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Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern]

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Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:00 pm




Lumikki of Iceberg


"My eyes are open."




Lumikki was flipping through the pages of her notes, all collected in her time with the libraries of Talaz Laggar. She counted her blessings for staying within those bleak walls, thumbing through their reports and reading over their cases within the long stretched of time between her missions and quest. This was in fact how she spent and wasted her time, all since the point where she was still a Daemon. Fresh and new to all things technological. It was how Lumikki garnered the bulk of information she had about the horrid and illusive island. Hungrily learning what she could about the information regarding technology that was readily available amid the many archives. Though she did not think her hoarding tendencies for knowledge would come in handy so soon. Yet with all the run-ins with the void has been compelling her to see.

Deep within her earliest, were some mentions of the void indeed. With even some notes staying that this was the source of her blessed staff. She didn’t think much of it then, but she was grateful in her tendencies to chase her musings. As there were a few more instances in which the void was referenced. If Lumikki really wanted, she could make use of a special key she came upon to get the noted back in its completion. Have them written in verbatim to their entirely from the island’s library. She was even mulling it over in all seriousness, making a day out of it with Alvis, one of the highest of her Eight Pinions. Yet for now, she’d make do with what she had.

It was the two recent occurrences that had her stipulating. In her curiosity, she very much wanted to understand and confirm this Void-like presence. Study it even and how it faired with that of the Abyss. Lumikki found this concept vexing, but sadly it was the reality.

So as Lumikki read over her notes and wrote even more about the things in recent events, face pursed and hand reaching for her like warm tea, she would hide away in a corner within the library. Her favorite one in fact, besides all the folklores and stories of legends pertaining to many lands. Next to a large window that feed the room a nice and warm stream of sunlight.

So when Lumikki heard the footsteps heading right toward her, she very well had an idea of who it could be, but it did not mean she was pleased.“Sorry to bother you my Lady, but another one of those quests were sent to the guild it seems. I would assume you’d want yer usual companions?”

With a deep sigh, Lumikki sat back in her seat and looked over to Alvis. He could see all the tired frustration in her eyes. “Aye and while yer at it, a new cup of tea….tell Ittindi to meet back up here in the North so we could discuss this new case and leave together.”

“Very well.” He’d mention before stepping back out. Meanwhile Lumikki went back to her notes only to write faster.


Quest Refrence
Requirements <3:




"What they don't know won't hurt them... yet."



Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:09 pm

Brone Heavyaxe

Brone Heavyaxe looked himself in the mirror as he ran a gloved hand over his well groomed beard. His favored blue armor made of nevermelting ice had shimmered in the light as the frozen air trailed off it. He would then throw on his white polar bear cloak before turning and viewing his reflection, admiring his look.

"What's the point of grooming yourself so much when you're expecting to go into battle?" Huginn asked as he perched himself on the top of the doorframe.

"Do ye not preen yerself all the time?" Brone scoffed as he picked up his golden shield and looked it over, making sure he had polished it well.

"I don't go into back" Huginn's tone matched the dwarf's scoff.

"Lumikki's in the library" Muninn had flown in and landed upon Brone's right shoulder. The dwarf sighed with satisfaction as he looked into the mirror one last time before stowing his golden axe and picking up his bag. As he exited, Huginn landed upon his other shoulder.

They made their way through the corridors and crossed the campus of the guild and found his way to the specific library where Muninn had spotted the ice demoness. Twisting and turning through the aisles and making his way through the quiet echoey library, Brone followed Muninn's instructions until he finally spotted his niece.

"Ready when ye are, lass" Brone said as he finally found his niece amongst the books as if she was hiding away. Though the dwarf didn't really understand how the young lady could spend so much time reading so many books and not get tired or bored, he was supportive of her and commended her for her patience and reading ability, "What's the mission this time and what are we expected te find?" he was ready, itching to get back to the fight and danger, though he had to be reminded a few times of why they had initially set out on finding these dungeons; he was fortunate to have Muninn remind him so often without him getting irritable.



Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:33 pm

The wide-open road well more like open ice, Ittindi’s mana car had no problem with the terrain, due to the custom model’s uniqueness. The letter Lady Lumikki sent like the last, another danger this time in a warn torn land. It seemed that since his last visit that the Monarch had expanded her influence, still the Rune Knights had not been mobilized or requested. Ittindi wouldn’t be the one to break decorum, that was the job of the other higher ups. With the car’s top down, any semblance of order in Ittindi’s hair had been destroyed. He still felt odd wearing a different outfit than his signature tuxedo, he was still waiting on his other order to come through. In the meantime, he didn’t have armor, which meant he had to careful lest he explode on Lady Lumikki or Sir Brone.  He wanted to test the car’s heater and while it was snowing around him he remained at a comfortable temperature.

He'd park his car putting the top on examining his messy hair and tossing it around a little more for effect before adjusting and tightening his tie and checking for any last pieces hanging off his suit. Satisfied he’d walk upstairs; his goal was a simple one to try and take the suit home in the same condition. A job he had failed spectacularly a couple times with his Young Master a true test of his grit, that he hadn’t participated in for quite a while.

As he arrived at the gates of their Guild Hall sending off either a servant or a guild member Ittindi wasn’t sure would escort him. He wasn’t sure if he was being taken to a waiting area or to Lady Lumikki herself either way Ittindi would be inspecting the Guild Hall. He had heard about the move but had yet to see the grounds. Once he was in front of Lady Lumikki and Sir Brone he would bow while greeting them.

”Greetings Lady Lumikki, Sir Brone, the grounds look splendid are you liking your time back in your homeland?”

WC: 346



Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:14 pm

Zeno found himself tossing and turning in bed all morning. The chirping birds sang songs of joy as they celebrated spring. From the constant noise and restless feeling riddling his body caused the fae to give up on rest and get out of bed. Springing forth from his king-sized bed and stepping across the cold tile floors until he found himself on the balcony of his room. The busy body he was used to being has grown to a complete halt from lack of missions recently. The feeling of complacency was like a poison withering away his compass of life. Finding his sister was a strong motivation, but it was also extremely taxing. As he looked at the horizon, a gentle breeze blew in, filling his nose with the raw scent of the trees below and caressing his skin like that of a lover’s embrace. This feeling of aromatherapy worked wonders for Zeno as it brought him a calmness that was forgotten.  

“You always answer my calls and console me, but you, too, cannot guide me to what I desire most… I hold no grudge towards you, only thanks.” Zeno sincerely said his thanks to forest spirits. As a gesture of gratitude, he conjured a myriad of green wisps in the shape of butterflies and released them over the balcony. They fluttered across the winds, littering the sky with a glittery flickering green. The wind guided the butterflies into an area with a dirt road where each of them landed. When the butterflies touched the dirt, new life sprouted from the soil. Seeing the green embers in the distance fade made Zeno smile softly.

“Now would be a good time to stretch my wings for a bit” Zeno let out a big yawn before raising his hands toward the sun as if reaching to grasp it. Interlocking his fingers, pulling up his hands to give his arms, shoulders and upper back a good long stretch. While stretching, his wings materialized from his back. The insect-like wings had a pattern that mimicked stained-glass found within a church, they were imbued with the colors of amber, red, green, and black.

Zeno moments later released his arms slowly as he was done with his stretching and began flapping his wings, taking flight. Soaring around the Guild estate, he spotted a car on the road approaching the main gates of the guild. Witnessing this, he flew back into his room and immediately set off towards the main area. Along the way, he spotted a dwarf heading towards the library. Unbeknownst to him as to why, Zeno hung in the air watching over the main entrance to see who the guest approaching was.

A well-dressed man entered the main hall of the guild and shortly after found his way to the library. “Hmmm. An acquaintance maybe?” Zeno swooped down to the entrance to the library, curious as to what was going on, he pushed through the doors, seeing Lumikki, the dwarf from before, and the well-dressed man. “Greetings lady Lumi, gentlemen” Zeno respectfully bowed to the three before fully entering the room and flying overhead.

