She wanted to know more about Konstantin, she never actually was so curious about someone's personality as well as history or anything else. Not counting Selena but that wasn't fair because of the fact that she was family and the only one with the answers about her family. She was wondering about what to either tell him or ask him. She didn't want to complain too much about herself and her amnesia, it did form her but it shouldn't have that much power over her even though she carried a constant reminder, her diary.
The silence between them wasn't annoying, it was even considered pleasant as she would just enjoy the company at this table and enjoy the wine before they would leave.
Alice talked softly to Ophelia that they would go for a walk just as if she was a little child, she didn't really care about other people their opinion about her way to handle the Cleffa although she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Konstantin, "So what's your favourite place here in Era?" Finally she figured out something to say but it felt still a bit unnecessary to ask this question. It didn't really tell much about him. She followed him to waking up his Blitzle, she stayed a little away from the two of them but it was more because the creature was asleep and she didn't want to be face first there. She bit her lip to not laugh too loud about the weaking up of the blitzle and the enthusiasm he seemed to have for his owner. She liked to see that, it meant he was close to Konstantin and she hoped it was comparable between her and her Cleffa.
She was again looking over her shoulder before she heard Konstantin call out to let's go. Which meant she had to run because he and Blitzle went off. She couldn't help but giggle shortly about the idea and shake her head. She held on to the straps of her backpack to make sure Ophelia wasn't swinging from left to right, but the Cleffa seemed to be content about the whole affair as she started to make singing noises.
As soon as Alice came outside, she noticed that most of the fog was gone, some small tatters of fog, small enough to see the streets, some part of the stars since it wasn't that cloudy. Most of the people from the festival now sat down and were probably too drunk or too socializing to roam the streets to much and actually annoy her. Alice wasn't really fond of crowds but because of the lights, the quite many people it was only till later that she realized that she wasn't wearing a jacket.