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L I G H T B A S I C S : 1

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#1Shura Ranzu † 

L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 Empty Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:37 pm

Shura Ranzu †
L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 Source

[b]Name:[/b] Text
[b]Rank:[/b] X
[b]Mana Cost:[/b] 00
[b]Requirements:[/b] Text Magic
[b]Type:[/b] Text
[b]Element:[/b] Text
[b]Range:[/b] 00 Meters
[b]Cooldown:[/b] X Posts
[b]Duration:[/b] Instant or Sustain
[b]Effect:[/b] Text

Name: Kaioken x1
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Self-Buff
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Shura focuses his energy by snapping his fingers together. This causes a slight glow to cover his body. This glow increases his STR by +5 points until this spell is turned off or Shura runs out of mana.

Name: Grab Ass
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Sustained
Effect: Shura thrusts his hand forward to activate the spell. A hand that is the exact size of his own fires out in a straight line up to five meters. The hand is attached to a light based chain. After hitting an object, surface or person. It will latch on doing D rank blunt damage. He can use this to do a variety of things. He can also retract and fire it back at a target without latching on, so he can use it too slap someone for D rank damage. The chain is tangible and the max reach for this spell is 5 meters.

Name: Daisy Cutter
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Shura can make a chopping motion with his hand in any direction. (vertical, horizontal, linear) This creates a blade at the tip of his fingers that extends out to five meters with the width of 1 meters.  

Name: Beam Saber Ver. 1
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Sustained
Effect: Shura clenches a fist causing a sword to manifest composed of pure light. The sword is different from most others however. The sword is 1 meter in length and 30 inches in width. It does D rank damage, and can be used to pierce or cut. He can wield this weapon with one hand. 

Name: Finger Bang Ver. 1.0
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Atomic Magica
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Shura points at a target or moves in index finger in a direction. The laser fires from tip of finger. This causes a laser with the circumference of a quarter to fire out suddenly. This laser has a piercing effect of a D rank. Attack moves in one straight line.

Last edited by Shura Ranzu on Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:29 am; edited 6 times in total


L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 Empty Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:05 pm

Hello, I'll be grading your magic today.

  • Obscurity
    Give the explosion a size. In this case, I'll take it in AoE terms and say 1mx1m. Thus, the overall range should be 1m. Besides that, you can't have all three effects to this spell. Choose one. If you go for them, lower the effects of obscurity and deafening feature to 10%. Basically, it's there but you can't have this spell completely take away someone's vision or hearing abilities. Also, these effects won't last beyond the range of this spell.

  • Light Speed transference
    Denied. This is a spell in which, while the attack functionality may in itself be unapprovable in itself, it's that in this spell, it can be applied to a leg and then act as a pseudo-speed buff, of which is not allowed under the current rules. Please change this spell.

  • Sneaky Cheeky
    Give this a start up movement besides blinking. According to Jyu, the reason eye magic is banned is because it has little to no start up motion, just like blinking and whatnot.

  • Push
    State that this spell cannot push away someone with C rank or higher strength stat. Also state that this spell can be countered with another D rank offensive spell. And, change this spell to either sustained or instant and not both.

  • Finger Bang
    State whether this spell travels in a straight line or not and also state from where the spell originates from.

L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 R1pERCr
#3Shura Ranzu † 

L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 Empty Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:48 am

Shura Ranzu †
I reworked 4 of the spells we spoke about and fixed the last one.


L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:17 am


  • Kaioken
    Please turn this to a Self-Buff spell instead of supplementary and take out the mentioning of points to switch it out with the rank of the buff. In this case, D rank Strength buff.

  • Grab Ass
    Specify a range. Is the light chain something that is tangible?

  • Daisy Cutter
    This is okay.

  • Weaponize Enchant : Small Objects
    Denied. If this spell is approved you can grab anything in a RP world where you can possibly create anything to your comfort and turn it into a weapon. Moreover, as it is, you can also grab another person's items. This is denied unless I get further notice from someone above me.

  • Finger Bang
    Again, where exactly does the laser originate from? The tip of your finger or somewhere else?

L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 R1pERCr
#5Shura Ranzu † 

L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:16 am

Shura Ranzu †
Everything is fixed


L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:30 am

These spells has been approved.

L I G H T B A S I C S : 1 R1pERCr

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