​WC 526


Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 2:57 pm




Lumikki of Iceberg


"My eyes are open."




New guild hall:

The weather outside the guild was calm, though the wind came and went. The chill hanging in the air, but not enough to suffocate any who lingered outside. The people of Iceberg were a simple folk, long used to the snow and slush of their environment. Now what they weren’t privy to was the sight of a mana car driving along their narrow streets but they assumed it would be the cause of Paradise Dawn bring such absurdity to their lands.

Most roads lead to the massive castle like structure that acted as the new guild hall. It would be in this direction that Ittindi went as he answered the Demoness’ call to quell the void once more. And soon after he parked just before their main entrance, he’d find one of Lumikki’s Eight Pinions waiting amid the guards awaiting his arrival. ”Greetings sir, are you the one I believe to be call Ittindi?” He would be met with a tall woman with long black hair tied back in intricate braids. She wore a deep green, layered dress that presented a variety of traditional Iceberg patterns and motifs. There was fur trim along her collar and sleeves and gold detailing along the hems. Aside from her dress, she also wore an assortment of accessories that accentuated her pleasant beauty. A particular detail, one could miss if they didn’t pay her mind beyond her face, was the small pair of black wings folded by her waist. They almost came together like a belt, as if intended for fashion. And a few strands of her hair would morph into feathers that were carefully placed. ”I applaud you for coming so quickly to my Lady’s request. She will brief you on the details herself, but I believe she is in the library now. So if you would follow me, I can take you to her.” The woman give a slight bow before turning to the end of the hall, from which she will escort Ittindi from there.

Brone was the first to find her, as to be expected, for Hugin and Munin were often privy on important matters and keen to assist. He came in with the tinkering sound of clanking metal, and his armor added a pleasant chill onto the air. It was fair to say that despite how tucked into the library the Guild Master was, she could tell he was coming from a mile away.”Glad to hear it Uncle, shouldn’t be long now. Me ravens tell me they saw a strange carriage in the distance, to which I infer is probably a mana car. Should mean Ittindi is not that far and we could get going from here.” Lumikki with eyes still along her pages and a finger to mark her place, did not look up properly to greet him. She was trying not to lose her train of thought just yet, not until she sorted a few more details out. And when she did, she’d lean back in her seat with a sigh and look at Brone properly. ”Sadly it would be the same nonsense as always Brone. The void, if it were, is opening another portal with the country of Pregrande. Hardly me jurisdiction mind ya, but I ain’t planing on doing it for ‘em. I simply need to collect more notes on the matter to assure out safety is all. Can’t have more riffs opening in Iceberg can I?”

Alvis would be the next to step through the aisles and find her, this time with a fresh cup of tea in hand and a small treat. Lumikki took both things hungrily with a look of relief on her face. She didn’t think that in the time of her reign, there would be so many matters to overlook, but she was grateful for the work all the same if it left her far more experienced in its completion.

”Lavender to calm the nerves my Lady. By the way, I spotted Erica in the distance. She will be here soon with your guest.” He understood how tried out she was and let her take the snack in before overloading her with more. ”Greetings Brone, ready for battle I take it? Do you need a meal before you and the Lady take off?”

Just a few minutes later, Erica would enter Lumikki’s corner as well with Ittindi not far behind her. Surprisingly, Zeno would appear as well but his presence didn’t bother her. That is of course, if he didn’t intend to join the bunch in their work.

”Ye have no idea,” Lumikki sighed but happily, a smile extended along her lips with concealed glee. She was more than happy to be home and enjoy the boons of her land once more. The comforts in Iceberg were simply unrivaled. ”I couldn’t shake off the feeling that Fiore was becoming far too small. What more, the North was always the Warden’s domain. If I was gonna amass a headache for it, I should at least invest into me own. And of course, I’ve heard whispers that he might have plans for the people of the North himself. So if ye ask me, the timing couldn’t be more perfect.” Lumikki took another sip as she looked over Zeno. There was no arrogance in her gaze, only the fondness she usually possessed, but it would be this very fondness that propelled her to assure he stayed within the guild.

