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Cell Games

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#1Perfect Cell 

Cell Games Empty Wed May 24, 2017 4:07 pm

Perfect Cell

The Cell Games

It started off with a single explosion. A ground shaking event which brought men, women, and children from their homes to investigate. What they saw was a crater, emitting smoke and dust from a recent and violent impact. What was hidden within, however, would come to shake the very foundation of Fiore itself.

People stayed home in fear, or began living as if their days were already numbered. Very little was known about the begin who had come about recently known as Cell. No one knew how strong he was, how much of a threat he posed to the government, or even what he actually looked like until his worldwide announcement. There were, however, some who did not shy away in the face of danger and overwhelming fear.

A small amount of warriors from all over the country, and perhaps beyond, had begun to gather. They came for their own reasons, be it fame or the chance to truly test what they had. What they would be facing, however, was an adversary unlike any they had faced before. Cell had become Perfect in more than just name.

Cell had already proven to many that he was bound not by element or reason. His attacks, whether or not the people had noticed, came from themselves. He had been created with their DNA, their data, and the information of hundreds of other mages. There was nearly no magic that he could not use, and now that his power and strength had reached its peak, he could finally test it in its entirety. It would be up to the few brave enough to face him to stop his rampage, or it would be because of those who did not show up that his evolution took even greater heights.

> The Event known as the "Cell Games" has officially begun. Those whom are already in Sieghart Mountains may join the thread at any time, and begin combat at any time. The arena itself is made of stone, 35 meters in diameter and square. There are no ring outs, and people may fight until they cannot fight any longer (or if they retreat.) Should they retreat and choose to reenter, they will be at the same mana and endurance that they had when they left. Those who come to the Sieghart Mountains past this point may still enter the Cell Games, but they will be prohibited from posting in the thread until any current battles have ended. The area surrounding the arena for 40 meters in all directions is barren and flat, meaning sneak attack is all but impossible. The time is 10AM, and there is not a cloud in the sky. Cell is in the center of the arena.

Name: Cell Games
Reward: Unknown
Setting: Open
Wordcount: None Specified
Description: The announced Cell Games have finally begun, a tournament of Cell's own creation. The rules are simple. Come, fight with anything and everything at your disposal, and try not to die. The tournament will end when Cell has been defeated, or if he gets bored due to there being no more opponents. Whatever you do, do not let him get bored.
Details: Those already within Sieghart Mountains can join at any time, approaching the arena from any angle and using any strategy or tools they have. Those who come to Sieghart Mountains from this point on can still join the games, but they cannot join the thread until any current battles are finished.

  • 24 Hour Post Limit
  • Victory is attained by defeating Cell. Defeat is caused by being knocked out during the battle,
    thus eliminating you from further participating, or if no opponents are in the thread for 72 hours.
  • If all opponents are defeated, and/or no new opponents join within 72 hours, Cell will become bored.
  • Should Cell make a placeholder, no more posts may be added until his placeholder is replaced with an actual post.

#2Constantine Librorum 

Cell Games Empty Wed May 24, 2017 4:28 pm

Constantine Librorum
Teiho was not one to sneak up on someone, but he at times could be considered... extra or unnecessary if one were to describe his tendencies. This could mean many things, but for now it just meant that his arrival to this event was something of a spectacle if one could call it that. He could be seen standing aboard his magnificent companion floating only ten meters above the ground, the long serpentine wind and lightning dragon let out a rather terrifying screech as it reached the maximum range of it's greatest attack. The preamble of this screech was to rear its head back before launching a rather massive beam of wind and lightning towards the green figure standing in the center. The wide five meter blast of energy would travel the full twenty five meters, even going about five meters further than the man would be standing due to Izanagi traveling during the casting time.

Teiho knew the blast wouldn't affect the man considering it was coming from the man's immediate left and if what was shown on the television was any indication, the man had the awareness to avoid such things. But no, the blast had an alternative purpose. The dragon would would get closer, Teiho would be ready to jump off at any time necessary after the initial release, knowing that his life would be in danger as he summoned his musket into his hands in preparation for the assault. He would likely be the beings first test so he figured he would make a proper impression on the green assailant from out of this world.

Izanagi Spells:

Teiho Spells:

ANDRZEJ : I don't like RP fighting
ANDRZEJ : It's boring as helll

Javier DuRoark : Taiho don't violence

Sylph : @Taiho: I really, really want to RP.
Sylph : @Taiho: But I'm scared of you.
Sylph : Because you are death, destroyer of worlds.


Cell Games Empty Wed May 24, 2017 5:10 pm

It was a mission all on it's own. A quest that would test her patience to no end. She didn't even know where to start or if her family was in these mountains any more. She only had a hunch to go on and she would probably die looking for them or she would die from the thing that flew  straight over her head and towards what looked to be elevated stone. She was pretty far out from the arena so her eyes couldn't adjust to what she was looking at. She had been walking long enough in the sun that her vision had begun to get blurry. With each step the long green beast got more visible as far as details went and she could even make out a white haired individual on top of it.

Hold Up.

She knew that person. She knew who that was standing on that beast. A beast who had just shot out a beam of energy that almost shook her to her core and stopped her in her tracks until whatever that was settled. By the time it did settle she found herself running towards what she could now see to be an arena and in the middle of it was a green man like creature of sorts. But that's not who she was excited to see, oh no. She knew that white shock of hair and smooth brown skin from anywhere.


Her voice was loud as she stood just outside of the arena. For that moment she ignored the fact that there was a green man in this arena as her happiness to see a familiar face nearly made her forget the scenario here . She honestly didn't know what was going on but it seemed looking for her family turned into a new journey all on it's own and now she was possibly reunited with someone who brought her joy, an emotion she thought she would hardly feel again.

#4Akio Hisao 

Cell Games Empty Wed May 24, 2017 6:37 pm

Akio Hisao
Akio had heard the explosion from a mile away. Heading to investigate, he found a large crater now formed into an area of sorts. A green man stood in the center. This had to be the event everyone had been talking about. The man looked powerful, and Akio knew he would be one shot for the man. Though this was supposed to be a large event, Akio only noticed one man in the area with the green guy as of yet. He was standing upon a magnificent dragon about ten meters in the air. Akio had no spells and he was possibly one of the weakest people that would be attending the event, yet Akio had never been one to let a man stand in the face of danger alone.

His own armor seemed to be weighing him down more than usual, and his sword felt heavy in his hands as he stepped into the arena a bit away from the man whose dragon had just taken a shot at the event boss himself. When the boss came close, Akio would be ready to defend himself and the other man to the best of his abilities. At least, if the boss targeted him, the other man might be able to get a shot or two off on him. Glancing up at the man gracefully balancing upon the dragon, Akio grinned.

"You have my sword at your side, sir." He yelled where the man would be able to hear him.

Cell Games Giphy

Cell Games Empty Wed May 24, 2017 7:50 pm


A glimmer of light cast out from the highly polish armour donned by the rune knight as he approached the arena which was said to have represent the arena for the ‘Cell Games.’ The man was followed closely behind by an equally richly attired Zebstrika representing his family through the sigil etched on the cloth on each side. The first thing that came into definition seemed appeared to be a gigantic green dragon-esque beast of what type he didn’t know, however it seemed to have a powerful aura resonating from it. As he continued his forced marching forward the arena’s boundaries came into note with an individual being directly outside of it who he could assume was male based upon their attire and hair length, though appearance can often times be misleading.

As he continued to walk towards the male just inside of the arena and understanding that the fight would be no laughing matter, he slowed down slight enough to roar out gathering up his strength aided by his helm whilst withdrawing his sword that was formerly stealthed. As he did so his companion who stomped their hooves and kicked off the ground sending dust covering his master in a thin veil of the dry dirt.

Prior to reaching the male looked around further revealing that there were in fact three individuals not just him whilst also confirming his gender as he spoke out an individual who was riding the beast. Glad that the beast was being commanded instead of just crazed and randomly being there he carried on with his march towards the arena and the man. Choosing to remain outside of the arena at least for now though with the green figure finally coming into focus and both his actions and intentions being unclear to the knight.

Seeking to create some form of interaction between himself and the others, he coughed a few times to clear his throat from the dust earlier and calling out to the person on the beast. “Person on the dragon, I’m Konstantin, I’ll be supporting on the ground to the best of my abilities as well.” Choosing not to reveal his associated faction as taking down the villainous Cell took priority and with his entire identity being shrouded in the exterior of his armour which would cause few to recognise him regardless. Lowering his voice he spoke to the man whilst looking at him, expressions hidden from sight whilst raising his left shielded arm in acknowledgement to his presence. “I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name, unfortunately that’ll have to wait I think let’s focus on taking out this Cell character, hmm?”

At this point with all of the buffing abilities from both his armour and his companion being cast and sustained, Kon would finally enter the arena raising his shield bearing arm towards his opponent at all times whilst having his sword pointing towards him resting upon the shield. His intentions would be to hold off Cell to the best of his abilities in the hopes that more would be capable of either supporting him, taking out the figure or take Kon away from the area toward being absorbed himself. As if rumors were to be true then he would gain the ability to use his own magic which to the extent of his knowledge was limited to just himself.

To the best of his knowledge however he wasn’t sure as to whether he could absorb his summons directly however he hoped not and found it ridiculous to think such a thing as the beasts were all undead and lacked anything worth absorbing. Regardless he would not use them to attack but to defend himself in the circumstances of his defensive spells faltering against his opponents attacks. If kon had not having used them prior to defend the man who foolhardy went in, would defend himself with him swiftly cast Veto in the hopes to also defend his companion who stood alongside him in the chance of an area of effect spell, if the attacks were focused he would cast either Memento Vivere in the hopes to defend himself and his companion alternatively if either were destroyed he would cast Invicta otherwise if he wasn’t focused on initially he would open up with Para Bellum in an attempt to draw his attention from the foolish individual who decided to enter the arena seemingly without anything bar some lower grade equipment. If all else failed Kon would use his summons in a trio with his white wolf in front with his rat and other wolf behind the white one in front of him to distract Cell hopefully.

