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Tiên's Starter Spells

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#1Tiên Linh 

Tiên's Starter Spells Empty Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:38 pm

Tiên Linh

  • Lá chắn rễ
    Name: Shield of Roots
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Tinh Thần Của Thiên Nhiên
    Type: Defense
    Element: Nature
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Sustain (25 mana per post)
    Effect: To activate the spell the mage lifts their hand in an upwards motion, at the area where they wants the shield to appear.

    The caster is able to shield themselves, and others around them, with a small wall of tree roots and branches. The dimension of this wall is one meter, in all around diameter, and he can create one a shield for someone who is within a range of five meters. The shield can be destroyed with a blast from two D rank or one C Rank spell.

  • Cắt dây leo và rễ tấn công
    Name: Cutting Vines and Roots Attack
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Tinh Thần Của Thiên Nhiên
    Type: Offense
    Element: Nature
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Directing their hands in gestures towards their target, thin roots shoot from the ground, or thin vines will sprout from stems of plants and by using the vines of plants, or the roots of trees.

    The caster can produce eight in the attack, this can be chosen as either eight vines or eight tree roots or four vines and four tree roots but they can only produce the equivalent of eight.

    The caster can inflict damage on target within the range of five meters with roots and vines cause 1/8 damage of a D rank, the roots and vines will come from underground, as they are the roots of trees and plants, and will sprout a meter away from the target. The size of each vine or root created is fifteen centimetres. Each root or vine does cutting damage, and will inflict cuts that are up to a centimetre deep in the flesh. The roots and vines can be destroyed with a D rank spell.

  • Ước muốn của con rồng
    Name: Wish of the Dragon
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Tinh Thần Của Thiên Nhiên
    Type: Offense
    Element: Nature
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Stretching out their hands, with the palms facing the flat towards the scene, the caster creates two small wooden projectiles that have the head of a dragon on the end. A single branch from any two tree within a meter diameter around the caster will branch out and attack the target. The branch body of the projectile is ten centimeters in width and the head of the dragon is fifteen centimeters in width and length.

    The projectiles reach a range of five meters and each projectile can cause damage equivalent to half a D rank spell however, these projectiles can be defeated by a D rank spell. For each attack, a cut is inflicted with a bite made from the dragon head. The cut creates small scratches of a centimeter in depth. 

  • Phấn hoa bom bào tử
    Name: Pollen Bomb Spores
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Tinh Thần Của Thiên Nhiên, Hạt giống
    Type: Defense
    Element: Nature
    Range: AoE
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Sustain (25 per post)
    Effect: Swiping their hand in the air, in front of their face, the caster can use the plants to release spores within five meters between themselves and the enemy.

    The spores after being released are small particles that are the size of a grape in the air and have an AoE effect and can spread to a max of 1 meter in diameter. When the spores come in contact with the opponent can cause small explosions the size of an apple. Each explosion that happens, does 1/10 of a D rank spell damage. The plants release 10 spores each time the spell is used, and all can be destroyed by a single D rank spell or a spell of higher ranking.

Last edited by Tiên Linh on Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

#2Leyaria Venerak 

Tiên's Starter Spells Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:36 am

Leyaria Venerak
Shield of Roots:

  • As a defensive spell, this can withstand up to 1 C-Rank or 2 D-Ranks.

Forced Bindings:

  • Is this an Area of Effect spell or a single target spell? You keep alluding to targets, but as a D-Rank, area of effects cannot exceed a 1 meter diameter. Please clarify.
  • From where do the roots and vines originate from? Directly beneath the targets? From you? Please clarify as otherwise this spell appears as an autohit.
  • Remove the binding functionality of this spell as it is multi-functional with it and as a Beastmaster with offensive and defensive spells, you may not have it serving solely as a trap (which is supplementary).


  • Denied as you are a Beastmaster which selected Offensive and Defensive as your two types of spells. Supplementary spells may not be created for you.

Wish of the Dragon:

  • So to be clear, there are two projectiles in which together appear to look like a Dragon's head? Please define the size of the projectiles as well as the dragon head.
  • Is it the projectiles or the tree branch which deals damage? Or do they both? Please be clear as to which you are referring to.
  • As this is an offensive spell, it can be collectively destroyed by 1 D-Rank, not C-Rank.
  • Either this spell can travel 5 meters or 10 meters and you cannot move in the post that follows. One or the other.
  • Please indicate the type of damage that each projectile deals.
  • Please remove "with each bite made and each bite creates small scratches of a centimeter in depth or a blunt attack" as it indicates that someone can be struck with this spell and suffer multiple instances of damage by being bitten.
  • As there are 2 projectiles, each would deal 1/2 D-Rank, not 1 D-Rank.

Pollen Bomb Spores:

  • Do the spores appear on top of you or within 5 meters of you?
  • While this is an AOE spell, please change the Range value to a numeric value, not AoE.
  • How large are the spores?
  • Please state that they are all destroyed by 1 D-Rank or greater.
  • Do the spores each contribute towards the explosion, thereby giving it 1/10 of its damage each?
  • Please clarify that collectively, the spores can deal 1 instance of D-Rank damage. You make it appear as though multiple instances of D-Rank damage can occur at once.
  • Please indicate the size of the explosions.
  • Please give a finite amount of spores released.

Bump when edited.

#3Tiên Linh 

Tiên's Starter Spells Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:44 pm

Tiên Linh
Bump. I removed the Supplementary spell, and tweaked the rest.

#4Leyaria Venerak 

Tiên's Starter Spells Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:20 pm

Leyaria Venerak
Shield of Roots:

  • Approved

Cutting Vines and Roots Attack:

  • Approved

Wish of the Dragon:

  • Please select either cutting or blunt damage. As this is a D-Rank, you cannot divide the damage such that a target could suffer either instance.

Pollen Bomb Spores:

  • Approved

Do note you are entitled to 5 starter spells. Upon the approval of these, any subsequent spells will be charged.

Bump when edited.

#5Tiên Linh 

Tiên's Starter Spells Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:13 pm

Tiên Linh
Bump I'll go with the cut damage.
and i think I'm good with four :)

#6Leyaria Venerak 

Tiên's Starter Spells Empty Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:39 pm

Leyaria Venerak
These spells have been approved.

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