”Been a while hasn’t it Zeno. How are ye taking to yer room? The decor far exceeds the last, that I know, but I am aware that the change in environment could prove a lot for most. Especially one that I assume to align most with summer, least judging by those wings of yers.” Lumikki waved over her tea in a gesture of invitation. ”Of course, ye just got here me friend. Perhaps we could take a moment to rest before the three of us head off. Alvis was offering Brone a meal, if ye’d like, the offer extends to ya as well. What have ye, there is no particular rush as the riff won’t leave without us having the say about it. And in the meantime Ittindi, I could go over me notes. Perhaps ye have some as well considering the Rune Knights also fair well in information.”

”If you take my Lady’s word, we can have a meal ready in a half an hour. That is of course, if Erica sees to it.” Alvis looked expectantly for answers. He was fairly posed in his feathery like shawl that mimicked Lumikki’s plumage. Ends of his long and loose hair came to feathers themselves that hung atop of small pair of black wings, in loose locks and carefully made braids. And just like Erica, he was dressed quite nicely in a formal blouse and trousers that were lined intricately in golden thread and avian designs. ”You know quite well that I’d be the one to see it through Alvis. For now it’s best that Eirunn practices her skills with the Dwarfs…least they have a hardier stomach than both and the fire and ale to keep it down.” An answer Erica returned rather hushed as she didn’t want to alarm the guests, but she couldn’t hold off a cheeky response to Alvis either.

The pair were Lumikki’s more accountable Pinions and the ones that oversaw most matters directly involving the Demoness. They were two of eight peculiar servants that originated from an odd key Lumikki got hold of when at the market. One that match her previous Guild Master for that matter. The people it sprung were of homunculi origin, though Lumikki regarded them as her own all the same; and in a way that she wouldn’t say, she liked them better than most people. Each of the eight have their own personalities, appearances, strengths, and way of dress but something interesting that they all share is their unanimous transition to acquiring bird like features. It was as if their very nature was set to become extensions of their masters and as such, take on the traits most prominent to the owner of the key. Of course in the end this only served to make Lumikki fond of them even more, already privy to put them in the best Icebergain dress to their liking but now she only spoiled them more. And so one can say the relationship between servant and master has been quite the amicable one.






"What they don't know won't hurt them... yet."



Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:16 pm

Brone Heavyaxe

ᛒᚱᛟᚾᛖ ᚺᛖᚢᚤᚨᛉᛖ

"Meh, we'll handle it like we did twice before, simple" Brone shrugged, not worried about the affects of the Void and it's influence upon their realm. Alvis had then entered with a cup of tea for Lumikki; the dwarf had assumed the well dressed servant would offer him a cup of tea or coffee and was ready to decline the offer, but hearing the offer of a meal, he couldn't let that by, "Well, we'll be on a quest soon, might as well fill our bellies before hand" Brone smiled. Huginn and Muninn flew from the dwarf's shoulders and landed upon Lumikki's, for they felt more comfortable in the care of the woman who felt more like kin to them.

Soon enough, Ittindi would be led in by Erica, followed by Zeno. Brone would slam a closed fist against his chest in salute to them, though the room was filled with gestures of etiquette and appearances to match, Brone didn't stand too far out of the picture, since he had learned basic etiquette during his time in Blue Pegasus. "Aye, though I wasn't born and raised here, tis the home of me grandparents" the dwarf laughed with joy and excitement.

There was a small exchange of words between Alvis and Erica, which Brone didn't understand the subtle joke, it had taken him half a minute to catch it before he blurted out a laughter. "Ye ain't wrong there, lass!" he would hesitate from nudging him playfully, remembering that the guild, though not fully strict in decorum as Blue Pegasus, he didn't want to upset the air of decency and etiquette.

Brone would then turn to Zeno to properly greet himself, given this was the first time he was able to approach him, "Nice wings on ye, lad, good te meet ye finally, saw ye once and twice flying about" he would reach out his gloved hand, presenting a chance to grip into a hearty handshake.