Mana: ~1450/1950 (Variable based upon spells used as a direct response to attacks, with base mana cost reduced from 625 to 500.)
Stats: Strength: 62 (A rank phys damage.), Speed: 1, Endurace 73 (4 x S rank durability.), Intelligence 33 (20% Mana reeduction.)
Companion's Mana: 430/480
Companion's Stats: Strength 15, Endurance 20, Speed 65

Spells used:

Companion Spells used:

Centurion Sword:

Centurion Helmet:

Centurion Armor:



Cell Games Empty Thu May 25, 2017 4:12 am

She had walked for seven days with her companion to arrive in Sieghart, that was yesterday and she had slept most of the day to regain every piece of energy. She was not entirely prepared what was going to happen because who knew.

There were already a few people, the dragon like creature in the air was kind of obvious and she definitely hoped it was someone on the same side as her. She was just outside the arena but walked on to enter the arena. Her red hair was covered by a black hood and a cape she had used for travelling. Ophelia was walking a slight step behind her on the right side. She heard people talk and scream, seemed like it was alright, it didn't matter at the moment as long as everyone was trying to prevent this Cell to destroy Fiore, or something that he had said on the lacrima.

A smile appeared on her lips as she heard a familiar voice, "Amen to that." she said as she walked the last few steps towards Konstantin, whle she walked she changed her travel outfit in her new armour that she had bought last minute in Magnolia. It was quite heavy but she would get used to that at some point, she knew that it would make her slower but she would have to see for now. She stopped walking when she stood next to Konstantin on the other side than Sparky. Which means she stood on the left of Konstantin and Sparky on the right. Ophelia stood immediately behind her and she was done changing into her new armour, also holding on to the straight spear that she seemed to favour. "Hello to you too."

Her hair was changed into a ponytail, and the armour covered almost every part of her body, except for her hands that were holding on to the spear. She would wait first, the dragon like creature had started and she would see what would happen first. She must be around 17 and a half meter away from Cell, how fast would he be able to cover that distance?

Alice Mana: 1085/1135
Ophelia Mana: 480/480
Equiped: Scarle Armour (male version) + Straight Spear
Strength: 37 + Might 10 + 18 Spear = 65
Endurance: 31
Speed: 11 (-20) = 1

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#7Chelvaric Walderkat 

Cell Games Empty Thu May 25, 2017 5:27 am

Chelvaric Walderkat
The sky was clear of any clouds and the sun was shining rays of lights downwards on Chelvaric and Scraggy. Chelvaric places his hand above his eyes to shelter them from the bright sunlight as he looked downwards to the stadium. Chelvaric had traveled far and wide to find this place. The place where it would all be determined if the country would live or not. He wondered how many other people had come to fight the evil being. which you could call a demon. Chelvaric wasn’t super excited for the fight but he was here to stop the evil. He would never back off to do that. He threw his long white coat on the ground and stood still with his bare chest and his haka on his legs. “Time to work Scraggy. Let’s walk to there and see how it’s going”, Chelvaric said to Scraggy and started walking towards the arena.

His golden holy sword was hanging on his back and was ready to fight. When he was nearly at the stadium a dragon suddenly appeared and a laser beam appeared that shot to the stadium. Why hadn’t these person’s waited on the rest of the warriors? They would completely be screwed up now as they were fighting alone. Chelvaric was standing on the wall for a while as he wanted to look at the situation before rushing in. it seemed a lot of good mages were here to fight the new nemesis of Fiore. which seemed like a green guy with some white in it. He didn’t seem threatening but he could be if you weren’t carefully. Unthreatening people were always the most dangerous. When suddenly a girl rushed past him toward the sands of the arena. She suddenly changed into a really nice armor. It seemed she was going in with melee. Chelvaric and scraggy rushed to the bottom of the stairs and waved at her. “Hi, do you need some support in the battle?”, Chelvaric asked her directly not knowing the young girl.

Chelvaric Mana: 510/510
Scraggy Mana: 200/200
Equiped:  Glimmering sword
Strength:  10 +26 form sword
Endurance: 2
Speed: 8
int : 3

Last edited by Chelvaric Walderkat on Thu May 25, 2017 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total

Cell Games HVEbuMl

#8Perfect Cell 

Cell Games Empty Thu May 25, 2017 10:42 am

Perfect Cell

The day had come at last. The sun was behind Cell, burning bright in unhindered skies. His shadow was cast before him, the area around the arena cleared of any blemishes. It was the perfect day, in the perfect area, for his games. The tournament would be moving forward soon, and all he had to do was what came natural. He was, after all, the peak of creation. He had been made for combat, to grow and evolve to the end of the food chain and then to continue to revolutionize existence itself. He did not require sleep, he no longer required sustenance, and he did not require to stretch to loosen his muscles. He was always prime, and always ready to fight.

The long expanse of brow and blue was shattered by something squiggling in and out of view at the very edge of his peripheral vision. The shadows from the sun behind Cell danced on the landscape, indicating that there was something of impressive size coming his way, noticed due to Cell's constant analysis of all the land in front of him, causing slight turns and shifts of his head to any which direction. As it happened, his gaze had been more to the left at that point, allowing him to notice the shadow and the beast itself.

Turning his gaze to see it, a long beast sharing a color scheme with himself had made its way to the arena. The original annoyance of a wild beast daring to make its way near his battle ground was turned to excitement as he saw the truth. Aboard the beast was a person, though whether it was a male or female couldn't be distinguished.

Also over in that direction, directly under where the beast had been, was another individual. That meant at least two had shown up already. It was a happy day for Cell indeed. Truth be told, Cell wasn't expecting much of a fight from any of the first people to show up to his tournament. Wasn't that how these things worked? The rabble came first, then the cavalry? It wasn't something that bothered him, truth be told. He had gotten ready to exchange words with those who came up. His mind had been the only thing that had gotten a workout since he came to Fiore, which meant he'd be able to go back and forth with anyone who came. It would probably be the only way any of them could dish out damage, truth be told.

Unnoticed by Cell, there were three others who began closing in from the same direction of the dragon, to the dragons right and thus behind Cell's position. It made sense that the folder be behind him, truth be told, even if he wasn't aware of it.

As the beast approached the edge of the arena, it arched its head back with a mighty screech. Even if Cell hadn't noticed it prior, that would have alerted him. Before any comments could be made, and before Cell could really begin sizing up the man atop the dragon, the dragon arched its head forward sending out a massive beam from just over seven meters off from the edge of the arena.

Without hesitation, the perfect Cell reacted. Activating two spells in tandem, he allowed himself to both increase the capabilities of his sight and allowed himself to instantly gain his full speed, caused by a swift clench of his right fist, sudden deep inhale upon take off, and leaning inwards towards the general direction of the dragon as he took off. The blast erupted forth, being aimed slightly beyond where Cell had been standing. Seeing through the spell, and moving just short his maximum speed with almost zero delay, Cell moved under the cover of the blast. The closest at the time other than the dragon and the dark skinned man was the green haired girl whom had become completely frozen due to the magnitude of the blast.

Cell moved forward at an angle, being able to keep the dragon in his sights and now also maintaining vision of the white haired male. The dragon continued plowing forward at its maximum speed, its owner near the base of its neck. Since he was standing on a flying serpentine beast, that was the only area he could stand without being flung off by its writhing through the air.

The blast itself would be fired off for approximately a second, maybe more, being driven into the ground five meters behind where Cell had been standing and tearing through his arena, while continuing to drag forward from that spot as the dragon fly forward itself. However, in a mere fraction of a second the dragon and the owner had reached the edge of the arena. Due to the nearly instant reaction of Cell, he had traveled most of the way himself, and due to his spell he could see through the spell as if it weren't there at all, now standing at the very outer edge of the spell itself. His position was to the left of the dragon, and to the right of the direction Cell now faced.

Since the dragon continued forward, dragging its blast against the arena, Cell stopped after running after twelve meters, still shielded by the beam from the dragon and the man. His body had turned now, facing inwards towards where the dragon would be and so that he could twist his body towards where he had just been prior, all so he could fire the attacks he was planning. Moving his arms, a single index finger would be aimed for where the dragons head would be in a mere moments time. For the owner, Cell pointed his other hand, aiming his index and middle finger at where the mans chest would be in mere moments as well.

As the dark skinned man became parallel with Cell, who had been at the very edge of the blast and below the dragon, the chances of him being noticed were low. Cell was only 2.5 meters to the right, so he was not only to the side of the man at the edge of his vision, but also below him. The man was looking where the blast had been aimed, which was practically straight ahead for him. Even so, but a meter or so ahead of Teiho was the blast itself that took up a five meter diameter. The mans vision would be fully impaired by the lightning, and a humans peripherals were a fickle thing indeed, especially when it came to things that the brain didn't think should be there.

Firing off the beams from either hand, they came up from below the dragon and the man. For the dragon it would hit from behind its vision, for Teiho it would hit him from his side, angled upwards and coming from slightly behind him. They would likely not be seen at launch, due to the timing, and any noise they'd make would be deafened by the blast of the dragon itself. The unseen blasts would tear through the skull of the dragon, and decimate the chest cavity of the man, hitting at or near his heart and traveling all the way through, thus definitely puncturing at least one of his lungs as well as possibly damaging his spine and/or spinal cord. Due to the speed of the dragon, it hadn't even reached the full duration of its own devastating breath before these two attacks would strike. With a beam through the brain, and a decimate chest, the two first comers would be out.

