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A Unique Exhibition [Bianca]

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#1Odin † 

A Unique Exhibition [Bianca] Empty Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:51 am

Odin †

The famous Majura Gallery, a place Odin had never actually visited, and yet it was a place full of many different sthings, and many different kinds of people. An art gallery, housing some paintings and sculptures from all around Fiore, not that Odin was much of an artist, or an art connoisseur for that matter, but the young dark mage figured he might as well visit the place since it held such great renown, being one of the 'places to be' in Fiore, which was certainly ironic as it was in quite possibly one of the most dangerous towns in all of Fiore, thanks to the Phantom Lord dark guild, the group of barbarians that all simply caused destruction without finesse or thought. That's what made Grimoire Heart so different, along with the fact that they were obviously not known to the public to begin with, they possessed some degree of control, something Phantom Lord seemed to be lacking in somewhat.

As Odin sat at one of the nearby tables, a table for two that the young mage was the only one at, sipping on the glass of champagne he had purchased, he watched the the people in the gallery, rolling his eyes at the amount of couples that were acting cute, or trying their best too. Romance had never been on of the things that Odin had understood, but these chlidish acts of romance and love, like kisses out of nowhere and holding hands, what was the point of it all? Wasn't a partner just someone you'd rather didn't die more than others?

#2Bianca Fleur † 

A Unique Exhibition [Bianca] Empty Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:32 am

Bianca Fleur †
Bianca decided to take a break from all the work that she was doing and just chill at the Majura Gallery that was owned by one of her guildmates Geb Majura. Although she wasn’t very close to him, she knew this because it was a pretty popular place in Oak Town, so people talked about it often. She had been here a lot of times so the art pieces that were being exhibited weren’t too new to her. Sitting at one of the tables with a warm cup of coffee, Bianca just sat and observed the guests who came, most of them being couples, surprisingly. She didn’t have a partner but if she did, she definitely wasn’t going to come to an art gallery to spend their time.

The idea of having a partner made her cheeks warm up and glow a light shade of pink. ‘What am I thinking?’ she thought to herself with a barely audible chuckle at herself. Bianca noticed that more people were entering the gallery and they were slowly taking up the tables. She felt kind of bad sitting at a table for two alone, but there weren’t any tables for one. Eventually all the tables were full, and the only chairs that were empty were the other chair at her table and the one at the table directly in front of her. She looked up to see a man wearing spectacles sitting at said table with a glass of champagne all on his own, then averted her gaze to her right. There was a couple standing at the counter nervously looking around for a table, it seemed.

Since she was feeling nice today, Bianca stood from her chair, holding her coffee cup and walking over to the only other table with an empty chair. Avoiding eye contact with the stranger, she situated herself in the seat opposite to him and placed her cup on the table. Once she felt comfy, Bianca raised her line of sight to meet his, giving him a smile. “I hope you don’t mind my company,” she said and then turned back to see that the couple had occupied the table that she was previously sitting at. This made her feel happy in a way. See, she was not all that bad.

#3Odin † 

A Unique Exhibition [Bianca] Empty Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:15 am

Odin †

While looking around the art gallery, Odin noticed that most of the people there were rather plain looking. It was always a strange coincidence, mages were normally the one's that looked out of place in a normal crowd. Like Odin himself for example, a man with spectacles -okay they weren't that strange but they made an impact-, red eyes (which not many people actually noticed unless they stopped to look at him), and his green hair, that occasionally had a white streak through it, making it strange if someone saw him with and then without it, or vice versa. The white streak only appeared when Lucifer had been released and then sealed once more, a tell tale sign that Odin had used his magic. However, there were obvious parts of Odin that no one saw, as they were more than simply being magical. Under the cloak he wore, and under the jacket that covered his upper body was his green, broken skin, a result of Lucifer's bonding to the young mage when he was eight years old. His face was okay, as was the majority of his arms, but beyond that everything else was hidden to its strange nature, something the local populace wouldn't understand.

But it seemed he wasn't the only interesting person in this gallery, as a woman with bright pink hair sat on the other seat across from the dark mage, having given up her previous seat at a table like Odin's to allow a couple to take the table, a kind gesture that Odin wouldn't have done himself, more due to being comfortable where he was more than anything else. Looking at the girl, who asked if Odin minded her presence, she looked like an elven princess out of a story book: tall, beautiful and well proportioned, not that the Grimiore mage cared about any of that, but it was worth noting, as she sat with a warm cup of something on her side of the table, while Odin sat his glass of champagne down on the table.

"Has anyone ever actually said yes to that? And, realistically, does my answer really matter? It's not like you'll find another seat anywhere."

#4Odin † 

A Unique Exhibition [Bianca] Empty Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:56 pm

Odin †

To answer his question, the pink haired elvish looking girl before Odin said nothing, and didn't move at all, having simply sat down and drank her tea or coffee or whatever it was. Offering company and then doing nothing with it just ruined Odin's mood. He bowed his head out of politeness, and partly due to the fact that he was still in a public place, Odin finished his own glass of champagne, and decided to look once more upon the paintings and sculptures. This took his a lot longer than he thought, and he left the gallery as it was closing, his mind lost in the emotions and thoughts that each masterpiece had evoked from the young mage. Shrugging his shoulders and the strange day, Odin decided to just go back to his rented room at an inn and sleep. He was going to need to be at his best soon, so sleep was necessary.


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