330 | 685


Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:00 am

”I am Ittindi, a pleasure to meet you, thank you for escorting me.”

He’d follow one of the illusive servants of Lady Lumikki they had an odd gimmick of being invisible. He wasn’t sure if it was an enchantment of their doing Lady Lumikki’s or worse some kind of curse. Either way Ittindi found it slightly charming, to be seen only by your work instead of the merits of one’s physical appearance. It was something that plagued those who weren’t as beautiful when seeking out this line of work.

Ittindi was surprised to see well he wasn’t sure what he was seeing. It didn’t seem to be human, that didn’t surprise him as much as it should. At least he had manners, and ultimately that was something more of his human compatriots could take lessons in. It seemed that in Paradise Dawn being a human made you a minority. He wondered if that’s why his Young Master ended up leaving or if there was another reason. He hadn’t had time to explore his reasoning for reviving Sleeping Calamity. It also didn’t help that he had seen Lady Jikan active around the guild hall as well. His thoughts would snap back to the problem at hand, as the servants spoke to each other. Sir Brone returned his greeting with a crisp salute, while Lady Lumikki wanted to go over notes. Luckily for the Rune Knights Ittindi had visited there recently.

”Funny enough Lady Lumikki I don’t have notes because of the Rune Knights. Instead its due to my vacation there I met both the leader of Fairy Tail and the Leader of the Dragon Order. It was an interesting trip to say the least, all inspired by a vision from Naki.”

Ittindi would go over to where Lady Lumikki was sitting and pull out his notes comparing and going over any questions she had, while Sir Brone would be fed some kind of meal. He was apparently going to let one of the newer staff test their cooking prowess on him. Their setting being much more familial than the one that he was inducted into the service world in. He hoped that they wouldn’t run into the Lady Monarch on one of her raids, while Ittindi kept a strict deference to the Rune Knights neutrality. He doubted that Sir Brone and Lady Lumikki would be so impassioned oat the sight of starving and war-torn villagers and orphans. Or he’d find out something more interesting about Paradise Dawn, he assumed they were good but their negative reputation had to grow from somewhere.

WC: 430/776


Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:59 am

“The new room is exquisite I must say, my lady Lumi. From the wonderfully stylish decor to room spaciousness, it gives me plenty of room to spread my wings as I see fit. Which is quite the luxury, thank you.” He paused briefly to process a thought in his head pertaining to the change in question Lumi had asked him.

“hmmm, The environmental change has not really been a problem for me since I got accustomed to traveling around. I was quite nomadic before settling down here in the guild” The fae cheerily spoke to the guild master as he lazily fluttered around the room while glancing at the rest of the group. “Thanks, I would enjoy some tea and toast if possible. I would rather eat light if I'm going on a quest soon. So count me in on whatever you have planned.”

After answering her questions he flew over to the dwarf who he had also spoken out to greet him. Zeno had only seen Brone a handful of times bumbling around the guild but this was the very first time they had officially interacted with one another. Pleased to meet another member of the guild, he gladly returned the gesture of the dwarf by firmly shaking his hand. “It is an honor to meet you Sir Brone. Rather nice to put a name to a face” The strong tough hands texture of the dwarf hands matched its rugged tough look of him.

“Thanks for noticing them, I am quite happy with how they look, I take great pride in them”
Letting go of the dwarf’s hand, stepping backwards to give enough space between them to match his wingspan length. Once there was enough space Zeno sprouted his wings wide then folded them over his chest to give Brone a closer look at the color and detailed patterns on them.

“Here, have a better look while we wait for our meal and refreshments”
Deep Emptiness [Void Cavern] Img_9010

As he was showing off his wings to Brone Zeno turned his focus from the dwarf to the well dressed man who he followed. Giving the man a welcoming smile and waving his left hand to them as a greeting gesture. Quickly turning his attention back to Brone as the well dressed man walked past him to where Lumi was sitting. Keeping his ears alert in case anything important is discussed between the two behind.

WC 400_926

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