As both of them would fall away from Cell's attacks, useless upon the arena, Cell would turn his attention to the green haired girl who was still quite the distance away. Behind her, still approaching, was a man clad in armor with an... Alpaca? Further back, on the same side, were two more individuals who were only just approaching. So with the three who were furthest away being pushed from Cell's mind, he turned instead to the stunned and silent green haired woman who was still a decent distance away herself.

"I like the hair. That's already the most impressive thing I've seen today."

Mana: 1800/2400:

Notes wrote:Akio was triggered by the explosion, and that was when he began to move (according to his post). This explosion can only have been caused by the dragons blast, which as of the end of the post has only just finished.
So he is still currently walking towards the arena,
about a mile away according to his own post.

This means that any references to Akio are null,
as are any events that happen in relation to or due to that. That puts Galaxy as the closest,
other than Teiho, to the arena. All others are still approaching from that same side, behind her.
If Teiho would like to contest these hits, he must address the battle mod of this thread: Maarschalk.

#9Constantine Librorum 

Cell Games Empty Fri May 26, 2017 9:19 am

Constantine Librorum
Notes wrote:Basically noping this hit and interrupting his post negating everything after his attempt to turn and shoot me off of my dragon. Primarily due to the distance traveled and the time it was traveled in leaving myself with the availability of not only being able to see him due to moving the instant the beam was fired, but also stopping outside of the beam and at the very least 5 meters away from where I would be in the same time frame of travel that he gave for me. This is also taking into account his own travel speed which is at the very most 29m/s due to his own wording.
Seeing through the spell, and moving just short his maximum speed with almost zero delay, Cell moved under the cover of the blast.

This means I would have time to not only see him move, but also see where he stopped due to him being outside of the beam radius and still at the very most 5 meters away.

Like was harsh sometimes, a lesson etched into every moment that people lived. It was rare that one could live day to day and not learn or gain from it, some sort of lesson or tool that would help them on in future instances. It was the various lessons learned over the course of his life that would allow Teiho to become the experienced man he was today. And it was through this experience that he was able to see Cell move literally the instant that the beam was fired. He'd only slightly blink at the speed, unsure as to how the man moved that fast as he'd have Izanagi turn immediately after it had finished firing the blast.

Thankfully they had only moved twenty meters towards his original position by the time he was actually able to move Izanagi quickly to the left in an attempt at an evasive maneuver. The large serpent was able to react to it's masters commands just as quickly as it's body turned towards the left and faced the green man it had shot the beam at only a second earlier. It seemed the man had dodged its initial attack, something Izanagi was definitely not happy about. Due to its serpentine nature, the creatures body waved through the air as it turned instantly and covered a distance of about two meters to the left in less than tenth of a second. This movement did nothing to Teiho himself as he was used to riding upon the back of his companion and would not be disturbed by any sudden movements his companion would make.

During this turn Teiho would be able to see his opponent, having chosen this direction as it would allow him to keep sight of the man that had literally used pure speed to dodge his initial assault. From what he could see, the man was vaguely humanoid in body shape and stood from what he could guess over two meters tall. The man was what he could be considered stark naked, and possessed a strong muscular body, however the man's body could also be considered lithe and athletic, as if he had gone for the perfect body type to fit what he wanted to do. The man also possessed what looked like a pair of insect like wings and a crown of bio material that was likely a part of his body atop his head.

Clenching the barrel of his musket in his hand, Teiho would stare the man down from a distance of seven meters away from the man who was apparently pointing his fingers at where he was going to be firing. Figuring that he was going to be firing at him, he'd immediately kick Izanagi into overdrive, continuing on with his travel for a five meters further while dodging about to prevent himself from being locked on to. He'd keep sight of the man as Izanagi would then make yet another left at the five meter mark, only slightly above the ground and yet not touching it even with its wavy movements as it dodged about again. He would keep this up as he would fly away from the man, his recon completed and his observations noted. He would still maintain any ability to move about and dodge if necessary, but he would not take his eyes off the man as he turned his body in response to Izanagi's movements to keep him firmly in view.

This man was far more dangerous than he had originally had assumed and all of these actions together had taken less than a fraction of a second to perform due to Izanagi travelling at it's greatest speed to evade any and all sorts of attacks aimed at it. He would have to meet back up with the person that had called out to him when he had flown in and decide what they could accomplish together, but he knew that by himself, he would not last longer than a few moments before he was put down harshly.

ANDRZEJ : I don't like RP fighting
ANDRZEJ : It's boring as helll

Javier DuRoark : Taiho don't violence

Sylph : @Taiho: I really, really want to RP.
Sylph : @Taiho: But I'm scared of you.
Sylph : Because you are death, destroyer of worlds.

#10Faust Noire 

Cell Games Empty Fri May 26, 2017 1:00 pm

Faust Noire
It was painful. A Lycan was originally a race of warriors, meant to be portrayed as something muscular and extravagant, courtesy of their own abilities. Faust was an exception to this rule. “Fuck.” he bluntly announced, as his breaths deepened with each consecutive one. With every breath he took, his feet would march in unison to the carbon dioxide that flowed out his mouth. His outfit wasn’t befitting of the environment at hand, either. While he would normally run about the day with nothing on but his mask, the Coyote decided that today was different. If he was to hike a mountain, gearing up was the way to go. And so, if anyone saw the Coyote walking around, they wouldn’t see his genitalia, but a perfectly comfortable brief that wrapped around his thighs. Black in color, they were just right; coiling about his thighs at just the right length, yet not too tight to cause any discomfort. Of course, his mask was intact as well.

As he ventured to the top, the Grimoire Heart mage heard a series of explosions. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was happening, but with the ingenious mind he had, Faust had added it all up faster than anyone or thing else. Fireworks. There was no other explanation for it. Ten more meters of the spiraling path and the Coyote would find himself at the very top of the summit, where the tournament (though unbeknownst to him), was taking place. Closer and closer he paced, noticing a green entity. Then, there were two. One being seemed like a bug of sorts, the other a dragon. That was enough to pause the Coyote in his tracks. The problem was evident and Faust knew it. Too late. The big snake flew towards the Coyote’s right and the shockwave sent him rolling back the way he came. Like a hamster ball he was curled up and with the momentum of going downhill, it only took a second before he was back at the base of the mountain. “God, this is why I hate animals.”

349 words

Cell Games URfIrNm

Cell Games Empty Fri May 26, 2017 2:48 pm



Mr. Akio is a mile away from Cells arena. His actions weren't in relation to anyone else's. Ms. Galaxy movements aren't hinged with someone elses, other than Mr. Teiho - it was stated that she stood outside of the ring, and not behind or with anyone else--making the statement that Cell made about ms. Galaxy being the closest false.

Mr. Teiho faced Cells back, and initiated the attack 25 meters away. Since the radius of his spell is 5 meters, it'd would catch Cell--but Cell made plenty of note of his surroundings, allowing him to know that the dragon was approaching--and therefor allowed him to move away from in time. Cell moves at thirty meters per second. Since he made note of moving within the destruction of the spell, it implies that he didn't move at max speed-but had the ability to. Cell moves forwards for a few meters, putting him outside of its effective radius, then lets the spell explode, and then move in an angle around the destruction of this spell to camouflage himself. He made note of being able to see through the destruction of this spell, as he used a certain spell that allowed this. He positions himself near mr. Teiho. Since mr. Teiho rides a dragon, he is unable to see anything in his blind-spot, which is basically everything under him and slightly to the edges. And of course his own blind-spot, which is basically behind him.

Could mr. Teiho see Cell move in time?

Allowing his pet to withdraw his initial flight?

Since Cell moves at thirty meters per second, and Teiho approaches Cell from an aerial position, his spell lands, and lets Cell move with it without being touched. This would make it unknown for mr. Teiho to see if the hit connected, and because of the shockwave that Cell used to hid in--be unable to see him leave it. This meant that Cell moved with the shockwave, and then moved to his blind-spot. Giving mr. Teiho no reason to stop his pet at that exact position other than metagaming. But giving reasonable doubt to Mr. Teiho's character, who would want to verify the connection of his hit--he could stop his pet, and inspect the scene. This in turn puts Cell under him.

So the mistake was made by defining the exact location in which his pet stopped. There was no reason for Mr. Teiho to stop at exactly X meters away from the destruction, or at least, no IC reasons were stated. Had his pet stopped flying at a certain point, Cell would get under it. Had his pet continued flying, Cell would get under it again. There is no circumstance in which Mr. Teiho avoids this; without specifying exact dimension that 'coincidentally' put him away from Cell.

`Cell was only 2.5 meters to the right, so he was not only to the side of the man at the edge of his vision, but also below him.`
`For the dragon it would hit from behind its vision, for Teiho it would hit him from his side, angled upwards and coming from slightly behind him`

Based on these actions, the hits that Cell claimed have now connected

Both parties have 24 hours to respond to this hit calling to me on Discord DM. After these 24 hours pass, normal posting will continue.

Faust is no longer knocked back by the dragon, and is closer to the area. Other hits may or may not have connected, the ruling I made is not about those hits. This is a very specific hit-calling for Cell and mr. Teiho

For the sake of hit calling I've made a paint drawing that hints towards everyone's locations, some things are intentionally left open since I've been asked on this hit calling specifically and not everything else that's been ongoing in this thread. Don't take my drawing as the truth, it's my interpretation:



Please stop hinging your actions on a person who is in an active situation. It's dumb and you shouldn't do it--if I were called for it, most of the actions of the people who are currently participating are voided as a result, but I'll leave it up since nobody mentioned how dumb it was to talk to someone who was shooting off lazers from a dragon. This is an active combat situation, not a gathering for brunch with your grandmother. The next time I'm called for a hit and I can recognize these stupid actions that don't make sense I'll void them.


