alisa to give her some space to breathe since she was definitely having a hard time keeping up with her respiratory system.

“Makes you wonder what kind of a person he is.”

Another strange thought crossed her mind, but this time she didn’t turn to look at Alisa. A tense silence fell upon them once again, which Bianca couldn’t figure how to break. Maybe she should just laugh? That was probably the stupidest idea ever. Casting her trembling optics downwards as she hoped for something to break the silence, playbacks of her most dreadful night flashing in her eyes. It wasn’t something she could forget easily, and every time someone said something remotely related to it, she would begin reminiscing about it, like a recurring nightmare, but it wasn’t a nightmare; it was reality and people had seen what she could do. She didn’t want to hurt more people without reason, but something was driving her to.

A muted thud resonated through the narrow space between the shelves as the book in her hands fell to the carpeted floor. “No,” she mumbled, startled by her own hostile voice. “Just forget we ever met . . .” she spoke in a harsh tone, “. . . just keep reading.” And the award for saying all the wrong things at the wrong times goes to . . . you know who. Without further ado, the pinkette hurriedly strode out of the bookstore, remembering the scent of the girl, and her pretty face. She would go as far away from the bookstore as she possible.

- exit -

NOTES sorry for the long wait (╥_╥)


The pen is mightier... [Bianca] Empty Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:00 am


WORDS: 309 | TAG: @Bianca | CLOTHES

 Everything was going well, or so Alisa thought, with them getting ready to leave the bookstore and head . Indeed in her desire to get closer look at the book she'd been gradually scooting closer than she normally might. Other than the growing redness in her cheeks she seemed mostly alright with that and didn't really point it out to the sculptress who for the most part remained oblivious.

But then something changed.

Alisa could hardly tell what triggered it as her words seemed mostly inoccuous - she might have avoided them otherwise, or at least tried to - but from this close she could see it on her face as the previously bashful, almost innocent antsiness turned into something else entirely. Finally seeing her discomfort, Alisa noticed just how close she was hanging and gave the girl some space, but it was too late. She wouldn't even have time to apologize as her next words hit harder than a blow to the stomach: Bianca not only turned down her own invitation to go out to eat, but stormed off without warning, "W-wait...!", but it was too late. She watched the girl leave with a saddened longing, muttering to herself the words the girl could no longer hear, "...There's no way I can do that...", before being left alone with just a book and the painful sting of rejection.

Yet now more than ever her curiosity towards the mysterious beauty only swelled further as there was clearly more to her than met the eye. She would probably never see her again and this intrigue would never see fruition... Yet the memories of their encounter would linger for years to come, for the artist could never forget a muse. She would buy the book for later and go elsewhere...


Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The pen is mightier... [Bianca] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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