"Now, let's see here...", she thought out loud afterwards, rubbing her cheek as she went over the avaliable requests. Something quiet and peaceful... That one!
Realizing what she needed, Alisa grabbed the request and swung the doors open. And was immediately greeted by gentle, albeit stronger breeze against her cheeks, sending her short white skirt fluttering around. The sky had grown cloudier too... Perhaps threatening rain? A fresh reminder how they weren't yet in the Summer, only a very warm, late Spring. But it probably wouldn't rain anytime soon. Regardless, the clouds actually came as a blessing against the scorching, early afternoon sun, turning this quest into a rather pleasant stroll to the park. Once more, the client was someone whose level of skill could no longer be challenged by mere humans... But this time, said skills weren't physical in nature, but rather, intellectual.
A game of chess, with a boy prodigy named Bart Decker.
Alisa arrived at the park, and just as she was about to start looking for her client, a childlike voice saved her the trouble, "Checkmate!!", he called out, immediately drawing the mage's piercing ruby gaze over to the boy. He sat triumphantly in front of a chess table, with an old man shamefully lowering his head.
The old man left quickly enough, no doubt figuring out he'd be better off sticking to dominos, letting you approach the victor, "Bart Decker, I presume?", she smiled and asked, adjusting her hair behind her ear. Why bother though, a guy this smart would know there was only one reason a random woman he'd never met before might approach him. Yet politeness was important, no matter who she talked to. Once the boy smiled back and nodded, Alisa continued, offering a hand, "I'm Alisa Vollan, the opponent you just hired."
"N-Nice to meet you, Alisa-san...", he greeted, rubbing his cheek and looking away with a rather visible blush. So adorable~
"Shall we get started then?", she cocked her head slightly, pulling back the chair and sitting down when she nodded.
The two of them set to work on rearranging the chess pieces left over from the previous game, Bart was predictably faster than Alisa at it. Oh how much time mustn't he spend doing exactly that? But soon enough, they were ready to start playing. The moment that happened however, something changed, a sudden, yet initially scarcely noticeable difference, a glint in his glasses accompanied by a visible smirk drawn on his lips: As cute and bashful as the kid might have seemed upon first meeting the Blue Pegasus beauty, all of that faded into an unshakable confidence - arrogance even - once he moved the first pawn:
"Your move.", he smirk, carefully watching Alisa's every motion
Words: 620