Cell Games Empty Fri May 26, 2017 6:55 pm



Quick Insert, after deliberation Maarschalk's ruling stands. Teiho and Izanagi are down. Posting will continue, Teiho be apart of the posting cycle.


Cell Games Empty Sat May 27, 2017 2:46 pm

She knew that in this world there were powers that she would never be able to stand against. What she didn't know was that there could be powers that rivaled that of a god. She was frozen in place partly due to fear and the other part awe. Her golden orbs watched as in mere seconds her friend and the long dragon like being got shot down from the sky. It almost didn't register in her mind that she was being spoken to but the voice that did the speaking was the same voice that took down the sky beast.

"Yes. Well the curtains match the drapes."

Her response was thoughtless in the sense that she didn't think when she said it, the words kinda just fell out of her mouth in one breathless swoop. Quickly pulling herself together she took her eyes off of her fallen friend and placed her full attention on the creature before her. Now that was getting a good look of him she couldn't honestly form a coherent thought in her mind. His presence alone scrambled her.

"I am only going to assume you are here for a fight. I'm telling you right now I'm not as strong as the sky beast you shot from above. But I can offer you a battle of a different kind. One of the mind. One of wits and logic."

At this point she was talking out of her ass, buying time to think of a way out of this situation. She didn't want to end up like her friend she wanted to live and she was going to do everything in her power to do so. She had heard the voices of others behind her. She didn't know if they were friend or foe but if they witnessed what she had just now then there was no doubt in her mind a fight would break out.

Of course those behind me might want a piece of you after that display of power just now. I can wait until you take out the rest of the trash or we can partake in something far more engaging right now..

She prayed to whatever god was listening that he took her offer and prayed again that he wouldn't just kill her on the spot. She didn't enter the arena's platform and stood her ground still outside of it. Her emerald locks fighting against the whip of wind, her golden orbs holding on to what sanity they had left while putting up a brave front. What she presented was a bold move and now she needed to see how it would play out.


Cell Games Empty Sat May 27, 2017 3:12 pm

Cell Games 4VLlHup

A older female voice began to sing. The orchestra played a tune that began to pick up as the camera pans over to the masked man. That signaled the entrance of a new challenger, then came the rap accompanied by a phat beat. A proper intro for the man who felt that this danger must be laid to rest. Danger loomed over the battlefield like a veil, waiting to envelop the world. The man who approached the arena from opposite of the current action was no stranger to the sort. It was what he used to get his thrills, death could come at any time. So the question was, why not die alive? He had already felt the cold embrace of death once before and knew what true pain meant. He was not sure if this would be the fight to send him back down into the depths of hell. This created a sensation of excitement, one that made his heart skip a beat. There was more than one monster here this day on the battlefield. There was Roman, and there was 'Perfect' Cell. On this special day, there was only one walking away from this.

A tall man in a suit could be seen walking in the distance only slightly blurred by the heat lines created by the weather from the waist down. A mask was attached to his face through magical means. It did not hinder his movement or vision one bit. A cat like creature was latched onto the tall man's shoulder, trying to not use any energy before this bout. The camera then zoomed in on the masked man's mouth region. He held a twisted object that had been lit already prior to walking in. Something to keep his nerves down from the possible impending doom. The object was slender and filled with the devil's lettuce. The tip blossomed with each inhale. He quickly passed it over to the cat sitting on his shoulder with the pompadour. He let out the smoke in spurts to make sure all of the good stuff was absorbed into his body. The cat said nothing while placing the blunt in between his lips. It wasn't long before his foot was on the edge of the arena. This placed the two newcomers at the edge of the 35 meter arena. Due to cell being in the middle that placed him at 17.5 meters away from the edge. But because he ran 12 meters at the flying beast he was 29.5 meters away from Roman's position. Cell finished his series of actions next to a green haired girl just outside the arena.

Both arms were tucked behind the back to make sure there was zero hostility perceived. Of course this was just a false perception created by Roman to make sure he was not attacked until he was ready for the match to begin. His spells required minimalist actions for activation. So he was completely capable of defending himself even though his hands were resting behind his back. The intro theme concluded abruptly as Roman looked up to see a monster falling to the earth. Golden eyes watched the scene from behind a pale mask. A dark skinned boy fell off the back of the beast unconscious with a hole in his chest.

Behind the mask Roman raised a eyebrow because he knew that boy possibly. Flashes of a boxing match in Crocus crossed his memory. He chuckled to himself causing Kiryu to wonder. He jumped off Roman's shoulder and stood next to the tall mage. He pulled the blunt from his mouth and let out a torrent of smoke.

“What's so fucking funny?”


The timing of Roman and Kiryu's entrance was that of Cell's attacks made on the flying beast. Not long had passed and the first combatant had already gone down. Roman pulled the helmet off his belt and handed it to Kiryu. “You will have more use for this than me.”

Kiryu finished off the remainder of the illegal drug and stomped the remains out. “Dude that is gonna fuck up my hair.”

“Don't argue.” Roman's voice carried a seriousness and authority behind it. Kiryu rolled his eyes and placed the helmet on. It fixed itself to his head, changing shape to welcome the cat's head. This was a perk unique to Kiryu most individuals did not know about. Roman was aware of Kiryu's hidden abilities. This was something that could be a determining factor in this fight. The ground shook as the beast fell back towards the group approaching the arena. Dust kicked up from the impact of the beast. This was merely a showcase of Cell's strength. This told Roman a few things that was embedded into his mind. First off Cell showed no hesitation in dispatching a target. His strength was not false in nature, he was in fact strong. And he could cover a large distance extremely quickly. Roman unfolded his arms from behind his back let them rest by his sides. His left hand rested on the handle of his weapon that was strapped to his left.

Roman only walked forward ten meters before stopping. He made sure to keep his movements minor. Kiryu made sure to stay directly next to his cohort. Both were ready to move at a moments notice in response to any malice. Now was the time for acting and getting to know the Perfect being. Roman was excited to rumble with Cell but he knew better than to be hasty. One already acted with haste and that foolish notion was silenced without a breaking a sweat. For this fight until it was revealed who he was, he was 'The Exterminator.' Roman cleared his throat and pretended as if he didn't see Cell in the distance. The woman seemed she was trying to have a conversation with the bug man. He made sure to speak loud enough to interrupt the conversation of the bug and the woman.

“Uh, Hello! Sorry to interrupt but I was called here due to a bug problem, seems a giant bug was terrorizing Fiore. Giant green nasty bug, goes by the name of Cell.” His voice carried itself across the arena to all of those in ear shot.

Roman pulled a spray can of aerosol from his back pocket. It was actually a highly flammable can filled with aerosol that was designed to kill house hold bugs. It read 'bug away' across the middle of the can with a picture on the front of a dead cockroach. A can that was not to long and somewhat light. He picked up this can on the way here, just for this gag. Kiryu could only let out a sigh in response. He was well aware of this joke Roman had been cooking up for some time.

“They said it was a small problem, but by the looks of the large beast that was just removed from the sky. I am going to need a bigger can.” He latched the can back onto his belt so it was behind his back once more. The two combatants waited for Cell to reenter his own arena. The subtle taunt would be more than sufficient to get a response.

Cell Games 2BcFwGgCell Games 2BcFwGgCell Games 2BcFwGgCell Games 2BcFwGg


#15Akio Hisao 

Cell Games Empty Sat May 27, 2017 6:15 pm

Akio Hisao
Akio had finally reached the place where he had heard the explosion. Standing outside the large arena before him, he began to scope out the area. A large green dragon man stood in the arena. A man and a flying creature were laying unmoving on the ground of the arena as well. There were a few others there as well, yet none of the rest had seemed to engage the dragon as of yet, though a few seemed close. As a man with no spells, simply a sword and some armor. Akio would need to be close enough to the dragon to engage in melee combat, but as he stared upon what was happening within the arena, he did not know if he would make it that close. He made the decision to remain outside of the arena for the time being to weigh his options and to see exactly how strong this man was before engaging him in combat.

Stats and Stuff:

Cell Games Giphy

Cell Games Empty Sat May 27, 2017 9:48 pm


Dismay rattled Kon's interior as he watched the green dragon beast fall from the skies along with its rider after being shot down by their opponent in a matter of moments after the failed attempts where the beast tried to target their shared foe. His shock was only eased by the realisation that he was not by himself but accompanied by Alice, his romantic partner with a companion trailing behind her resembling her Cleffa only much bigger revealing her presence by greeting him choosing to remain focused on the task at hand he commented without batting an eye away from Cell. "Hello, hun, it looks like things are a bit chaotic already after all we've already lost one person let's not add ourselves to the casualties just yet, I suggest we hang back until more arrive."

Another individual had entered the fray along with them forming a trio, his appearance unknown to Kon due to his limit vision from the helmet and attention being drawn towards the green individual, only identified by his voice being carried by the wind faintly asking them whether they needed assistance. Rephrasing his words to the newcomer, Kon commented to him as well. "I think we'd appreciate any support we can get, however, for now, let's wait for some more people to arrive admittedly neither of us can do much just yet." Referring to Alice and himself.

