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Miharu Suzuki

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#1Miharu Suzuki 

Miharu Suzuki Empty Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:33 pm

Miharu Suzuki


Name: Miharu Suzuki

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Class: Beastmaster

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: left shoulder, black
Face: Re-L Mayer


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 60 kg

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Overall: Miharu is a stunning individual with pale almost glowing skin with midnight black hair with an imposing strong presences. She's almost animal like in character and her soft calming voice seems to set all fears at rest, Like a predator enticing their prey.

Miharu generally wears dark clothes, which consist of black boots, and burgundy jeggings. A tucked in tank top, underneath a button up long sleeve top, that just covers her rear. Its collar goes right up to her neck and she has a blue stone pendant pined at her collar. A black belt goes across her hips diagonally and holds her water bottle which she keeps with her at all times. She has a dark burgundy vest coat over top and finery she has a knee length trench coat in black with a fur edged hood which she favors quite a bit

Extra: A scare on the left thigh from an old arrow wound. Medium size burn mark on right side of hip.


Personality: Miharu is quiet and keeps to herself, but if poked the wrong way she has a tendency of losing her temper. When this happens she has a bad habit of using an excessive amount of energy to get rid of the offending problem in her way. Miharu gets misunderstood often and her shyness tends make people think that she is self-observed or up tight. She notices how people reacts to her and tries to separate herself from others, but even so she still gets lonely often and gets depressed whenever she see's people cringe away from her (especially children,which are her weakness). She normally gets angry and hurt by it and hides herself away to release some steam by training to exertion. In battle Miharu has animal like characteristics as she goes back to her instinct and trust her gut.


  • Food: Miharu not necessarily likes food she's more like obsessed by it. Because she had to look after herself since a young age, food had always been an important element of her life. She can't help but gobble down any food found or given to her.  
  • Animals: She respects and loves animals and hates how people sometimes mistreats them or think them as lower as themselves. She can't help but see other animals like Daichi her companion and best friend. In some ways animals reminders her of herself in the past as a where life was always a battle of survival. She bonds with animals easily because she feels that just like her, animals get misunderstood frequently.
  • Small things: Anything! To cute toys,to small children! (which she refer to as 'tiny people'). They always seem to remind her of when Daichi was a baby and she simple can't help but wont to cuddle and snuggle with the poor thing that has cached her eye.


  • Alarms: Miharu has traveled around quit a bit so she has slept in an inn before. In one particular one there was an alarm clock that she accidentally turned on. The previous attendant must of needed to get up early because Miharu woke at three in the morning with the horrifying noise of the alarm. Poor Miharu didn't have a clue how to turn it off so you can only image what she was like. (Lets just say that she had to leave in a hurry before the owner discovered their broken clock.)
  • Shellfish and Squads:Even though Miharu loves food she find that she doesn't like shellfish and some squads. She feels as if it taste rubbery and she can't help but think she is eating a slug.That doesn't stop her in trying it though.
  • "The give-uppers": She calls them "The give-uppers". Essentially its a person that gives up on something too early. She has struggled ten years of her life to survive so she dislike it when someone gives up on something so quickly or easily. She never has, and never will, understand how some people can give up with out even trying before hand. Oftentimes she would go out of character and present herself to that person and tell them off for being a "Give-upper".


  • Survival and Revenge: Survive so that she can take another step, breath another breath and maybe find who killed her parents. She dose not know what she would do after she finds who ever killed them but she certainly wish to find out.
  • Food: If food is the prize then that's all the motivation she needs.


  • The dark: Miharu has a strong fear of the dark. Which closely relates to her fear of not being able to see things. Miharu starts think that there is something in front of her or behind her if she is placed in a situation where she is surrounded by darkness. Night time is a constant battle with her and in many cases she gets a lack of sleep because of this fear.
  • Anything that is not visible to her eyes: Miharu can't handle not know what's around her. Her paranoia kicks in and she scares her own self. For example, if she was submerged into dark murky water she would start getting paranoid that something is under the water and would eventually freak out and get out of the water as quickly as possible.
  • Not being able to help or save someone: Being helpless tortures Miharu, she hates and fears times when there is simple nothing she can do but wait for the verdict.


Magic Name: Water bending
Magic Element: Water

Magic Description:
The user can manipulate water as long as they have a source of some kind, such as a river or even a bottle of water. Depending on how the user manipulates the water an edge can be formed and course more damage but Miharu is still learning, therefore she can only use blunt force. Beginners like Miharu use hand movement to control this magic be advanced uses can control it with their minds alone. Over time and experience the magic could be used for a variety of different things and situations. Unfortunately Miharu only knows how to use her water bending for offensive and defensive costing x2 and x3 respectively as a Beastmaster


Miharu lost her parents to murder at the age of 7 and often gets nightmares of that time. She was sent to an orphanage but because of her shyness she was often misunderstood by the other children and caretakers as self-absorbed (some people even believed that she did not care for the death of her parents or that she was actually the one that killed them). Oftentimes she was blamed for things like a broken glass, graffiti or any other misgivings that others did. Didn't help how Miharu temper often lead her in being in trouble even when it was obvious that she was provoked. On occasion the other orphan children stole her food so she had to roam the streets as a street rat for food.

It was only natural for Miharu to spend most of her time with animals. One in particular was Daichi, who was abandoned by his family, she would bring food to him often and play chase and other simple games in the overgrown forest nearby. As she grow so did Daichi and soon his presence became noticeable in the forest. The local villages set out to kill Daichi in fear that he may one day attack the village. Upon hearing this Miharu rushed to go find him and they both ran away with each other.

She knew that, that village was very cut off from the world because of merchants and travelers that have stop by. She had heard that there were places where Daichi could walk freely with her as her companion. She wish to go to those places desperately, but at the time the main course of action for Daichi and her was survival. With Miharu only twelve at the time she relied on Daichi in their travels, teaching her how to live in the wilds.

Unfortunately two years later a hush winter struck with blizzards and never ending snow. Daichi and Miharu had to stay in their den for safety reason and there food supplies became low. Whenever they did adventure out it was rare to find anything let alone anything that would with stain them both. At one time there were forced to stay in the den until food supplies were completely gone. Daichi was also injured at that time as well from a severe fall that coursed a deep wound on his side. It had gotten infected and because of Daichi's weaken state he was unable to fight it off. Miharu had become desperate and made a dissension that changed her wild ways.

She left Daichi to seek help at a nearby shrine. She knew that there was an old shrine maiden that live there and had seen her once tend to a fox wound. She hobbled through the snow to the old lady's shrine and eventually fumbled with some words and then dragged her to where he was. The shrine maiden name was Marian and she soon realised the situations and took both Daichi and Miharu in. Daichi and Miharu end up staying with Marian and learned some simple magic. Unfortunately Marian passed away and, at the age of seventeen, Daichi and Miharu left to continue their travels.

#2Rowan Vincent 

Miharu Suzuki Empty Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:22 pm

Rowan Vincent
Congratulations, this application has been approved.

Miharu Suzuki KvtGhgg

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