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Prolaterian Shopping [Yumi | Solo]

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Prolaterian Shopping [Yumi | Solo] Empty Fri Dec 02, 2016 1:31 am

Yumi rolled a chocolate flavoured lollipop across her tongue, sucking on the sugary treat allowing it to enter into her system as she enjoyed the taste. One of the few things left she could enjoy with her old age, seeing as she could no longer enjoy her beauty now she only had two things in her life that mattered her sweets and her lord Khorne. The old woman bit down hard on the lollipop shattering in her mouth. She chewed on the pieces devouring them before tossing the plastic stick in a nearby bin. The old woman reached into a bag she was carrying with her and removed a brown plastic bag and opened the end. She raised it to her lips and allowed a number of small round spherical pieces of milk chocolate coated in a coloured shell of various colours red, blue, green, yellow and blue to fall into her mouth each with a 'W' on the front and back of the shell.

Yumi chewed on the chocolate treat as she looked down at the job request in her free hand, her left. She raised the paper to eye level and began reading it while eating her chocolate treat. The client was the street urchin she had accosted the other day, Jerr. Apparently the orphan had obtained enough jewels to make a request, what for it did not say only that he wanted someone to steal something. Whatever it was the old woman did not care, as long as she got paid that's all that mattered. The old woman finished off the chocolate candies and discarded the packet in a nearby bin. At the same time her familiar Venom floated on down and landed on her right shoulder.

Yumi removed a bag filled of strange lollies shaped like red frogs. She pulled one out and tossed it to Venom who plucked it out of mid-air. She placed a frog in her own mouth and began to eat as she travelled to the destination, an alley way just off the main street of oak. Yumi approached the dark alley, keeping her guard up, even if it was only a D rank one never knew what could happen. Her eyes landed on Jerr sitting atop a trash can tossing a coin up into the air. The boy turned to face her, eyes widened and the coin hit the ground. Fear formed in his eyes at the sight of the old woman who had knocked him about just yesterday.

Yumi rolled her eyes and spoke in a blank tone, "I don't care what relation we have, just tell me what you want done so I can get paid." Demanded the old woman showing she was all business. Jerr gulped as she stood straight in front of the dangerous woman, "I want you to go rob a grocery store for me and my friends, I will pay you to get us enough food to survive us a week." spoke the young boy, his voice quivering as he looked up at the old woman, though she was short she was still taller than him and much stronger.

Yumi snorted in mild amusement, "Very well. Wait here for my return." Her waraji shuffled on the stone floor as she turned and walked away, deciding she would target the first shop she saw. Stepping out of the alley way she turned her head to the left and started looking for a perfect target, ten metres from her location directly across the street was a small store with two clerks inside and five shoppers shopping for their daily groceries. Yumi began to approach it, they would make excellent victims to sacrifice to Khorne. The kid did not say she couldn't kill and she so needed to sacrifice in the name of her God, she had been quite lack as of late. It was the middle of a working day so there wasn't that many witnesses around either, even if there were she would just kill them to make sure word didn't get out, after all as a member of Grimoire Heart she was required to keep a low profile.

Yumi approached the store, giving a single look to her familiar. Venom floated off her shoulder and hovered in front of the store, to scare anyone away from the scene of the crime. Yumi walked on through the door and surveyed her target's five. Yumi cracked her knuckles and began to roll her shoulders getting the stiffness out of her joints. The old woman's action drew the attention of the first shop clerk but before he could react the old woman had already crossed the two metre distance, flexing her wrist and muscles along the way allowing mana to flood through her entire body, as mana erupted from her body in the form of black flames.

Yumi reached out grabbing the man by the face with the palm of her right hand, her bag of sweets long since fallen to the floor. Yumi slammed the back of the clerks head into the counter bench behind him with enough force to break it and the back of his skull open. Blood pooled out as she grabbed him by the throat. She twisted on a heel as the second clerk began to part her lips to scream. Yumi then tossed the first clerk in the direction of the second making them collide and knock the woman back into a wall. Yumi closed the distance, her fist connecting with the woman's throat making her cough and splatter, before Yumi grabbed the side of the clerks head with both hands and shoved her thumbs into the woman's eyes gauging them out. By this time the three shoppers had noticed and screamed attempting to run.

Yumi spun in their direction dropping the bleeding and crying female clerk to the floor. Yumi's eyes caught sight of a pencil on a counter bench and she grabbed it. She twirled the pencil and threw it like a knife. The pencil pierced into the jugular of the first shopper knocking him to the ground causing the other two to step back screaming as blood sprayed out through the air.

Yumi licked her lips eyes beginning to glow as power flooded through her body. Yumi kicked off the ground with her right foot, magic shooting out behind her as her body as propelled towards the two remaining shoppers. Appearing before the two females, a mother and her young daughter, Yumi reached out with her left hand grabbing the mother by the throat and lifted her up off the ground, applying pressure to the woman's trachea making her gurgle. Yumi then proceeded to snap the mother's neck and discarded the body. Her attention turned to the crying daughter who had fallen to her knees at the sight of her mother's corpse. Yumi raised a single hand, her palm open as magic compressed into her fingers. She then performed a palm thrust firing a vacuum shell of compressed mana that struck the girl's head with enough force to snap her head back and break her neck.

Yumi turned to the barely alive shop clerks and approached, stepping down on both their necks snapping them with a twist of her foot. With the clerks dead she grabbed a kitchen knife from one of the isles and proceeded to decapitate all five heads and shoved each into a brown gag, followed by putting all in a large black garbage back she found. Yumi then grabbed a second black back and proceeded to raid the shops shelves throwing as much food as she could in. She tied the bag and threw both over her shoulder, making sure to grab her sweets on the way out.

Yumi checked the streets making sure no one was around before she moved to the alley way with Jerr. She approached the boy, blood staining her kimono freaked the boy out, but she ignored it as she tossed the food in front of him, "Money Now!" demanded the old woman. Jerr gulped and quickly extracted the jewels and handed them to her.

Yumi snatched the jewels, as Venom rejoined her. Turning on her heels she left, she needed to drain the blood and flesh from the heads of her victims so she could add their skulls to her throne.


WC: 1392 / 1000

Accompanied by Companion Venom


Prolaterian Shopping [Yumi | Solo] FIXCi2K
Character Profile | Character Sheet | Speech colour #ff0099

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