As Cell's attention appeared to have changed from perhaps the greatest threat to him to a green haired woman, Kon felt an urgency to aid her, however, acknowledging the speed differential between himself and Cell he would be able to do little in the way of aiding her and most he could send out his companion whose could cut the very wind as he dashed across the lands. This was unneeded however as they merely entered a fight of tongues instead of fists or spells.

Regardless of the change in tone he would change his pathing going towards the woman to stand to both to the side and a fair way behind her, instead of his former destination within the arena itself. The reasoning behind his change was based upon Cell choosing not to continue the fight by attacking the woman which suggested to him that he wouldn’t engage anyone that was either in the arena or attacked him directly.

Of course this was purely an assumption however Kon didn’t want to test his luck even with his enhanced endurance and strength caused from both his armour and the magic granted from it. The power difference between both him and Cell just seemed so large he couldn’t compete with him directly instead he would have to aid others however he could whether it was even placing himself in harm's way to do so he would.

Mana: 1820/1950 (All spells save for Semper Fortis which is sustained, have not been cast, with mana also unused)
Stats: Strength: 62 (A rank phys damage.), Speed: 1, Endurace 73 (4 x S rank durability.), Intelligence 33 (20% Mana reeduction.)
Companion's Mana: 380/480 (Charge speed sustained)
Companion's Stats: Strength 15, Endurance 20, Speed 65

Note wrote:Following spells: Invicta, Veto, Memento Vivere, Para Bellum, Undead wolf, Undead white wolf and Undead Rat, were not cast as a result of Teiho and Rayquazza's knockout and Kon's direct response of him choosing not to enter the arena, after all, one of the requirements for him to cast these spells.


Cell Games Empty Sun May 28, 2017 11:16 am

She had not taken her eyes of Cell as well. At first it was easy to spot others but as soon as she stood next to Konstantin, it was different to spot others in case they were coming from behind her, she needed to keep her eyes on Cell, needed to make sure nothing like that would happen to her. She shivered a few seconds when she glanced at what had happened to the dragon like companion and his owner. This armour made her too slow, that was a fact. For a short three seconds maximum she glanced at the right corner, Konstantin and Sparky. Sparky was a good option but it wasn't her companion. It was Kon his suggestion to stay back and normally she wouldn't agree but simply go for it, she shouldn't make that mistake this time.

While Konstantin kept his eyes on Cell, she turned around to look at the third person arriving, her being the second. She smiled shortly to Chelvaric before she turned her eyes back to the problem of today: Cell. "He's right. Don't waste power just yet. We need to come up with a plan and quick." Which was one of a first that she would admit that she would need a plan. She would almost shiver from saying the word.

In case anyone would move, she had decided at first that because she needed a plan of attack and to make sure what everyones style of fighting was: that she would remain on Konstantin his left side. The spear still in her hands, her right at the front, left hand close to the end holding it before her own body. She was close to a young woman with green hair, whom seemed to get the attention of Cell, probably due to his favourite colour. She guessed he was around 20 meters away from her, but she could be wrong.

Alice Mana: 1085/1135
Ophelia Mana: 480/480
Equiped: Scarle Armour (male version) + Straight Spear
Strength: 37 + Might 10 + 18 Spear = 65
Endurance: 31
Speed: 11 (-20) = 1

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#18Leyaria Venerak 

Cell Games Empty Sun May 28, 2017 11:23 pm

Leyaria Venerak


White Dragon Slayer

With each step, the less and less sure she was were certain if what she had heard had been the case or not. The only thing in which Leyaria seemed certain of was that she was lost, and utterly so. They had made the trek earlier within the week, having arrived in the mountains though having run into few people; by no means those with the clearest sense as to stay away from the area. To whatever motivated her exactly, it was unclear, yet there she was.

Proceeding beside her was her companion Geth, the golem-like creature having made few if any indications as to being irritated or otherwise fatigued, a pleasant sign for the day to follow. If her mental noting of the days passed had been anything close to accurate, today was the day of the tournament whose announcement had left a collective wave of panic through the tavern that she had been at the time.

Just where the tournament was to be held though, she seemed to only know of the general area. The precise location was one for which she struggled to process.

Had it not been for the blast of which echoed earlier throughout the mountains like a lone eruption in an otherwise silent surrounding, the pair may well have found themselves going in the completely opposite direction. Now though, as they followed sound of the blast, the sight of the arena came upon them as they proceeded closer. At a distance no greater than 20 meters before her stood the outer edge of the arena, the cut stone in which made up the arena providing a sharp contrast against that of the rocky ground that filled the area before them for what seemed like forever.

Averting her eyes just slightly to the left, upon the other edge of the arena, there appeared the large body of a dragon-like creature, to which left Leyaria a bit speechless, if apprehensive to believe. The distance between her and it stood at least double that of from her to the arena's edge, just over 42 meters to be exact. Covering such a distance, all for the sake of curiosity while there nothing which signified that Cell had been defeated or was gone, was at the very least, foolhardy. At the worst, suicidal.

Instead setting her focus closer to that of the center of the arena - all the while moving closer such that she now stood within 15 meters of the arena's edge - she could just barely make out what at least appeared to have been someone standing within the arena, the size of which she could only guess that it belonged to a human. It would be impossible to say one way or the other without getting a bit closer.

Having arrived within the general area only a few moments ago herself, she had no reason to suspect or otherwise believe that a fight weren't taking place now, regardless of what she could or couldn't see. The blast had echoed through the Mountains only a brief time ago, a feeling within her throat leading her to believe that it had either been at the hands of the beast that lay motionless or otherwise put it down. She assumed the latter. As such, she found herself remaining ever vigilant and ready to move if needed. Taking a faintest of looks down at Geth, it was tough to wholly register just what emotions her companion must have been feeling at the sight of it, but in almost the same motion she had returned her focus back towards the arena.

Clicking her teeth, White Dragon Slayer Magic began to manifest itself around Leyaria, enabling her to reach her maximum speeds without incident, running to her right around the arena such that she appeared in the same location relative to the arena as earlier with respects to her positioning from the arena's edge, maintaining a distance of 10 meters between it and her, though now to the right side than straightforward from where she had arrived, allowing her another vantage point, particularly of that which had been on the completely other side of the arena from where she had and Geth now stood alone. There were two figures, the details of them being ones in which she could not make out from the distance of 30 meters which separated them, though she was at the least able to make out the height difference between the two, one of them seemingly towering over the other. While both stood just outside of the arena, the faintest of glances to the left again gave her a sight of the man who stood within the arena, the details of him being ones in which she could barely make out, though if nothing else being able to process his location - at least presently in the arena - relative to how she had initially perceived it.

Leyaria began her movements again, running to her left and returned back towards Geth, who now had moved a slight distance closer towards the arena, having stopped at about 10 meters away from the edge of the arena, still knowing that there stood perhaps the full arena's distance between her location and that of the man inside, and even further separating between her and the two figures who stood just outside it, a distance of perhaps just shy of 50 meters or so between them and Leyaria.

It seemed a bit to mirror how the situation played out during the only other real instance of combat that she could recall, back within the outskirts of Era. Though, if there had been one thing which it had taught her, it was that there wasn't a fault in being perhaps a bit reserved than behaving aggressively. Similarly too, though there may have been a small bit of her which wasn't overly keen to standing alone on her side of the arena, the nature of this sort of event - plus that with the large fallen dragon whose defeated presence still seemed to resonate through the area - quickly dispelled away any such concerns, if not even reassured her of that decision.

In the meanwhile, with Geth at her side, Leyaria watched for what were to happen next, the effects of the White Dragon Slayer Magic remaining active whilst the Cell Games continued.
Heaven Sent, Crusade Driven


White Dragon's Holy Passage

Name: White Dragon's Holy Passage
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: White Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: ~
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Sustain
Effect: By clicking her teeth, Leyaria's body begins to hyper circulate White Dragon Slayer Magic, causing it appear just to emanate from her in a manner that almost resembles white flames. For as long as this spell remains in effect, Leyaria is capable of utilizing this steady flow to enhance her movement speed, enabling her to quickly reach her top speed when either running or dashing without the required acceleration that would otherwise be necessary.

#19Tori Lancaster 

Cell Games Empty Mon May 29, 2017 8:46 am

Tori Lancaster
Having awoken on the morning of the terrible event that was about to unfold, Tori did her morning stretches in order to get the blood pumping. She needed to be fully alert for this, for this was no run-of-the-mill bout. This was a battle...no..this was a war for survival. The fate of Fiore, and every single soul who called themselves a citizen, all rested on the shoulders of every man and woman who had made their way to the Sieghart Mountains on this day. As she made her way to the slope down to the ground, Psyduck followed in tow. She had a mind to tell him to stay, but decided against it since she knew he would refuse and follow her regardless.

As they reached the ground, Tori noticed a large, elongated shadow racing across the dirt. Looking up, she saw a green, serpentine creature flying through the sky and noticed that it bore a rider. Her hat was off to whoever had the skill to ride something like that so effortlessly. She followed the direction that the beast was taking, as something like that, especially being ridden, was sure to be going where she needed. Seeing as how it was significantly faster, Tori and Psyduck were left behind by the creature, it reaching the horizon in no time. She picked Psyduck up so that she would not do the same to her cohort before picking up her pace and speedwalking to try and close the distance.

Moments later, Tori heard a deafening scream echo throughout the mountains followed by an explosion big enough to see the light it produced from over the horizon. At this point, Tori decided to full on run as fast as she could to see what exactly had happened. As she approached, Tori saw a large arena of cut stone that could have been made of marble being so pristine with one figure standing inside of it. Outside the ring, a small group had assembled. On another side of the ring, the same green beast that she saw flying across the cloudless sky now on the ground lying motionless along with its rider. Opposite them, also just outside the ring was a lone woman who seemed to be encased in white flames, and beside her stood a small creature that looked to be a boulder with arms and legs.

