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Gaseous Endeavor[Training][Ace]

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#1Ace Brookes 

Gaseous Endeavor[Training][Ace] Empty Sun May 21, 2017 8:22 am

Ace Brookes

The young afroed mage had no clue how he was still running. It had been a very long jog for the little gas mage and his orange furred growlithe.

Almost one month of constant training and conditioning has definitely boosted the boy's strength. He dedicated the majority of his past time striving to push his abilities to the next level. He brought out the old hefty books on the delirious gas magic and dabbled with the gases to shape new spells. This magic only taught him base spells to use his gases, after which he would have to formulate his own version of the spell and use the gases to his benefit according to the rules he'd set out when creating the spell. It doesn't sound like an easy form of magic to master to an outsider looking in, and unfortunately it wasn't. The young dark skinned boy enjoyed the challenge. Taming all these gases and learning each of their unique abilities and how he can actually form them in his fragile structure. It was all one big cluster of knowledge in its own area. The gas mage managed to shape two new spells. He had them written down as ideas on his pad. Nothing but mere sketches of what he'd already visualized in his head. It was on him to carry out the rest of the calculations and bring these spells to life. One of the gases was completely new to him. Krypton wasn't one of the gases he's ever wielded before so this was bound to be an exciting adventure for the young mage. The other gas was one he's collectively utilized with a bunch of other gases. An abundant gas known as methane. It was present all around the environment. When Ace used this gas it was back when he got his Gravity Bender spell in which he utilizes a mix of abundant gases to lift and push him onto a surface. It was one of the gases that basically helped him walk on walls, trees, structures, ceilings, or anything where the gas was actually able to push him on. As for now though, the gas mage was prepping for his training. He had to be in tip top shape for his spell development session.

Ace and Anax were working on their stamina with a regular jog around magnolia. The afroed boy slowed down to look at his trailing partner. He peeked over his right shoulder and saw the young growlithe struggling to keep up. Anax was faster than Ace by nature, but it seemed as though his stamina stood in the way at times. However that still didn't seem to hold him back from running the full course with Ace. Anax was pushing himself as hard as ever with all this training. A month worth of requests, spell training, endurance training, and conditioning routines. The orange furred growlithe was definitely putting in the work necessary.

"Come on Anax..."

He said out with a shaky voice as he continued jogging with his head hanging back, looking at his pet growlithe. The tribal king, Anax, pushed himself to try and cover the gap between him and Ace. He clearly struggled to keep up, but then again Ace was barely able to feel his own feet, he was just good at hiding the pain under his emotionless face. The moment his partner caught back up to his speed, Ace pulled back again and pushed himself to bring himself back to the pace he was at. Barely able to feel his numb legs stomping against the rocky texture of Magnolia's South Gate Park.

A solid ten minutes later the gas mage stopped nearby a bench. That was it for the jog. Ace walked towards the bench slowly while trying to catch his breath. Too tired to even sit on the bench, the afroed boy dropped down to the ground and laid down flat on his back. His partner stopped in his tracks and smashed down on the ground as well. Nothing else but the light breeze of the wind and the loud panting of the boys could be heard. Laying just inches away from the wooden bench. The gas mage's eyes shut for a quick second as he took a deep breath. His eyes darted back up at the cloud patched sky as he said "Well come on Anax, that's our break. We'll have to work on these spells now." He pushed himself back up to his feet and helped his partner up. They slowly strolled through the park in search of a spot to sit. Ace still had to finalize his scheme for the spells before trying to run them. Well he wasn't sure yet. He might only get one spell done today, but his aim was to try and shoot both of them in one training session. It has been a stressful week but no one ever said it was going to be an easy path to greatness. The young mage was motivated by many factors with the most recent one being the request he did for a captain in the knights, Captain Devon. Ace felt himself grow through the routine of requests slowly.

Finally after a bit of walking around the two settled down in an open space where the grass was neat and trimmed. It was a good place for Ace to get his spells made up and then actually tested out without getting in anyone's way. The gas mage started with his new gas, krypton. He brought out the heavy book on delirious gas magic and flicked a couple hundred pages through to get to the chapter he wanted. It was titled 'Stream Manipulation'. Ace wanted to run a spell around the idea of a swerving stream, where he was able to swing the stream of gas willingly around the battlegrounds in hopes of reaching either multiple targets or just surprising his opponents with a sharp bend of the spell. He went with a krypton based stream manipulation spell for a few reasons. One of them being that krypton was a 'light gas' according to the book. That mainly meant that krypton acted quick. It was a quick swift gas to manipulate; not that Ace would know any of this yet. He was about to find out just how swift the gas' movement was.

This spell was going to be at Ace's current maximum cap of strength. According to the calculation he went with, it was about to consume loads of mana from the young mage. He had a ballpark figure but wasn't entirely sure how much it would take from his mana pool. Again, it was meant to be a challenge for him to formulate a spell like this. The level of spell was going to be of a higher order than what he was generally used to. His aim was to get the spell to break through wood fairly easily. That was in hopes of forcing the spell to cause fractures to human bones. It was only a plan at the moment and Ace was still working on it.

He lifted his chin up lightly and looked for his partner. The young growlithe wasn't fond of the calculations and so drifted off as he strolled joyfully around the park. He would usually be way more active than this, but the training sure did wreck the young canine. Anyway, he was bound to come back when Ace started the physical part of his training.

Before Ace got up to start on his first idea, he thought it would be best to get the other one fully shaped as well. So he turned the page and left the label at the top till the end. He still had to name his spells, but that wasn't the time for it yet, so he got started on the methane based spell by flipping through the pages towards the start of the book to get to the abundant gases section. He read up on the methane for a bit before knowing exactly how he wanted to cast the spell. Both the spells he was working on today were going to be offensive spells. He flicked through the pages again and went to a chapter titled 'Shaping' towards the start of the book again. It was one of the more basic chapters that he should already know everything about with the level he's at, but this magic was different to others in the sense that it constantly gave new rules according to the gas being used, so the user always needed to refer back to the basics for a foundation on the newly developed spell. Ace wanted to use his pet's magic to his own benefit by using methane, a highly flammable gas, and shooting a cloud of it towards his target, that was when his partner would come in to ignite the gas. A cloud of flames would then erupt under the area of the spell. Ace figured this would utilize both his and Anax's magic and cause increased damage using both of their spells.

Ace stood up and figured he'd go for the first spell first since his partner wasn't back yet. After a couple attempts of him forming thin layers of krypton around his hands, Ace tried shooting the condensed layer out in the form of a stream towards a thick trunk. It took him a while to get used to how the gas felt on him, but it was nothing very weird that he couldn't deal with. He also managed to practice the shape of his other spell. He did get the shape of the cloud fairly simply and it seemed to cover a suitable area for the amount of mana he used to cast it. A few attempts later, his partner, Anax, showed up again. He came dashing towards his afroed friend, bursting with energy, unlike when he left the boy.

"Alright King, I'ma need your help with one of these spells..."

"I'll form a cloud of methane, and you'll have to time your flamethrower to ignite it..."

"I want you to make it look like it just came out of hell..."

He paused for a second as he thought about what he just said. His eyes glistened as he shot the stream of methane into the shape of a cloud. One of his spells was named instantly as the cloud burst into an instant explosion. Art of Abundance: Clouds of Hell. That left the gas mage with one spell to be named and two new extra spells added to his arsenal.


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