As she got closer, to 30 meters outside the ring, she got a closer look at what she could of the people in the area, was well as the different creatures that accompanied most of them, and make out the fine details of their appearances, save the ones who were heavily armored. At 15 meters, she saw something she feared that she might see. The rider that once rode the majestic sky beast was none other than Fairy Tail's strongest member. She ran to her guild mate, unsure of whether or not he was still alive. "Teiho, are you ok?" she said, trying to hold back tears. She heard no reply, but could tell he was breathing albeit barely. Even that was impressive with the gaping hole in his chest, so she figured take what she could get. "I guess our spar is going to have to wait. Don't worry. We'll get this guy. For Fairy Tail." she said as she stood up and glared at the man standing in the arena.

Maintaining a distance of 10 meters from the edge of the ring, she walked around it in order to join the others. Upon joining the others, she would stand next to them. Not once did she break line of sight with the green man during this the time. "So. Do we have a plan?" she said concisely, once again not taking her eyes off this creature. If this person could have taken down Fairy Tail's strongest member, along with that huge beast in seconds, he was obviously not to be taken lightly. Rushing in headstrong was nothing short of a suicide mission, and judging from the gathering of people still waiting outside the ring, she was not alone in that opinion.

#20Chelvaric Walderkat 

Cell Games Empty Mon May 29, 2017 9:03 am

Chelvaric Walderkat
Chelvaric looked up into the sky as an explosion occurred originating from the being called cell. The mighty beast that was flying majestically was now tumbling down like Icarus. Thrown out of the sky as if he didn’t belong there. It was a tragic end of the beast. As one of the contesters was already out they had to be careful not to lose anymore in these tragic solo attacks. It was never a good idea to fight alone anyway. He heard the guy in armor say they had to fall back and he agreed they shouldn’t waste too much time so close to the enemy.

“Yes I agree, let's fall back. But we have to come up with something fast because he won’t let us stand here forever before putting is attention on us!” Chelvaric said in a hurry to them as he moved backwards from Cell. He was thinking in what to do as they had to defeat this being quickly before it destroyed the whole place. The good thing about the situation was that he wouldn’t do that till he finished with all the fights. So they had to prolong the fights as much as possible and then hopefully back up would arrive to finish up the job. Chelvaric looked at the other two and started talking. “I am Chelvaric this I scraggy. I don’t have many offensive capabilities except for my scraggy and my sword. So I can just buff you guys and keep you out of the way from the spells but I only have some limited capabilities. So don’t pin too much hope on me.” he said to them and he looked at Cell. This was gone be really hard and he was a bit regretting not bringing any team members with him. But hard fights had never scared him before so he wouldn’t be backing off now either.

Chelvaric Mana: 510/510
Scraggy Mana: 200/200
Equiped: Glimmering sword
Strength: 10 +26 form sword
Endurance: 2
Speed: 8
int : 3

Cell Games HVEbuMl

#21Perfect Cell 

Cell Games Empty Tue May 30, 2017 3:45 pm

Perfect Cell
As the attacks collided, both hit their mark without stipulation. The man was completely caught off guard, and due to his own inability to maintain awareness, his faithful companion also suffered from the assault. With an attack going unprotected into both of their most vital areas, their fight was done before it truly began. To give them some credit, they had already pressed Cell beyond which he had expected to go. By that, he of course meant the fact that he had decided to use spells at all against them. Fiore was out to prove something, it seemed.

As the dragon fell and his words addressed the green haired woman, she quickly responded. Her answer seemed to show that she had a quick wit. Her words that came after proved to the contrary. "Good deduction, Sherlock! What made you think I wanted combat? Was it my announcement of a tournament? Gold star for you. Again, you prove yourself far superior to the man who flew in on his dragon, huffing and puffing until he fell right on down!"

His words were mocking, though it should be expected. The actions brought about a shock on those who watched, or at the very least those he could see. This green haired woman was presently the closest to him, and she was outside the arena at least ten meters away from himself with others at least slightly further from that. As if to catch his attention through the silence, a voice echoed from behind him.

Stepping to his right a single time and turning so that the green haired woman was now on his right and in front of him, the masked gentleman was now also in his vision, albeit to his left. Still in front of him, though, as to keep the man in his gaze. Taking a single extra step backwards, and with that, a few others whom Cell had not yet realized put themselves in his view. While Cell did not bother focusing on them or registering what they looked like, they were now firmly in his peripheral. These two newcomers were the adventurer and the white, glowing dragon slayer whose movements would now potentially draw his attention, even if they attempted to mask them.

The man who spoke with more bug insults was a man with a mask, standing next to a...

A cat. A fucking cat. Now he'd seen everything. Cell was beginning to become frustrated. This was a tournament he had announced on the country wide lacrima, ensuring that everyone would know it was a tournament. He made sure to give a minor representation of his power, so no one would come and waste his time. Yet here they were, coming in bulk to waste his time. "I like the mask. Don't worry, my comedic stranger, the irony of a cat owned by a pussy is not yet lost on me." His words held their usual demeaning tone, and yet there was more to it now. His arms had crossed as he had stepped back, his voice holding the bite of a man who was filled with annoyance. It was as if he were daring the world to throw him one final annoyance.

And as if to answer his call, the thing presented itself. As the green haired girl stood there, still trying to make her exit, and the man with the mask began speaking once more about "they" saying it was a problem, Cell saw it. A blonde girl, looking like a brighter version of the man he'd beat up within a restaurant, sprinted onto the stage. In response, as if to ensure that no idiotic trickery would take place, Cell had activated a method to make sure that he'd not have to be taken too off guard, done by a quick flex of his muscles.

Are... Are you fucking serious?

His attention had not been fully brought away from those around him. On the contrary, by keeping them in his peripherals and keeping a conscious check of them, he gave himself a slight advantage. Any major movements, or at least movements that he'd deem as major, would be immediately caught. This was in contrast to when one was looking directly at someone, being so focused on the subtleties that that they missed the obvious motions. Any motion that occupied his peripherals would be responded to accordingly, if need be. Still, his awareness of his surroundings did not rid his acute awareness of this individual.

This individual ran past Cell as if she didn't realize where she was, running to the black mans side. As she took a kneel next to the man who had fallen about six meters beyond him, Cell's eyes bore into the back of her head. If this moron speaks to the dead man I swear I will-

His thoughts were interrupted due to the blonde speaking to the "dead man". That tears it.

Dashing forward, clearing the distance in less than a second as she spoke again, beginning to stand, Cell shot his hand forward. His movements were silent, as his movement had been caused by shoving off the ground in her direction. Grabbing the side of her head, he'd slam her face first into the ground in a single motion before lifting her up, unconscious in his grasp. "Listen here," he began, his tail arching from around his body and impaling the girl in her stomach. Turning his body once more so that all present were before him in some capacity, the woman still in his arms, he began to speak. If he had to, he would have dodged or blocked any sort of counters from those around him first. That being said, she'd have still been in his grasp, and his tail would have still been within her.

"I will give anyone here a single chance right now to get the hell out. Go home. Talk to your friends. Enjoy your short time together while you shake at home, explaining to your loved ones that you ran away from combat because it was a scary thing. They'll understand, I'm sure, because chances are that they knew you were a small person anyways."

As his tail pulsated, drawing heaps of mana from the poor woman, he continued to speak. "However, if you stay, I expect that means you're actually here to fight. One on one, everyone versus me, it doesn't matter. But don't fucking stand here and assume that you're safe. From now on, those in the ring and out of it are fair targets. Is that understood?"

His words were menacing, and the view of a woman being drank from right in front of them was certainly nothing that would ease their concerns. This was the chance people had to get within the ring and form strategy on the fly. Even if they had attempted to interrupt him at any point in his conversation or actions, he'd consider the message relayed. He'd react in kind, and from this point forward, everyone could consider their lives at risk.

Mana: 1800/2400:


Cell Games Empty Wed May 31, 2017 3:00 pm

She was being mocked but more than that she was being informed. These people were here for a reason and she had no idea about it. Andromeda wasn't living under a rock or anything but she honestly didn't get the memo and she didn't have the time to ask up on it. What she needed was a bigger distraction because she could tell she was prime target and as luck would have it that distraction came in the form of a blond. Golden orbs watched as the most unfortunate series unfolded before her.  Dear Zeus No.. Was all her mind could muster as a thought before her body propelled itself forward in the green creatures direction as it went for the blond haired girl. She didn't know what she was thinking but she had already watched her friend fall and wasn't about to let someone who actually knew him go down as well.

Moving as fast as she could possibly go until she was exactly five meters from where the green creature stood, a dark circle formed Under her foot as she moved and once it did it shot out towards the green creature with the intent of getting right under the creature. The dark magic circle would then shoot out a meter wide pillar with enough force to push the creature off the ground before it would vanish leaving him to fall five meters from the ground.  Waving her hand at the same time as the dark magic circle formed under her foot, a black static arc that is 5 meters in length with a 5 inch width would shoot from her hand following the magic circle on the ground. The arc would deal cutting damage that cuts one centimeter deep if it hit. She honestly didn't know what she was doing but she wasn't going to sit back and do nothing at all.

Mana = 855 - 50 = 805:


Cell Games Empty Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:04 pm

[ OOC: Roman/Kiryu's current position 10 meters inward of the  35 Meter arena. Placing them 25 away meters facing the peanut gallery. This places them 7.5 m from cells last position when he dashed off. (25 m -17.5) Now Cell is 19.5 meters away from the two. (7.5+12 m dash) That is before the dash towards tori.]


Cell Games 08c787890c26980b0c0f02dce2cce148282a7172_hq

See for once Roman was nice in his approach of a opponent. Cell decided not to engage as desired, like two warriors should. This individual suddenly became a target, a focus of his malice and rage They were no longer on equal terms, but now below Roman. Cell's 'arrogance' did not go unnoticed. The sassy response was the start of the slippery slope but his actions of turning away. Not immediately engaging Roman was the thing that was enough to get a rise in him. The thing was it wasn't all negative emotions. A since of excitement welled up in him. He no longer had to hold back. None of his allies were present, and he had full reigns to do what he wanted. It was a refreshing, and excited feeling. A feeling of being free. 'I am getting turned on.' He thought to himself. His body relaxed slightly causing electricity to flow throughout his body. Roman gripped the sheath of his sword while placing his thumb right on the guard to slide it upward, revealing the blade. A small glimmer fell off the sharpened weapon.

A blonde haired individual ran to the aid of the dark skinned individual. This was foolish in nature. Everyone knew you collect your dead after the battle was done. This battle was only getting started. Roman could tell Cell was getting annoyed by all of this. Cell had the look of a pissy white girl written across his face. Meanwhile Roman's free right hand made tight fist. A clenching sound that came as a notice to Kiryu. The cat crossed his arms and gave a huge grin.

“What's the plan?” The cat asked knowing full well what the answer was. This is why he bonded with Roman, they were alike in a lot of ways. The thing Cell did would have pissed him off a bit also. He began to unbutton his jacket, as if he knew what was coming. Roman quickly pushed the mask off his face with his left hand causing the hat to slide backwards. This was so quick Cell couldn't do anything cheeky to react to it. Not to mention Cell was focused on the girl running in for a moment. No matter how Cell wanted to think he kept everyone in view his attention span was divided pretty hard. This was to keep from obscuring the attack that could come from Roman's mouth.  Everyone knew removing clothing only made the power level go up.

“All in.” Roman's words were clear as day to Kiryu. There was no need to question what it meant or if he was sure. The beat began to drop as a man began to spit supah hot fire into the microphone.

That was all Kiryu needed to carry the deed out. He removed the sunglasses and removed his jacket. Leaving nothing but his pants and small dress shoes. A light covered his body and he suddenly grew several inches taller in a instant. A shorter, muscular man stood next to Roman. The helmet from earlier refitted itself to fit his head and hid his hair. He let out a battle cry as a signal of their forward attack. “It's show time!” But it had more meaning behind it. The helmet activated giving Kiryu added strength. Roman being almost eight foot tall towered over the transformed companion. Sure it looked cool on paper, but the best was yet to come.

Cell Games 1b6b2e1e52f3010a18a1fa9af934d077e62b7192_hq

With this ability active Kiryu was able to use any and all human weaponry granted to him by his owner. Not only that his physical ability grew with his transformation. At the current moment he was actually stronger than Roman in terms of physical ability. But Roman still had magical ability over his companion.

This occurred during the moments it took for Cell to watch and become enraged by the blonde running to her comrade. “Feel free to use this, I want to use my bare fucking hands.” At the same time Roman's left thumb pushed up on the weapon's guard almost launching it out of it's sheath. Quickly following this Roman opened his right hand releasing several hundred particles into the air around the two quickly. This served as extra sensory, even though they appeared as small bugs. Another thing was produced in the same motion. A larger fairly like orb appeared fluttering around Roman before it detected Kiryu. Suddenly it turned a dark red color indicating attack mode. Thing was it did not automatically attack. It stayed right above Roman's right index finger due to his ability to control it.

Kiryu grabbed the handle of the moving weapon due to standing on Roman's left side. He held the sword out in front and switched it to a forward facing position. A gust of wind carried itself around the cat man suddenly increasing his speed slightly. The two pressed down on the ground with all of their might blasting off from their current position. They stepped outward with their outside legs to create a gap. By stepping outward and moving forward they were able to create a one meter gap between the two. The ground cracked and buckled under their collective strength. They were not subtle about their advance in the slightest. Cell had a weakness, one that he may not even be aware of. Subtle in nature but a game changer if he played to his character. Cell was arrogant, so the two charging in would come off as nothing to him. He just swatted a fucking dragon out of the air, so he was no doubt riding on a sort of high from the attack. Now his attention was split between all the folks coming out of the wood works. Even if Roman's following actions failed, those in the fight should see a opening if they payed attention. Otherwise they would only be reduced to nothingness by Cell's strength.

The two covered a alarming amount of distance in a instant. By then Cell dashed off to attack the blonde. This changed Cell's position from 19.5 meters to 25.5 meters. This created a small opening, only slight to attack. Even if Cell was going to fire back a attack the two had more than enough reaction time to dodge. Even if they needed the aid of extra abilities they were available. Kiryu was faster than Roman at this given moment so he led the charge. He was running at his top speed of 20 m/s even though it took less than a second to get to top speeds. While Roman on the other hand automatically ran 15 m/s due to his spell that was currently active. Kiryu was 5.5 meters away from Cell while Roman was 10.5 meters away. By now, another combatant was about to feel the bite of Cell's annoyance.  His hand on the girls head lifting her up for all to see. Cell most likely noticed that Kiryu was only 5.5 meters away from him. This was of course if Cell did not intercept him during the run. The straw like tail arched up to stab the meatbag. Cell only had a few options and minimal time to react.


Kiyru was coming to a sliding halt. Kiryu poured mana into the blade and stabbed forward. His current position was 5.5 meters away at the moment of him stabbing forward. A sharpened blade fired from the tip of the sword moving at 20 m/s. It was one meter in width and length making the projectile rather girthy. He aimed the blade directly at the tail of cell that was currently around his body that was on Kiryu's and Roman's side. This was a means of cutting off any regeneration from this point on. Cell had to stop his meal negating the possible feeding. Being only 5.5 meters away at this point he the right foot in front stomped the ground to push him left ward. He moved the max distance he could dash in a second. This to put some distance between the two for 'reasons.' This was all one smooth motion of attacking and dashing away. A hit and run of sorts.

Kiryu was very aware of Tori's body being used as a shield, this is why he attacked first to get a reaction. He hoped Roman was already following up on the initial attack. Then again Cell had milliseconds to react to the attack due to being so close. Kiryu pulled his sword back prepping another attack. This one was more defensive in nature. If Cell were to attack or dash in he could stab cell with a primed spell. He remembered Roman using this skill against Kruger in the building. Mana poured into the blade once more but it did not fire. He had to wait at the right moment if cell chased. Then again he had other problems.


Being 10.5 meters away from Cell he motioned his finger forward to fired the orb directly to the side of cell. He came to a halt at the 5 meter mark and shot to the right. This was to make sure Kiryu and Roman created a pincer attack. Due to Cell facing the left, the orb was focused on his lower back. It shot forward moving at 20 meters a second directly behind him.  Then with a curl of the index finger inward the ball shot towards the back or front (depending where he is facing) in attempt to pierce the body. If cell moved to chase the dashing Kiryu then the ball hit without a doubt due to it's speed. If he backed up then it was only going to get hit that much harder. Should the orb connect this served as a means to opening up a world of hurt for Cell. If he tried to duck the orb could easily bore into the middle of cells back.

If he moved any other direction Roman could easily alter the trajectory of the orb causing it to give chase. With its current moving speed things only became increasingly difficult for Cell. At the point of the orb reaching cell in roughly half a second maybe less. Roman opened his mouth aiming the next attack slightly downward due to the height difference. There was no energy gathered or build up just a attack. A beam fired outward aiming directly at Cells head. This cut off any chance of moving forward or backward, as the orb was attacking. If he were to jump, the beam only would meet the chest region or leg area. If he didn't move due to being hit by Kiryu's and Roman's initial attacks then the beam scores a head-shot. Due to attacks coming from various angles he could only use the meat to block one attack. So Cell had to choose his next actions very carefully. His left hand was free due to his right hand controlling the orb. This meant he had free reign to do all sorts of fun things just in case Cell got ancy.

This all occurred before the green hair girl's responses. As Roman was able to act during Cell's arrogance. Of course time flowed into several different directions. None of these above actions were solidified or absolutes. Just a attempt to erase a world threat from the world.  Roman and Kiyru made sure not to dump everything at once. They had to make sure attacks landed before hand.


#24Leyaria Venerak 

Cell Games Empty Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:14 pm

Leyaria Venerak


White Dragon Slayer

For a moment, at least upon having first arrived, she believed herself smart to have stood off to the sidelines. It had worked for her before in Era, though the circumstances in both vastly contrasted with one another. While Era had been at night, it was still early, the sun shining down heavily upon the flat area, the cut stone acting almost like that of a mirror, seemingly reflecting sunlight back onto those who would be otherwise foolish to stare directly down upon the stone. Too, the shrubbery and bushes which had provided her shelter and the illusion of disguise were gone, Leyaria no longer being invisible but rather that of one standing by her own.

This was a mistake, she thought to herself, a growing part of her starting to more and more think that her qualifications as a tactician were more by her own perception than perhaps what reality could speak to. While imbued with the White Dragon Slayer Magic, she figured to forsake this positioning; whatever opportunity or benefit of stealth she thought she could have attained, all that would be required would be that of a quick turn of the head to realize there were very little chance of anyone attaining that, even those more proficient and capable in combat than she.

Moving at a speed of 20 m/s, she had covered what distance separated her from the edge of the arena and then some, having moved a total of about 15 meters inside the arena before she noticed that the individual in the middle of the arena had moved forward himself with haste, the suddenness of it causing Leyaria to be surprised, if even for the slightest of a moment. Figuring to capitalize on the man's charge herself, she rushed towards the man as well, careful not to get too close towards him or even towards the other person who had appeared all of a sudden, instead keeping herself off slightly to the distance, stopping in her tracks as she came within 12 meters to that of where the man stood, the aftermath of an intense blast of Magic blasting outwards from him in the waning moments of her just moving into that position and location, the entity that went by Cell being about 15 meters away from her all the same upon the conclusion of her movement.

Even before she had stopped moving though, she had snapped her fingers within her left hand, the resulting sword of light which had formed having materialized wholly as she came to a stop. Then, just as all that remained of the man's Magical attack dissipated away, she acted with a quick gesture combination with her index finger, extending it outwards and then retracting it almost immediately afterwards, the duo effect being enough for which the sword of light that had materialized just a meter above Leyaria to be projected outwards directly at Cell and would connect before perhaps even a second were to pass from the conclusion of the man's initial Magical attack. The angle at which Leyaria's sword would result in it colliding directly with Cell's head, striking at it and then dispersing into White Dragon Slayer particles, though should it be necessary, the retraction of her finger would provide to be key. Barring the blade connecting with Cell which would otherwise prove to make her retraction of her fingers moot, should Cell manage to initially avoid the striking of the blade, the retraction of her finger combined with the speed at which the blade traveled and the distance that stood between Leyaria and Cell meant that it would cause the blade to immediately flip itself nearly 240 degrees while almost directly on top of Cell, and then continue its trajectory, this thusly causing it to to strike downwards straight into either Cell's clavicle or neck even, the dissolving of the sword into the White Dragon Slayer particles therefore inevitably concentrating almost exclusively onto the upper body of Cell, the burning effect to which it would leave upon him being that of which would be hard for him to endure, regardless of how powerful he may have been. That was without even taking into consideration what further damage may have been left to him by the other man or even those who otherwise may have contributed to their assault as well.

All of that of course was provided that the sword were to connect, though considering all factors, that how quickly since the other man's attack had concluded that Leyaria had projected out her own spell at Cell, even if the man's attack were to perhaps just miss Cell or even graze him, the sheer brightness of it and his proximity, it wouldn't have mattered how powerful Cell may have been, there was little reason to believe that the light of sheen of the blast wouldn't at the very least impede his sight to the slightest of degree, which would be more than sufficient. Further, the sword which Leyaria had created, the brightness of it; between it, the speed at which it moved, the suddenness to which Leyaria had gone from possibly having been never in the focus or otherwise conscious thoughts of anyone who were present within the arena or nearby, plus the intense brightness to which radiated off of the man's Magical attack only a moment earlier, then further added by the fact that the sword of light had the distinct likelihood to otherwise blend in with the immediate surroundings, the light from which radiated off of the sword potentially being as easily mistaken for light which may have reflected off of the polished stone, or even just being lost within the heavy sunlight which poured down on the clear day.

Even to her arrival, the White Dragon Magic of which radiated off of her provided a unique advantage of which Leyaria may not have been aware of herself. Beyond just the incredible burst of speed to which she used to traverse towards where she had now stood, her appearing in the wake of a barrage like that of what the man had unleashed upon Cell possibly being that of what many would not suspect to make sense, especially with the White Dragon Slayer Magic that radiated just over her, the intense light within the area altogether perhaps being enough to otherwise fool people for the briefest of moments that it were nothing more than a mirage or otherwise the effect simply a result of a visual effect of the combination of the heat, environment, and time of day. Though, obviously with those who devoted more time and focus towards paying direct attention towards Leyaria, namely if Cell were to, even the slightest of distractions following her arrival would mean that the connection between it and her sword of light, and the subsequent dispersement of White Dragon Slayer particles that would follow and begin to burn away at Cell, would be all but a guarantee. And of course, that were provided that he weren't already distracted, though all things considered, distracted or not it was hard to imagine that the sword wasn't going to strike directly upon Cell, the aftermath of which very likely shifting the momentum of this battle in her - or perhaps their - favor.
Heaven Sent, Crusade Driven


White Dragon's Holy Passage

Name: White Dragon's Holy Passage
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: White Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: ~
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Sustain
Effect: By clicking her teeth, Leyaria's body begins to hyper circulate White Dragon Slayer Magic, causing it appear just to emanate from her in a manner that almost resembles white flames. For as long as this spell remains in effect, Leyaria is capable of utilizing this steady flow to enhance her movement speed, enabling her to quickly reach her top speed when either running or dashing without the required acceleration that would otherwise be necessary.

White Dragon Slayer Secret Art:

Heaven's Genocide

Name: White Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Heaven's Genocide
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 400
Requirements: White Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Offense
Element: Light
Range: 25 Meters
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: White Dragon Slayer Magic builds up within a closed fist of Leyaria's, with which she opens her palm, causing the Magic to materialize above her in the form of a sword composed of light measuring 2 meters in length. The sword then be directed out at a target like that of a Magic projectile, capable of its trajectory and motion being altered and changed through the motions of Leyaria's finger. Upon striking the target, the sword will deal S-Rank burning/blunt damage to them. As well, afterwards there will appear particles of light which remain from the sword that will remain and attach themselves to the target. At that point, following the sword striking and for each post that follows, those covered in the particles of light will suffer S-Rank burning damage unless they destroy the particles through the means of S-Rank damage or greater.


Cell Games Empty Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:14 am


Watching outside of the arena he observed as a girl who he had interacted with in the past rushed past him and his newly formed posse onto the arena. A fool’s attempt to interact with who he assumed was close with the girl. Swiftly Cell initiated upon her as a result of entering the arena outcome unknown to the heavily armoured individual. Feeling the time for talk was drawing to a close with others begin their own plays, He felt it was time where shots were about to be thrown by both ally and foe alike.

As a result of this seeking avoid as much harm a physically possible, he would attempt to create as much space between himself and Cell with the small amount of time offered to him with the distraction created by the newcomer whose name he promptly remembered based on their actions and appearance, Tori Lancaster, Fairy Tail mage who once again went into danger without noticing the situation at hand. “They really aren’t having a good time against this man….” He said muffled by his scarf and helmet as he remembered the reports of many fairy tail members having been previously attacked by him.

Moving as quickly backwards as he could away from the arena with his left hand still drawn in front of him in the attempts to block any attacks before he could defend himself properly. He wanted to create a distance of at least 20 meters between him and Cell as he did so he would attempt to wordless signal his partner and the other member of their posse to get back as well as signalling to the newcomer to spread out from from them as he couldn’t truly defend them all. The distance created would give him ample time to swiftly cast any defensive spells in the case of a spell that went in his and Alice’s direction. The defensive spells would on the whole depend on what came towards them the assumed upcoming flurry of spells.

Based upon what would be best to fight against the villainous Cell, large blast-based spells due to their sheer size and unavoidability. Assuming that the rest of the group recognised that would be the most suitable type of spell to use against this individual, he would, the instant upon seeing an offensive based spell, whether making it to the preferred distance between him and Cell, cast one of his defensive spells attained from his armour. Of course he would choose not to cast it if it meant that Cell would be under it’s protection or for that matter could slip into the area that it could protect.

This would also block that area from his reach unless he took the time to destroy the barrier created as a result granting the others time to continue their attacks on him. If the large defensive spell crumbled into pieces from the destructive power from the conflict around them he would have to cast a wall in front of them small in size but still strong nonetheless. In the unfortunate circumstances of that too falling he would have to fall back onto the shield spell and hope that his partner and the other individual could defend themselves.

Alternatively if Cell’s attention was drawn to them in their attempts to defend themselves from friendly fire and tried to attack them with his pure raw physical strength, he would cast his undead minions upon his foe with them taking the briefest of moments to arise from the ground completely around Cell the moment he moved into his direction and closed the distance between them by 10 meters at a minimum, meaning he would be just >10 meters from the newly formed distance between the two, allowing him to cast a majority of his summons. Casting the summons was easy with him merely drawing some magical energy before raising his sword wielding hand up slightly and easily removed from the field instantly with another wrist gesture and releasing the very same magical energy.

The removal of the summons was merely a countermeasure if he attempted to use them against any of them whether as meatshields or as any other means to hinder them. Because these summons were merely created through the use of magic they would be unaffected by what would cripple most other beings such as pain or even a hole through their chest nor would they be capable of being absorbed as they lacked a manapool of their own. Their unparalleled ability to take a hit meant they would easily be able to continue claw, naw and otherwise just simply harass Cell if he chose to hit one of them only destroyed by completely tearing them to shreds.

If he entered the reach of his summons it also meant he would be within range of his sword’s projectile spell which he would cast immediately at Cell’s head. His companion who would whilst still buffed be seeming on par with Cell in regards to speed would charge at the green coloured freak whilst casting the remainder of his spells in Cell’s direction initiating with his lightning blast then following up with his lightning bolt and arc which whilst were all low in power would still prove frustrating as it would disturb the targets physical abilities by inflicting harm upon his nervous system. The Zebstrika would ensure that the undead beasts that his master commanded would not interfere with either his attacks or be used to block aforementioned attacks. If all else failed against the bug he would simply attempt to block the blows and try to counter attack with his own blows.

Mana: ~950/1950 (Variable based upon spells used as a direct response to attacks with summons and Para Bellum used if attacked directly, with maximum base mana cost reduced from 625 to 500.)
Stats: Strength: 62 (A rank phys damage.), Speed: 1, Endurace 73 (4 x S rank durability.), Intelligence 33 (20% Mana reeduction.)
Companion's Mana: 230/480
Companion's Stats: Strength 15, Endurance 20, Speed 65

Spells used:

Companion Spells used:

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